[Self] Abstract Recycled Skateboard Sculpture

Furthermore, governing entities, such as the EU, require a percentage of recycled materials, including post-consumer materials, in certain products. The post-consumer recycled plastics market is likely to grow from $15.42 billion in 2021 to $22.37 billion by 2028, at an impressive CAGR of 5.38% during the forecast period. “The economies of scale that have developed for concrete and steel don’t yet exist for the mass-timber industry, but we’re getting pretty close to economic parity with steel and concrete for particular building types, say six to 12 storeys high,” explains Alan Organschi, Director, Innovation Labs at Bauhaus Earth and principal and partner at Gray Organschi Architecture. In fact, using a high proportion of recycled materials could help scale sustainable practices or at least help tackle many of the sector’s sustainability problems. Without changing fast fashion’s business model, high use of recycled materials appears to be the only way to do this. The American toy manufacturer says it is fast approaching its deadline of “achieving 100% recycled, recyclable or bio-based plastic materials in our products and packaging by 2025”. So far it has released a wooden adventure collection under its Little Tikes brand and introduced compostable, sustainable materials like bamboo, wood and sugar cane packaging for its hugely popular L.O.L. Surprise! For upcycling to occur, a specific use for the recycled material must be identified at the product design stage - recycling would then happen accordingly. For example, most demolished concrete is currently recycled to produce crushed concrete. This contains coarse aggregate, fine cement, mortar particles, rubble, brick and other contaminants. In addressing the challenge of ensuring the functional quality of recycled plastics, automakers are making progress through collaborations with material manufacturers. For example, in partnership with Sumitomo Chemical, Honda developed Noblen Meguri , a polypropylene-based recycled plastic that meets high standards for appearance and durability through advanced compounding technology. US company Recycleballs collects millions of tennis balls which are recycled into new products. According to the company, 125 million tennis balls end up in American landfill sites each year, representing 20,000 metric tons of near non-decomposable rubber waste. In many cases, plastic recycling is more costly and energy-intensive than creating plastic from raw materials, contributing to the low recycling rates. Misinformation is rampant, and plastic is being recycled at an even lower rate than previously estimated. The recycling industry has a long way to go when it comes to plastic waste. Just 16% of plastics are recycled – the rest goes to landfill for incineration, or is just dumped. Much of the plastic that doesn’t make it to the recycling plant ends up in our rivers and ocean. Not only is this a danger to the animals and plants whose habitats have become aquatic garbage patches, but it also poses a threat to the climate, as plastic releases greenhouse gases as it slowly ... With currently only about one-fifth of the world's e-waste recycled, a World Economic Forum report underscores the need for systemic change to encourage industries to embrace the circular economy. Technological advancements continue to transform our world, but the result is a cascade of unwanted devices that are becoming the fastest-growing waste stream on the planet.

2025.01.20 20:50 mobiusmaples [Self] Abstract Recycled Skateboard Sculpture

[Self] Abstract Recycled Skateboard Sculpture 100% recycled skateboards 20cm tall
submitted by mobiusmaples to Sculpture [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 PrimeWagersInc I have the best discord to actually make money.. lmk if you want it best investment I’ve made 🙏

I have the best discord to actually make money.. lmk if you want it best investment I’ve made 🙏 submitted by PrimeWagersInc to PrizePicksLineups [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Elect_SaturnMutex John Sykes passed away 😫

submitted by Elect_SaturnMutex to hairmetal [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Becominghalal Why would she post her child posing like this for HALF A MILLION PEOPLE TO SEE?! Cropped for obv reasons, but you’ll know it when you see it.

Why would she post her child posing like this for HALF A MILLION PEOPLE TO SEE?! Cropped for obv reasons, but you’ll know it when you see it. This makes me more angry than the sick kids photos.
submitted by Becominghalal to BambooBabble [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Even_Resolve2008 Looking for a Game with a Vertical Game

Hey, i hope im right here with this question ( saw some other post but they are all from ages ago)
as the title says im looking for a game, something like a survival game or anything with a bit more action then jusant.
The main "thing" im looking for is that the world either goes up or down ( not entierly but mainly) like in games such as Return to moria or Made in Abyss Binary Star falling into Darkness.
Sadly i havnt found anything that has that kind of a world so i would love for some recommendations
submitted by Even_Resolve2008 to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Immediate_Remove_843 [DK]: Do you normally only call one candidates references?

