Summary Video of Version 2.5 Livestream

2025.01.20 11:52 Maximum_Cap5556 Summary Video of Version 2.5 Livestream

I recently made a video about in case if someone missed it or to those are interested in.
submitted by Maximum_Cap5556 to SnowbreakOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 bombae32 Stuck with 1 extra pass, 26th show

Seated at MRP, lmk if interested, genuine 🙏🏻
submitted by bombae32 to coldplayindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 Maidosse Les perturbations RATP et SCNF du 20 au 26 janvier à Paris et Île-de-France

Les perturbations RATP et SCNF du 20 au 26 janvier à Paris et Île-de-France submitted by Maidosse to MetroFrance [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 cofthec Price prediction after inauguration?

1 or 2 dollars? Who agrees? To the moon?
submitted by cofthec to dogecoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 RedNGreenSnake How to introduce my players into the world woth a common agenda that will give them a reason to work together?

I want to revive my old campaign i created ~10 years ago. The idea is something of a mix between Darkest Dungeon and Baldurs Gate (Larian game) i a sense that:

Short overview:
There was a huge war ~5k years ago. Demons, gods, known and extinguished races - it was not just world consuming but involved multiple planes as well. The only leftover of that time are monuments and statues. A statue of a succubus in one village, strange looking paladin in one city, unknown skeleton in another, and so on and so forth.
When the curse starts, strange things start to happen in the vicinity of the statues. This is phase 1. E.g. * The village with the succubus statue is plagued with nightmares.
Phase 2. Some of the statues go missing.
Phase 3. Statues are alive. Now, you might think that a paladin coming back to life is a good thing. But here's a catch - 5k years ago, his god was destroyed, his race eradicated, and his purpose as paladin so vastly different from any paladin known today (so is their sense of justice and truth). Also... They're are all participants of the great war that got frozen instead of destroyed - they're powerful, in short.
Any ideas for the statues are welcome - along with their "thing" and consequences.
First quest - get away from the cult that's hunting all from that site, and bits of knowledge that the cure could be found with a help of elder druids or mages.
submitted by RedNGreenSnake to DnD [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 MythicalKupl Haunting

Haunting "Is it true that human beings are fundamentally cruel? Is the experience of cruelty the only thing we share as a species? Is the dignity that we cling to nothing but self-delusion, masking from ourselves this single truth: that each one of us is cap- able of being reduced to an insect, a ravening beast, a lump of meat? To be degraded, damaged, slaughtered-is this the es sential fate of humankind, one that history has confirmed as inevitable?"
submitted by MythicalKupl to PHBookClub [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 AnyConversation8636 Bleeding?

I took the pill on Jan 17 today I woke up with having to use the bathroom really bad and after there was a little bit of blood but it’s different from my normal period. I can feel when the blood is coming out I’ve been searching it up and it says it’s “spotting”? I’ve never experienced this before so I don’t know. My period is irregular so I don’t know what’s what.
submitted by AnyConversation8636 to PlanBs [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 Wise-Rub-7674 Functional Medicine approach?

Hi all, has anyone had any experience with functional medicine?
Just wondering what actually would be the 'typical' treatment plan from a functional medicine practitioner- seems like it would entail 3-6 months of a candida diet with Nystatin/antifungals, biofilm breakers, and some natural supplements, maybe some probiotic supplements.
My questions are -
1) is the diet something that you curb off slowly e.g. after 3 months of strict diet, start reintroducing foods? Or e.g. 6 months strict diet then go back to normal foods? How does this work?
2) Is the idea that you re-take your tests e.g. the GI MAP or OAT tests to check progress compared to baseline? What actually changes - is there any point in doing them regularly or just waiting towards the end?
3) Semi related but my die off reactions have fully stopped being symptomatic (started with classic moderate symptoms of bloating and cramping, + systemic fatigue etc, became mild after 2 weeks, now 5 weeks in, I don't feel anything extra. Any pointers what I should do with this information? I assume to continue with Nystatin and maybe start reintroducing foods slowly, and/or start with more probiotics like S Boullardi etc?
submitted by Wise-Rub-7674 to SIFO [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 CriticalElderberry25 I went to this auto expo thing

