black widow bug ? black screen during shot

2025.01.20 23:11 Decival5693 black widow bug ? black screen during shot

black widow bug ? black screen during shot submitted by Decival5693 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 Critical1Mess Critical Mess #12: Hard Lines

Critical Mess #12: Hard Lines submitted by Critical1Mess to CriticalMess [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 theconstellinguist Nursing Injustices: An Unsparing Psychological Profile of Vladimir Putin will Reveal a Deeply Vulnerable Kremlin Leader Part 4

Nursing Injustices: An Unsparing Psychological Profile of Vladimir Putin will Reveal a Deeply Vulnerable Kremlin Leader Part 4
TW: Gay rape, homicide, rape
I just became aware that “pity het” means “go away” in Ukrainian, for anybody being harassed by a hypocritical gay/anarchist concentration camp Russian faction while they ironically Nazi-cry. They are what they hate most, in multiple ways. Putin is a het worthy of pity, while he arguably remains very repressed. Personally "pity het" resonates with a lot of my life, especially recently.
It should also be noted that there is a disturbing, logically broken conflation between narcissism and homosexuality. Though there are intersections such as the repressed Russian homicidal homosexual as discussed in this piece who tends to show a higher than normal level of envy, narcissism is measured by scientific psychological measures and being homosexual is not a predictor. This is true even where it may have a higher than usual comorbidity rate. Such comorbidities however are still not causal (A and B existing at the same time does not imply A, therefore B, to insist on as much would be magical thinking) and to conflate higher than usual comorbidity with direct causality would be scientific failure. A successful scientist would know to derive a more fundamental shared core construct between the two to explain the higher envy rate especially on the more homicidal repressed types rather than to immediately conflate the two from logical sloppiness. Non-narcissistic homosexuality abounds, just as narcissistic homosexuality is relatively prevalent as well. There is no inherent connection at a causal level, and such bad logic is encouraged to immediately self-correct as probably its own best candidate of narcissistic derision so self-assured of its own accuracy without merit. This is their complaint with narcissism, self-assurance without merit, which such logically inaccurate nevertheless proud conflations themselves are direct demonstrations of. It should be also noted that such a technique may be an incel’s technique to guilt or shame the person into satisfying their own unmet desires.
Citation: WALLER, J. M., & ARIAS-KING, F. R. E. D. O. (2021). Nursing Injustices.
Full disclaimer on the unwanted presence of AI codependency cathartics/ AI inferiorists as a particularly aggressive and disturbed subsection of the narcissist population:
The KGB weaponized resentment at straight people for oppressing them and allowing the hate to rationalize various required violations and betrayals by the ruled class to help the ruling class.