So I was basically headhunted for a role by a junior recruiter. I had a phone call with her and she then forwarded me to her manager (the main recruiter for the role). I had an interview with him and he then told me about the next coming steps: 1 interview with manager and then an interview with managing director. He later contacted me to tell me that these two interviews will be on the same day so it will be 2 hours. After that I did a personality test and had a shorter interview (45 min with HR). The manager, who had previously interviewed me, reached out to me and said they wanted one more interview asap where they wanted me to prepare for a business case. So I had an interview with the manager (again) and a second manager in another department. They told me it’s between me and another candidate and asked for my references, whom they called today.
I still haven’t gotten an answer and am overtaken by the anxiety at this point. Is it normal to check two candidates references and could I just be the runner up at this point?
submitted by Immediate_Remove_843 to AskHR [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 PodcastDelivery Realms' Blood on the Clocktower

submitted by PodcastDelivery to PodcastDelivery [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Character-Project610 New Build in 6.5CM Burris XTRIII 5.5-30x56 or Maven RS1.2 2.5-15x44

As the title implies, I just build a new Aero M5 in 6.5 CM and am torn on which scope to get. here's a build list highlights.

So long story short, I have a few long range bolt guns that can do 1000 yard pretty easily and I have a moderate amount of experience shooting long range. But I wanted a Gas gun.. so I built one. Now I am looking for input between 2 optics, I can get either for about $ 1k. my intention is to have this a bit more of a DMR role, positional shooting and more moving, fast transitions between target and 1000 yard being the usual MAX I would shoot. It will not be a hunting gun, as I have 2 light weight bolt guns I use for that.
first of all the Maven RS1.2 2.5-15x44
Burris XTR III 5.5-30x56 ( not looking at the 3.3-18 because many people say the 5.5-30 either has much better glass or at least appears to be noticably better to the eye)
So now I'm just not sure if I will appreciate the extra magnification on the top end or a nice big FOV at 2.5 on the maven. I know 15X is enough for 1000 yards but 30X really does make it nicer. does anyone have experience behind these scopes? particularly is you have use both of them and can give me some input and things you liked about one vs the other. or even people opinions on magnification ranges. I know most of us are power whores and want all we can get and 30x is more than I need.
submitted by Character-Project610 to AR10 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Kds_burner_ elon musk proves he’s a real gamer by doing the nazi salute

elon musk proves he’s a real gamer by doing the nazi salute submitted by Kds_burner_ to Gamingcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Adventurous_Table849 Custom Inferno Shard

Custom Inferno Shard submitted by Adventurous_Table849 to CustomTransformers [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Additional_Clock7013 Day 7-14

Kinda forgot to post any updates here for the whole week, but it was the most productive one in a while.
Monday: went to the gym for the first time in a while. Got a good workout and didn't feel weaker than before even though I had been sick for well over a month
Tuesday-saturday: not as productive. Went to the gym 2 more times and renewed my boxing class subscription. Didn't do all that much schoolwork and didn't go skiing cus I was too lazy to get myself to the slope. Cleaned my room tho Sunday: pretty fun. Went an airsoft match in a new place. Best field I've been to.
Ordered new skis and they should be arriving any day now
submitted by Additional_Clock7013 to fixingmylif [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Straight_Change7484 What does the future hold for Kraken Robotics Inc.

An interesting company with real potential. Check out this high level analysis https://www.reddit.com/KrakenRobotics/comments/1i5ho8a/you_may_find_this_interestinga_deep_dive_into/
submitted by Straight_Change7484 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 klast213 Sonicwall firewall not working

All the info I find online tells me to put BGW320 in IP passthrough but still can't get Internet from firewall. Any help?
submitted by klast213 to ATT [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 redbirdjr Computer Hacking in RPGs

Some time back I posted to the community asking about interesting ways that various RPGs support computer hacking challenges. I've since read through a lot of RPGs to see if any of them performed the way I envisioned. Unfortunately, none of them really hit the mark for me.
That's not to say those methods are wrong - if you and your players are having fun with them, keep on keeping on. But I was thinking about how I would approach the problem. The result is fully articulated on my blog, but I think even a non-techie can design something interesting that leverages the skill/ability system provided natively in most RPGs.
As has been noted in numerous places, hacking is actually a lot of social engineering (manipulating people) and information gathering (recon). Most RPGs already include mechanisms for handling those and, if we use a heist mentality, it's these early, prep phases that have the greatest impact on the success of your hack. Yes, things can still go wrong during the encounter (see Ocean's Eleven and plenty of other examples), but your ability to adjust to those is based on the planning that went into the score.
Future goals of this work are to translate my approach/framework into RPG-specific rules, highlighting when you can use existing rules, when rules just need a tweak, and when something new is needed. Heck, I can imagine it working in something like Blades in the Dark where, after Consorting, Studying, and Surveying, a team could Attune to the ghost field to hack the spark-craft alarm on the Dimmer Sisters' mansion. Figure out your goal, identify obstacles, develop plans to weaken or remove those obstacles, and then execute the plan. All without weird hacking games.
Curious what you think.
submitted by redbirdjr to rpg [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 FrazzledTurtle Elon Musk should just go to Mars

Elon Musk should just go to Mars submitted by FrazzledTurtle to scambait [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 5Dlight OhNearOhs "Diamond Hands"

OhNearOhs submitted by 5Dlight to YouTubeSubscribeBoost [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 BrightConflict6827 What do you think?

