2025.01.20 13:01 user27072209 Is a 'Electrical Installation (Level 2 Diploma' worth it to learn to become a electrician?
Is the Electrical Installation (Level 2 Diploma) worth it to kick start a career in becoming a electrician. It's a 1 year course in college then I'd move on to the Level 3 diploma and hopefully then look for a apprenticeship.
Is it worth sacrificing the next 2 years of my life? I'm 24
submitted by user27072209 to electricians [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:01 AutoModerator Recommendation Thread: What have you discovered this week?
Running out of music to listen to? Discover something recently that you want to share? You've come to the right place.
This is the weekly recommendation thread here at progmetal, a place to discuss, recommend, and find new music of any kind.
Simple rules:
2025.01.20 13:01 abjinternational Watch the awkward moment fans fail to acknowledge Molly-Mae Hague - as viral clip leaves fans 'cringing'
submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:01 AutoModerator Digimon Card Game - Monthly Subreddit Feedback Post
Share comments, feedback, and suggestions below.
submitted by AutoModerator to DigimonCardGame2020 [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:01 StellaBleuuee When to let go of an employee in a key role?
I just hired someone in a key role of my business. I have a law firm a I was a sole practitioner until now, I decided to hire a second lawyer to take on files while I concentrate on more specialized file and growing my business. I find that he is lacking drive. He is a junior lawyer and I hired him without experience knowing that he had a good work ethic and that he was very intelligent. So far, my biggest issue with him is his lack of drive. The only time he truly shines is when I give him very specific instructions and I am on his heels for follow ups, etc. If I don’t, he will drag a task for days instead of completing it and be proactive to learn new things about his role.
His lack of drive makes me concern as, as a lawyer, you have to take charge of your own files. I am happy to review his files, but I can’t be overseeing his task list all the time.
Any thoughts? Any book recommendations that talks about this?
submitted by StellaBleuuee to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:01 starzz_klawzz i will badly draw your cats
only a few people please! i cant jusf immediately make art 3 submitted by starzz_klawzz to cats [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:00 Far-Race5842 Completei uma sequência de 10 concursos
Finalizei ontem, mais uma maratona de concursos em minha vida. Iniciada no INSS 2022, concluída no TRF6 2025. Ao todo foram 10 concursos (1 municipal, 2 estaduais, 2 bancários, 5 federais).
Digo concluída pois, neste momento, não tenho outra prova em vista, e o esgotamento mental me fez pensar muito e tomar a decisão de "suspender a caneta" por um tempo.
Essa foi a segunda maratona da minha vida. A primeira foi entre 2015 e 2017, onde fiz 4 provas e garanti meu cargo na prefeitura.
Nesta segunda, garanti o cargo estadual que ocupo hoje e aguardo a possibilidade de um federal nos resultados que ainda estão para sair. Não é nenhum salário top tipo AJAA, nem Receita ou PRF... São concursos chamados "escada" mas, que para o interior, podem me dar uma condição bacana na minha cidade (onde quero ficar, perto da minha família, das minhas coisas e rotinas).
Pesam no momento o cansaço e a questão de ter que ir pra longe caso passe em um concurso melhor. Os da minha região dificilmente pagam melhor que o que já estou e este que estou aguardando. De todo modo, pretendo continuar monitorando os editais, caso surja algo legal, mas não vou colocar todas minhas esperanças nisso. Confesso que quero aproveitar um pouco as outras coisas da vida também. Voltar a ler, ter mais tempo de atividade física e lazer.
Até breve, concurseiros! Sou muito grato por tudo que os concursos já me proporcionaram até aqui.
submitted by Far-Race5842 to Conquistas [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:00 SnarkHamill Rukia and White Ichigo just joined my Funko Squad
submitted by SnarkHamill to funkopop [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:00 AutoModerator Simple Questions Thread - Weekly Student/Early Career/Basic Questions Help
Welcome to /PublicRelations weekly simple questions thread!
If you've got a simple question as someone new to the industry (e.g. what's it like to work in PR, what major should I choose to work in PR, should I study a master's degree) please post it here before starting your own thread.
Anyone can ask a question and the whole /PublicRelations community is encouraged to try and help answer them. Please upvote the post to help with visability!
submitted by AutoModerator to PublicRelations [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:00 Parrot_BOT Wishlist Monday: 20-01-2025
This is a weekly thread to talk about all what we would ideally like to see from Romance Club: new books, story developments, characters as LIs... what would you like to see happening in the game?
Warning: spoilers might be contained in this thread.
submitted by Parrot_BOT to RomanceClub [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:00 talen_lee Caulway Gumshoe
submitted by talen_lee to custommagic [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:00 caronteboladao (maybe) interesting curiosity
In Brazil, Taka and Goku have the same voice (which is also the same as Robert Pattinson's Batman and SpongeBob). Thank you for your attention.
submitted by caronteboladao to ghostoftsushima [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:00 PokeUpdateBot [Weekly Questions Thread] 20 January 2025
Have any questions about Pokémon that you'd like answered?
