Family med-Daily Schedule question?

What type of pictures do you keep in your family's photo albums? Why do people take photos? What kind of camera do you have? Should pictures be posted on the internet without permission? Have you ever wished you had not been in a particular picture? When can taking pictures be an invasion of your privacy? How do you like to look at photos? What are the five most important values of your culture? (For example, Family) What in your culture are you most proud about? If you could change one thing about your culture, what would it be? Would you ever consider marrying or dating someone from another culture? Would you ever consider living permanently in a country other than your home ... Were there many children in your family? How many children do you have. How many would you like to have. Do you enjoy being around children? When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? What are the positive or negative things about being a child? Do you think that children are different today from the time when you were child? An interactive multiple-choice JavaScript quiz for studying Spanish and English vocabulary. Birthdays A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.. How are birthdays celebrated in your country? Interesting questions for discussions in Engish lessons. A Project of The Internet TESL Journal If this is your first time here, then read the Teacher's Guide to Using These Pages Who is regarded as the head of the family? Should boys and girls be brought up differently? Should boys and girls be treated differently on the part of the parents? What would happen if your parents changed their place for one day? How would the world look like without men? How would the world look like without women? Family A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Are friends more important than family? What do you think? Are chores assigned to children in your family? Are you married? Are you pressured by your family to act in a certain way? Are you the oldest among your brothers and sisters? Are your parents strict? Do you think that dysfunctional family life contributes to worsening relationships in society? Is getting along with others a natural ability from birth or does it have to be learnt? How important is forgiveness in human relationships? What are friends for? Can you be friends with your student if you are a teacher? Family and Alternative Lifestyles A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Can you describe a typical family in your country? Who is the head of the household in a typical family in your country? Do many wives work in your country? What kinds of jobs do they have?

2025.01.20 20:50 Wonderful-Junket-687 Family med-Daily Schedule question?

Hello all,
New grad here, started seeing pts in December. Just trying to understand scheduling as I have no other PA's at my practice to compare and all of my classmates experiences seem pretty different.
If you work in family med, when is your last pt scheduled before lunch/before you're supposed to be off for the day and how long of an appt? Do they schedule it right up to the last second (for example Lunch is 12-1, and they schedule a 30 minute appt from 11:30-12:00).
My clinic hours are 8-6, with a one hour lunch. I am supposed to have the hour of 6-7 for "admin time", so should be done w/ pts at 6, but they routinely schedule my last pt at 5:30-6 for 30 minute appt (I am still ramping up, will do 4 weeks of 30 minutes and move to 20 minute blocks shortly). The front desk closes at 6 so I routinely have to let pts out thru the back door and rarely am actually done by 6.
I am not sure if this is an unrealistic expectation, but it seems all of the MDs at my clinic have some "cushion" before leaving for lunch and before they're supposed to be done for the day, about one appt length of time extra to give them time to finish charting. Is this standard practice or an unreasonable request? When I originally was negotiating my schedule I was trying to understand the specifics of my schedule and got a lot of vague answers that basically said "we'll work with you", but I seem to get pushback for everything I ask about.
There are no other PA's or NPs at my practice and comparing to MDs hasn't gotten me anywhere cause they all rotate as hospitalist and have very different clinic hours.
I am willing to accept if I am just being a baby but I wanted to get some perspective from folks in other clinics before I resign myself to this schedule.
submitted by Wonderful-Junket-687 to physicianassistant [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Haunting_Pension_587 I want to do a glinda cosplay and don't know where to shop! help please

I want to do a wicked movie glinda cosplay. And don't know where to shop. I don't know if to trust Ali express. Amazon doesn't have anything that'll fit (I want the big no one mourns the wicked dress) and eBay is way out of my budget (between 100 and 250 dollars)
Please how can I know where to shop or know what place is scamy? Because I don't see costumer reviews on ezcosplay AliExpress and such.
(I am a rather small woman, so I don't need special sizes nor costumzstion and have a very, very base level sewing skills)
submitted by Haunting_Pension_587 to CosplayHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Key_Criticism_1031 It’s legit! Just takes time and will…

