Highspeed Etoile: a very rough start and the dumbest MC there will ever be

2025.01.20 21:00 Geronimo-07 Highspeed Etoile: a very rough start and the dumbest MC there will ever be

Boy oh boy is this ever an anime. The first 2 or 3 episodes are very rough and it doesn’t help that when they introduce the main character she is an absolute dumbass. Now there are some good episodes in this show like episode 6&7 and the last two.
Now besides the last race the protagonist has some sort of anti plot armor and it just pisses me off, like there are races where she’s doing great and then they decide to either crash her or something else incredibly stupid.
I honestly was on the edge of my seat for the final race and like I already said episodes 6&7 were pretty good races.
Despite the very rough start and abundance of infuriating moments I still kinda enjoyed it. 6/10
submitted by Geronimo-07 to anime [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Live-Ice-2263 How to deal with general stress, especially long periods of time?

I am really under stress these days. I failed 5 classes and I will have to take their makeup exam next week. If I fail these make-up exams, I will have to retake the courses next year. With family pressure to complete university in time, I am very stressed. I don't even want to study, I hate the classes that I failed, they don't interest me at all. Now, time is running out for the next week.
I am also stressed about investment. Thank God I don't have debt, but I need to invest my money to save up for a new PC and have some money for future and I hate finances. I have been researching crypto, ETF, index funds etc. but it's all so stresssome.
Due to university taking a large part of my life, I don't have the motivation nor energy to work out or create videos on my YouTube channel, which also stresses me out.
On top of these stuff, this night, I lost 3 rubber keyboard caps (I made a post about it that you can find on my profile) and I suspect my cat has eaten them. When I realised that I lost them and told a family member, they freaked out, and I freaked out too. We even shouted at each other, lol. I as scolded for not storing them properly, but I swear I put them all in a box and shut it. We could not keep calm. After a few hours, I am still stressed, and I am worrying that my cat will die because of this. I honestly feel like a terrible owner.
To make matters worse, I have ADHD and OCD (diagnosed by doctor).
submitted by Live-Ice-2263 to Stoicism [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 nba_gdt_bot Game Thread: Boston Celtics (29-13) at Golden State Warriors (21-20) Jan 20 2025 5:00 PM

Body will update in a moment
submitted by nba_gdt_bot to bostonceltics [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 fzxrtopfan Why are you as a grown man posting mirror pics in ur underwear?

Why are you as a grown man posting mirror pics in ur underwear? submitted by fzxrtopfan to Tinder [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Bucci_47 Weather boosted deoxys defense 235615731179

Weather boosted deoxys defense 235615731179 submitted by Bucci_47 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Remarkable-Trip-9780 Is something wrong with my fish?

Is something wrong with my fish? submitted by Remarkable-Trip-9780 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 SnowDuckFeathers Anyone interested in trading?

I have another full box of shinies but I can only add one pic here. The other is in comments. All of these are self-caught. Currently only looking for ‘mon for Sword/Shield. Thanks!
submitted by SnowDuckFeathers to PokemonSwordAndShield [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Here_We_Go_Again_777 Jason Schreier debunks rumor about Bend & Bluepoint staff not knowing about the cancellation of their games in advance

Jason Schreier debunks rumor about Bend & Bluepoint staff not knowing about the cancellation of their games in advance submitted by Here_We_Go_Again_777 to kindafunny [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 MrKatty Fun fact: it's called Gulf of Mexico, NOT Gulf of America – and it has been called that since at least the 17th century, being a name standardized in Europe when Spain was colonizing the area.

Fun fact: it's called Gulf of Mexico, NOT Gulf of America – and it has been called that since at least the 17th century, being a name standardized in Europe when Spain was colonizing the area. submitted by MrKatty to uspolitics [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Minute_Battle_9442 Just got a job interview

I’ve been homeless for grand total about 6 months and just landed my first job interview in a couple days and couldn’t be happier. I’m hoping everything is going well for y’all too and if not I hope things turn around for you. Don’t give up, and don’t forget, you’re worth more than you think you are
submitted by Minute_Battle_9442 to homeless [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 josylad Hiring: Postdoktor i flerspråklighet og språklæring at UiT Norges arktiske universitet

UiT Norges arktiske universitet is hiring a Postdoktor i flerspråklighet og språklæring
Location: Tromsø, Norway
Om stillingen Ved Institutt for språk og kultur, Fakultet for humaniora, samfunnsvitenskap og lærerutdanning, ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet er det ledig ei stilling som postdoktor i flerspråklighet og språklæring. Stillinga er tilknytta Senter for språk, hjerne og læring (C-LaBL, Center for Language, Brain and Learning), nærmere bestemt læringsdomenet i senteret. C-LaBL er finansiert av Trond Mohn stiftelsen i perioden 2024–2029. Forventa startdato: august/september 2025 eller tidligere. Postdoktorstillinga er en åremålsstilling med ansettelsesperiode på 3 år. Ansettelse i stilling som postdoktor har som hovedmål å kvalifisere for arbeid i vitenskapelige toppstillinger. Det forutsettes at søkeren vil kunne gjennomføre prosjektet i løpet av ansettelsesperioden. Ingen kan ansettes i
Learn More and Apply: https://app.resumeset.com/jobs/postdoktor-i-flerspr%C3%A5klighet-og-spr%C3%A5kl%C3%A6ring-58271/
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 GlinchingAintEZ Funny Karzahni Video

