Goodnight my pets 🫶🏻 dream about me. x

2025.01.20 08:26 bunnydelsol Goodnight my pets 🫶🏻 dream about me. x

Goodnight my pets 🫶🏻 dream about me. x submitted by bunnydelsol to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 No_Enthusiasm_4209 Would surcharge be applicable if LTCG increases the taxable income beyond 50 lakhs?

I am planning to buy a plot in Chennai in 2025. My taxable income is less than 50 lakh. I have a doubt if I am reselling the flat after 2 years and indexations being already removed for LTCG calculations, would I be taxed additional surcharge if my total taxable income including my salary and LTCG through resale goes beyond 50 lakhs?
submitted by No_Enthusiasm_4209 to IndiaTax [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 itsgettingspicy Outside current events: Unsaon nimo pagtubag?

Unsaon nimo pagtubag sa kanang taw (dugay nga amigo or bag-ong kaila) nga mangutana if mutuo ba daw ka ug daot-daot - as in sorcery, necromancy, black arts, etc.
Nya kong muingon kog di ko mutuo, mupadayon gihapon ana nga topic. Unsaon pagpahilom ana nila .
submitted by itsgettingspicy to Cebu [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 GrabEmByTheGraboid I bet the Oval Office reeks of old man ass

They're probably gonna need to deep clean after Biden leaves. I bet he didn't even know he was cutting them old man farts. They're probably gonna have to open up the windows and air it out a little too. Those things will hang around.
That poor, poor Resolute Desk. It's been getting hot boxed for the last four years.
submitted by GrabEmByTheGraboid to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 searchingfortreasure Are you still able to import your MAL watchlist to Hidive?

I saw a press release that was from 2019 about a partnership between Hidive and MAL that would allow for your MAL lists and ratings to be integrated into your Hidive account. I can't see any option to do it though on either website, is it still possible?
submitted by searchingfortreasure to anime [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 gagansr Restaurant Kalesh over water

submitted by gagansr to malaysia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 DreamOfTheVoid369 26 NB is anyone else tired of everything? I am looking for some company to distract me

Hey. There is not much to say about me. I am quiet and introverted. I spend most of my free time playing video games (too much free time). I sorta have an overactive mind and imagination. It is tiring so I don't have much of a social battery. Despite that I still crave some sort of connection and can be quite clingy. In all honesty I am just hopelessly searching for someone to love and be loved by. I would prefer to VC as texting doesn't do much for me but texting is still fine. Maybe we could play a game together and get to know each other more?
submitted by DreamOfTheVoid369 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 PokeVitinho Lost to this (crazy and random) Deck in the 1st match, 'copied' and got the 5 Win Streak Badge literally in the next 5 following games using it.

Lost to this (crazy and random) Deck in the 1st match, 'copied' and got the 5 Win Streak Badge literally in the next 5 following games using it. submitted by PokeVitinho to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 mochaflavouredsmiles Boys with female partners, do you get grossed out by periods?

i hope yall say no, if you get grossed out its okay me too
submitted by mochaflavouredsmiles to askteenboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 Ok-Economy-4171 Podologue - Semelles thermoformées

Je me suis fait faire une paire de semelles thermoformées en juin 2023, car l'usure de mes chaussures semblait très accentuée mais sinon aucune douleur qui aurait pu conduire à ça hormis parfois à la plante du pied après de longues marches. Je n'ai quasi-jamais mis ces semelles...
Début janvier, j'ai été voir un pédicure-podologue pour m'enlever de la corne sous la plante du pied, celui-ci m'a dit que ça serait bien de faire un bilan postural (je crois) pour voir si des semelles étaient nécessaires... je n'ai rien dit.
Et voilà que depuis que j'ai enlevé ma corne, j'ai mal à la plante du pied lorsque je marche avec mes Adidas Gazelle, moins avec mes Air Max.
D'où ma question : Puis-je remettre d'emblée mes semelles de 2023 ou vaut-il mieux que je reparte sur de bonnes bases et que je prenne rdv pour un bilan afin d'en faire de nouvelles svp ?
Bonne journée à toutes et tous,
submitted by Ok-Economy-4171 to questionsante [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 DueLion402 Can't kick out Hitler out of Germany

