💫 The unofficial Python SDK for the Universal Router supports all Uniswap V4 functions! 💫

2025.01.20 18:44 E_l_n_a_r_i_l 💫 The unofficial Python SDK for the Universal Router supports all Uniswap V4 functions! 💫

💫 The unofficial Python SDK for the Universal Router supports all Uniswap V4 functions! 💫 submitted by E_l_n_a_r_i_l to dapps [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 DrJaye BREAKING: TRUMP has invited ANTI-ZIONIST Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum to the White House.

submitted by DrJaye to WayOfTheBern [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 lucidikitty Inauguration live stream

Inauguration live stream It went silent after I first started posting, may be a coincidence. We should spread awareness in a healthy, digestible way.
submitted by lucidikitty to TargetedSolutions [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 Altruistic_98- Un matrimonio se enamoro de mi amiga

Hace poco una amiga me conto como termino siendo novia de su pareja actual, muy turbio la verdad , esto fue ya hace mucho tiempo y por eso me dejo contarlo, ella era encargada de un restaurante todo iba super bien, tanto asi que comenzaron a abrir mas sucursales, en total eran 5 y ella seguia siendo la encargada, la mano derecha de sus jefes los cuales eran una pareja, ella se volvio cercana a ellos, iba a su casa, compartia con sus hijos, detalle aca mi amiga tenia noviaa en ese momento, asi que no estaba interesada en hombres, por vueltas de la vida su jefa se le se comenzo a insinuar, de llegar a tal punto de celar a su madrido de mi amiga cuando ahi no pasaba nada, era ella quien estaba comenzando a sentir cosas por mi amiga y parecia hasta obsecionada con ella, mi amiga tenia a su novia tambien trabajando en los locales, detalle importante para mas adelante.... ya despues de varios intentos de coquetearle a mi amiga y nada la mujer comenzo a tener actitudes bastante raras, simultaneamente a eso su marido tambien gustaba de mi amiga, entonces ella quedo en el medio. Los dos se le incinuaban teniendo ella novia y aparte ninguno de los dos sabia que el otro tambien estaba detras de mi amiga..... si quieren que siga monto la 2da parte
submitted by Altruistic_98- to esConversacion [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 Termylinia Donald Trump and Joe Biden stand together, watching President Musk’s inauguration day.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden stand together, watching President Musk’s inauguration day. submitted by Termylinia to pics [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 fatkiddown Morgoth’s Advocate

Morgoth’s Advocate submitted by fatkiddown to lotrmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 Eidola0 Did I add power steering fluid incorrectly?

I checked the fluid using the dipstick, it looked a bit low as was my guess, so I added a bit to the same reservoir that I had checked with the dipstick. Afterwards I was second guessing if I had it correct so I looked up a visual and found this video: https://www.carcarekiosk.com/video/2009_Chevrolet_Impala_LT_3.5L_V6/power_steering_fluid/add_fluid
But in the video, it looks like he poured fluid into a separate area than where he checked the level? I thought that it could just be added directly to the reservoir but now I'm concerned I messed up, just looking for a bit of clarification.
submitted by Eidola0 to AskMechanics [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 ManiacalMisanthrope Slow day?

Made about 40 plus dollars yesterday.. so far today only got one survey. Is this normal?
submitted by ManiacalMisanthrope to ProlificAc [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 Odd_Schedule646 When I drew this I didn't know she's a bimbo

submitted by Odd_Schedule646 to ARTIST [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 Th3RedDread Landscape designers & planning

We want to transform about an acre around our home and looking for recommendations for an actual landscape designer here locally with experience drawing up plans (blueprints, CADs, sketches). Ideally the person or company has solid experience or connections in horticulture as well.
The ideal company could also help manage and oversee the efforts.
Our project will include some hardscape, grasses, beds, walls, greenhouse, paths, trees and more. Thanks for any recommendations!
submitted by Th3RedDread to bloomington [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 Calliesdad20 Need Sofia scripts which is one star will trade any of my 2 stars stickers for it You can keep the extra star

Need Sofia scripts which is one star will trade any of my 2 stars stickers for it You can keep the extra star Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/hLVoFg
submitted by Calliesdad20 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 venom4466 I need help finding this product.

