2025.01.20 22:23 Appropriate_End_3345 Enjoying the sunshine.
submitted by Appropriate_End_3345 to mainecoons [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:23 CustomCanvasCurators Surreal Canvas Print of Bovine Supplicants in Dali Style for Unique Wall Art Home Decor by CustomCanvasCurators
submitted by CustomCanvasCurators to CustomCanvasCurators [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 Cymbal_Monkey I made a 3D printable duct for people who use AXP120-X67 coolers with a 15mm thick fan in their Fractal Ridge!
submitted by Cymbal_Monkey to sffpc [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 Odd-Eagle-7408 Need help with these Nike tags. How can I tell?
submitted by Odd-Eagle-7408 to LegitCheck [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 valuejetpass I'm a shareholder of VZ. Is this how they expect to keep me?
I have been using Verizon services for 20 years. Getting disgusted with their bloat. Love the 6% dividend but they are a value trap.
submitted by valuejetpass to verizon [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 Ok16Gaming I got banned for telling a hacker to get off the stage because he was ruinikg the game
submitted by Ok16Gaming to ROBLOXBans [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:23 SilentCityMuc Hausverwaltung will Balkonsichtschutz entfernt sehen
Ich wurde heute Mittag via WhatsApp und natürlich erstmal ohne Begründung von der HV aufgefordert meinen Balkonsichtschutz zu entfernen. Wie ich später auf höfliche Nachfrage erfuhr wäre es meinerseits super, wenn ich der Bitte der Chefin diesbezüglich nachkommen würde, denn das "einheitliche Erscheinungsbild der Balkone / des Anwesens solle erhalten bleiben". Ach herrjemine...
Randinfo: Die Hausfassade ist weiß, alle Balkongeländer aus Glas und komplett durchsichtig, mein Sichtschutz besteht aus Naturbambus und bedeckt nur ca. 1/4 meines Geländers (auf der Höhe meines Schlafzimmer). Es übersteigt nicht die Höhe des Geländers, ist gesichert angelehnt, nicht hängend geschweige denn an der Wand befestigt. 🥲
Das Haus und meine Wohnung haben weiß der Geier andere, ernstere Probleme von denen die HV teilweise schon richtig lange weiß und kaum etwas tut, aber gut... können sie von mir die Entfernung der Naturbambusmatte verlangen, nur weil es der HV scheinbar nicht gefällt? Ich habe eigentlich ein gutes Verhältnis zu ihnen, finde diese Nummer aber schon echt arg kleinlich und oberflächlich. Ich überlege deshalb, wie ich weiter reagieren soll. 😒
submitted by SilentCityMuc to wohnen [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 MarxsGhOwOst It wasn’t the politician’s speech that really worried me.
It was the applause from the audience.
submitted by MarxsGhOwOst to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 Fun-Math7384 I really hate this one at a time shit for buying from bard and selling items.
Tryna get ult weap to max out my wp for my drivers, but i literally have to buy one at a time slowly from mor ardain bard. Not to mention the annoyances when it comes to clearing upur accessories; you have to sell items one at a time slowly too. Literally dumb af on top of the many annoyances in this game. Just let me buy 99 ult weap or overdrive protocal right off the bat, why this slow shit? Or be able to sell in bulk? Thank god they fixed item management ui in general in future xenos.
submitted by Fun-Math7384 to XenobladeChronicles2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 Unlucky-Carpenter-63 How tf am I supposed to beat these giant fire things in the dlc
They‘re too op😭🙏🏻
submitted by Unlucky-Carpenter-63 to Eldenring [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 SuperBajk Podržati ću bojkot tako što ću kupnju obaviti u Sloveniji
Upravo sam vidio post gdje domovinski pokret poziva na bojkot, i to treba podržati! Proslijedio sam svim svojima tu sliku i svi se slažu da su cijene užas! Nije rješenje dan prije obaviti kupnju za dva dana, nego obaviti kupnju van hrvatskih lanaca!
submitted by SuperBajk to hrvatska [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 SignificanceOpen3653 Am i only able to upload one video like ever???? Jesus i have been trying to upload another video since the new years!
submitted by SignificanceOpen3653 to BladeAndSorcery [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 hannah_bloome Is it OK to ask someone to stop ridiculous behavior in the pool?
