why do my textures appear to be lit differently?

2025.01.20 22:29 gubwu why do my textures appear to be lit differently?

why do my textures appear to be lit differently? submitted by gubwu to Unity3D [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 NiceIntroduction9420 Searching for ai coach

Hello to this subreddit members I'm looking for an app or website that has ai built in to analyze my games and give me insight is these any good website for that matter?
submitted by NiceIntroduction9420 to chessbeginners [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 Specific_Leather_82 Should we wait for BTC to dip before buying?

Will BTC, XRP, SOL, SUI, ETH be good buys now or soon or should we just wait for the dips on these? I am newer to the game and it feels so stressful to buy and sell and hold. What’s the answer? Are there any buys today or should we just wait for the dip? Is BTC and chill the only answer or is timing your buys on SOL, XRP, SUI, ETH better for profits?
submitted by Specific_Leather_82 to CryptoMarkets [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 Heitr00 High One Strong Aro 26

Tenho uma bike com quadro que disse no título do post, tenho interesse em fazer uns upgrades nela, trocar a suspensão por garfo rígido, mas a minha duvida mesmo é: É possível usar aros como 650b (27,5), 27 ou até mesmo 29 nesse quadro? É possível encaixar? É um projeto muito antigo que tenho e não vejo muitas pessoas fazendo coisas parecidas, no máximo transformando uma aro 26 em gravel, alguém já fez ou viram algo parecido?
submitted by Heitr00 to BicicletasBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 georgueboy If you could only go to one restaurant in Adelaide for the rest of your life which one would you keep.

I personally love meat and wine co the best. Generally consistent as well
submitted by georgueboy to AdelaideEats [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 PlagueBearer616 High marshal helbrecht

High marshal helbrecht After nearly 16hours he's nearly done 😂
submitted by PlagueBearer616 to BlackTemplars [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 Pristine_Cake_7728 Jr got a tattoo with our logo! 🤯

submitted by Pristine_Cake_7728 to VenturaTidePod [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 ReelzTW F4F tiktok

Dm me when done please also like and comment! https://www.tiktok.com/@theboyshub.tiktok?_t=ZN-8tEbQbnn7TC&_r=1
submitted by ReelzTW to FollowForFollow [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 jordanm9876 Collectable Card Grading - Pre-Grading Tool

There is a huge market for getting cards graded and many companies who do this (PSA, Becket etc). Depending on the company and volume of cards, the cost can add up quickly and it is hard to judge what to expect. If a card grades a 10, it is typically worth minimum triple the value, in some cases 10x.
My idea is to provide a service where customers can submit multiple high-quality photos of a card they are considering getting graded. They would receive a detailed review, including photos with markup, and 'Likelihood of grade' % (ie. 30% chance for a 10, 60% a 9, 10% an 8.5).
There is always risk in grading a card, and no guarantee what grade it will get, however this option provides collectors with a cheap way to get a better idea on what they could expect, and save money on grading cards that will not have potential for a 10.
submitted by jordanm9876 to Business_Ideas [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 mangooman_69 اول يوم سواقه

أنا بكره رايح مدرسه سواقه اول يوم ايه نصايحكو و ايه اللي ممكن يحصل وايه أتجنبه وايه نصايحكو ف السواقه هنا ف مصر عامتا
submitted by mangooman_69 to CAIRO [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 achambers44 this is fine

this is fine submitted by achambers44 to economicCollapse [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 AcanthaceaeTrick4531 Noobz Fan

Noobz Fan submitted by AcanthaceaeTrick4531 to SlushyNoobz [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 Helpful-Squirrel1916 sally kim

sally kim i'm kind of surprised she included trump, bc i honestly thought she would be a trumpie considering she's religious (not saying that every religious ppl are trumpies) but also because her husband is also a pastor .. ? unless they have different views.
submitted by Helpful-Squirrel1916 to asianamericanytsnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 Individual_Box_8808 Window still won't go up straight

Window still won't go up straight Car is 2003 toyota camry, could use some more ideas. Window doesn't go up straight and is visibly misaligned once it's about halfway up, very annoying. Currently have to realign it by hand once it's almost up before closing completely.
Already tried replacing regulator and lubricating track, didn't fix issue but it does get to a higher point before misalignment now. Attached pictures of how window rolls up and regulator mounting bolts and the left and right window tracks.
I do notice that when I push up on the left bottom side of the window there is no play, but on the right side there is some vertical play, is that normal? Whoever took the door panel off for previous owner at some point lost 3 panel screws, and they don't look like the original screws, I'm guessing they messed something up in addition but not sure what.
submitted by Individual_Box_8808 to AskMechanics [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 Megansreadingrev Top 10 New Sci-fi Books you should read in 2025!