I have brought poco x7 pro. I need this.
submitted by venom4466 to AndroidGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 nicholasford234 Some old $2 bills

A few of my $2 bills. Anyone have an idea of value on the 1928 star red note and 1953 red note? I know the 1976s are worth much but wasn't sure about the older red notes. TIA!
submitted by nicholasford234 to papermoney [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 polaraaace Team 69

Team 69 submitted by polaraaace to NinthHouse [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 Tortellini_64 Found a JoJo reference in Splatoon

Found a JoJo reference in Splatoon submitted by Tortellini_64 to UnexpectedJoJo [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 Ill_Cow_9639 Cabelos brancos

Tenho 27 anos (homem) mas a cada semana que passa mais cabelo branco aparece. Principalmente na frente e dos lados (não consigo ver atrás, mas pela foto que tirei, tem cabelo claro também).
Meu cabelo é cacheado... misturado 3abc, alto e grande então dá pra disfarçar, mas está começando a ficar esbranquiçado demais. Creio que todos os tufos de cachos já têm algum fio branco ou que estão perdando a cor preta. Na frente (testa) o cabelo branco já aparece totalmente
**PS: meu trabalho é estressante, mas meu irmão já tem até barba branca aos 30 anos
submitted by Ill_Cow_9639 to CabelosDoBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 diverareyouokay I was told this is how sneaux chains are installed - we’re getting 6” in New Orleans tomorrow.

I was told this is how sneaux chains are installed - we’re getting 6” in New Orleans tomorrow. submitted by diverareyouokay to pics [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 kaseylou Dalton Review Classes

For those that used Dalton for the CFP exam…can you tell me how much the review classes hit the topics that were tested? I am taking the classes now and I feel like they skim over so much that was learned for the education portion. I hope I’m making sense…
submitted by kaseylou to CFPExam [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 Rude-Student8537 Mac mini M4: USB-A keyboard/mouse randomly powering off.

Standard USB-A keyboard and mouse connected to Mac Mini’s Thunderbolt ports via ONN brand USB-C adapters randomly power off. To fix, I have to physically unplug cables from Mac Mini and reconnect. When they are working, the Caps Lock on the keyboard will light up and the mouse has a red light lit on the bottom; when these fail, there are no lights on either so it appears to be powesleep related. And when one fails, the other continues to work and vice-versa. My thoughts: Could this be the USB adapters? Or should I use the from USB-C ports?
submitted by Rude-Student8537 to mac [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 No_Fly4293 I love the hatchback

I love the hatchback Here’s my current daily. I love this car so much that I want to buy a second one in a different color 😂
submitted by No_Fly4293 to WRX [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 aerdna_swes Fabrics to give away and sell

Hi! I'm a Ridgewood/Glendale sewist and have a good amount of fabrics to give away, as well as some yardage to sell (at least 10 yards of 4 different organic cotton fabrics). The free stuff is mostly 2 yards and under, but many interlock jersey knits. Does anyone have interest? I can add photos if there is.
submitted by aerdna_swes to ridgewood [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 Preelexy Just did some poses while feather were growing

Just did some poses while feather were growing submitted by Preelexy to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 No_Baby_4698 Stones or Stam sbc

View Poll
submitted by No_Baby_4698 to fut [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 Crazy-Forever6503 How Do Your Avatars interact with Other Avatars.

How Do Your Avatars interact with Other Avatars. (Feel Free To Upvote If You Want. 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥.)
(What is it I'm just curious and Elijah "Hammerfist" Johnson's And Here are some potential ways Elijah could interact with other characters: 1. Elijah could be confrontational and quick to anger, picking fights or displaying aggression. 2. He might test others' loyalties and be suspicious of their intentions. 3. He could also form alliances and show loyalty to those he deems trustworthy.)
submitted by Crazy-Forever6503 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 18:44 OkGeneral7668 How much is this Infernal Andy worth in tokens?

I’m just curious what they sell for!
submitted by OkGeneral7668 to WildHorseIslands [link] [comments]