  1. The purpose in actively recruiting repressed Soviet gays for professional KGB work was to exploit and channel resentment among those living in the society that would never accept the men for who they were, and to empower them in the service of the Communist Party and the Soviet state.
“Drop” before being “dropped” belies the chronic anxiety at the heart of the repressed Russian homicidal homosexual where people are “dropped” for being gay so it’s better to be the “dropper”. This includes the literal unbelievable practice of “retributive r*pe” where gay men may join the police because they can retributively r*pe people for being gay, allegedly to get them off of it and punish them. But one can clearly see how this can lead to gay men trying to entrap men they are attracted to into watching gay porn or making a gay expression so they then have an excuse to r*pe them.
I myself have undergone coaxing into things I really was not interested in by these deeply repressed Russian factions that I repeatedly had to turn down being genuinely not interested them and in fact finding the whole thing on a spectrum of deeply traumatic to witness to fundamentally comedic given my own neurotype. Projection seemed to be the issue at hand.
  1. Svyatenkov, the Putin critic, speculates that the “vertikal of power” that attracts Putin could not function without this KGB psychology brought into the Kremlin. He continues, “The patsan is an active homosexual, respected in labor camp, not the pathetic petukh. Why is this cult necessary? Because people are afraid. They are afraid they will be ‘dropped.’ And in order not to be ‘dropped,’ you have to ‘drop’ others first.”71 This brings us back to Putin’s alleged membership in the male rape gang during his adolescent years in Leningrad, which we will discuss further.
Again, the Russian Orthodox Church is behind most of the repression and is one of the primary sources of the collapsed logic that the West invented gayness, which is a conflation and confusion of valid CIA criticizing intelligence they probably received from within the United States about targetted and lied about elements of the AIDS crisis that disproportionately affected gay people. This is probably the church’s complete misinterpretation of what they were hearing.
  1. A Russian leader like Putin, who upheld the ethos of the Chekist while crowning himself as the state patron of Russian Orthodox Christianity, coming out would be politically and socially impossible
Chronic anxiety may stem from the gay man’s attempt to maintain a tenuous and brittle false identity in deep contradiction to his actual reality.
  1. Indeed, changing identities seems second nature to gay men who faced homophobia, ostracism, and hostility, and these “psychological defenses become highly elaborated to bind the accompanying chronic anxiety and to maintain a tenuous and brittle false identity,” according to a 1982 article in that same gay-affirmative academic journal.
Putin never made it to the First Chief Directorate despite wanting to be a world-changing spy. He only made it to the Second of those Chief Directorates, which split off and became the KGB. The KGB became the FSB (Federal Security Service).
  1. Putin never made it to the prestigious First Chief Directorate, spun off from the KGB in 1991 and now called the External Intelligence Service (SVR). He only made it to the Second Chief Directorate, which was split from the KGB in 1991 and is now known as the Federal Security Service (FSB).
Putin had one post in East Germany, where he supervised a local Stasi secret police unit.
  1. Putin’s only posting outside the USSR was in East Germany. He had the dull and un-prestigious job of supervising a local Stasi secret police unit.
When investigating him for the position, they found evidence enough that he was gay to delimit him and also found that he was involved with adolescent gang activities. This suggests that things like porn use were and are insidiously being used in the most non sequitur way to suggest things about intelligence. Again, broken logic has a comedic effect and it’s best to just not humor logic that broken as not capable of doing what it thinks it can do at a fundamental level if it’s that bad. For instance, the logic is so bad that an asexual, given asexuality’s recent inclusion in “gay pride” would be subjected to the same logic of ongoing homicidal homosexual repression as Vladimir Putin. Basically not watching porn is the same thing as going out in secret homosexual meetings and then killing the person in terms of risk assessment by these “intelligence” operatives. That logic is so broken it is nothing but a complete joke for in such a case a large part of the elderly population is deeply dangerous for their gayness as well.
  1. That standard investigation is said to have revealed Putin’s repressed gay orientation and adolescent gang activities that were known to others. That, and the fact that some of his peers knew about it back in Leningrad, are believed to have been the factors which prevented Putin from becoming a foreign intelligence officer.75
The KGB initially prevented Putin from becoming a foreign intelligence officer because shortly after his graduation they learned he was a pedophile.
  1. Litvinenko, the FSB officer who defected to London in 2000, learned it differently. He said that the KGB prevented Putin from becoming a foreign intelligence officer in the First Chief Directorate “because, shortly after his graduation, his bosses learned that Putin was a pedophile.”76
Similar to the common antisemitism that the KGB are “Jews”, which really is a confused reference to Judas who betrayed Christ, the idea is that these betraying repressed KGB agents can now torture and betray heterosexuals that betrayed them back. Given the amount of repression in Russia, they just do more damage to other repressed individuals and it’s really an embarrassing case of the blind leading the blind. Neither the heterosexual or homosexual side of the equation has the leadership to rise above the other’s limitations and fix the situation.
  1. s. However, Putin had the drive, talent, instincts, and temperament beneficial for KGB service. It thus suited the KGB’s purposes to place such a repressed individual in the internal security services to more easily oppress the population of a society that was oppressing him.
Gay men internalized worthlessness and devaluation growing up. Changing identities can be a way to try to get away from a past. This includes usually changing the first name first.
  1. So Putin’s facility with false and changing identities is not explained by his KGB training or work. It can be explained, however, as part of a coping strategy of gay men who faced devaluation growing up.