My health club’s big outdoor pool is closed until April, so everyone is using the smaller for lane indoor pool. It’s usu ally not crowded when I go, and 99% of the time, everyone is considerate. However, the last time I was in the pool, one of the swimmers was flipp turning and slamming his legs with every flip. He splashed across all lanes and it was obnoxious. I’ve never seen anyone do that. One couldn’t make a bigger splash if they tried. I finally got his attention and asked him to try to splash less and he said “I’ve done this for 40 years and nobody’s ever complained.“
I’m a beginner, and I’m working on my flip turns. And even though I’m a beginner, I barely splash! My coach even said I have the most elegant freestyle stroke he’s ever seen. And even I know that this dude was turning wrong. So was I wrong to politely point out how much he was splashing and ask him to be mindful and try to not hit the water as hard?
Point of note, this is a private health club that costs a lot of money each month. I’m disabled and on a very fixed income, and this is my one splurge because of the aquatic facilities. I live in an area that’s very wealthy and has a lot of entitled people
submitted by hannah_bloome to Swimming [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 AmberJill28 Falls irgendjemand immer noch nicht kapiert was das für ein Fiebertraum wird...Trumps Priorities
Bestätigt sein Verhalten im Wahlkampf, direkte Attacken in alle Richtungen und erneut die Ankündigung dass er eine Rekordzahl von dekreten erlassen wird. Anscheinend wurde an anderer Stelle bekannt dass ein Migranten Projekt von Biden sofort annulliert wurde
Das wird so eine Horrorshow
submitted by AmberJill28 to Staiy [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 jasperjohn02 Anyone selling a 20/500 Franc Porte Louis D'Or tube or know where to buy one?
I'm looking for one of those brass/leatherette tubes to hold 25 gold 20 francs but all the ones on eBay are not so hot at the moment. If anyone here has any leads or is looking to part with one, I'm your guy!
submitted by jasperjohn02 to LatinMonetaryUnion [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 Doghouse12e45 Joey where was this energy last year my guy?😆
submitted by Doghouse12e45 to DEHH [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 Axzyy Weekend league pulls
Just got 2 of my best pulls back to back from the weekend league, shame I can't sell the punter. submitted by Axzyy to Football_Head_Coach [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:23 Aggravating_Way8550 Missing Features on PS5
Picked up the trilogy on the ps store. I can’t seem to access any of the emulator features, ie rewind, graphic filters… My options button is disabled in game. Can someone please verify? Is this due to a recent update? Or is there something wrong with my version?
submitted by Aggravating_Way8550 to jakanddaxter [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 kanthmo 1000€ Mini Pc
I’m looking for 1000€ mini pc i will use for gaming like cs2 rust the forest some competitive games and for do work I would like to have usb c ports I need help guys 👍
submitted by kanthmo to MiniPCs [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 arroshine Liverpool vs. Lille – Football européen en direct sur Next4K !
Liverpool reçoit Lille dans un affrontement palpitant. Avec des joueurs talentueux des deux côtés, ce match est à ne pas manquer. ⚽🔥
Pourquoi regarder sur Next4K.com ?
2025.01.20 22:23 gorlak29 I'm starting a Hardcore/Impossible file on Dead space 3, any Tips on this kind of mode?
submitted by gorlak29 to DeadSpace [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 JanetPulcho Watercolor artichoke My name Janet Pulcho I’m watercolor artist and teacher
submitted by JanetPulcho to painting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 22:23 ryan_pepiot Do any of the 5 most recent rings feel “hollow”?
Dodger haters are talking about how any championships will not feel satisfying because of how high the expectations are. So, I wanted to ask the only team that’s been more hated: do any of those rings feel hollow, or somehow less of an accomplishment?
submitted by ryan_pepiot to NYYankees [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 Logichzy j cole needs to dissed joey bada$$
If he wins this possible battle, he will gain a reputation that he lost after the 7 minutes drill case and will be in the spotlight, in addition to increasing the hype for his new album.
submitted by Logichzy to Jcole [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 22:23 Ok_Being_2003 My 4 times great grandfathers company flag company C 1st New York dragoons. Attica NY historical society.
submitted by Ok_Being_2003 to ShermanPosting [link] [comments] |