I’ve been on SP journey since midway through 2024 till present.
It’s a partial success story because the 3D hasn’t caught up with my ultimate desire (relationship) but here we go!
Start of summer I met to most incredible woman ever and at the beginning it was the most beautiful connection I’ve ever had. Till it crumbled a month later and I had the plan to build it back together, that’s when I found out about the Law.
So here I am, suddenly blocked and in no contact for whatever reason. But I persisted and essentially ignored the 3D. Here comes July, It’s the 2nd day of the month and I’ve just finished writing in my “Future Journal” in which I journal as If I have everything I’ve ever asked for. One of those things being SP.
I wrote a scenario out which went along the lines of “hey how are you” and eventually led to “we should hangout again”.
4 hours after I finished writing I get the text… And it was exactly how I envisioned it and wrote it down.
Fast forward to Autumn now, another falling out… It seemed as If things were going nowhere so I had to step up and be verbal. Putting it simply I said that I’m cutting SP off because I’d want more and none of this indecisive nonsense where one day we’re lovers and another we’re friends. So it was done.
Yet I still persisted in my story. I knew this wasn’t the end.
I let go off everything and put all the focus and attention onto me, got my life together and I’ve never felt so happy. I’ve achieved so much, even things I’ve had on a vision board for months!
I’d still get the regular thought of SP here and again and when I did I wouldn’t think much of it. I’d immediately think of us together in a loving relationship.
2 MONTHS LATER. I get the text. Now we’re talking again.
Things are slow and it seems like it’s not going anywhere but that’s just what the universe wants you to think. Follow the 4D at all times.
Although I haven’t reached the end goal in my 3D, sometimes it takes time and don’t let that stop you from Manifesting everything you’ve ever asked for.
Happy manifesting!
submitted by Key_Criticism_1031 to manifestingSP [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 mork-hc HCP: Magicant by logan5123 was accepted!

HCP: Magicant by logan5123 was accepted! submitted by mork-hc to HellsCube [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Demetrius-nance GOD OF DESTRUCTION ASUKA GETS HANDLED! (Tekken 8)

GOD OF DESTRUCTION ASUKA GETS HANDLED! (Tekken 8) submitted by Demetrius-nance to Tekken8 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Belzher Story quests should have an option to adjust difficulty

I know the main quest is supposed to be completed by anyone, but they should put an option to increase the combat difficulty at least a little (like ZZZ does, but adjustable) because it feels like I'm just playing a VN without really good gameplay moments between the storytelling, the battles became too easy even if you don't have your super built damage character ready. So at least if you could adjust the difficulty manually between easy and expert would improve the combat experience a lot for people that care about it. Yes, I know endgame modes exist but it's not the same thing.
submitted by Belzher to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 The_New_Kid2792 mods for defending a fort/home

just would like a simple mod that makes it so maybe bandits raid a home, and maybe a separate mod in which you could upgrade such home with guards. (looking at Draco's Heljarchen Manor Upgrades, but still open to suggestions)
submitted by The_New_Kid2792 to SkyrimModsXbox [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 seuz60 I feel good about helping people

I've been depressed lately and using the gym as a healthier outlet.
Yesterday I saw a blind man just standing behind me and asked him if he was waiting for the machine I was on, he replied no. I did another set and then realized he might need assistance, so I asked him if it would help if I walked him somewhere and he said yes. I walked a blind man halfway across the gym to another piece of equipment.
Today I saw an elderly woman struggle to use a band on a Pull-Up bar as she was too short. I went up and asked her if I could help her and I had to wind it around the bar a couple times for her. After she was done using it, she couldn't undo what I had did so I went back up to her and asked her if she would like me to take it down and she said yes.
I remember an argument in the show Friends that doing an act of kindness was selfish if you enjoyed it and I don't know that kind of is interesting to me because I do enjoy the feeling of helping people.
submitted by seuz60 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 nitsujdleif Bruker Compact for Complex Proteome Analysis

Hi all,
I'm an honours student working on an LCMS proteomics project using a Bruker Compact QTOF. The project is focussing on the optimization of HPLC and MS parameters for complex proteome analysis (eventually some modified glioblastoma cells).
We want to start tinkering with the MS parameters, but I've had a difficult time finding publications that use this instrument for the analysis of complex protein samples. Does anyone know of any relevant publications that could provide a sound starting point in the way of MS params? Or does anyone have personal experience working with this instrument for proteomics analysis? I find the oTOF control software to be particularly confusing.
We currently have an MS method we are using and are getting around 3000 peptides with around 50% being unique.
submitted by nitsujdleif to massspectrometry [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 No_Society2142 Error on phone