I have control of Military, got evidence for Hitler, and court reforms passed, but still Hitler always stays in Germany
submitted by DueLion402 to RedAutumnSPD [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 Ir0n_Tarkuss Mulholland drive

Ça fait bien 15ans que je me dit que je dois regarder ce film et avec le décès de David lynch je me suis lancé dimanche. Je l'ai vu et j'ai adoré et je n'arrête pas d'y penser depuis dimanche, je pense avoir compris en gros le film mais il y a toujours des personnages que je ne comprend pas notamment le SDF, le gars dans le winkies qui explique son rêve au début du film et le cowboy et sa menace du "si tu accepte la fille tu me verra 1 fois, si tu l'a refuse tu me verra 2fois" Voilà si certains veulent m'expliquer ou me donner des vidéos critique du film en français ou anglais je suis preneur Merci et bonne journée
submitted by Ir0n_Tarkuss to CineSeries [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 VikingBugsy Landing Your Dream Sales Job: The Psychology Behind the Perfect Pitch (For Yourself)

Ok so I wanted to write about something else then just sales strategy or tactics. I have seen multiple people ask for advice on getting a sales job. I wanted to go not into just the fluffy advice like be confident or dress well. But some pshycology backed tactics and my own experience as well. Because lets face it - getting hired for a sales job isnt just about your reseume or experience. Its about selling yourself and as corny as it sounds its your first sale for that new company.
1. Why Sales is About Attitude, Not Skill Sales managers (me included as a sales manager) arent just looking for someone who knows how to close a deal. We want to find someone who wants to learn to close deals. Most of them go very highly up in hire for attitude train for skill. Its psychology. People want to hire someone they can mold. Not someone that comes in as a know it all and with a bad attitude in that regards of I know everything.
Pitfall to Avoid: Coming across as a “know-it-all” during interviews. Instead, frame yourself as a learner. Say things like, “I’m passionate about understanding how your team closes deals and what I can do to fit into that process.” It shows humility and coachability—two traits that hiring managers LOVE.
2. The Power of the First Impression You know that old saying, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”? Its true and saddly its one of those things you cant avoid. Psychologically, hiring managers are judging you within the first few seconds of meeting you.
Your tone, your energy, even your handshake (yes, people still care about this) set the stage for the entire conversation. Just like I have mentioned about the start of a sales call your first seconds set the tone and its super important to get them right
What to Do:

3. Selling Yourself = Selling a Solution When you’re in a sales interview, you’re basically pitching yourself as the product. The hiring manager’s problem? They need someone to hit targets, grow their pipeline, and make them look good. So you need to communicate that without being to braggy or showboaty. In a calm and confident way.
How to Pitch Yourself:
4. Pitfalls to Avoid in Sales Interviews Alot of people mess up on this and its the same as in a sales call. You overload them with your info and about you. Trying to talk them into hiring you and not convincing them or listening to them.
Common Mistakes:
5. Psychology Hack: The Recency Effect The recency effect. People remember the last thing they hear more then anything. So, end your interview with something strong and something that will sit with them.
  1. It’s OK to Not Know Everything
One of the best things you can do is admit what you don’t know—because here’s the truth: most hiring managers value potential more than experience. If you’re applying for your first sales role, lean into your transferable skills (communication, resilience, problem-solving) and emphasize your willingness to learn.
7. Bonus Tips Final Thought Getting a sales job is just the first sale you’ll make—and the most important one. Use psychology, prepare like crazy, and remember: If you can show them that you understand what they need and can deliver, you’ll be ahead of 90% of other applicants. Find a place that hires for attitude and not just skills and numbers. It will save you a lot of headach and also it will be a better place to work.
If you are completly new in the game. Even if the advice is hire for attitude and not skill. Think of your first job as a way of getting a track record. I started out in the evenings calling people at home talking about saving and investment plans. It was brutal but it gave me a track record and then with my attitude it became a lot easier to find better jobs.
💬 What’s been the hardest part of your sales job hunt? Drop your thoughts below, and let’s brainstorm some solutions together. And if you want more tips, check out my video on this topic here:
submitted by VikingBugsy to salestechniques [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 Sea_Stranger_1556 Athletes born in december