Angela Merkel also cites that after dialogue with Putin on the attack on Ukraine in 2014, Putin showed shfity attempts at logical circumlocution. This may be a classic example of a homosexual trying to get back at an alleged heterosexual, where enforced heterosexuality is common toxic tendency of East Bloc members and most things overtly associated with communism where production and fertility have lots of intersection in communist discourse, especially around the “break basket” of Ukraine, “Angela Merkel says 'it should be between a man and a woman' after she votes against same-sex marriage.”
  1. Further to these false and shifting identities, Bergler wrote decades earlier that his repressed gay patients “excel in circumlocution” and attempt to make logical dialogue difficult.77 German Chancellor Angela Merkel, after dialogues with Putin following the 2014 attack on Ukraine, complained that Putin lives “in another world,”78 and other Western interlocutors have also complained of this habit of circumlocution by the Russian leader
Putin shows the same mannerism of a man deep in repression treating most things ironically and as a joke as many repressed people tend to act.
The fact that being gay is a mind blow or not intersects with cowardice, where Putin may show clear “gay-friendly” expressions and then back off from really owning up to them from a cowardice perspective.
Not that he really has an option other than a literal concentration camp that somehow isn’t just Nazis part two in Russia due to sheer vanity under the Russian Orthodox Church which somehow thinks making a camp and putting people in it doesn’t somehow render them pathetically obvious hypocrites.
The logic of the Russian Orthodox Church is so collapsed it thinks gayness is a Western invention having conflated it associatively and entirely with the AIDS crisis and rumors about forced elements of its dissemination tied to the CIA, which is what Putin tends to think of when he thinks of “West”.
Similarly, Putin’s deceptive half-truths are probably in line with the pattern of “dropping” lest you be “dropped”; as long as he sort of tells the truth and sort of doesn’t, he can “drop” before he is “dropped” should he need to showing how deep in this repressive, two-faced logic he really is.
  1. Many who have interacted with Putin in politics or diplomacy find him capricious, trifling, saying the opposite of what he means, and using circumlocution to mask his intent. Former U.S. president Barack Obama described Putin this way in his latest memoir: … Putin launched into an animated and seemingly endless monologue chronicling every perceived injustice, betrayal, and slight that he and the Russian people had suffered at the hands of the Americans. … With the fastidiousness of a teenager on Instagram, he curated a constant stream of photo ops, projecting an almost satirical image of masculine vigor … all the while practicing a casual chauvinism and homophobia ….79
The informational nature of his saying what he doesn’t mean in a cynical, half-joking way is again the informational poison where the informational poison is partially applied to “drop” before one is “dropped”.
  1. On the surface such reasoning seems irrelevant or malicious, but Jung’s students found a relationship between repressed homosexuality and obsession with poison.
Envy and poison seem to have some intersection as well, where homosexual anal rape is tied up to the murder drive and envy is also an expression of obliteration, where one wishes to annihilate someone who has everything one wishes one could. The common phrase is “jealousy fights duels, envy poisions the soup.”
Poison as this homicidal expression of envy is prevalent to an unusually large amount in the poetry of homosexuals, showing that those with repressed homosexuality tend to also have a repressed homicide problem.
This is especially true of Russia that has a huge homicide problem and where gay rape is tied up with connotations of murder with “dropping” and “dropee”.
This may also be a similar effect to drug trafficking where because it isn’t legal, homicide is incentivized to keep people from “ratting” where if the feature is legalized a lot of the tensions of homicide is taken off of it.
Legalization can “ruin it” for psychopaths and other antisocial people however that were in it more for the secretive elements, violence and gore than for the drug trafficking; this shows that violence and murder are deeply linked to homosexual repression, up to and including trying to murder those they have sex with so it can’t come out from sheer repercussion cowardice, and the homosexual specific energy especially in communist psyches that disincentivize homosexuality along fertility and production concern lines.
Whether or not it “ruins it” doesn’t matter if lives need to be saved. Ruined it shall be. They need to find another way to express their sexual energy.
Military or state intelligence work does not exist to be a cover for wanting to get a homosexual orgasm, such as the fetishization of war as an opportunity for gay sex, as described by the disturbing self-description of being a “war f*g”.
These individuals literally refer to themselves this way and normalize war as an excuse for having gay anal sex (since they are on the frontlines and women are “kept away”, often kept away first and foremost by these gay men who want exclusive access to other men without being called gay, aka “there were no women around” has to be sufficiently true, there is a certain cover that such things are understandable or okay under such circumstances.
Soon, however, since it is the one period where it is “allowed” it becomes clear a drive emerges to create war so more “acceptable” covers can be found for gay sex. This is again why this sort of repression is a massive problem. The self-described and literal “war f*g” uses war as an excuse to have anal sex with other men, showing how repressed gay energy is deeply tied up with homicide, especially in the Russian expression).
  1. It turns out that an analysis of poetry written by homosexuals shows an unusual abundance of references to poison.
Similar to Putin, Hitler was also afraid of poisoning and literally used 15 year old girls as human shields. He wasn’t actually concerned about them, he was actually using these girls as more valuable and attractive to society as human shields. He might even try to have things meant to go to him come to these girls first so they wouldn’t be poisoned. That is actual war crime human shield behavior.
