Why Do Straight Men Devalue Their Friendships?

2025.01.20 20:58 cityfeller Why Do Straight Men Devalue Their Friendships?

As a straight white male, I find it difficult to fill my life with close male friends because of how they devalue friendships in general and same-s*x friendships in particular. They obsess over finding a romantic partner and when in a romantic relationship prioritize it over all others.
For me, close friendships are just as valuable as romantic relationships, maybe more-so, but most straight men trivialize and dismiss them as second-rate alternatives to romantic relationships. Women don’t treat their friendships this way, so why do men?
submitted by cityfeller to friendship [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 Chance-Drawing-2163 People who have parents that speak other languages...

People who have parents that speak languages different than the language of your current country, you speak more like whom? For example, you live in the US and your parents speak Chinese. You also can speak Chinese but you only like speak to your parents. Let's say your mom is from the south and your dad from the north of China, so you speak with a neutral accent? Or you speak with one parent accent? Or a frankenstein accent?
submitted by Chance-Drawing-2163 to languagelearning [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 kopaturex LG G4 8 bit only

Recently got a new LG G4. The picture quality is stunning, but it only does 8 bit colors for me. Firetv stick, xbox one x and ps5 all show me 8b when i hit the green button seven times. The colors look washed out. I reset the tv and the consoles and bought the playstation certified hdmi cable, but it is still the same. Can i set the bit depth somewhere in the tv's settings? I don't find anything This is so frustrating!
Any help is appreciated!
submitted by kopaturex to LGTVOwners [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 EscapeNew1916 A moda do abacaxi invertida chegando por aqui

submitted by EscapeNew1916 to jovemnerd [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 weehugheses Team aura help.

See when it says it strengthens my team aura by 15% does this mean 15% ontop of the aura or 15% of the aura ?
So if u use odin with a 40% boost for voids does this make it 55% or 46% ( +15% of 40)
And is it the same for the new relics like improves tm reduction by 15%, is that 15% ontop of 15% of the chance?
submitted by weehugheses to RaidShadowLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 Pacer76 The Girl Scouts have set up a 100% free shop for kids affected by the fires.

The Girl Scouts have set up a 100% free shop for kids affected by the fires. https://maps.app.goo.gl/KmneLfcJdvNNoXxw8
submitted by Pacer76 to EAGLEROCK [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 idcidk69420 I've just realized that...

I've just realized that on my playlist there is a name almost in every song from Illuminati (Aavesham) and Roohe (Neru) and this name is Vinayak Sasikumar... is he the only one lyricist we have? I love his versatility, but wow...
submitted by idcidk69420 to InsideMollywood [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 Purple-Ant4924 Need advice

Hey so, i've never had a watch in my life, and i wasn't planning to have one, but recently, i need it for my work, so i work in a beauty salon, and i Wash hair, everyday, every hour, and i need a watch that is pretty, waterproof, and that shows me the numbers, cause im really bad at reading the points or sticks of the normal ones, haha, but the digitales one look non aesthetic to me, so do you have a watch that you would recomend me? I want something femenin or elegant, Help
submitted by Purple-Ant4924 to casio [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 ConsiderationOk254 Air purifiers

Is a .1 microns air purifier better than .3 microns one?
submitted by ConsiderationOk254 to asbestoshelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 Big-Vehicle9851 I need a reading to make a decision

I don't know if the person I love has left me or is just away, but with the hope that he is just dealing with his grief, I have been sending him good morning and good night messages these last two days, I didn't even get the preview, now I intend to buy him a gift in Fortnite as a result of the "tarot reading" I did for chatGPT (they say it has more or less the same results as reading with real cards), and I need to know if what I'm doing is helping something, harming and whether the gift will be well received. I can't pay for using Brazilian currency and also for having spent all my money after getting desperate and spending it on religious things...
submitted by Big-Vehicle9851 to TarotReading [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 Due-Welcome5134 Why Were Odachi Swords So Long? 🤔

