2025.01.20 22:30 m4struct Metal frame around door for weatherproofing
Hi all, My rear door has a weird metal frame around it that slots into a metal groove around the door frame. It fits into the groove, but there are a ton of gaps, especially under the door. Can't figure out how to take off the frame to replace with better weather seal. Anyone know what this is? submitted by m4struct to Insulation [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:30 SirConwayTwitty Michael Godard Zen martini
Purchased at a thrift store. I looked up the artist It's numbered in a series to 150 but I can't find anything in the same series. It looks intentionally distressed? Looking at the artists work it seems almost like it's supposed to be? Does anyone know why there's 2 signatures and is it worth anything?
submitted by SirConwayTwitty to WhatIsThisPainting [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 lss_bvt_and_12 Dummy Post
submitted by lss_bvt_and_12 to blockuserpollpostsafe [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 GraveRaindrop20 Took advantage of some fresh powder
Not pictured: using my new snatch strap to get pulled out of 3 feet of snow. Never wheel alone! submitted by GraveRaindrop20 to Jeep [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:30 Electrical-Maybe1129 PC case suggestions
I'm looking to build a white and black build and am looking for case suggestions around £50-60. I've found this case which seems to be good, like almost too good for the price and was wondering what the downsides/catch to building in this case is.
submitted by Electrical-Maybe1129 to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 L0ri3nz0 Lost cus jg cried and quit lmao
Also almost got a penta but couldn’t get it in time so im just pissed. submitted by L0ri3nz0 to MordekaiserMains [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:30 franklesby Where to donate kerosene?
On my way home today I saw a homeless man with a sign asking for kerosene. I know it's supposed to be super cold tomorrow so I went to Lowes to grab a few gallons for him but when I got back he was nowhere to be found. I'm not going to use this kerosene but I want to make sure it ends up with someone who needs it. Any advice?
submitted by franklesby to pittsburgh [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 DanTrueCrimeFan87 Help finding a case
I can’t remember much but I watched a documentary or listened to podcast about a little girl who was attacked, she ran to a neighbours house and the neighbour left her outside for 30- 45 minutes before helping her. I’m sure it was the neighbours husband who was the attacker. That’s all I remember.
submitted by DanTrueCrimeFan87 to TrueCrimePodcasts [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 Roboface3000 WCGW if I elbow drop on these concrete blocks?
submitted by Roboface3000 to Whatcouldgowrong [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 Aggravating-Zebra121 HELP!HELP!
Can you help me out? I am trying to get a free gift. Hello friends, I need your help to click this link below to get more puppy snacks for my new pet!! https://onelink.shein.com/8/4cxtkbwfbrqy
submitted by Aggravating-Zebra121 to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 LeBaHuLu Buenos días, tarde o noche quisiera saber si saben el nombre del artista del dibujo?
submitted by LeBaHuLu to AskRedditespanol [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 oshawoots how old is everyone else’s account?
not an important question i’m just curious, i recently logged into msp after over a year of not playing n years playing on n off n realized my account is 9 years old this month. i had a few accounts prior to that as well but that’s almost half of my whole life which i thought was kinda cool
submitted by oshawoots to MovieStarPlanet [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 LabBig6480 Thomas sowell deveria ser mais falado
Já li um pouco dele, mas ele é constantemente esnobado e invalidado, sobretudo, vejo todos ignorando o tal "local de fala" que ele teria por ser negro, mas isso vindo de pessoas que acreditam piamente nesse conceito. Não vejo ninguém falar das ideias dele de maneira direta e concisa.
Estou falando pouco justamente por não conhecer tanto assim, e isso foi o que percebi claramente ao ouvir a opinião dele de diferentes espectros politicos.
submitted by LabBig6480 to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 Ghostly_Guard What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Ghostly_Guard to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 salojunior O que você faria se tivesse no lugar desse marido?
Estou com problema e talvez vocês me ajudem!
Sou casado a 26 anos, com uma esposa maravilhosa. Temos um casal de filhos (22 e 17 anos, de idade, cada um).
Ontem descobri que minha esposa tem um amante, que também é casado. Esse relacionamento extraconjugal já dura 3 meses aproximadamente. Ela não sabe que descobri tudo.