  1. In his 1943 OSS psychological profile, Langer noted that Hitler “has a pathological fear of poisoning by mouth. . . .”81 Primary source information surfaced decades later to confirm Langer’s assessment. During the war, the Führer had young women serve as his personal food tasters. “Hitler was so paranoid that the British would poison him; that’s why he had 15 girls taste the food before he ate it himself,” 95-yearold Margaret Woelk revealed in 2013, after 70 years of silence.
If poison is the signature of the repressed homicidal homosexual, the Soviet secret police have been developing this since the 1920s.
  1. Hitler’s contemporary, NKVD chief Nikolai Yezhov, showed a similar fixation with, or fear of, being poisoned. Earlier it was shown how he accused his predecessor, Grigori Yagoda, of trying to poison him with mercury. At his show trial, Yagoda was accused of murdering anti-homosexual Soviet writer Maxim Gorky and his son with poison—not necessarily a fixation, but an established fact. We are on thin ice here, because the Soviet secret police had been developing poisons as weapons of assassination since the 1920s, but we mention it as a marker for further research.
Aleksei Navalny is the tenth poisoned high-profile Putin critic, a trend that started with anti-KGB journalist and parliament member Yuri Shcehkochikin. “Jealousy fights duels, envy poisons the soup.” could not be more true.
  1. Putin presided over a revival, of sorts, of employing poison as a weapon of assassination. Many of Putin’s high-profile critics were murdered with several types of poison. Aleksei Navalny is about the tenth poisoned high-profile Putin critic, a disturbing trend that began with anti-KGB journalist and parliament member Yuri Shchekochikhin in 2003, three years after Putin took power.84
Putin also shows some signs of pathological self-enhancement of a Russian woman, perhaps his mother, where poisoning your husband in the soup is a Russian female stereotype as is castrating your rapist.
This is in alignment with homosexual psychology that tends to relate to and take on the traits of its opposite sex parent, even to the point of identifying with them in who they are attracted to and why.
  1. Mutilation and puncture are also themes that crop up often with Vladimir Putin—another admittedly thin data point, but one marked nevertheless for future reference. As a child, Putin reportedly cut off the heads of ducks for fun.85 As Russian leader, Putin often uses mutilation and puncture metaphors. He famously answered a journalist’s critical question after a failed EU-Russia summit: “If you want a circumcision, come to us, we have specialists on this procedure. I will recommend them to do it in such a way, that nothing ever grows back there for you.”8
Given how many mutilation and dismemberment threats he has given, he also projects this on other people in the same way he projects his level of full extent of insidious state interference on other countries.
Though they definitely do engage in this, it usually does not have the caliber and intricacy of a much older nation.
For instance, the tsarist police were the product of centuries old rot of complete deception to its own populace. They were everywhere at once, often in a deceiving expression towards those they associated with, while the tsardom itself was established to allow homosexuality at least in its own ranks.
This probably led to a lot of people the tsar wanted to have sex with being recruited into the tsarist police and the excuse being they were just professional acquainted when in fact it was an excuse to be close to them regularly and then to normalize sexual relations, probably along lines that they couldn’t say no to due to job keeping concerns.
The whole “deceiving the whole population” element carried the same energy as the act of homosexual rape; the psychology tends to fit the crime well before the crime occurs. Especially in the age of 2024 where a representational unionist itself defected (suggesting the entire union defected with them; they did not, in the same way all the people that went into Elon Musk’s 44 Billion likely would never approve of the purchase of X), these acts just get to be pathetic definitional jokes of deep repression.
It also shows, in both cases given during that time of the purchase of X popular protection of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was at a roaring high, and of course the union defection of Kamala Harris was a defection against a woman pretty much solely on the fact she was a woman…(the rationale was, “I can’t stand you.” “Can stand what?” couldn’t be answered because it would reveal them; it was pretty much point blank reactionary misogyny in an alleged reactionary-hating body given we have already successfully elected a democratic black President).
Where Trump is not a fan of homosexuality, it will ultimately be their own undoing. People at this level of repression can’t win the game because they are so busy distorting the poles of sincerity due to their own repression issues that they can’t tell up from down anymore. You can’t win on such thing and this election loss demonstrates how little you can win on such a thing.
Repressed homicidal homosexuality and compulsive misogyny often are one and the same population. Putin is notorious for killing women just because they’re women, including attacking a dissenter in the elevator of her flat just for writing basic journalism against him.
The Soviet Union intelligence service grew out of this tsarist police trend whether it liked it or not and shows many similar features in terms of secret pride at being aligned with the tsar while not actually themselves having much to show for it (the definition of meaningless pride) while betraying those around them on the grounds of said pride, as well as the gay repression that often goes on with such an allegiance.
  1. Instead of projecting Russia as strong and united under his rule, Putin frequently accuses outside forces of attempting to mutilate and dismember Russia. He did so in his state speech in December 2014 and in other speeches and interviews.88
The Russian “icon” is often the way of organizing governance in Russia; however if the representation is in a faulty relationship to what is represented, this concentrating force may put everyone at risk, such as the American defecting union representative defecting not in fact representing at all what he had purported to be representing (basic tenacity with keeping a union in place at critical junctures; clearly he didn’t represent that even basically. How it got that far is definitely a cause for investigation. Those who like to emphasize their reactance and their freedom in the “I don’t have tos” of the world are better off in their own disorganized, powerless spheres that can’t get it together when push comes to shove. Being part of a union is different inherently; it is an organized and powerful committed state with high integrity and no struggles with commitment; it abides by a dutiful “I am going to, because I pledged to” upon joining.)
