The next two cats to arrive at the shelter!

2025.01.21 01:28 1armedguy The next two cats to arrive at the shelter!

submitted by 1armedguy to funkopop [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 Cultural-Pudding970 Volkus terrain dimensions for scratch building (poorhammer)

Volkus terrain dimensions for scratch building (poorhammer) I’m trying to build the volkus terrain out of cardboard and I was wondering if anyone had the dimensions of each of the pieces.
submitted by Cultural-Pudding970 to killteam [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 Jackprevite [WTS] Leupold Mark 5HD 5-25 | [WTB] Vortex Defender-XL 5moa

Leupold Mark 5HD 5-25x56 Tremor3 FFP on SPUHR SP-5602 1.5” 20MOA leveled mount - $2400 mount included, free over night shipping - cash offers welcome

WTB low/no salt Vortex Defender-XL 5 MOA with original packaging/accessories/screws - $230
submitted by Jackprevite to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 RecognitionSlight853 I loathe Scorpion Mains

I loathe Scorpion Mains submitted by RecognitionSlight853 to MortalKombat [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 edsmeds BUYING THE DIP LET'S GOOO 🔥

submitted by edsmeds to Pepecryptocurrency [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 CTVMason Problem With Wii Motion Plus

I was trying to play Wii sports resort, and I decided to play swordplay, but when I swung fast, the sword was far away from where I was actually aiming. I swung left, it worked, I then I swung to the right, it was in the middle, swung left again, now it was on the back of my head.
So I got a new Wii remote with new Wii motion plus adapter, and the problem seemed to get worse... I don't know if it's a problem on the dolphin settings, if it's the controller, if it's the frame lag causing it to delay, I can't solve it?
Is my Wii remote faulty, is the motion plus adapter broken, are my dolphin settings somehow bugging it? Please comment some ideas that you guys may have, Thank you!
submitted by CTVMason to DolphinEmulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 Bitter_Dealer_2143 Compatibilist free Will and Eternalism ( Block universe)

Hello Guys
I just finished reading Elbow Room by Daniel Denett and and I was convinced by compatibilism after a pretty long Time of believing in hard determinism. I do think that as long as the agent can make a choice between options even if his choice is determined by his state, the agent is operating by his own free will.
Anyway I am not here to ask if some kind of Laplacean demon rules out free will, which I already have a point of view on the matter.
Lets say we try to attack compatibilist free will with the approach of eternalism instead of classical determinism, saying that all future past and present event exist at the same time in an ontological sense. In this sense, the outcome would already be written in Space Time if a traveller could go fast enough to be able to see the future. This is, I think, related strongly to Einstein’s Special Relativity Theory which is a very commonly accepted theory in theoritical physics and phil of physics as far as I know. Is this a threat to a classical compatibilist position, or is fundamentally the same as Laplace Demon thought experiment?
I am not a physicist nor a specialist about compatibilism, and I never really saw any objections to compatibilism using eternalism/ block universe instead of physical determinism. I would love to hear a potential compatibilist answer to this objection, if there is one. Maybe it rests on a conceptual error of mine concerning the Block Universe
Thank you and have a good one
submitted by Bitter_Dealer_2143 to freewill [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 Mediocre_Tackle6067 Selling: 2x tickets to 2hollis Cat’s Cradle, 1/21

The passing of my Dad came as a shock, let me know as I have 2 spare. Ideally face value
Ticketmaster Transfer. HMU!!!
submitted by Mediocre_Tackle6067 to 2hollis [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 molls99_x Heart palpitations

Hello, was diagnosed IgA in October time I believe it was, does anyone know if it’s common for people with igA to experience heart palpitations and feel like there heart skips a beat? Feeling very lethargic, drained and my kidneys feel like they are throbbing. Drinking plenty of water with little urine output but stomach isn’t solid or not in pain with it, this is what made me think it’s related but I’m unsure?
Thank you for your help 😊
submitted by molls99_x to IgANephropathy [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 GeoNeoMac Any home-brew stress test for GPU and CPU?