I went to this auto expo thing If you had the chance to get one. Which one would you chose( im bored)
submitted by CriticalElderberry25 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 mmproducciones [Online] Se buscan jugadores para Vampire the Masquerade V5

Se buscan: Por lo menos 4 Jugadores Vía de juego: Discord, Fantasy Grounds Juego deseado: Vampire the Masquerade V5 Estilo de partida: Enfocada a la narración Duración: 13 o más juegos de aproximadamente 2 horas cada uno. Franja horaria: UTC-3 (Argentina) Horario: A determinar. Nº de jugadores actual: 1 dm, 1 jugadora.
Están volviendo. Tras varios años de inactividad, los soldados dementes del Sabbat han dado indicios de su intención de volver a Buenos Aires, para retomar su guerra contra la Camarilla. El Príncipe de Buenos Aires está preocupado, y sabe que sus fuerzas, debilitadas tras años de luchas internas, de revueltas Anarquistas y corrupción infernal, no están preparadas para resistir esta renovada y enardecida amenaza. El Príncipe les ha ofrecido un Don, de acuerdo a la tradición de la Prestación. A cambio del permiso para crear sus propios Chiquillos vampiros libremente, deberán aceptar el encargo de reclutar, vincular y convertir a los humanos más importantes de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, para que la Camarilla pueda reforzar su cofre de guerra contra la amenaza de la Espada de Caín. ¿Estás listo para cumplir tu deber como defensor de la Mascarada?
O quizás tengas ambiciones de tu propia invención...
Esta es una propuesta para una campaña de 13 o más juegos de duración, de 2 horas cada uno, jugada semanalmente, usando el sistema Vampire the Masquerade V5. La partida se jugará usando chat de voz de Discord, y la plataforma Fantasy Grounds (no hace falta poseer la versión pagada). Esta partida no depende en gran medida de conocer el trasfondo de Vampiro la Mascarada o del Mundo de Tinieblas, y está pensada para jugadores principiantes y/o casuales. Los personajes jugadores serán del tipo Ancilla, vampiros de 100 o más años de edad, que forman parte de la Camarilla. La trama básica de la partida consiste en un encargo por parte del Príncipe de Buenos Aires, que en preparación a un inminente ataque de el Sabbat, les encarga a los personajes que conviertan en vampiros a personas importantes de la ciudad, con el objetivo de reforzar los recursos de la Camarilla en la ciudad. El día y horario semanal de la partida será el de las 17:00, día de la semana a determinar (Hora de Argentina, UTC-3)
IMPORTANTE: Las partidas se transmitirán en stream por youtube. El uso de cámara de video es opcional, aunque recomendado. Los jugadores tienen permitido hacer stream y grabar sus partidas si así lo desean también.
Los interesados por favor completen el formulario de inscripción. Comenten si tienen alguna duda, pero tengan en cuenta que si no completan el formulario no sé si les interesa realmente la partida o no.
Formulario de inscripción:
submitted by mmproducciones to RolEnEspanol [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 ROIVid H4jtjgrf
submitted by ROIVid to GTA [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 iamtargaryen4 Merch pictures

A humble request to people who have already attended the concert to please share pictures of the merch that is being sold for purchase at the event!
submitted by iamtargaryen4 to coldplayindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 Screwflu605 ⚾️ BASEBALL GRID #659

Hey, Rube!
submitted by Screwflu605 to immaculategrid [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 foxbaebae I want to distance myself from a friend but I don’t know how to go about it