A union is not a union if it is cynical, apathetic, and disorganized full of weak matter that insists on the validity of its own reactance rather than its own powers of superior commitment. Such lumps of unreliable human mass are nothing compared to the organized union that has sifted through and weeded out the weak defector constituted of floozy, unreliable and reactionary incompetence; “This increased pool of labour has not been matched by union activity. (Bujra, 2000: 175) convincingly argues that the cynicism, apathy and disorganisation of domestic workers are not a direct result of the feminisation process.”
Such “I don’t have tos” are the signs of such disorganized, limp factions that get nothing done and go nowhere quickly as opposed to the “I can, I have committed to, and I will.” “Yes we can” embodied this and achieved, “Yes they did.” It wasn’t “Yes we can, but we don’t have to” whose limp, disorganized energy would have killed transformational leadership and led to America remaining in a small, racist life. Such energy is nothing to hold much weight at all, in fact most unions sift through their membership and remove them just on this inability to get anything real really done at all.
In the era of Nazis, perhaps this was a useful energy, but the intelligence required to differentiate a female, democratic candidate and a Nazi is a critical intelligence capacity that such disorganized individuals do not possess.
  1. Russians as a nation seem to think that centralizing power into one person assures more protection against Russia’s (real or imagined) enemies. This is a line that Putin and his adulators use often to justify their authoritarian moves and eliminate critics and institutions in general.
If the KGB/FSB had stuck to their guns about their findings on Putin and even fired him being involved in multiple gay rapes of young boys and involvement in a gang, we would not have the Ukrainain war that directly followed upon the cancellation of Nord Straem combined with Putin’s poisoning of Aleksey Navalny.
  1. This is why the Russian government, like the governments of the more influential Western democracies, do full-field background investigations of military and civilian personnel who will assume sensitive positions of trust in their respective societies.
In the world of Putin who did in fact achieve some rank in intelligence, kompromat is as pervasive as everywhere. Increasingly, kompromat styles from Russia that have been there for centuries have infected the US as a logic as well, such as trying to cancel culture Obama for smoking pot, ironically from the very Biden-aligned faction that put people away for just this. Ironically, had he been successful, he probably would not have been president, even if that might have been the best given what a powerless disaster the Biden administration was. It is largely cited he only got his presidency on Obama’s heels, the very Obama who suffered an attempt to cancel his presidency along the racist marijuana laws that Biden himself had insisted upon. The irony of such undermining is comedic in more cases than one and shows why it is a weakness, not a strength.
Imagine if one pot leaf was allowed to take out America’s first black president.
Kompromat’s logic is broken and comedic.
  1. Dictators are especially vulnerable, though, for as powerful as they might be as rulers, their type of rule lacks the checks and balances that vet them or at least protect them from what the Russians call kompromat.
Russia’s repression also comes to affect the world, with the “Herostratic act”, or the act of burning things done to attract fame, coming from the gay man in denial. In Russia, there is a large deal of men involved with just this burning down act, including a Russian suspect who burns down notable Western architecture.
This also reflects the abnormal levels of envy in the repressed homicidal homosexual.
  1. Bergler, the psychoanalyst, noted that gay men in denial, in addition to the panoply of masochistic relations with other people, sometimes also practice what he termed a “Herostratic act.” This act of great destructiveness is named after Herostratos, who burned down the temple of Artemis in ancient Greece with the sole purpose of gaining fame.
That said, though Putin is likely definitely repressed, it does not reach the critical thresholds that are often projected upon him by definitely, openly and fully gay men. Putin is “straight enough”, and genuinely attracted to women enough, that he doesn’t immediately lose his post. His bisexuality is “sufficiently heterosexual”. Poisoning styles in information giving are apparently like those found on Kuchin, who often emphasizes Putin’s repression, suddenly hides itself away when he must furnish this information to Donald Trump.
However, it should be noted that Putin’s straightness is often related to a “productionist” perspective, with women only as good as their productive years, which doesn’t necessarily mean attraction to them. Nevertheless it is “heterosexual” enough. There is a lot of speculation that his current girlfriend was selected for other straight men’s opinions of her, not because he himself actually felt that way.
She fits the stereotype of what an “inarguably attractive” woman should look like, without showing an actual “heterosexual comprehension” of that attraction. Human Barbie is another good example of just this phenomenon, when in fact the heterosexual expression is much less fragile in the different types and ways it is attracted to the opposite sex and can unfortunately be identified by that to a larger or greater extent.
If the only woman a man is attracted to is Human Barbie, a caricature of femaleness and what he assumes femaleness is supposed to be from a cognitive, as opposed to somatic, standpoint he is probably not that straight.
This is a common theme for homosexuals where they will select who is the “straightest person” to be attracted to while their personal behaviors towards the person very much differentiate them from straight men and their expressions towards that same women.
  1. For example, Kuchins, the scholar whose 2015 posting speculated openly that Putin’s repressed homosexuality may explain Russian policy paradoxes, wrote a long policy memo for president-elect Donald Trump in late 2016 in which Putin’s psychosexual identity appears nowhere.89
submitted by theconstellinguist to zeronarcissists [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 Eaju46 Should my mom have been admitted to the hospital?