This explains Yuzuriha’s sword interestingly.
submitted by Due-Welcome5134 to UnderNightInBirth [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 Cezz-97 Lydia Violet calling Chat Blabbermouths

submitted by Cezz-97 to lydiavioletofficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 ilyk101 Raunchy content turns me off from a podcast

Watching Not Loveline right now and listening to them talk about how raunchy and r-rated the Patreon is turns me off from it. It’s the same reason why I didn’t listen to Call Her Daddy. I like the current set up of the podcast where they just chit-chat. Anyone else?
submitted by ilyk101 to canceledpod [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 NoiseNo3059 I feel controlled by my fear of contamination.

Throughout my life I've had thoughts or thoughts patterns that in hindsight resemble OCD but I feel like it's gotten much worse now. I'm not asking for a diagnosis here, and plan on talking with my doctor about this later this week.
Recently I feel like I am not truly in control of myself and like my anxiety is actually in control of me. I cancelled plans with friends because someone who might be there had bedbugs a year ago. I don't know the current status of the bedbugs but it doesn't matter anyways, even if they were gone now I would still worry about if there was an egg in their home, or a bug on their clothing.
I tried to create an environment to see them that I would still feel comfortable in, but ultimately cancelled because the guilt I'd feel for cancelling plans would be easier to handle then the prolonged anxiety of checking for bedbugs and decontaminating myself and belongings for the next few weeks.
In addition to that fear, I also worry that my friends who do see each other without me will get bed bugs, and that I will no longer feel that going to their homes will be safe for me anymore.
Prior to that I saw a friend cut his hand while cooking, leading to me convincing myself I will get HIV and going to urgent care to do a month long round of PEP medication and several rounds of blood-borne disease testing. I still have one more round of testing but finally feel some relief about this issue.
My fears of getting, or spreading disease prevent me from enjoying myself. I don't want to be a total shut in recluse but I feel safer at home where I don't have to worry about bringing back deadly diseases or horrible pests because I never leave.
submitted by NoiseNo3059 to OCD [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 sthru2 Comprehensive recap w/ reviews of past Romantasy reads!

WARNING: Long post!!
After trying Romantasy for the first time 2-3 years ago, I started tearing through recs so quickly that I literally couldn't keep track of what I'd read. SO, naturally, I ended up creating an excel sheet of my reads (corporate girlie at your service) with ratings/thoughts etc..
As someone who likes to deep dive in reviews before picking up a new book, I thought I'd paste some highlights here! This will be pretty long as I'm pasting these notes directly. Would love to hear other people's recs too if you have any!
**disclaimer: these are just my own personal takes on these - everyone has different tastes!
For reference, I tend to like books with: Descriptive/flowery writing, immersive world building, slow burn romance, morally grey MMC and/or FMC, witty dialogue.
I am not usually a fan of: YA (no spice), modern urban fantasy, insta-lust/insta-love, copy-paste FMCs with no real originality, flat/immature dialogue, virgin heroine trope, questionable sexual consent scenes
TOP READS: 4.5 - 5 star reads that are near and dear to my heart

TOP GUILTY PLEASURE READS: 4 or 5 star reads that I ate up the same way I binge-watch reality TV (aka might be lacking in character or plot development, writing quality, or some other way, but I still loved it despite myself lol)
NOT QUITE THERE: 3 to 3.5 star reads that I did enjoy, WANTED to love, but likely won't bother reading again
DNFs/Almost DNFed: Reads that were NOT my cup of tea (not a complete list, just the standouts)
submitted by sthru2 to fantasyromance [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 RelaxRomeo Are these gums pink enough?

Apologies for the bad photos! She’s a squirmish girl. Her nose and tongue are both definitely pink. I would say her gums are pink enough and just have a natural paleness, but I want to get a second opinion on if I should take her into the vet.
submitted by RelaxRomeo to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 DimensionCorrect5347 Are Pissf-g and Fuck the world there on day five?