Ocorre que, de uns 2 meses para cá aproximadamente, percebi que minha esposa está mais feliz em nosso relacionamento, passou a me tratar infinitamente melhor, não fica mais estressada comigo como ocorria antes, inclusive passou a fazer sexo de modo maravilhoso comigo, algo que ela não fazia a muito tempo e quando fazia era por obrigação.
Hoje percebo que ela sente prazer sexual comigo, algo que antes não ocorria, e isso me dá mais prazer sexual também.
E aí!
O que faço?
Simplesmente separo?
Ou desmascaro ela, ainda que isso coloque em risco a continuidade de nossa relação conjugal ou que, no mínimo, retorne a nossa vida de antes?
Ou continuo como se não tivesse descoberto?
Mas confesso, que estou incomodado com o fato dela transar com outro homem.
submitted by salojunior to BHConversas [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 Raf4ART [FOR HIRE] 🔥COMMISSIONS OPEN!!! 🔥 DRAWING DnD, PARTY, ANIME, FURRY, ECCHI, CHARACTER DESIGN!!! min $30. more info in the comments :D
submitted by Raf4ART to artstore [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 LucinaIsMyTank We all extracted safely!
submitted by LucinaIsMyTank to YunliMainsHSR [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 mikemarine You won’t believe it
But this whole sub is just a bunch of people whining over trump being president. You need a bumper sticker on your forehead that says “stay back 50 yards or you’ll be covered in my tears”
submitted by mikemarine to Bumperstickers [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 Feisty_Eagle3577 Cleaners made to rumble in my store, is this similar in other ASDA stores?
At my store the cleaners are rumbling all day without getting most of their cleaning duties done. It has greatly impacted the cleaning standards of the store. The managers used to rumble but now they are lazy and spend most time doing nothing. They are told its part of their JOB, and the managers then proceed to complain when the cleaning audit score is below the pass rate. Not even extra hours are given to the team. I am wondering if this is going on in other stores, if not please let me know.
submitted by Feisty_Eagle3577 to asda [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 Embarrassed-Grab-434 Loro Piana Summer Walk Suede Mocassins | Halloweens Store
submitted by Embarrassed-Grab-434 to DHgateVip [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:30 Clean_E Palabras de amor en el dulce matrimonio +18
Mi nombre es Bartola 27 años casada con Dionisio 40 tengo una relación hace 4 años mi esposo pasa de ser muy amoroso y calmado a decirme por lo menos una vez a la semana. Enferma,loca,ya tu ve que comes voy a renunciar ,conchadetum, estás enferma, deja de joder, otro ya te habría golpeado, nadie te va a aguantar, y tú qué ofreces constantemente mi esposo me grita y me dice estás " palabras de amor "yo lo olvido todo así que comence a escribirlo, me dí cuenta que tengo ya más de dos años escribiendo y siempre son las mismas palabras.Quiero irme pero me da miedo comenzar de 0, tengo una personita a mi cargo me da vergüenza pedir ayuda a mis padres,reciente mente me mudé con. Mi esposo, para mi es como demostrar que fallé.
submitted by Clean_E to desamores [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 Dependent-Fault0 Tracing or referencing?
is tracing the best way to actually learn to eventually draw your own flash? Or is just referencing and trying to redraw the shapes? I just dont see for me at least, how tracing can help me learn how to build something out of nothing. I got a don ed hardy flashbook, and some other vintage tattoo stuff with tracing papelightbox but I was more curious how other people learned and your opinions.
submitted by Dependent-Fault0 to traditionalflash [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 opihinalu How do I run downscaled resolution on borderless windowed mode?
I have a 4k monitor but only a 4060 so I can't run 4k on some games, and in this case, Fortnite.
I want to be able to do things on my second monitor while playing the game, but in fullscreen mode it tabs out of Fortnite whenever I interact with my second monitor. Putting it on borderless windowed locks me in 4k resolution, in which I get like 60 FPS. Is there a solution or a third party software that allows me to run either fullscreen without tabbing me out on second monitor, or a downscaled version of borderless windowed games?
submitted by opihinalu to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 SaveTheEarthAngels For research…Top 3 shows you’re most looking forward to in Feb/March/April 🪩
submitted by SaveTheEarthAngels to DenverEDM [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:30 PenelopeReads64 Yes!
submitted by PenelopeReads64 to inspirationalquotes [link] [comments]