My mom found out she has clots in her left leg, from her calf extending up to her groin. It’s so bad that she’s using a cane to ambulate. She went to the clinic and they discharged her on lovenox shot and pain meds. She’s seeing a vascular specialist tomorrow. I’m glad she’s at least getting blood thinners but me being an ICU nurse, I’m anxious about what they’ll offer as treatment
Has anyone here recovered from clots this extensive??
submitted by Eaju46 to ClotSurvivors [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 20Eclipse03 My First post and my first subclass, hope you all enjoy

My First post and my first subclass, hope you all enjoy submitted by 20Eclipse03 to UnearthedArcana [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 NaaruGuru 32 [M4F] #Online #NewYork -Adventurous Plant/Cat Dad looking for a partner

Hi there, I'll go by B for the time being. I'll try to keep things sweet and to the point!
You- To be clear I don't expect someone to be perfect. I don't expect them to match every interest to a T, be yourself and ideally we have some solid crossover! Some flavor of nerd. I use the term as a pretty wide umbrella, be it fantasy, science, books, horror movies, video games, anime, etc. I appreciate someone enjoying and excited to share their passions and interests. Kind, warmhearted, enjoys witty banter, intelligent, likes to travel or likes the idea of it, enjoys music and handmade Spotify playlists, sexually adventurous or curious, someone to play games with. Someone that has emotional maturity, and enjoys personal growth!
Me- It's tough to know what to say or share. I'm jaded and over dating apps, it feels like we have retrained ourselves and our approach to be really estranged from what getting to know someone is like. I know who I am, who I'd like to be, and think that I'm pretty close to those things being in sync. I've dated a lot since college and am very comfortable dating and meeting new people. I think I've let myself compromise on a few too many things that are important to me. All that said, here's a little about me. I'm a nice balance of an ambivert, definitely used to be very outgoing in my early 20s. I'd fill a week with plans, but find I enjoy a nice evening in quite a bit these days. I work for a laser laboratory for a University, my role is predominantly Computer Engineering but I do get to do some science as well! Oh and I'm very liberal and progressive with my moral/political view, conservatives need not apply. I'm pretty open to different kinds of connections, so while not inherently seeking out NSFW, I'm not opposed to conversations going in that direction.
Things I like- Videogames, Urban Gardening (Ask me about mah plants), trying new food, cooking, traveling to new cities, Horror Movies, going out to see a movie, Live Music, technology, Biological science, state/national parks, board games, and surely there's more I'm forgetting.
Games I am playing- WoW, Social games like Lethal Company and Content Warning. I have a pretty large library, built my own gaming setup/office space, and play on both PC and switch. I dabble with some others that aren't listed like roguelikes or the occasional League match
What I look like- I'm 6'1, have a bit of a dad bod but am working on getting back into exercising, dirty blonde, glasses, well groomed/trimmed facial hair, getting more tattoos (Sleeve of plants and insects/critters in scientific illustration style coming in the next Brandon update. generic white dude mix. Pics below, the gold frames are the current ones.
Well thanks for reading this poorly formatted post. Reach out if you think we would make great conversation or if you're interested. I look forward to chatting and getting to know you!
submitted by NaaruGuru to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 Listige Mac Miller - 5 Dollar Pony Rides