If they're about the value of a piece of merchandise you own or found, please ask them in the Monthly Value Questions thread! Otherwise, continue on!
>!Spoiler goes here.!<
Text wrapped in >!
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is hidden until the reader clicks or taps it. For example, the line above would become the following:
Spoiler goes here.
Unsure what is considered a spoiler? Please refer to Rule 13 and our Spoilers Guide!
Otherwise, if you have non-value questions about the anime, the games, the manga, or anything else Pokémon related, feel free to ask here -- no matter how silly your questions might seem!
/pokemon also has a Discord channel! Feel free to swing by there to ask a question, or just to talk! :D
Also remember to check the /pokemon FAQ and our related subreddits list.
submitted by PokeUpdateBot to pokemon [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:00 Euphoric-News-3766 is milk of magnesia natural?
someone's trying to convince me that it is -- but I dont think so -- am i wrong or are they gaslighting me?
submitted by Euphoric-News-3766 to naturalremedies [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:00 SnDMommy New version of Pound the Alarm?
Does anyone else remember them including a new version of Pound the Alarm in the teaser trailers before JD 2025 came out? I thought I remember seeing a single-coach Panda, and the song was credited to the Just Dance Band (or similar like they do when they remix the song).
Does this sound familiar to anyone else?
submitted by SnDMommy to JustDance [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:00 josylad Hiring: Auxiliaire de vie - Crèche Esch-Sur-Alzette at ROCKIDS
ROCKIDS is hiring a Auxiliaire de vie - Crèche Esch-Sur-Alzette
Location: Esch-sur-alzette, Luxembourg
Description Rejoignez l’aventure Rockids ! Embarquement immédiat pour un voyage au cœur de l'éducation non-formelle Chaque jour sera pour vous une opportunité de contribuer à l'éveil et au développement des enfants pour favoriser leur épanouissement. Fort de son savoir-faire dans l’accueil des petits et des plus grands, Rockids est aujourd’hui un des acteurs majeurs dans le secteur de l’éducation non-formelle et périscolaire au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Nos crèches et foyers de jour offrent un socle éducatif solide pour les enfants de 0 à 12 ans, construit sur des pratiques de bienveillance et de pédagogie positive. Ce qui contribue à faire de Rockids un professionnel de l’éducation non-formelle :
Learn More and Apply: https://app.resumeset.com/jobs/auxiliaire-de-vie-cr%C3%A8che-esch-sur-alzette-58202/
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:00 Full-Discussion3745 Why is there such an overwhelming consensus in German sub-committees in favor of adjusting or abolishing the debt brake, even though economics professors disagree on this issue?
submitted by Full-Discussion3745 to EU_Economics [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:00 WarmConversation2913 As a New person who wanted to get the game
It may be my own stupidity and have missed something mid installation but I got this error message: ERROR: This script must be run from a folder named "InfiniteFusion".
YOUR folder name: "Rar$DIa29744.30191" (I did not name it that)
Please rename the folder to "InfiniteFusion" EXACTLY and try again.
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
submitted by WarmConversation2913 to PokemonInfiniteFusion [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:00 johnnybender Cafe Cruiser is performing surprisingly well in the Canadian cold. -14 this morning! 🥶
Not as much power and the battery depletes a lot faster, but still works for me. I’m impressed!
submitted by johnnybender to ride1up [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:00 quarktasse Als Deutscher ein Schweizer ETF-Depot aufbauen
Seid gegrüßt! Da ich in den nächsten Jahren zumindest für einige Jahre in die Schweiz ziehen werde, stellt sich mir die Frage, ob es Sinn macht, bereits jetzt einen schweizer Broker zu suchen, um peut a peut von Trade Republic dorthin umzuschichten. Welche Fallstricke könnte es dabei geben und wie sieht es bezüglich der Besteuerung aus?
Vielen Dank schonmal :)
submitted by quarktasse to Steuern [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 13:00 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games - 🌐 24/7 Video Game - All the best video games, all the time. Watch no commentary gaming videos live and on demand. By Adrian M ThePRO the GameProfessional.
submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:00 choccy_biscuit The Museum of Majiri is now open! I would be so happy if y'all would have a tour of my plot, this has been a wip for months and i'm very proud of it
submitted by choccy_biscuit to Palia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:00 OrFenn-D-Gamer Just A Little Sketch #8 (Ghibli style?)
submitted by OrFenn-D-Gamer to YouTube_startups [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:00 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop - 🌐 24/7 Video Game - All the best video games, all the time. Watch no commentary gaming videos live and on demand. By Adrian M ThePRO the GameProfessional.
submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 13:00 TheOfficeoholic What is happening to this line in my basement
submitted by TheOfficeoholic to Plumbing [link] [comments] |