I’m gonna try and keep this short. I’m 21F, and I have this friend, Julia (22F) who I made in my second year of undergrad in uni. We got along so well and honestly I kind of view her as a sister. My personality/humour rarely matches so well with others, so when it does it’s really special and I cherish that person.
Anyway. Everyone has flaws, right, and I think Julia’s biggest one is that she’s very male-centred. Her ex cheated on her multiple times but she kept going back to him, even though she knew it was wrong. I was with her the whole way until she finally found the confidence to drop him for good, which was great.
Anyways. Recently, she got a new bf, Cameron (22M), and he’s become super controlling and manipulative. It’s gotten to the point where Julia only sees me maybe 1/5 as often as she used to, which I guess is understandable since she’s in a relationship, but… it’s not even a good relationship, and she knows it. What makes it worse is that when we do hangout, she just moans about the arguments she and Cameron have recently had, and there’s always something absolutely diabolical he’s done, but she talks about it so casually. I kind of just sit there and listen because I know there’s no point giving her advice (I’ve tried!), and I honestly feel like more of a therapist than a friend. I tell her it’s not good for him to be doing that, and she says she knows but insists that he’s the one and she’s going to move in with him (and marry him at some point). The cherry on top is that he knows I don’t approve of him, and so he’s digging his talons further into her and trying to prevent her from seeing me, covertly. For instance, when she was going to see me, he said to her, “How do I know you’re actually going to OP’s place, and not a random guy’s?” Even though she legit could send evidence of us together. That night, we went to a bar with my brother, and Julia was freaking out the whole time because she knew Cameron would be angry if he knew we were hanging out with my brother (who is in a relationship) at a bar (it’s a really lowkey, fancy bar; not like a club or anything where people are there to hook up). She also refused to drink alcohol because “what if he tastes it on my mouth when I get back?” Yeah… you get the gist. She’s become this totally unrecognisable person — from lively party animal to somebody treading on eggshells.
All of this has taken a toll on the friendship, and honestly, I’ve had enough. I’m exhausted. I don’t want to hear about it anymore. It’s like she’s on a train hurtling towards the edge of a cliff, while she remains onboard willingly, and I don’t want to watch. I don’t want to unfriend her completely, but… I do want to distance myself. I know ghosting or “weaning off” isn’t an option, because she’s going to notice. I have to be direct, but I don’t know what to say. It’s genuinely a case of she must choose one or the other: me or him, and I don’t want to give that ultimatum, because it’s her life and that’s fucking manipulative. I want to state it in a way that I’ve made up my mind, that what’s done is done and “breaking up” with him isn’t going to fix it (because I know that will only lead to resentment)… but I’m also open to having her contact me if the worst happens (if he becomes physically abusive, for instance).
Idk. I’m really lost on what to do.
submitted by foxbaebae to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 sgt_bug Yet another FiiO QC issue post

I have been using FiiO products for a while and I really appreciate the value aspect of most of their products.
I recently acquired a pair of FT1 Pro headphones since they felt like such a compelling value proposition, and I was in the market for an open back headphone for mixed use at home.
They genuinely sound way better than any headphone at this price does, and I was very happy with the purchase. Just out of curiosity, I decided to test various frequencies, and omg this thing rattle like crap at anything under 50 hz.
Thankfully, the store I bought this from (online) was very kind to approve a replacement, but I am curious, have any other fellow FT1 Pro owners faced this? Have you tried playing low frequency tones like 25 hz or something to test?
submitted by sgt_bug to FiiO [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 Comfortable-Ad-4342 Ghosted after Aviva interview

Greetings, I recently gave an interview with Aviva for an entry level Analyst role. It was a 3 stage process, and was quite difficult and required a lot of preparation.
I reached the final round and was told I would get a response before Christmas. Fast forward a month- I haven’t received a reply from them despite sending 2 follow up emails and calling their Recruitment team countless times.
I gave the interview around the second week of December and it has been well over a month.
Has anyone else encountered this with Aviva or another company before? At this point I know I’ve most likely been rejected, but it would really help me if I got some feedback since it was such a thorough interview process and I spent a lot of time preparing.
Would it be too much to send a third follow up email? Or do I just let it go and keep it moving?
submitted by Comfortable-Ad-4342 to ActuaryUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 NoChemist3127 “CS is a subset of physics, algebra and calculus“ - Do you agree with this statement?