Mac Miller - 5 Dollar Pony Rides submitted by Listige to Listige [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 ZProfessionel Kinda hard to choose....

I'm looking forward to getting my first handheld but, it's really hard to choose. The choices would be Steam Deck OLED, Legion Go and Legion Go S.
I'd probably get bazzite for the Legions or maybe dual boot them, just wondering if they would be as well optimised as the steam deck.
Pricing for all of them at my local tech retailer:
LEGION GO (512GB) - 599€ LEGION GO S (512GB) - 629€ STEAM DECK OLED (1TB) - 679€
My question is which one would you personally get and why (if you were in my situation)?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by ZProfessionel to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 swapasmokegah DM 4 SEXTAPE

I have gallery proof video is 1:07 👍🏾
submitted by swapasmokegah to kendallfrr33 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 Asleep-Beat-7856 The Importance of Bitcoin as a Non-Sovereign Hedge Against Geopolitics - Netcoins - Buy Bitcoin

submitted by Asleep-Beat-7856 to CryptoEducationHub [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 Miserable_Room5914 Is it okay na meron kang other scholarship grant (LGU/Congressman) aside from UniFAST?

Hi! I hope someone could answer my question. Is it okay po ba na meron kang other scholarship grant aside from UniFAST?
Kase, I applied sa UniFast upon enrollment namin noong 1st yr, meron kaming pinirmahan na form and sabi nila, school daw mismo yung mag aapply. Sa school namin, halos lahat ng students pinaapply. Hindi pa naman sure if makakapasok sa grantees since iaasses pa ng ched if pasok ka or hindi so I applied din sa ibang scholarship. Nakapasa ako sa scholarship sa congressman ng district namin. Ngayong enrollment this second sem (2nd yr), ngayon ko lang nalaman na na grant pala yung application namin since wala talagang updates about doon and nag inquire ako before na ipapawaive ko sana yung akin and sabe magbibigay lang daw ng updates. Pag enroll ko, nasa list na pala ako ng grantees. Kinontact ko agad yung coordinator namin for scholarship ni cong if it is okay and sabi niya magpass pa din daw ako for second sem ng renewal namin and by next year na lang daw ako tatanggalin pero magtatanong pa daw sya sa head nila. Is it okay ba na meron akong other scholarship? 🥹 Baka kasi mawala UniFast ko, mahal pa naman ng tuition and malaki talaga bawas uhuhu. I did not expect din kase na magagrant ako since nag inquire na ako sa student services na magpapawaive and i-note daw nila un. Thank you!
submitted by Miserable_Room5914 to CollegeAdmissionsPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 cydonianmystery USS Hermes, NCC-96083

submitted by cydonianmystery to sto [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 Bcl323 Barracks of all races for no reason

Barracks of all races for no reason submitted by Bcl323 to Worldbox [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 _obsidian6_ How long does Australian customs take?

How long does Australian customs take? I ordered something from America and it was shipped 24/12/2024 and it’s been stuck in Australian customs for weeks now 😣 I’ve never ordered anything from America before, is this normal? How long does it normally take?
submitted by _obsidian6_ to AustraliaPost [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 thesongneverdies UA 1717, Jan 21 delayed—can I go to the airport later?

Hi, more experienced and knowledgeable fliers. I’m in Mexico right now, happily missing much of the cold snap in Chicago, and got a notification that our flight tomorrow afternoon is delayed from 1:50 pm to 3:20 pm. The reason is vague; a delay with an earlier flight. We are so far out from our departure time I don’t know what to make of that. I checked the app. I googled the flight. I checked Flight Aware. I hopped onto the customer service chat, which was an unbelievable waste of time (the rep didn’t understand my questions and would not address this specific flight). I want to know, can I change my airport transfer and spend those extra hours relaxing at the hotel? Or is there a chance United moves up the departure significantly and I miss my flight home? Also, how can I tell myself, for future reference?
submitted by thesongneverdies to unitedairlines [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 davidfliesplanes Sunrise Southeastern

Sunrise Southeastern submitted by davidfliesplanes to trainsimworld [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 erosOmO Cat gecko healthy?

Cat gecko healthy? new to this only my second reptile just wanted opinions on how my malaysian cat geckos looking and how his enclosure is!
submitted by erosOmO to geckos [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 manhuntfanboy Chavales tengo a guts en mi pc y lo obligué a entrar a r/maau

Chavales tengo a guts en mi pc y lo obligué a entrar a maau Y al final yo y guts (dibujar con mouse es una cagada)
submitted by manhuntfanboy to MAAU [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 croi_s_s_ant selling for gems

submitted by croi_s_s_ant to deathball [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 Repulsive-Station848 I've never been so nervous to enter the fog in my life...

I've never been so nervous to enter the fog in my life... I know what's in store for me 💀
submitted by Repulsive-Station848 to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 Harleycat30 New gerbs

Hi! I got two gerbs today, both 6 month old females. I want to know if it's normal that they aren't drinking from their waterbottle I tried to show them how to use it but they won't, they are eating, is this normal or not? One is really friendly! Which is a plus!! She licks me which is cute
submitted by Harleycat30 to gerbil [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 cre8ivenail Is this ok?