Top 10 New Sci-fi Books you should read in 2025! submitted by Megansreadingrev to booktube [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 LonelyVineyard Didn't have to cook us like this

Didn't have to cook us like this https://preview.redd.it/cci02svd68ee1.png?width=1176&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4425fe32ab04701c2750f28784e2c00385c2135
submitted by LonelyVineyard to csMajors [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 Traditional-Bee7265 Incline walking on Tready

Hey All,
I’m currently 21 weeks pregnant with my first baby - 34 years old. Before becoming pregnant I was extremely lean and super active (up at 5am at the gym, incline walking on speed 5.3 at an incline of 13.5 for an hour and also building up muscle doing dumbbell exercises 6-7 times a week!)
I literally had a 4 pack - was so close to getting a 6 pack!
The first trimester saw me in the trenches, which has seemed to come right except the tiredness and in general being more slow moving. Unfortunately those 5am get ups are now non existent, I quit the gym because of the smell and how uncomfortable I was feeling within myself. I opted for walking outside approx 5km a day 5 times a week. I’ve now found that I have energy in the afternoons (but still pregnancy tired) and have joined a gym close to work which is so clean and fresh - no smells!
I’m just wondering what a safe incline would be to start these walks again on the treadmill? I certainly can’t do anything past 8, but wondering whether that is even too much? My mind is absolutely wrecked from gaining weight which I know is to be expected but I just feel gross, and I’m hoping starting these walks again will help tone my legs up. I’m even keen to do dumbbell exercises again.
Sorry for the waffle, just wanted to provide a full back story.
submitted by Traditional-Bee7265 to BabyBumpsandBeyondAu [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 VoldgalfTheWizard How much ram should a multiplayer game server take up?

How much ram should connecting, running, and disconnecting a player in a c++ multiplayer server?
I don't mean specifically for a specific game/program
But is there a range?
What's too much mb per player?
submitted by VoldgalfTheWizard to cpp [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 karate_kat01 welcome mana!

welcome mana! submitted by karate_kat01 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 Only-Reach-3938 This is what it has come down to.

This is what it has come down to. submitted by Only-Reach-3938 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 Extension-Action-361 Ex moved out, I need a refresh

Ex moved out, I need a refresh Hey all! I’m looking to create a new home within the current one after divorce and division of household. Needing ideas to redo this room; specifically: paint color, rug, art, shelving, and furniture (sofa, sectional, coffee table?). Chairs and drapes remain and are a muted gray/green. Currently paint is SW Analytical Gray. Room is 15’ x 14’
submitted by Extension-Action-361 to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 aAnonimoBR Acho que meu namorado(a?) Talvez seja uma mulher trans

Basicamente, sou uma pessoa autista que não liga muito pra gênero, não importa se sou mulher ou homem é nem importa se a pessoa é mulher ou homem pra mim, tanto que, se ele for mesmo uma mulher, não pretendo romper o relacionamento, pelo contrário, vou até comprar maquiagem.
A coisa é que, eu nasci com o selo feminino, mas todos me chamam de um nome neutro pq eu me apresento com esse nome já que me faz mais confortável, apesar de meus pais serem contra mesmo que eu diga que é apelido. O meu namorado um garoto 3 anos mais velho e, assim como eu, é autista. O problema é que, desde que eu conheci ele, ele nunca teve "atitude de homem" o que não tem problema, apesar de fazer falta as vezes. Ele, sem querer, se chama no feminino muitas vezes e fala de maneira feminina.
Eu sei que muitos vão dizer que talvez ele seja só afeminado, mas a coisa é que ele não parece se encaixar como um homem em nada. Ele usa as roupas que a mãe compra pq as que ele tem vontade de comprar são todas da sessão feminina. Ele.qier usar maquiagem, pintar as unhas, ter noites de meninas. Ele é bi, mas talvez ele seja só afeminado? Isso é normal?
Ele é bem quieto e, de verdade, envergonhado, mas ele nunca me esconderia algo do tipo e, quando eu questiono, ele diz que não quer descobrir pois ainda mora com os pais que são extremamente conservadores. Ele é uma pessoa que chora fácil, mas não esperei que quando eu disse pra ele que não importava se ele era homem ou mulher, que eu sempre ia amar ele do jeito que fosse e que eu até ajudaria ele quando morarmos juntos, ele chorou. Eu já deveria ter previsto, mas não sei, só me pegou de surpresa.
Pra mim, não tem nenhum problema, eu só não sei lidar com alguém que ainda tá se descobrindo ainda quase maior de idade, quer dizer, esse ano ele faz 18 e nem sabe realmente o que é, o que não tem problema, eu só ainda não sei como trabalhar com isso.
Ao mesmo tempo que quero saber logo, (já que meu único problema é ele não me contar se já souber) não quero apressar as coisas, já que ele pode ter problemas por isso, ainda mais que nós dois frequentamos a mesma igreja e nós conhecemos lá. Por favor, alguém me ajude a lidar com isso, sou autista e não sei de onde continuar, essa coisa de ficar sem saber é ok mas me incomoda muito pq eu odeio essa sensação do desconhecido. (Obs: eu só falei "ele" o texto inteiro pois ele ainda se diz um homem cis)
submitted by aAnonimoBR to transbr [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 MacaroonSingle3666 PCIE connecters on gpu

On the pcie cables, you know the little things at the end that u have to push down to lift it up? Well does that have to go all the way in the back to where its like…grabbing onto the gpu pcie thing
submitted by MacaroonSingle3666 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 skile3nt I was ashamed and bought a decent SD

I was ashamed and bought a decent SD Can you guarantee that this card is 100% compatible?
submitted by skile3nt to R36S [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 22:29 Few_Cucumber3210 Psykologer i privat sektor

Får psykologer i privat sektor betalt per klient? Eller er det fast?
Snakker om de som ikke driver sitt eget. Mer de som jobber for Volvat, Dr Dropin osv…
submitted by Few_Cucumber3210 to norge [link] [comments]
