2025.01.20 10:32 Kultasusi Software suggestion
I want to plan my shoots on digital paper. ( e.g. something like GoodNotes). Is there free software or images I can use, instead of making stupid hand drawings?
submitted by Kultasusi to SonyAlpha [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 TopGullible1689 Reaction to Slippery Elm
Hi this is probably something that is quite rare, but on Friday afternoon I tried out some slippery elm to see if it would help with my gastritis, within a few hours in noticed I started to feel slightly anxious and then all of a sudden an onset of sharp pains started to occur to the left side of my left testicle. This would come and go for a few second but is very painful. I checked for torsion and other stuff and can be quite sure it is not that.
It sort of subsided for Saturday but last night whilst trying to fall asleep it kept coming back as i was about to drift off and so have had a horrible night of no sleep. Has anyone else had this sort of reaction to a supplement and what it could be? I am quite concerned and put out by the pain…
submitted by TopGullible1689 to Gastritis [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 SherbertTemporary150 UTI during ovulation week
Ugh! This week is ovulation week for me and my husband and I are BD every other day. I started noticing yesterday the symptoms of a UTI but hoped it was a little fluke and would go away (I have a history of UTI’s.. usually I get one once a year).
I know I’ll need antibiotics but I’m curious if antibiotics are even safe to take during week of ovulation and if having to get on antibiotics would mean I’ll likely be out this cycle? I would just imagine something strong like an antibiotic would affect changes of conception & implantation. Has anyone had luck getting BFP after being put on antibiotics?
submitted by SherbertTemporary150 to Inito [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 gameplayer55055 Дерусифікація TikTok?
Не користувався TikTok чисто через велику кількість р**нявого контенту. Хтось підкажіть як його заблочити, в ютубі пам'ятаю треба було поставити регіон та мову на англійську і теж довго відправляти в бан сру відоси.
Чи будуть якісь поради по цьому приводу, я зацікавлений у англ контенті, дякую.
submitted by gameplayer55055 to reddit_ukr [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 ImaginaryElk5247 How do you talk to people at a cafe without becoming a nuisance?
I'm a 29 year-male with no virtually social life outside of work. Some of my coworkers seem decently friendly, and one even went so far as to blurt out that he loved me (like a brother), which felt really nice to a lonely, affection-starved man like myself. However, I can't shake the feeling that most of them secretly see me as strange and slow-on-the-uptake, since I have mild cerebral palsy and am on the spectrum, so I don't feel particularly close to any of them. Another one of my coworkers joked that she didn't believe what people said about me, and while I never pressed the old lady for more details, I know what she was implying about me. I've noticed one strikingly beautiful cashier at my workplace, but have largely avoided her because she's far out of my league and almost certainly not interested in a pudgy, homely, and slow-witted nerd with a speech impediment and the personality of a brick.
So, I'm trying to make friends and find love outside of my workplace. Since I'm a staunch teetotaler who thinks it's absurdly creepy to lurk in bars, not order any drinks, and just strike up conversations with potentially inebriated and vulnerable women, I've taken to hanging out a coffee shop, ordering stuff, and just passively waiting for someone to chat with me if they feel so inclined. I know I have to man up and talk to people, but I don't want to gain a reputation as the creepy guy who goes around pestering random strangers. How do you talk to people at coffee-shops without being creepy or obnoxious?
submitted by ImaginaryElk5247 to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 Silver_Oakleaf Does anyone know who painted this stunning work?
submitted by Silver_Oakleaf to TolkienArt [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:32 Humber0797 As someone who has a Chelsea past and present team I nearly cried of joy when he popped up 🥲
submitted by Humber0797 to EASportsFC [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 Sea_Sky3759 One month on, family renew appeal to find missing Scarborough man | YorkMix
submitted by Sea_Sky3759 to MissingPersons [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:32 Vivid_Employ_7336 Stuck, please help!
On my high score too submitted by Vivid_Employ_7336 to blockblast [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:32 Vhakon What is a subreddit where I can get advice on costumery, particularly from Temu?
submitted by Vhakon to findasubreddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 HotSupermarket4212 ablcs or baj
if i want a careejob that mostly involves writing (editor, etc) in the future, which of these two should i choose? alin yung may curriculum na mas suited sa gusto ko?
submitted by HotSupermarket4212 to PUPians [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 Original_Act_3481 Momo (Dandadan). By my 15 yo sister. What do you think of it ?
submitted by Original_Act_3481 to drawing [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:32 WitnessSouthern9291 Quest Game playing via Steam Air Link
I wan’t to play Tabor. I already bought it over the Quest Store, now the question can I import the game somehow to Steam so I can play it over Steam Air Link?