Hi I just replaced the stock thermal crap on my Xbox with PTM7950 and was wondering has anyone ever created home-brew that pushes the CPU and GPU and displays temp for both?
submitted by GeoNeoMac to originalxbox [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 Ebiggz1984 Climbing wood.

I want to add some things to my beardies enclosure. I'd like to get a nice piece of wood, where are some good places to buy a decent sized piece?
submitted by Ebiggz1984 to BeardedDragons [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 PersonalAnxiety2016 I live close to poverty level and just spent my night after partying with a billionaire and his friends. AMA

submitted by PersonalAnxiety2016 to FansHansenvsPredator [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 Kyumkyum14799 ¿Qué debería comprarme para estudiar?

pues resulta que entrare a estudiar este año ciencias de datos, y me preguntaba si necesitaría algún notebook o algo así para poder estudiar y si es así, que notebook me serviría, personalmente me imagino algo que tenga mas de 8 de ram y un buen ssd , sin embargo mi presupuesto no es alto y no que necesitaría para empezar bien estos estudios.
(no tengo mucho presupuesto de todas formas)
submitted by Kyumkyum14799 to chileIT [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 Effective_Watch_2466 RS6 Prvvy

RS6 Prvvy submitted by Effective_Watch_2466 to assettocorsamodding [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 Euphoric-Aspect3258 Am I getting a good deal?

$47,000 OTD CAD 2025 Nissan Rogue Premium SV Inclusive of winter tires, weather mats, block heater
Financing rate of 5.99% 84m
submitted by Euphoric-Aspect3258 to NissanRogue [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 per_iod Besides Hey Now… put Tyler on a Kendrick song and vise versa for Kendrick on a T song.

Besides Hey Now… put Tyler on a Kendrick song and vise versa for Kendrick on a T song. Tyler on N95 and Kendrick on Take Your Mask Off
submitted by per_iod to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 Opposite-Wonder9933 Have & Need

Have & Need Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by Opposite-Wonder9933 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 PoorPirate_ My 02’ about to hit 280k!

My 02’ about to hit 280k! Yep, only 20k more miles until the big 300! Still runs as smooth as ever
submitted by PoorPirate_ to 3rdGen4Runner [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 BoysenberryIll1239 They didn’t bring us here at all

They didn’t bring us here at all submitted by BoysenberryIll1239 to Commanders [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 Playmaker2001 Sider-Marco Drawing

submitted by Playmaker2001 to StarVStheForcesofEvil [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 CIN726 Recent pic of Damon
He's 100% Odysseus, in case there was any doubt.
submitted by CIN726 to TheOdysseyMovie [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 New_Base_9897 Home Water/airPurification System

Can anyone recommend a company to install a home water purification system/softener? Possibly looking for air purification also.
submitted by New_Base_9897 to HuntsvilleAlabama [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 Maggie917 So like why are they making Abe a jerk?

Like they are making him into a complete asshole with no loyalty at all to Chanel lol! First the Alex thing when she didn’t want to work with him and now the woman who helped break up her marriage? Very much unlike old Abe.
submitted by Maggie917 to DaysofOurLives [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 SaltyAdminBot We got what we wanted

Of course we didn’t get a video of an alien or a UAP crashing and getting recovered. Of course.
We got firsthand testimony and video footage of a successful UAP retrieval, something the Gov has always denied.
We now have clear evidence that there is possibly a non human intelligence operating in our air and maritime spaces.
If you don’t feel ontological excitement (shock is a strong word) then you haven’t been paying attention.
We got what we wanted and now it’s time to drive the point home to Congress. Period.
submitted by SaltyAdminBot to UFOs_Archives [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:28 chabanais Asylum Seekers Caught With 30,000 High-Caliber Rifle Rounds In Arizona

submitted by chabanais to progun [link] [comments]