What do you think? Do you think all I need is grain and noise to achieve this filter? it’s almost a 90s filter on it
submitted by BrightConflict6827 to AfterEffects [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 dildoofcircumstances KfZ Privatverkauf Mängel bei Abholung?

ich habe einen alten BMW Oldtimer (Baujahr 1991) privat verkauft. Er hat 1 Jahr TÜV und ich habe alle mir bekannten Mängel offen gelegt und in der Anzeige auch Gewährleistungsausschluss und Verkauf als Bastlerfahrzeug stehen (Lackschäden, Rost etc.). Muster-Kaufvertrag inklusive Ausschluss Gewährleistung und Sachmängelhaftung benutzt. Der Käufer hat sich das Auto intensiv angeguckt fast 2 Stunden lang inklusive Probefahrt und ich habe wirklich alle Fragen so gut ich es weiß beantwortet (Auto hat 7 Vorbesitzer!). Auf Preis geeinigt, und unterschrieben, volle Summe Kaufpreis bekommen und er hat alle Papiere und Schlüssel mitbekommen zum ummelden und KfZ konnte so lange stehen bleiben. Hat es nun abgeholt und beim Nummernschild wechseln inklusive Halterung festgestellt dass dahinter aufgrund des Klebebandes wohl relativ viel Lack abgeplatzt ist und auch geringfügig Rost. Großer Streit bricht los über verschwiegener Mangel und Anwalt und Rechtsschutz bla bla. Muss ich mir jetzt den Stress geben? Oder ist das Geschäft schon vor der Übergabe und Ummeldung gültig gewesen?
submitted by dildoofcircumstances to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 unitedfan6191 Who’s the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen?

submitted by unitedfan6191 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 DeluxeModel Dr. Feelgood - She Does It Right

Dr. Feelgood - She Does It Right submitted by DeluxeModel to connectasong [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 blackhat91 Probably another dumb question: Can lorebook entries be used for example messages?

I've been experimenting to see the upper and lower limits of what sillytavern currently allows and ran into this question. I haven't been able to find a concrete answer, and not sure if I'm actually asking the right thing, so sorry I'll probably ramble as I try to be clear what I'm asking here.
Can lorebook entries be used to contain example messages for characters in lieu of using the example message prompt on the card? An example use case would be if I used the character card more as a scenario/game master card and listed the characters themselves in the lorebook associated with the card. Adding characters this way works great and I've managed to cobble together a prompt that uses the characters pretty well in my test scenes the last few days, but it seems the card homogenizes the example messages into one voice.
When adding multiple examples to the card, I've tried explicitly listing the character meant for that example, both by trying to associate the character with a variable I included in the entry's keywords (EX {{David}}: "This is my text, not yours!") and also just listing the character's name as entered into the keywords (EX David: "This is my text, not yours!") in the relevant examples. It doesn't seem to do much to keep the voices distinct for the characters though, I assume due to the context being blurred since they are all always added to the prompt even if one of the characters isn't present.
So I thought about including the example messages in the an associated lorebook entry that's tied to some keywords for dialogue, like /(?:David|Dave) (?:says|whispers|mentions)/i or something like that. I can figure out the keywords when I get to that part.
Would this would even work? My guess is that it should since I can order the entry to come after the card's examples. But if ST handles the card's example message prompt in a special way and not just as an addition prompt field I can use then I don't think it would work at all since lorebook entries wouldn't be handled the same way regardless of the place I insert them.
TL;DR - If I made a lorebook entry that contained an example message structure and ordered it after the card's example message prompt, would that be a possible alternative to adding example messages directly to the card itself? Is there anything special about the example message prompt in the card that would prevent this?
submitted by blackhat91 to SillyTavernAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Kalosfan-5 Does anyone have a copy of the original Lavendertowne video?

I've scoured the internet searching for lavemdertownes original hazbin hotel video but since she took it down I can't find it anywhere. I heard that some people have copies of it screenrecorded or something so if you have a copy please let me know.
submitted by Kalosfan-5 to hazbin [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 biz2468 Trading/Hands of Wisdom & Action Furtive Wraps

I have been trying for a week in the bargain basement (trying to not to get extorted or feed the greed) to get these. Literally it "direct whisper" as it states "listed just now" and not one invite to make the deal. Someone else is always beating me to the punch per se.
Is there a secret to get the jump? How can list now always be late? Am I not doing something to improve my chances?
Any words of advice or insight would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by biz2468 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 79for1 Epping Forest!

submitted by 79for1 to macrophotography [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 miswanoodless help for help

help for help Can you help me out? I am trying to get a free gift. Hello friends, I need your help to click this link below to get more puppy snacks for my new pet!! https://onelink.shein.com/8/4cxk5y3lyezm
submitted by miswanoodless to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]
