2025.01.20 21:59 IPAontap Throwbacks FS/FT!
Shoot me a message if interested in anything submitted by IPAontap to baseballcards [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 21:59 Raidersheep The Anomaly...
Oh no! The plot advances.... (Theres going to be a post after this with the last few photos of this part. I reached the limit :P) submitted by Raidersheep to gunplagonewild [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 21:59 Darklords1911 Ma réaction à l'élection de Donald Trump comme président
submitted by Darklords1911 to Quebec [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 21:59 ______cube new en passant found
in drawbackchess.com, you can castle through check, and if your opponent can, they can take your king through en passant. how should i feel about this?
submitted by ______cube to AnarchyChess [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 21:59 rq40cal Selfie time!!
Make a selfie with your favorite pet(s) and share them with me :). Here's apple and bon. submitted by rq40cal to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 21:59 bside313 Intelligent Hoodlum aka Tragedy Khadafi - Arrest The President
submitted by bside313 to 90sHipHop [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 21:59 luuuliaaa Schlechtes Viertel Hiltrup?
Eine Freundin von mir zieht demnächst nach Hiltrup, genauer gesagt in den Hoffmann-von-Fallersleben-Weg. Gestern habe ich mit ein paar Bekannten, die in Hiltrup wohnen, darüber gesprochen und als ich den Namen der Straße erwähnte, wurden plötzlich alle sehr aufgeregt und erzählten mir, dass die Gegend dort ziemlich problematisch sei. Sie erzählten, dass die Polizei regelmäßig vor Ort ist, weil es dort öfter brennende Mülltonnen gibt und viele offen sichtbare Drogensüchtige unterwegs sind.
Die Mädels meinten, dass sie sich dort nachts nicht alleine auf die Straße trauen würden, aus Angst, überfallen zu werden und bei meiner Freundin, da sie alleinstehend ist, die Gefahr eines Einbruchs besonders hoch sei.
Jetzt mache ich mir natürlich Sorgen und frage mich, ob es für sie nicht besser wäre, sich eine andere Gegend zum Wohnen zu suchen. Da ich mich in Hiltrup und speziell in diesem Viertel aber gar nicht auskenne, hoffe ich, dass mir jemand hier von seinen Erfahrungen berichten kann und mir sagen kann, wie es dort wirklich zugeht.
submitted by luuuliaaa to Muenster [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 21:59 illegaltolive Does anyone have any coaches/programs/apps to reccomend?
So someone mentioned female body building to me and my interest is piqued.
I'm an overweight female who's rather muscular and am interested in this and boxing.
I work out daily so I'm not a newb so to speak but I'm also definitely in need of something with nutrition/workout regime, equipment reccomendedations, and oversight / guidance to tailor to me personally.
May I ask if anyone has any recommendations for services, reputable coaches, apps, supplements, regime, etc?
If you could thumbs up the best replies to weed out any scam artists that'd be great.
I appreciate it so much!
submitted by illegaltolive to femalebodybuilding [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 21:59 OhSayCanUSay Typical cost to upgrade factory speakers on a 21 Forester?
Bought a 21 Forester that includes CarPlay. The speakers are weak. It’s almost embarrassing to listen to anything other than talk radio or audiobooks. What’s the starting costs to get this upgraded? I don’t need anything fancy but I’m pretty ignorant in this area. Do I just start calling local shops to get quotes?
submitted by OhSayCanUSay to CarAV [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 21:59 NoMechanic4612 Do 2 vitamin b12 tablets affect the blood levels?
Four days ago, I took two Vitamin B tablets (10 μg), but later spoke with my doctor, who wants to perform a test without prior supplementation. (How long) will the two tablets affect my Vitamin B and Holo-TC levels?
submitted by NoMechanic4612 to Supplements [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 21:59 Icy_Bumblebee_9267 Suas Farm de ferro parou de funcionar também?