I'm a mother of a little swimmer (M10) who loves swimming. He is born mid december, so he is competing against boys almost 1 year older than him. His chrono is very good in comparison to boys his age (10) but very bad if confronted to boys same category. (11). From last year he has dropped 10 seconds in every discipline. We don't see him as Olympic but this sport is amazing and he is naturally talented and most af all he loves being in the pool with his team! Born in december is a real issue? How can I avoid that he looses motivation?
submitted by Sea_Stranger_1556 to Swimming [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 Creative-Horizons Bug/Glitch

Bug/Glitch How in the hell am I supposed to remember images I can barely see? And the fact they event this week requires you to play a glitched mini game is bs. God I hope there is an update soon
submitted by Creative-Horizons to MLPIOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 Justalifee How many diamonds do you need for a guaranteed beast cookie?

I did the math a few times, assuming that 1 pull that is 100 diamonds would give you a 0.003smth chance so for a guaranteed beast that would mean 10,000 right?
submitted by Justalifee to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 Many-Chipmunk-6788 What do you use or how do you get auditions

Hi! My name is Lauren and I am an 18F. I’m just starting out and wanted to know how you got yourself into the industry. How did you start out? Do you use a site, an agent maybe(if so did you contact them directly or through an agency), did you get picked randomly like some actors? How was the process for you and what is the best way I should go about it? Thanks!
submitted by Many-Chipmunk-6788 to acting [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 whymegooogle India should not be compared to western nations.

Okay so I recently read a article my McKinsey on how India has only 33 years left to become rich before the populaiton dividend turns negative. I feel this is higly flaws because if we compare ourselves to western nations which thrived on oppression and did not have to face a decline in population for hundreds of years by the tie they saw any decline they were already devloped. These firms usually compare the rate of devlopement with other western nations hence giving flawed numbers for the rate of Indian devlopement. India most likely Imo has atleast 70 more years before this dividend shifts and thats enough time for a change in economic policy to occur. Whats your opnion on this?
submitted by whymegooogle to IndiaSpeaks [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 yahgiggle Auckland wind

I'm sick and tired of this wind this summer, soon summer will be gone and I feel ripped off.
submitted by yahgiggle to Have_A_Moan_NZ [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 Alarming-Cut7764 Weirdo woman on short men being 'insecure'.
submitted by Alarming-Cut7764 to shortguys [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 M4S73R_M Seeds popped!

Seeds popped! Excited to do this run. Popped 3 of each. 24 hour soak in watecoconut/saponin. Went into coco-pucks this morning. If my current run finishes before I need to up pot them they'll go in the beds. If not they'll go in q gallons. More to come!
submitted by M4S73R_M to brothersgrimmseedbank [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 Febbox 百度网盘限制SVIP登录设备数量严重影响使用 甚至踢出已登录设备的操作都受限

百度网盘限制SVIP登录设备数量严重影响使用 甚至踢出已登录设备的操作都受限 submitted by Febbox to singaporeChinese [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 Big_Inspection9666 “i will do yours code4code “

Accept my invite & Get 4 freebies! Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 82506364
submitted by Big_Inspection9666 to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 Strangely-Brown73 Up the irons!

Up the irons! submitted by Strangely-Brown73 to FenderStratocaster [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:26 Nateddog21 Had a dream last night I was fighting Jeepers Creepers.

Me & my big ass family from Mississippi were on a cruise ship with a bunch of other families and out comes the Creeper killing people with one of those chains that Scorpion from Mortal Kombat uses.
I had telekinetic powers for some reason and was trying to protect people from him. The ship started breaking apart and sinking and I still had to get my mother and 2 cousins off the ship while fighting off the Creeper.
I had to force myself to wake up cause shit was just weird.
submitted by Nateddog21 to Dreams [link] [comments]