“Detached but not broken…

I'd like to know an accurate (more or less) translation into spanish for this sentence. It's written in the instructions of my tv and in a tag that comes with the power cord...and I'd like to know if what I think it actually means in spanish is right or not. Thanks in advance, guys. But people may advertise one of these connected units as a "house", so realtors sometimes have to clarify. The terms "detached house", "detached unit" and "stand-alone unit" are common for realtors. The word "unit" is used if it is part of a large group of apartments or condos, where most of the units share walls. Hi there, could you please help me with this sentence? After, the components are detached from one another. After, the components are detached from each other. After, the components are detached. Thanks! He live in detached house/ detached house. which one is correct? thank you:) Semi-detached se llama casa pareada y también semiadosada, como la de la foto que ha puesto Eugin. Adosadas son las casas que están unidas pero son más de dos, es decir, una línea de varias casas en la que todas comparten las paredes laterales con otras dos viviendas, excepto las de los extremos de la fila. En España: - Terraced house: Casa adosada; vivienda adosada; vivienda unifamiliar adosada; adosado; pitufito (este término se utiliza en Sevilla para referirse a viviendas adosadas de dimesiones muy reducidas, pues al ser tan exiguas da la sensación de que solamente puedan ser habitadas por pitufos o personas muy pequeñitas). In Canada, a semi-detached house is 'half of a house', in other words, there is one building divided down the middle into two separate units. I believe that a 'terraced house' is what we call a 'row house' - it is one unit of several (four, five, six or more) that are all attached in a row. Detached works fine here, but it might sound better as "The door's handle was detached." Chairman Mao made China into the purest of cultural entities: people may scorn the lives that were lost, in terms of actual living and in terms of lost childhoods, of the children wrenched from their parents in cities like Shanghai and forced to live for up to ten years in strange, rural communities, detached from their loved ones - but the ... It had already been very successful in persuading many residents, particularly those who live in the detached houses and terraces in the brough, to separate their waste. But very little recycling was happening on some of its publicity owned housing estates, where many tenants made little attempt to SORT OUT their rubbish into cans, glass and paper.

2025.01.20 21:00 SpectralSanctuary “Detached but not broken…

“Detached but not broken… submitted by SpectralSanctuary to SchizoidAdjacent [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games - 🌐 24/7 Video Game - All the best video games, all the time. Watch no commentary gaming videos live and on demand. By Adrian M ThePRO the GameProfessional.

🛍️ eBay Video Games - 🌐 24/7 Video Game - All the best video games, all the time. Watch no commentary gaming videos live and on demand. By Adrian M ThePRO the GameProfessional. submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 modsocmedia How to gain study habits in college?

In highschool I was one of those kids who just used online to do and solve there work. I’ve always done bad with exams for that reason. I don’t want my bad habits to go into college. I’m majoring in biology and already got accepted to a college. Any tips ? tysmm!
submitted by modsocmedia to studytips [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Accomplished-Hat4471 Peri menopause

Has anyone tried Femmenessence products? If so , how have they helped ?
submitted by Accomplished-Hat4471 to Perimenopause [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 MugShots NV Energy Alert

NVEnergy Alert Under Investigation in 89115 1 customer affected ORT: 2025-01-20 12:53:21.000-08:00 ETR:
submitted by MugShots to AlertVegas [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 topredditbot Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech [r/interestingasfuck by u/Sartew]

submitted by topredditbot to topofreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Bobtheoperator BCPD Shenanigans. 😬😬😬

BCPD Shenanigans. 😬😬😬 submitted by Bobtheoperator to BeamNGRP [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 French-toast133 Paypig

I need a pay pig asap!!! If you wanna be my filthy slob! Message me 😉 Momma needs money and you need someone to put you in your place
submitted by French-toast133 to paypigsupportgroup [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop - 🌐 24/7 Video Game - All the best video games, all the time. Watch no commentary gaming videos live and on demand. By Adrian M ThePRO the GameProfessional.

⬆️ Up Game Shop - 🌐 24/7 Video Game - All the best video games, all the time. Watch no commentary gaming videos live and on demand. By Adrian M ThePRO the GameProfessional. submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 PowerMetalEnjoyer Numenor - Run for the night (cover)

Numenor - Run for the night (cover) submitted by PowerMetalEnjoyer to blindguardian [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 ReedyHudds Newly single. Forget dating, can someone explain fitted sheets to me??!