submitted by WitnessSouthern9291 to MetaQuestVR [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 Baby_Thanos_3 Andrea Jeremiah
submitted by Baby_Thanos_3 to hottamilcelebs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 10:32 Fresh-Carpenter-8738 Někdo z Doubravka plzeň
Na hraní?
submitted by Fresh-Carpenter-8738 to czech [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 Zestyclose-Moose9877 Svar på blodprøve
Min datter har fået taget en blodprøve for at tjekke om hun har kyssesyge. Vi har ringet til lægen hvor lægesekretær siger at hun ikke må udlevere svar - vi skal ringe til læge i morgen tidlig.
Nu går jeg lidt i panik for om vi skal høre noget der er endnu værre. Er det normalt at lægesekretær ikke må give svar? Nogen der ved det?
submitted by Zestyclose-Moose9877 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 abs_27 How to approach a chemistry lesson? or content heavy subjects like HHD.
For those who did well in chemistry and HHD how did u approach each lesson in terms of study throughout the course? for instance, did u do notes before class, then flashacrds, then textbook then practice SAC's? this is my typical approach and i wanna do really well in chemistry and HDD so what would be the most effective approach.
submitted by abs_27 to vce [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 Chinmaye50 Which Movie Best Represents What Aliens Look Like, According To You?
submitted by Chinmaye50 to alien [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 831pm Help with a biting cat
Last week we let in a feral kitten due to extreme cold (its mother had died). It's very sweet and surprisingly well socialized. The only thing is that when I pet it, it likes to turn over on its back so I can rub its belly. Then, it will kind of grab me hand with its paws and gnaw on my hand. Not enough to break skin but lately, it's been getting more and more confident where it will grab on to my arm with all 4 paws and its bites are starting to feel a bit harder. I can tell it's not an aggressive thing as it will intermittently lick my fingers after biting them but I definitely want this to stop. When I refuse to rub its belly, it looks pretty dejected. Is this normal behavior for a cat? Should I let it go on? Is there a way to train it out of it?
FYI, I am a dog person and Ive dealt with this several times in puppies and they get it right away. My first cat so kind of clueless.
submitted by 831pm to cats [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 fatihadak How do I copy the theme of a shopify site?
I like the theme of the famous rhodeskin.com brand very much and I want to buy it exactly. I couldn't find the theme, how can I pull the theme of this store?
submitted by fatihadak to shopifyDev [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 game_7even_ Super Mario Bros 3 - Did anyone else have the same version ?
Does anyone have any information about this version of Super Mario Bros. 3?
It’s the version I used to play when I was young on my NES (French). The unique thing about it is that before each level, you could select the item you wanted to use just by pressing the ‘Select’ button. It’s strange that I can’t find any information about it online.
Which country is this version from? Did anyone else have the same version?
submitted by game_7even_ to retrogaming [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 BriddedCodandFish OPOL or MLH?
Hey everyone! So my wife is pregnant in her 2nd trimester and we are starting to research the topic of language at home. I’m English living in Poland and my wife is Polish, we speak English to each other as my Polish is not super advanced. At first we had thought that I would speak English with our child and my wife Polish, but are now leaning on only speaking Polish as the minority language. How strict should we be with this? We’d like for her to be fully bilingual so wondering how hard a line there has so be, no Polish at home at all?
submitted by BriddedCodandFish to multilingualparenting [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 OwlRough4197 is Australian igloo single use??
it seemed like it would be multiple use! used it and it was still solid, sat it down and left and it completely dissolved all over my shower. wish there would have been some kind of information on it, seems like too much sugar scrub to use at once
submitted by OwlRough4197 to LushCosmetics [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 HoneyInteresting6243 24M | Going through a rough phase career wise..
From being studious im becoming dumber, not even able to crack interviews, everytime end up messing it up in final round so when will i get a stable job also any input about my marriage or life partner?
submitted by HoneyInteresting6243 to vedicastrology [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 10:32 Bismarck_seas Hiring C4-621 “Raven” is actually the most cost effective way to fight a war
Imagine how much you get when you body two vespers in “ambush the vespers”, only a meagre 180K COAM not even calculating the repair and ammunition costs and you are causing damages about 2-3 million coams if you destroy both vespers AC values and causing disruption to their corporation, 180K is absurdly cheap for such a job..
For normal ac pilots, taking on one vesper is a lethal experience not to say taking on both vespers. Anyone with a few brain cells to rub together would take such a job for 180K, other than our invincible 621…
submitted by Bismarck_seas to armoredcore [link] [comments]