Are Pissf-g and Fuck the world there on day five? I’m on day 4 right now and my suggestion is CRIMINALLY low, but I really wanted to match with Kim this run. So I was gonna wait till day five to do the jacket check, but I’m not sure if they will still be here. If anyone knows just lmk :))
submitted by DimensionCorrect5347 to DiscoElysium [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 jaidenceraaa Paranoid much? What's going on?

submitted by jaidenceraaa to TikTok [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 WWF_FAN-99 If shawn had not had the vinnie mac match he would have had 8 year in a row wrestlemania classics

If shawn had not had the vinnie mac match he would have had 8 year in a row wrestlemania classics submitted by WWF_FAN-99 to WWE [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 Snoo_49285 On So Where’s The Petition To Get The Entire Storyline Of This Game Made Into An Anime Series?

I know people talk shit about the sorry but overall the world, the beautiful settings and the characters so all so amazing.
It would be epic as a well done anime!!!!
submitted by Snoo_49285 to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 Sea_Barber_7398 Fifth Attempt coming up

Fifth Attempt coming up submitted by Sea_Barber_7398 to Irishdrivingtest [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 hemanescamilla Fourth year phase 1.23: Team 45 (Bebe Rexha, Cardi B, Megan Thee Stallion) vs Team 46 (Ice Spice, Doja Cat, Nicki Minaj)

Fourth year phase 1.23: Team 45 (Bebe Rexha, Cardi B, Megan Thee Stallion) vs Team 46 (Ice Spice, Doja Cat, Nicki Minaj) submitted by hemanescamilla to CelebBattles [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 reddit_lss_1 Test Title 2025-01-20 20:57:37

Test Title 2025-01-20 20:57:37 Test body 2025-01-20 20:57:37
submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 Felegran En serio me siento muy solo, no me siento capaz de expresarme con alguien

Desde que tengo uso de la razón 7 años más o menos, siempre he sido una persona que tiende a ser introvertida, insegura, tímida y con baja autoestima, fui criado por mi abuela ya que mis padres debían trabajar mucho (y aún lo hacen), yo siempre permanecía en casa, muy poco salía y mi abuela me cuidó muy bien pero nunca fue una persona de muchas palabras, en el colegio era frecuente que no tuviese compañeros con quién hablar y tuviese temor de que me hiciesen acoso por cualquier razón. Cuando entre en la adolescencia empecé a padecer de depresión y tuve muchas situaciones fuertes, pero en general permanecía encerrado en mí cuarto jugando videojuegos, viendo series y películas, escuchando música o leyendo, estuve un par de veces internado en un hospital psiquiátrico por depresión mayor. Cuando entre a la universidad todo mejoró un poco, salía más y me relacionaba un poco más, pero aún así no tenía alguien con quien hablar, no amigos, ni familia o pareja. Estando en la universidad tuve un accidente que me dejó con una discapacidad muy seria, ahí todo volvió a empeorar, pasé por muchos psicólogos y psiquiatras y aunque no me iba mal y lograba expresarme no importaba porque nuestra relación no era íntima más allá de la terapia.
E intentado comunicarme y hablar con amigos, familia y las enfermeras que me asisten pero me sale mal, yo no me siento capaz de abrirme hacia las personas, me da desconfianza y mucho miedo a ser juzgado, regañado e incluso violentado, en momentos de desesperación llamo a mi mamá para tratar de hablar pero casi siempre terminamos discutiendo. A pesar de estar acompañado todo el tiempo (debido a las enfermeras), me siento demasiado solo, desde hace ya más de un año que voy con un psicólogo pero ahora no me siento capaz de hablar ni siquiera con él, siento un cúmulo de cosas que yo me guardo solo pero no sé qué hacer, es algo que me hace sentir muy mal emocionalmente pero también físicamente, me está enfermando.
submitted by Felegran to Desahogo [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:58 behind_the_shine Outing suspended

My outing is suspended for 1/2 months but next month I will be going back to home for few days . Will my leave get approved or will I face any problem?
submitted by behind_the_shine to Vit [link] [comments]