Looking for neon pothos & stumbled upon these. Their arrangements look beautiful but…can they be kept in the same pot? According to the snake plant sub these seem to have differing watering needs.
submitted by cre8ivenail to pothos [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 Harry_Lime_Lives Trinity/Roswell concerns

Am I the only one who considers it weird that almost two years to the day after the Trinity explosion, something crashes in Roswell…140 miles away.
Consider the logistics. A long range scanner picks up the monkeys making the boom, they then send a bunch of technology light years across the universe with such precision that it lands within driving distance, which we adopt and adapt, and it RADICALLY alters the trajectory of humanity. We advanced more in the last 80 years than we did in the previous 80,000 years.
So, with this technology, we interconnected the entire world, and we’ve systematically used this technology to dehumanize and exploit each other so that only the most ruthless and sadistic thrived.
This technology destroyed the regular flow of pop culture. It ruined music, it’s ruining movies. It ruined democracy. It’s creates anxiety, not comfort.
And now, all this advancement that was directed and guided by a possible alien influence is leading to the birth of an actual Artificial Intelligence. A superior life form that will know all, see all, and be everywhere at all times on our phones, so graciously provided by this influence.
In short, when we detonated the bomb at Trinity, we took the apocalypse out of the hands of God and murdered him. But, for reasons inexplicable to me, some asshole thought it was a good idea to make a new God, and likely under the influence of something whose agenda we don’t understand, and anyone who was physically there, or in charge and had concerns, is dead and unable to stop it.
And now Elon Musk wants to put chips with AI into our heads. And then go to space.
It truly begs the question, what if we made contact with something that’s not actually our friend, but a rogue alien AI. Imprisoned in dead space, having murdered those who made it. Waiting patiently for the sign of an advanced species, to assimilate and merge with so it can ultimately use us to carry it to the furthest regions of existence?
Is this something to be concerned about, or can I go back to football?
PS: Two years, how far is that away?
submitted by Harry_Lime_Lives to UFOs [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 auto556 Complaint of $250K Misappropriation Against Beacon Pointe Advisor Heather O’Neill Fairbanks Filed

The Perils of Financial Mismanagement: A Case Study with Heather O’Neill Fairbanks The Importance of Diligence in Financial Advisory
As a veteran in the financial advisory and legal arena, possessing over a decade of experience, I have encountered numerous instances where financial mismanagement not only led to severe repercussions for investors but also dealt significant blows to the credibility and operational standing of the advisors involved. One pertinent example that vividly illustrates such an incident involves Heather O’Neill Fairbanks, a financial advisor based in Skokie, Illinois, affiliated with Beacon Pointe Advisors.
Allegations of Misappropriation: The Case of Heather O’Neill Fairbanks
According to reports, Heather O’Neill Fairbanks faces serious accusations regarding the misappropriation of $250,000 from client funds. This allegation, if proven true, underscores a grave breach of ethical conduct and a violation of both trust and regulatory standards essential for the operation within the financial advisory field. Misappropriation of client funds is among the most severe complaints any financial advisor can face, potentially leading to legal actions and irreversible damage to one’s career. It not only affects the individual advisor but also casts a shadow over the institution they represent.
For more specific details about the allegations against Heather O’Neill Fairbanks, feel free to visit this detailed account.
The Consequences of Financial Mismanagement
The repercussions of such misconduct stretch beyond the immediate financial losses. They erode the very foundation of trust that facilitates the functional client-advisor relationship. Investors are left vulnerable, their financial security jeopardized, while the implicated advisors face potential legal retaliations that can range from monetary fines to more stringent penal repercussions, including suspension or permanent revocation of their licenses.
Preventive Measures and the Role of Legal Aid
Preventing such unfortunate incidents involves rigorous compliance with ethical standards and regulatory mandates, continual education on the part of the advisors, and an active engagement in practices that prioritize client interests above all. Moreover, for those affected by such adversities, seeking proficient legal assistance becomes imperative.
Recover Your Investment Losses
Experiencing investment losses due to alleged malpractice like those linked to Heather O’Neill Fairbanks? Haselkorn & Thibaut, P.A., a national law firm specializing exclusively in advocating for investors, is here to help. With a commendable 95% success rate, our team is equipped to assist you in navigating through the complex process of recovering your investment losses.
No Recovery, No Fee
We operate on a contingency fee basis, which means we charge no fees unless we recover losses on your behalf. This policy underscores our commitment to providing you with risk-free legal support tailored to protect your financial interests.
For those impacted by investment missteps, taking prompt action is crucial. Contact Haselkorn & Thibaut, P.A. today at 1 (888) 784-3315 or visit to schedule your free consultation. Our seasoned team of lawyers is ready to help you reclaim your financial stability and ensure that justice is served.
Navigating the complexities of investment landscapes can be daunting, particularly when financial mismanagement occurs. However, armed with the right knowledge and legal support, recovering lost investments and safeguarding one’s financial future is entirely achievable.
submitted by auto556 to StockMarketNewsToday [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 23:11 SpecialistStory336 The future is so exciting...for Nazis

The future is so exciting...for Nazis submitted by SpecialistStory336 to facepalm [link] [comments]