I was looking for a video I remember that someone made with their Karzahni figure. It was similar to the Reviving Bionicle series. Just staring Karzahni. I also remember it being pretty funny. If anyone has any clue what I am talking about. Please share. I can’t find it!
submitted by GlinchingAintEZ to bioniclelego [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 ShepardFett615 It exists! It really really DOES exist!!!

It exists! It really really DOES exist!!! Maxed out CHC mod found Capitol Bldg - Heroic
submitted by ShepardFett615 to the_division_2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Jannis6708 Elektroschaltung

Guten Abend , Ich bräuchte Hilfe bei einer Elektroschaltung . Es geht um zwei Pumpen die bei uns als Leistungsschütze dargestellt werden. Sie sollen einen Hauptschalter haben der Strom bis zu einem Schwimmer gibt der soll dann die Pumpen (Leistungsschütze) einschalten.
Ps bin erstes Lehrjahr und schreibe morgen eine Arbeit darüber
Bin dankbar für jede Antwort
submitted by Jannis6708 to Elektroinstallation [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 blubskii Paying for U.S. based google reviews

I’m looking for one person to organize to have anywhere from 20-40 google reviews posted for me. (I don’t feel like paying out 40 different people) I have pre-written google reviews that I can send out to you to send to your people.
submitted by blubskii to googlereviewexchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Low_Butterfly9872 Reaper and his toy

Reaper and his toy submitted by Low_Butterfly9872 to CaneCorso [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 mtngoatjoe Various questions about what to do while my daughter skis????

My wife and I are taking my daughter up on the 25th for her first time. She'll take a lesson, and my wife and I will hang out in the lodge (too pricy for me to ski as well).
Anyway, I haven't been to Stevens in almost 30 years.

  1. What's a good lodge to hang out in for the day? I suspect we'll be using our phones/tablets most of the time. Are there places to plug in our chargers?
  2. Any decent food or should we bring our own? I don't want to spend a lot, but I know the food won't be cheap.
  3. We have a parking reservation and are aiming to be there about 8:00 AM. We live in Lynnwood, is 90 minutes an appropriate drive time?
  4. Is there anything for us to do while we wait for our daughter? Driving to Leavenworth might be an option since it's only 40 minutes away.Anything else we can do while at the pass?
  5. We have AT&T phones, is there cell coverage up there?
submitted by mtngoatjoe to stevenspass [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Drag0nSnak3 First serious print

First serious print First serious print
Hey folks!
Recently pulled the trigger on an A1 Mini since I can’t do woodworking during the winter.
A few nights in Fusion, a lot of measuring and a Radius Gauge print later, I managed to build a neat little keypad base.
Had a little blooper since I missed an overhang, but the end result is still pretty nice. I went to check on the print right as it started to print in midair. Needless to say - I watched that thing like a hawk, but the little dude did it.
Really happy with how this turned out!
eSun Matte PLA (using BBL Matte preset) High Quality preset 0.4 nozzle 6 hours to print
submitted by Drag0nSnak3 to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 LilToast12 Go down vote this post stealer

Go down vote this post stealer So I was scrolling through the reddit when I saw 2 identical post, 1 eith blured name an second without. So please downvote the stealer, and respect to Merum8 for actually doing the push🫡
submitted by LilToast12 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Medium-Ad9908 Super Wholesome Easy

Super Wholesome Easy submitted by Medium-Ad9908 to TheEasyPlace [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Odd-Baseball597 Deoxys on me now 415523522304

submitted by Odd-Baseball597 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Rhinofootball01 Send away Estime for a trade up?

Send away Estime for a trade up? I just got this offer in my inbox. Do I take it? He also has the 1.11 that I could try to trade up to.
submitted by Rhinofootball01 to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 ChinaExist_qmark Argentina man.

Argentina man. submitted by ChinaExist_qmark to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 Funny-Part8085 Weak vs weak; no London no scanning. Who wins?

Weak vs weak; no London no scanning. Who wins? Also, I'd love to hear how you scale Koniro's pre-scanning.
submitted by Funny-Part8085 to ShuumatsuNoValkyrie [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:00 nwiesing The new EC reveals make me wanna start learning the lore. I found this in a secondhand bookstore. Is this a good place to start?

submitted by nwiesing to Chaos40k [link] [comments]
