Trying to control visual effects in TouchDesigner 2021.16270 from live audio in Ableton Live 11

2025.01.21 01:20 Original_Hand Trying to control visual effects in TouchDesigner 2021.16270 from live audio in Ableton Live 11

I am looking for help as I'm trying to control visual effects in TouchDesigner 2021.16270 with audio from real instruments in live time within Ableton Live 11.
Ideally I would try to set up TDAbleton, but unfortunately my version of TouchDesigner is not compatible with Ableton 11 (my version of TouchDesigner is too old and I'm not interested in purchasing the update at this time). I've seen some people use loopMIDI and did install this on my computer, however I'm stuck trying to figure out how to receive midi signals in TouchDesigner from Ableton.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Original_Hand to TouchDesigner [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 navipod Walking her to her car after first date?

Hi everyone,
30m here. I've been out of the dating scene for a long long while and have my first date in a while tomorrow. She is 25.
I'm not nervous, cautiously excited, and am just looking forward to getting to know someone.
We're going to a board game bar, date is at 7p.
I'm curious if it is appropriate to walk her to her car after the date if the date goes well? Or is this perceived as creepy?
I'm going back an forth, I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable and I'm also worried about shooting myself in the foot if I don't ask to walk her.
I'm thinking if the date does well, I'll ask, "Can I walk you to your car?".
Any advice would be a great help! :)
submitted by navipod to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 XenoBlade68 Big Iron

Big Iron Irish man with a big iorn
submitted by XenoBlade68 to brandonherrara [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 WohumTohum Anything worthwhile on Simply Mary during their MLK sale today?

Sorry if this isn’t allowed. I’ll delete it in an hour or so. Wondering if you guys have picked up anything really great or worthwhile from Simply Mary in the last few weeks? I see they got a few new brands like Terps & Caicos but never tried it and don’t want to waste that money for something that MIGHT be good.
The last thing I got that was really nice was the honeydew by 710 Trilogy but looks like they’re sold out of all their stuff
submitted by WohumTohum to rosin [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 JLC3DP 🎉 2025 Lunar New Year Holiday Notice 🎉

🎉 2025 Lunar New Year Holiday Notice 🎉 submitted by JLC3DP to JLC3DP [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 Akuma_Matata52 Recommended shoes to play?

Good day, DDR Freakers. I am currently searching for shoes to play DDPIU on the machine. Does anyone recommend shoes to play? Thank you in advance!
submitted by Akuma_Matata52 to DanceDanceRevolution [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 lemontardd Pet post, please translate medical assessment into dumber terms

German Shepherd Mutt, nearly 7 years old, 60lb female
Findings: 6 radiographs are available for review. Normal body condition, normal spine and hindlimb musculature. Sacroiliac and coxofemoral joints are bilaterally unremarkable. The right stifle shows small periarticular new bone formation and mild cranially displaced infrapatellar fat pad. The left stifle is unremarkable. Remaining right hindlimb, left hindlimb, pelvis and included portion of the abdomen are within normal limits.
Assessment: Evidence of right stifle effusion and chronic degenerative stifle OA. Differential diagnoses include intra-synovial trauma (cranial cruciate ligament insufficiency, meniscal damage or combination), less likely inflammation and least likely neoplasia. Further assessment by examination under chemical restraint and provision of synoviocentesis is recommended for further information. Additional soft tissue injury cannot be ruled out.
Can someone better explain this?
My dog is still ready to play, climbs stairs, goes on walks, and is happy all day. The vet thought it was arthritis before the X-ray and gave her pain medication and joint supplements.
Anyone know what I should expect for the future?
submitted by lemontardd to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 upsidedown40 Looking For Some Information or Guidance After Recent Experience

TLDR: My wife has talked about feeling (and more recently seeing) spirits for a number of years, with this activity increasing as of late leading to an experience last week that we are both having a hard time processing. Looking for info, resources, etc. to help heus navigate. Many thanks!
I will start by saying that my understanding and research of psychic abilities is limited, so please excuse my ignorance on the matter as I try to pick the right words and express this as accurately as possible.
I am in my late 40s and as far as I am aware have never felt, seen, or heard any spirits. I come from a family of analytical types...programmers, engineers, etc. Seems this can limit ones openness to the non-physical. It has with the majority of my family at least.
I had been a major skeptic or really just a non-believer in sort of psychic phenomenon (again not sure how to properly describe what this is). My openness to exploring and accepting psychic abilities has increased gradually over the past 10 years though through a combination of the following:

