"...the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other." - Benjamin Franklin [640x916]

2025.01.20 13:50 appealtoheaven "...the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other." - Benjamin Franklin [640x916]

benjaminfranklin for more Ben wisdom
submitted by appealtoheaven to QuotesPorn [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Life-Total3441 daily check-in

what's up everyone
submitted by Life-Total3441 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Shabeveravioli Edgar Allan 🤍

But Eddie Spaghetti too. He came from a bad situation, happy adopt and give him loving home. Had to unexpectedly say bye to our retriever last weekend, Banjo was missing his buddy, and the house was too quiet. The 6mo old beagle is a precious addition to the pack!
submitted by Shabeveravioli to beagle [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Dark-Lark Republic Transport Shuttle (Battlemap/Token/Handout Picture)

submitted by Dark-Lark to SagaEdition [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 XKXKXKXXKXKXK It gets worse each day

I don't even know where to start, honestly. I'm really trying to improve my self-esteem. I'm trying not to think so much about how I look and just find joy in what I do... But with each passing day, it gets worse. Whenever I remember that I am a "real person" (I don't know how else to put it) with a body and a face like the one I have... I just want to cry. All the joy disappears in an instant.
I basically feel like I've already wasted my life, and I'm only 20 years old! I'm so hideous that it gets in the way of my daily attempts just to make it through the day.
submitted by XKXKXKXXKXKXK to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 s0free03 It’s only a matter of time

It’s only a matter of time submitted by s0free03 to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 National_Concept_39 Can Hills 3 be the remake of original Hills 1 counterpart just like Dunes 3?

submitted by National_Concept_39 to bikerace [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Royal_Difficulty_678 Everyone else baffled by posters on this sub that engage in posting negative articles about non-Hindu desis in the west and how it’s related to their culture who are genuinely shocked at people posting negative things about Indians?

“I can’t believe they’re constantly posting negative articles about Indians in the west on Instagram!! It’s getting out of control!” - he says while posting negative articles about fellow non-Hindu desis in the west and how it’s due to their religion and culture.
submitted by Royal_Difficulty_678 to ABCDesis [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Theskyisfalling122 Almost 1250 pack points, what should I choose?

Almost 1250 pack points, what should I choose? I have at least one copy of each 2 star for mythical islands except for fa pigeot, fa mew and fa blue. Also have 2 copies of rainbow mew. I'm thinking of getting blue since he's a trainer card, but I would like some suggestions.
submitted by Theskyisfalling122 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 GeekyGrannyTexas Why did they eliminate a video feature?

I feel fairly certain that, when I bought my S21U, I could change from one lens to another while taking video. The 0.6,1,3, and 10 appeared on the screen and I could jump back and forth between them. Now only the original magnification shows and can't be changed while recording. Is functionality deliberately being reduced in an effort to get people to upgrade phones?
submitted by GeekyGrannyTexas to GalaxyS21 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Aristaeus578 The moldiest cheese I have ever made

The moldiest cheese I have ever made submitted by Aristaeus578 to MoldlyInteresting [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Justsomeguyy2838383 Wtf are these shitass offers

Wtf are these shitass offers im so tired of these insane lowballs
submitted by Justsomeguyy2838383 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Lazy-Affect-2068 What Queen Songs sound similar to each other?

What Queen Songs sound similar to each other? I feel like Queen’s songs are all pretty distinct but I know there may be some which sound like each other.
submitted by Lazy-Affect-2068 to queen [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 supergainsbros Looks like we will have a better January box office then last year!

Looks like we will have a better January box office then last year! Still probably won't beat 2023 or certainly back to pre pandemic levels but growth anywhere is always good.
submitted by supergainsbros to AMCSTOCKS [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 HeroInstitute Messy [OC]

Messy [OC] submitted by HeroInstitute to comics [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 HealthyLet257 What causes car battery to go bad after only a year?