I wanted to do my daily lesson yesterday on my phone, but I got error message. Today I tried again multiple times and even deleted and installed the app, but it keeps giving errors. On my pc, I was able to do a lesson. Anyone knows how to solve this?
submitted by No_Society2142 to duolingo [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Disastrous-Matter288 Skateboard wall mount

Skateboard wall mount submitted by Disastrous-Matter288 to skateboarding [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Da_Stronk-Man JOIN r/LowTierDutyers TO FIGHT FREEDOM OUT OF ROSTOK

submitted by Da_Stronk-Man to stalker [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 5Dlight OhNearOhs "Diamond Hands"

submitted by 5Dlight to lofi [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 oops_all_rage Would this still be considered metoidioplasty?

I think I want a “simple meta” but with the labia majora left in place and without cutting the ligament—so just wrapping the foreskin all the way around and removing the labia minora. When scheduling a consult can I still say I want metoidioplasty and then go into more detail at the consult itself? Or would it be more accurate to call it a labiaplasty? Do you think some meta surgeons might not be willing to do this?
submitted by oops_all_rage to Metoidioplasty [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 hassanallail Got to loop 150. The game takes too long to run. How can I make the loops go faster without side effects?

Got to loop 150. The game takes too long to run. How can I make the loops go faster without side effects? submitted by hassanallail to Loop_Hero [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 NoodleNeedles NPD - Opus 88 mini with bonus stickers and stuff

NPD - Opus 88 mini with bonus stickers and stuff When the new Opus 88 mini "Hugging" popped up on Wonder Pens, I knew I had to have it. There's just not many dog-themed pens out there, plus I had been considering and Opus 88 pen for sketching outdoors. But when I went to buy, my preferred nib size was already sold out. The lovely folks at the store let me know that they were getting more in, so when the in stock notification popped up I didn't hesitate. Now I just need to decide what to ink it with...
(Bonus picture with my last purchase, a Retro 51 Tornado War of the Roses, and also a bonus snoot.)
submitted by NoodleNeedles to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Dull_Enthusiasm6096 What are some of your headcanons about the class' lifes AFTER graduating? I mean stuff like personal lifes, some changes in personalities or anything like that.

What are some of your headcanons about the class' lifes AFTER graduating? I mean stuff like personal lifes, some changes in personalities or anything like that. submitted by Dull_Enthusiasm6096 to Korosensei [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Low_Mention7706 Why would I need an animal when I could have a human slave as a pet?

Why would I need an animal when I could have a human slave as a pet? submitted by Low_Mention7706 to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 victorhurtado Found The Original Post Of: Arcanum 2 An attempt to imagine how game could look like while maintaining isometric projection.

Found The Original Post Of: Arcanum 2 An attempt to imagine how game could look like while maintaining isometric projection.
About a year ago, someone shared this:
Today I found the artstation post that contains the video, plus some other assets:
Seeing this, combined with the incredible voice-over work that someone has been doing, makes me think... if this was an actual project, it would be an absolute banger.
What do you think? Would you want to see Arcanum brought back like this?
submitted by victorhurtado to arcanum [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Competitive-Algae-88 Would you rather hire in a talent shortage/customer surplus situation, or the opposite of that?

I've been a recruiter for the past 10 years and have hired in environments where there's no shortage of customers but a shortage of candidates, and also vice versa.
Question: Which scenario do IC recruiters prefer and 2 specific reasons why?
IMO I've always been able to find a creative way to fill roles despite a talent shortage, whereas solving a customer shortage problem has been a tougher nut to crack. Companies tend to lean on a high influx of online talent from their posts on job boards (and internal HR team of recruiters if they have one) to get their roles filled. It usually when a company really runs stuck (can't find the right talent) that they start looking at external staffing support.
submitted by Competitive-Algae-88 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Much_Associate_5419 Shopping for Mortgage

We are in search of mortgage for our new construction house. We are in Central NJ and looking for mortgage for our new house.
Last time I took mortgage was in 10 years back when rate was around 2.5%.
Can someone recommend good and transparent Mortgage lender in Central Jersey area?
submitted by Much_Associate_5419 to Mortgages [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Tjalaska Got dumped twice in 4 months.