  1. My wife and I left religion behind. This was a big one since the other items wouldn't have been possible without this step. We were both raised Mormon and were fairly devout in our adherence to the teachings. In fact, we met each other while serving missions for 'the church'. If you have experience with Mormonism directly or any other high-demand religion, you will better understand their all-encompassing nature. They shape your worldview in a paradoxically complete, but extremely limiting way.
  2. Personal experience with psychedelics. This has changed how I view the world. Opposite of religion, it has greatly expanded my awareness. Communicating the importance and power of love, compassion, connection, and family while pointing out the absurdity of many things we as humans view as important. It has also increased my overall openness. I view them as an extremely positive and valuable tool.
  3. I started reading and listening to near death experiences. Lots and lots of them. This was an extension of my psychedelic research and also has further opened my mind and expanded my view of reality, the purpose of life and the afterlife.
Those 3 things have dramatically altered my perception of reality. This feels like a massive understatement as I write this. While I don't have many answers (less and less it feels the older I get), I feel like I might be asking some of the right questions finally. I went from thinking I had literally had all of life's important answers figured out in a way only religion can offer to feeling like I have such an incredibly small level of understanding of the true nature of reality and the human experience.
On one hand, the religious part of this has been quite a difficult thing because of how destabilizing it has been. Our entire framework for navigating life was blown to bits. On the other hand, it has been so incredibly liberating and opened up so much curiosity in me and given me so much more room to explore and consider and discover new information.
Transitioning to my wife's experience. Fairly early on in our relationship she had shared with me that she felt spirits, and occasionally could see or hear them. I fully admit I was skeptical, unhelpful, and unsupportive. This was a mix of doubt and fear on my part. I didn't have these experiences myself and couldn't see any evidence of it. Our religion also viewed this as dark and dangerous, so I didn't allow myself the time or attention to internalize and explore it (as is the case with many topics).
But I did recognize she wasn't like everybody else in a very positive way and its one of the things that first attracted me to her. She has some special and uncommon abilities (at least in my experience). She has a special connection with the elderly that I have witnessed first hand that goes beyond an ability to just listen. I don't really know how to describe it. It has always been a part of her. She also has had a special connection to animals and an ability to communicate with them. Same with nature. She seems to pay attention and notice things at a level that I find amazing. She has never wanted or sought out 'things'. Doesn't care about material possessions.
Another potentially interesting thing, at least to me. She went to a hypnotherapist and during her first session started seeing/perceiving shapes and patterns that she didn't understand. She tried describing them to the therapist and asked her what they were. The therapist pulled up an image of chakras and said you are describing these. My wife said yes! She had never heard of chakras previously and told the therapist that who was both surprised by the unfamiliarity and impressed by her ability I guess? It seemed the therapist was very interested in exploring further and seemed to indicate she had unique gifts or high level of awareness. Neither my wife nor I had the framework to fully understand this and it kind of freaked my wife out, enough so that she never went back.
I understand that it may be hard to believe that someone in the modern era hadn't come across chakras in their life (maybe its not?), but again it is hard to properly convey if you haven't experienced a high demand religion the amount of things that just never enter your awareness. You end up with limited exposure to much of pop culture and certainly anything that would allow you a connection to the spiritual that wasn't controlled by the church and could have the effect of you getting rid of the middleman as I call it. They want your money. Indoctrination is real.
Anyway, she didn't bring up much about spirits to me for many years due to my initial reactions and because she also feared it meant she was crazy. Her family was equally unsupportive or dismissive, so all of that combined with the views of our church, she had no real outlet or support to talk and discuss it. As my thinking began to evolve though, I started to be more open to the idea of spirits and "alternative" forms of communication, so I began to ask her about her experiences with spirits. Over the course of the last several years it has become a semi-regular topic of conversation, though her experiences have mostly been around feeling our house or in places we visit. She describes the feeling as heavy or dense and intrusive. Sometimes dark or at least bringing a feeling of uneasiness. This has prevented her from wanting to ask them questions or really address them in any way