Do you agree with the statement in the title and why.
submitted by NoChemist3127 to AskComputerScience [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 Bobuskus To Eat is to Become: The Curse of Mung’s Fruits

I was weak and hungry when I first came upon it. It wasn’t the sweet smell, blurring the line between potent energy and decay, not exactly. It was as if a talon had dug into the void of my stomach and the place where my pride had once resided, and pulled me towards the gnarled tree deep in the forest. It was simply my mind trying to make sense of this that fooled me into thinking that I followed the scent of the fruit.
The tree was large, larger than any I had ever seen. Yes there are taller trees but this one was…larger as if I were aware of some mass hidden from eyesight but was there all the same. And then I saw it, a single fruit, hanging from an overburdened limb close to my outstretched arms. In the depths of my mind I knew what this was, the lure of a lurking predator but one I could not see. But I partook of it anyway, mortal needs overriding caution. It was sweet, oh so sweet like a mouth full of decay. It clung to my hands, my lips, my throat. It clung to things I could not describe, did not know where they were or what they did but it clung all the same. And then it began to pull. Downwards is as close as I can come to describing it, but it pulled until I was connected to…something. I was the mouth of something greater and far emptier. My weakness was transformed into hunger, true hunger. I spent months hunting every creature I could find and would gorge myself on their raw flesh until my body could hold no more and I vomited up the meat. Yet I was still hungry and would eat more.
I returned to my village, friends and family thinking me to be dead were heartened to see me, their friend, sister, daughter or lover returned to them. I saw prey. The weak would feed me, their flesh, their spirit, their joy, fear and pain. They would feed my carnal hungers and those I still cannot articulate. The strong will survive my feeding and join me at the tree.
Waiting there shall be a fruit for each of them.
submitted by Bobuskus to Enshrined [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 Covozi 【男性が選ぶ】神奈川県で二番目に有名だと思う「市町村」ランキング! 第2位は「鎌倉市」、1位は?…そんなことより横浜が9位なんだがそいつらどこが一番目に有名だと思ったんだよ…

【男性が選ぶ】神奈川県で二番目に有名だと思う「市町村」ランキング! 第2位は「鎌倉市」、1位は?…そんなことより横浜が9位なんだがそいつらどこが一番目に有名だと思ったんだよ… submitted by Covozi to newsokunomoral [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 ShibeWithUshanka [NB/20] Come keep me company at work!

Hiiii I'm currently sitting at work and quite bored, so I'm hoping one of y'all will chat me up! I'm from Germany, work as a chemical technician and enjoy science and music :D
submitted by ShibeWithUshanka to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 SlowChampionship9161 Mr sir

Im thinking to follow yakeen 2.0 2025 batch for ray optics chapters which will start soon. Is it advisable or should I go with 2024 lec.
I am asking this because I saw in some of the comments that sir is wasting 10 to 20 minutes and I cant waste time becoz of huge backlog:(
submitted by SlowChampionship9161 to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 Think_Bed_4312 UEFA coëfficiënten Belgie

UEFA coëfficiënten Belgie Ziet ge wel, gent staat 2des 😢 wij zijn niet slecht in europa
submitted by Think_Bed_4312 to belgianfootball [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 KiriGiriLover2004 Lets Fricking Go Chaatt!! Kurusu Nono Glazing Has Been Added!!!

Lets Fricking Go Chaatt!! Kurusu Nono Glazing Has Been Added!!!
Now I shall worship both: Kurisu and Kurusu. Two empresses and one servant.
submitted by KiriGiriLover2004 to steinsgate [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 officetakagi supper

supper submitted by officetakagi to Gyo_ga_man_roku [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 11:52 bahia9000 Does this hem look off?

Does this hem look off? I had these hemmed a couple of week ago. But looking at these pictures, I think I’ll return to the tailor to shorten them a bit more, looking like this guy’s jeans next to me. What do you think?
submitted by bahia9000 to mensfashion [link] [comments]