Eu fiz 5 Farm de ferro diferente pra testar se a minha tinha quebrado só que todas começam nascer iron golem e dps para e não nasceu mais nada, fiz de tudo nada deu certo nas 5 , fiz essa primeiro dps diminuí as vila não adiantou nd submitted by Icy_Bumblebee_9267 to minecraftbrasil [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 21:59 Zephxx-art Friend says this is an appropriate height. Thoughts?
submitted by Zephxx-art to TVTooHigh [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 21:59 sjv891 ELI5. Why are we excited about the possibility of Dennis Allen as our DC?
I admit I don't follow enough of the NFL to be familiar with Allen. I only know him as "That guy that was fired by the Raiders, and now the Saints." So I looked at his wiki to see what I had been missing and I left very unimpressed. To me, the uninformed, he just seems like a "Big name". I don't see anything on his resume the had me excited to have him here.
So what's the deal?
submitted by sjv891 to CHIBears [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 21:59 SFMatchThreadder Dundee 1-0 Dundee United | Scottish Cup
submitted by SFMatchThreadder to ScottishFootball [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 21:59 bombazzdankazz Looking for advice!
Hoping to get an idea of what this card would grade at given the indent at the top right corner (see second slide). Bought this for my PC but would be curious to see if it’s worth grading in case of future sale. Any input is greatly appreciated! submitted by bombazzdankazz to footballcards [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 21:59 Pure_Pride688 Curso sem nota de corte
O que acontece quando um curso não fecha turma no sisu (tem mais vagas do que inscritos)? Tem chance de cancelarem aquele curso?
submitted by Pure_Pride688 to enem [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 21:59 8888888u8uuh “The Fourth Reich” digital political cartoon
submitted by 8888888u8uuh to doodles [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 21:59 MottsBrand Movie Super Shadow | 4K Showcase ASauce 2.0
submitted by MottsBrand to speedbattles [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 21:59 JahsehCrazy 2023 D .25$ “In COD We trust””
LMK where I can see fair value, And trade it if it’s worth anything. submitted by JahsehCrazy to coincollecting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 21:59 Gdasherr_645 I got blessed
This is the best megapig I have ever opened. I got blessed🙏🙏🙏🙏
submitted by Gdasherr_645 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 21:59 raisedfen My nmom blocked me after I've exposed her on social media and she is painting me like the bad guy
My nmom and I had an argument about my lil bro's mental health. I've suggested her to book an appointment with a therapist since he is struggling a lot lately (due school and some family drama). I've said that he often gets mad over small things and it's not a coincidence that this started as soon as family drama started ( my nmom is getting back with my abusive father). Ofc she started to play the victim and started to Project on me. She denied that the situation was kinda messy. So I got fed up with her behavior. I wrote on my ig, WhatsApp and fb story what happened: she kicked me and my sis out after a discussion over her getting back with our physical abuser. She got very mad and she said I was a bad person. Then she said to not call her anymore (never texted her first) then blocked me. I hate her. I know I did good and she got what she deserves, but I can't stop thinking she didn't even thought about what she has done, she just got angry she has been exposed.
submitted by raisedfen to NarcissisticMothers [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 21:59 fatso486 RADV Vulkan Driver Support Being Worked On For The GPU Found In The Sony PS5 & BC-250
submitted by fatso486 to hardware [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 21:59 AudienceFlaky2810 Citizens for Disclosure Demand UAP Transparency
submitted by AudienceFlaky2810 to UAPEverywherereport [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 21:59 Angelshelpme00 When did the swiping on social media/internet start?
I don’t have my phone for a week so I used social media on my laptop and now longer felt addicted.im trying to see how far this goes back because apparently everytime we swipe we get a hint off dopamine.
submitted by Angelshelpme00 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 21:59 arrriah This been my baby for 8 months and waiting for it to get out of the shop with a new trans and clutch kit.
submitted by arrriah to hondacivic [link] [comments] |