Fast forward to last week. She came out of the bathroom pretty quickly into our bedroom and told me she had seen a spirit...a younger boy. This, the actual seeing spirits, has increased over the last 6-12 months and become more frequent. It scares her every time and she says even when she can't see them she is feeling them more. She asked me to look in the bathroom to see if I could see anything, but I couldn't. I asked her if she tried to talk to him and she said she was too scared. I asked what the spirit looked like and she said he looked like he was probably about 6 years old or so and that he was wearing older clothes, not from any recent decade anyway.
Two days later I had gone outside to do some work and when I came back in she had told me she had been meditating. Meditation is fairly new for her, started just a couple of years ago. She said pretty quickly after starting her meditation she began to feel a lot of spirits and that many of them were trying to communicate simultaneously and it was overwhelming. She decided she was going to finally ask what they wanted though since their presence has been getting harder and harder to ignore. She said it was really noisy and she couldn't concentrate so she told them they had to be quiet and that she could only talk to one of them at a time. Oh, also that this was new to her and to have some patience.
She said they seemed to respond to this as it quieted down. Then one spirit came 'forward' to talk. She said the communication with this spirit was rough and slow, especially at first, and she didn't know exactly how to approach the situation. So she just started asking questions like trying to find out a name and some basic information. She said she started initially getting answers in the form of words that looked like they were being handwritten or typed out and eventually the words came more quickly and fully spelled out. She indicated there were quite a few pieces on information provided, but there was a decent amount that she either didn't understand or couldn't make out. Indicated it was a bit frustrating. So not like a clear conversation with natural back and forth. Ultimately ended up realizing it was a boy, got his first name, a state (no indication of what it meant), his age (7), and said she saw an image of a set of train tracks. Toward the end of the conversation she had a recollection of the 2 nights previous with the boy in our bathroom and asked him if he was the boy and he said YES. That freaked her out.
She wasn't exactly sure how long this all took, but said it seemed like it was relatively short, maybe 5 minutes, maybe a bit longer. She tried to ask some additional questions but said he wasn't there or wasn't communicating back. Anyway, after that experience she said she didn't know if she had made the whole thing up or what happened (I think she felt it was real, but felt too strange to fully allow for that). She decided to go online and typed in the first name of the boy, the state he had communicated, his age, along with the word 'train'. She fully expected to find nothing, and said she searched to prove that it wasn't real and this is where it gets really out there for us...
The first result that came up was from an author who had written a retrospective on the 50th anniversary of a train accident that occurred in the same state, with one of the eight deceased being a 7 year old boy with the same first name. I researched this myself and while I believe what my wife told me is true and I believe what I saw in the search it still seems a little unreal. I omitted the specific details because it feels almost too private or unbelievable I guess? As she was telling me the hair on her arms was standing straight up and she was pretty emotional, along with being quite tired.
She doesn't know what to do with this though. We live in the West and the the accident was in the East. How did he find her, why her? What does he want or need? Is there a potential of opening yourself up to dangerous or harmful spirits. Are there ways to optimize communication? Can she limit the growing chatter and presence of spirits around her? Lots of questions.
At this point I may actually be more curious than she is. I see it as an opportunity to understand herself better and potentially harness a very unique gift, where she views it as more of burden and quite disconcerting.
Any advice, resources, information, similar type experiences would be very welcomed. Thanks again.
submitted by upsidedown40 to Mediums [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 meagint Found these two sets on clearance!