I noticed that whenever I get a new battery at Advanced Auto Parts, it needs to be replaced after a year. They offer 2 year warranty. I notice this after getting my car inspected. Is it because I get the cheaper battery (DieHard) or something else?
submitted by HealthyLet257 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 onex7805 The Greatest Detective Series You've Never Heard Of - Touch Detective by Araeca

The Greatest Detective Series You've Never Heard Of - Touch Detective by Araeca submitted by onex7805 to VideoGameAnalysis [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Dark-Lark Republic Transport Shuttle (Battlemap/Token/Handout Picture)

submitted by Dark-Lark to SagaEdition [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 virtualracer Has there been any Steam Deck talk?

My computer is dying, I need to order a new motherboard for it. I’m afraid it might not arrive in time for launch. Has there been any confirmation TXR25 will work on the Deck?
submitted by virtualracer to tokyoxtremeracer [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 MnkySpnk Midi with Gojira X hardware setup

Im brand new to midi so apologies if this is supposed to be super obvious.
Using Behringer FCB1010 to control Gojira X as a standalone, but i only have one midi cable.
Do i need a second cable? The manual sounds like i dont, but i see midi in and midi out jacks on the controller and my interface.
I ask because i know the two need to communicate, so its not like an audio setup where the signal only needs to go one way.
submitted by MnkySpnk to NeuralDSP [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 lanathemonkey ANYONE IN ENGB04???

Is there a group chat for this class? Let’s work together!!
submitted by lanathemonkey to UTSC [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 pancrismal A un año de la nueva primavera, ¿Como impactó sus vidas?

No he visto un análisis serio al respecto entonces quisiera preguntarles como impactó sus vidas Semilla,. En su plan de gobierno (https://drive.google.com/file/d/137QmBdLM70p\_5ZhTsAYffbin--URNfcZ/view) ellos tenian 10 "semillas" o ejes de trabajo:

  1. Desarrollo social
  2. Protección, asistencia y seguridad social
  3. Lucha contra la desnutrición
  4. Infraestructura
  5. Tecnología e innovación
  6. Seguridad
  7. Cuidado de la naturaleza
  8. Ciudadania sin fronteras
  9. Función pública eficaz y legitima
  10. Un nuevo contrato social
Mi opinión es que vamos mal en 4 (carreteras en peor estado), 6 (nos llenamos de mareros de El Salvador, mareros deportados y narcos) y 9 (lo unico eficaz fue subir el salario de Raul Barreda). Y pues del metro mejor ya ni hablamos...
Ahora bien, en una de las empresas donde yo trabajo he visto que ahora están menos movidos los contratos estatales porque apretaron la tuerca de obra pública y está más dificil ejecutar proyectos a la ligera. Esto creo que es bueno porque significa que al menos en un minimo la gente del sector público (semilla o no), ya la está pensando dos veces antes de robar a lo descarado.
¿Ustedes que opinan?
submitted by pancrismal to guatemala [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 lotformulas [F30] Wife sick in China

Dear doctors,
My wife is on a trip to china for work and she suddenly got very sick. She went to the hospital and they did blood tests and I wanted an opinion of what it could be as I feel they are not giving her enough attention.
She has the following symptoms: 1. Intense coughing 2. High fever of 39.9C 3. Muscle pain 4. Feeling very weak 5. Nose bled once during this period 6. She felt her heart beating abnormally for some time but now it's back to normal. 7. No runny nose or sore throat
History: Has history of allergic asthma and takes symbicort daily
Tests: 1. Chest X-Ray clear 2. Tested negative for Flu A and B 3. hsCRP elevated (57.6) 4. Normal WBC count 5. Normal RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelet count 6. Normal absolute and relative neutrophils 7. Low absolute and relative lymphocytes 8. High absolute and relative monocytes (1.07x109/L) 9. Low absolute and relative eosonophils 10. Normal basophils
I am panicking because I am not there and I feel helpless. I am worried that they are not doing all the tests they could be doing or not giving her antivirals. They did not check for RSV, Covid, HMPV, etc.
Could someone please tell me what this is? Is this viral or bacterial? I am particularly worried about hsCRP. Isn't that too high?
submitted by lotformulas to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Dark-Lark Republic Transport Shuttle (Battlemap/Token/Handout Picture)

submitted by Dark-Lark to SagaEdition [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 LaGifleDuDaron Phryge "fière" wallpaper 1920x1080

Phryge submitted by LaGifleDuDaron to phryge [link] [comments]