Newly single M56, I've got a decent grip on life skills on the whole but eff me, I treated myself to some nice Egyptian cotton sheets, arrived today. They have NO corners, and the elastic is all the way around the whole sheet. I swear it's just a big circle and some designer is laughing their ass off.
Ditto for folding the goddamn things. Wtf. I'm going back to normal sheets and some hospital corners lol. This was NOT the thing I thought I'd fall apart on!
submitted by ReedyHudds to datingoverforty [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 smartybrome Cómo Crear una Página web con WordPress y Elementor 2025

submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Aggravating_Age8597 KO using RNP and KI using plasmid

Has anyone tried making a knock-in cell line by using RNP for the Cas9/gRNA and then simultaneously using a plasmid for the donor template? I’ve only seen people either using 2 plasmids (1 for Cas9/gRNA and 1 for donor) or using RNP for Cas9/gRNA and then AAV for delivering their donor. Thanks!
submitted by Aggravating_Age8597 to labrats [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 venusisboring Thoughts on the new Guru_pagkolin post?

Thoughts on the new Guru_pagkolin post? submitted by venusisboring to Kanye [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 marathonog Low Water Pressure Only in Kitchen Faucet—Need Help Troubleshooting

I’m dealing with a problem with my kitchen faucet and could use some advice. It’s the only faucet in my house with really low water pressure. Every other faucet and output, including the bathrooms, has normal pressure.
I’ve already tried a few things: Cleaned and tested it with the aerator removed—no luck.
Replaced it with a brand-new faucet—still didn’t fix the issue.
For context, the house is off-grid, and the water system runs off a cistern and a water pump. Also, there’s never been a time living here that the kitchen faucet properly worked. Any ideas on what might be causing this or how to troubleshoot it further?
submitted by marathonog to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Top-Illustrator-985 How to kill supports

I have struggled immensely to kill supports in this game. Every game the supports have almost no deaths because they have so many easy ways to get out of every single situation. Rocket being able to heal himself and having two uses of his movement and a wall climb make him feel unkillable. Half the other supports have ridiculous abilities that give them easy healing that takes little to no skill to use. When I play support I feel this too. I can play a lot of rounds on rocket or mantis or Jeff and rarely die if ever. Not sure if anyone has had a similar experience or has any advice on how to kill things when supports are hard pumping out heals all game
submitted by Top-Illustrator-985 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional - All the best video games, all the time. Watch no commentary gaming videos live and on demand. By Adrian M ThePRO the GameProfessional.

🏆 Game Professional - All the best video games, all the time. Watch no commentary gaming videos live and on demand. By Adrian M ThePRO the GameProfessional. submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Fuzzy_Experience8813 How best can I splice these wires?

How best can I splice these wires? There isn't enough slack to properly join and make a mechanical bond.
Will the solder seal still be good enough even if the wires are barely touching?
Or do I need to add more wire using a strong hold quick splice?
Please advise thanks
submitted by Fuzzy_Experience8813 to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Laydee_mesha Trade

Trade submitted by Laydee_mesha to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Apprehensive_Sir805 Sunset 20.01.25

submitted by Apprehensive_Sir805 to Norwich [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 lg91777 CravingBeatrice a new arsehole

CravingBeatrice a new arsehole Second solo war with emergency run...
Gotta admit that this feels awesome
submitted by lg91777 to NationalistSuzerain [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 AffenmannMannaffe Cannabis Champion Waiblingen Versand diskret?

Hallo, ich habe heute mein Rezept übermittelt bekommen und möchte meine Bestellung abschließen. Da ich aber Mitbewohner habe, die etwas gegen den Cannabiskonsum haben (ja, auch medizinische Nutzung), wäre es hilfreich, wenn mir eine Auskunft zum Lieferdienst und dem Absender gegeben werden kann. Steht auf dem Kopf des Pakets der Shop, Apotheke oder wie kann ich mir das vorstellen? Lässt sich dem Paket von außen anmerken, was der Inhalt sein könnte?
Bitte nicht auf die Hintergründe eingehen, darum kümmere ich mich zeitnah.
submitted by AffenmannMannaffe to Cannabis_Apotheken [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Agreeable-Yogurt7284 What to do on monastic pilgrimages?

Recently I have been interested in making a pilgrimage to a monastery. I’m I going to Holy Trinity in Jordanville NY. But like besides attending meals and prayers in the church what do pilgrims do at monasteries? I’m assuming people don’t juts sit in the guest house and wait for a prayer service to start or a meal so what do people do in the mean time. Holy Trinity has a ROCOR museum and a store so I will plan on going there but what else do pilgrims usually do on pilgrimages?
submitted by Agreeable-Yogurt7284 to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 natashabeddingfield When a customer uses a discount code, do laundry pros get the regular full amount or the discounted paid amount?

I’m a customer and I’m just curious. Sometimes when a coupon code is available, I typically use it. If my Laundrypro is making less due to using my coupon code, should I tip more? Do laundry pros know I’m using a code? That’s why they’re getting less or?
submitted by natashabeddingfield to PoplinLaundryPros [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Aggravating-Tax-9420 Soooo she did a reset last night and why is the toddler bed already leaned up against the bed?

Soooo she did a reset last night and why is the toddler bed already leaned up against the bed? submitted by Aggravating-Tax-9420 to resilientjenkinsnark [link] [comments]