They were regularly $50 and on clearance for $20!
submitted by meagint to miniverse_makeitmini [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 revid64 Best system

Looking to see opinions on what’s the best system for peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers? Iam on a top drip recirculating system now in 100% perlite but they are not happy!
submitted by revid64 to hydro [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 National-Cake-1245 February Spreads

February Spreads I’ll put something on the empty page eventually, planning on a January reflection in some capacity.
I love the strawberries though, it feels cute and romantic.
I’m bummed I didn’t realize my marker was bleeding a bit for my mood tracker, but caught it before doing the whole page. It’s okay though, it’s my journal and it doesn’t have to be perfect.
submitted by National-Cake-1245 to bulletjournal [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 Physical_Site_4173 gin, fin

submitted by Physical_Site_4173 to ihadastroke [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 portcornernoise Suitable projector for big wall!

Hi guys,
first post!
been looking at the possibility of projecting a series of images and short clips (mp4/mov) onto a wall synced to some music.
Look at this image of Italian Artist/Musician Marco Fusinato and also this article. He uses an enormous video screen but I want to use a projector. It doesn't have to be super high res. Content will be color and Monochrome.
Also, whats the best screen to project onto? and do I have a choice for custom sizing of such screen?
Your feedback is much appreciated.
submitted by portcornernoise to projectors [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 Patwhit My character rankings post Episode 5.

My character rankings post Episode 5. submitted by Patwhit to DisventureCamp [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 FleshThatIsVegan Make those statements…

submitted by FleshThatIsVegan to FridgeDetective [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 Wildflower_74981 Aww, guys look, Sunshine and Axel made a new friend!

Aww, guys look, Sunshine and Axel made a new friend!
submitted by Wildflower_74981 to EeveelutionSquadComic [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 AlexXLR Seems like a good night to rewatch this Jacob Gellar classic

Seems like a good night to rewatch this Jacob Gellar classic submitted by AlexXLR to SocialistGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 Ygzaak A vivir y aprender. Un gusto tenerlos juntos de nuevo.

A vivir y aprender. Un gusto tenerlos juntos de nuevo. submitted by Ygzaak to BeelcitosMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 leftylupus Do we know whether this guy just got pardoned? If so, the community should know in case he decides to take his anger out on the non-Nazi-scum humans

Do we know whether this guy just got pardoned? If so, the community should know in case he decides to take his anger out on the non-Nazi-scum humans submitted by leftylupus to lansing [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 No-Insurance8183 Season sales, benefits coupons and free/discounted things question.

Does anyone know if Rockstar ever makes Gus’ store things on a sale to get a discount on them or if I could ever get a coupon or anything on let’s say the following stores:
• Gus • Madam Nazar • Gun Shop metal selection (Silver, Gold, etc.)
The question is because I have been grinding a lot the past 2 months non-stop but I just got the idea that maybe if I wait a few months I could save money and Gold if they ever get on discount instead of paying full price right now.
Since I saw they are supposedly re-introducing the past limited clothing so anyone who missed them can purchase them now I thought I would just buy that since they are probably never going to sell it for a discount.
I wonder so I can just focus on making money and eventually buy stuff on a discount. For example, last month I saw there were some Coat Items that were selling for 4 Gold instead of the original 8 gold a piece price.
Also, I want to make all my guns Black Steel but honestly I don’t want to pay like 8-10 gold for a single weapon.
Also, if anyone knows if I purchase a Bounty wagon skin do I keep the past to just switch between them or is it like the Character Customization and Hair Cut that when you finish you have to repay if you want to change again?
submitted by No-Insurance8183 to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 jazzysock big pp gaming
look man they where gaming. seems like the other team didnt like me calling out there stature. I love this game!
submitted by jazzysock to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 VerucaSaltKC How student loans have caused damage to my marriage

I would love to know if anyone else has experienced the following: Spouse asks about student loan status. You check for the latest bs they're saying online. You tell spouse. It sounds sketchy because the comms you get are sketchy. One day you owe NOW, The next you're in forbearance. Eventually your spouse starts to think you might not be telling the truth. Arguments ensue.
It wasn't until I called Mohela with them on speakerphone did my husband understand. It's a different story every day and depending on who you talk to.
Now Mohela is sending comms via CD ROM (really, people?) saying I'm past due and when I go to login, my account is gone.
The frustration and rage I have for this company is immense. It's an ongoing nightmare.
submitted by VerucaSaltKC to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 MP-YT Sahara Nights | 24-tracks

Sahara Nights | 24-tracks submitted by MP-YT to Music_Playlist_YT [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 lenny446 There’s something you don’t see every day

There’s something you don’t see every day submitted by lenny446 to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 01:20 marippe_ Tax Type: Not Taxable to Taxable

I registered my TIN under EO 98. Eh ngayon employed na ako (govt employee). Pano ko kaya mapapalitan tax type ko from not taxable to taxable?
submitted by marippe_ to taxPH [link] [comments]