Sorry guys this is a long one. So I (26M) started dating this girl (22f) back in March of 2024, she was just out of college. At first I had asked to be in a relationship and she said no she wanted to keep it casual, I agreed because I was my first relationship in 5 years since my daughter was born and I didn't want to ruin a good thing. A month or so in she asked me out and said she wanted to be with me. We dated for almost 8 months with no issues, throughout the relationship I basically let her take the lead in because I didn't want to mess anything up so I waited for her to ask me to come over most the time and stuff like that, kept the ball in her court because I knew she wasn't very emotionally available. We had keys to each others place (which she initiated) were planning on a trip to Maine. She went on a weekend trip for debate team in college, I stayed at her friend's house to watch both their cats while they were gone, when she got back she had a friend (F) come into town and they hung out and went to a concert for a couple days so I hadn't really seen her for almost a week, when she finally did come over the first thing she said was we should break up, gave the whole cookie cutter Hallmark it's not you it's me, you deserve better and I feel like we're on different paths bull. no warning, completely out of the blue, was even planning double dates with my roommates before she had left. I told her that excuse wasnt good enough and she owed me more than that, and she just went on to say she doesn't know how to be alone, she'd been in a string of serious relationships and needed to learn how to be an adult by herself for a while and went no contact on me. And it hurt. I had spent the last 5 years working on myself basically being celibate by choice, focusing on my daughter and making sure I had my things in order, so maybe that's why I don't understand where she's coming from. She's a very independent person and that's why I played it super loose and to close to the chest but she still felt like she was spending to much time on me. But it was all her? She asked me over pretty much every night for 8 months, so I just don't get it. If you care for someone you don't just cut them out of your life right? Especially when there's nothing wrong, she even said she was happy and I wasn't the problem but it wasn't enough.
2 months later I start seeing another girl, more my age, single mom with a daughter close to my daughter's age, we had a lot in common. Dated for about 3 months and I was seriously falling for her, I felt like I could be more myself in the 2 months with her than the whole 8 months with my last relationship. Then one night she tells me she can't be monogamous and has been Poly since her marriage ended. And she cares about me but can't be in a monogamous relationship. I even suggested an open relationship, everything I could think of, she just wanted to date multiple people. I just wish someone cared enough about me to work through these things instead of making ultimatum status decisions without trying to make anything work. Am I being crazy why can't I just find a decent person who cares enough to not just call it off when things get a little rough. Or when maybe you're having second thoughts try to work it out instead of just leaving. It's so disheartening. Thanks for letting me rant.
submitted by Tjalaska to GuyCry [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 JoshyGeeGBA Millennial, and GenX horror fans, are there any 90’s or 80’s horror/SciFi movie toy ads you saw as a kid,that you absolutely loved?

submitted by JoshyGeeGBA to 80sToys [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 Ignonymous Looking for a few captive-bred Pea Puffer fry.

Looking for a few captive-bred Pea Puffer fry. Looking for a few captive-bred Fry for 40g.
I’m looking for a handful of captive-bred fry to occupy my heavily planted 40g aquarium, if anyone has a few that they’ve managed to get to breed. I’ve had the tank going for about five years with a colony of Bloody Mary Cherry Shrimp, and a very prolific pair of Celestial Pearl Danios, but have been struggling to eradicate an infestation of MTS.
After two years of trying to remove these little bastard snails by manually pulling them out, siccing Assassin Snails on them, attempting to trap them, and trying to poison them, I give up; I can’t justify nuking the tank and the substrate is too well-established to remove, so I’ve decided to take the path of the Murder Blimp. I intend to move as many Cherries as I can to a 20-long I’ve been using as a shrimp cull tank and nursery for the CPD fry (I have so many, help). The younger the fry, the better, but I’m not super picky, I just want them to be able to start out on prepared foods from the get-go and not be wild-caught. I’m willing to trade for CPD fry, Cherries, or plants, if that’s something you’re up for.
TL;DR I’m looking for someone that’s successfully captive-bred Peas and is willing to part with a few. Can buy or trade for CPD fry Cherry Shrimp, or plants. Oh, I also have a pair of Albino Corydoras that I’d like to move out.
submitted by Ignonymous to PeaPuffers [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:50 drums2191 My favorite jazz musicians according to my record collection

My favorite jazz musicians according to my record collection 1) Chet Baker 2) Oscar Peterson 3) Chick Corea 4) Bill Evans
submitted by drums2191 to vinyl [link] [comments]