"One day, maybe we'll both get out of here. And hopefully, alive."

2025.01.21 02:15 crazyben10101 "One day, maybe we'll both get out of here. And hopefully, alive."

submitted by crazyben10101 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 dj91king I think he has bad time but these Riften guards do not care

I think he has bad time but these Riften guards do not care submitted by dj91king to skyrim [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 MylesAway1 Jacuzzi šŸøāœŒļø

submitted by MylesAway1 to africanbullfrogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 klaskybob_csupopants christmas chippy

christmas chippy submitted by klaskybob_csupopants to MKXD [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 EquivalentSudden1075 tana apologizing for Leo skepi comment

thereā€™s a clip from her pod with Trish where she addresses and says she was an ā€œidiot.ā€ and honestly, Iā€™m lowk proud of her. lol I was the one who made the posts asking her not to spread conspiracies/fear mongering at this time but I do sympathize that when ur living it, itā€™s MUCH easier to be susceptible.
wish she would address some of the other bs too but ik itā€™s hard to own up to ur mistakes, esp as an public figure & I was happy to see her do that instead of double down like ā€œfinna be in the pitā€ girl.
thatā€™s why I rlly believe sheā€™s more mature than Brooke, bc she didnā€™t get too much backlash but still apologized and owned up. unlike miss Brookie who is still playing the ultimate victim.
submitted by EquivalentSudden1075 to canceledpod [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 Alternative_Buy8982 Hunting all day still no treasure hunts.

Hunting all day still no treasure hunts. Been on the hunt all day.
I got some new additions. Can you tell which one I got?
submitted by Alternative_Buy8982 to HotWheels [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 not_a_number1 Any lesser known actors that you like seeing popping up in a film or TV show? I like this guy Josh Segurra

Any lesser known actors that you like seeing popping up in a film or TV show? I like this guy Josh Segurra submitted by not_a_number1 to moviecritic [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 gakkieNL A different party for Lost Valley

Currently doing Palace of Ice and I intend to do Lost Valley next with a totally new party. current party is Paladin, Battle Cleric, Shock Arcanist and shadowcaster Rigue (though I almost always use her as ranger with longbow from stealth.
I would like to play with a party consisting of totally different classes but having the same utility (so 1 melee upfront, 2nd melee/ ranged hybrid (battle cleric), dps caster type and a ranged lockpick and traps
appreciate any party setups!
submitted by gakkieNL to CrownOfTheMagister [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 TheFinerStuff I love the white leather.

I love the white leather. submitted by TheFinerStuff to glovessfw [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 dopeflamingo_ Benefits to cutting out diary if only mildly LI?

Title pretty much says it all. Haha
Iā€™m mildly (I think) LI. I can eat cheese without problem. Ice cream in small quantities. Milk, literally just a small sip or two for a taster is it, otherwise itā€™s thundergut central. If I combine any options (have Alfredo for dinner and then some ice cream) oh hell no. So I think some people have it worse since I can still eat some
But Iā€™ve always felt more on the ā€œbloated and sluggishā€ side of life. Never the lean, energized side.
Can eating small quantities of dairy (like daily cheese, maybe daily yogurt, some real milk coffee creamer) make me feel a low level bloated without the traditional intense ā€œepisodesā€ lol
submitted by dopeflamingo_ to lactoseintolerant [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 CrispyMiner Trump signs executive order withdrawing from the World Health Organization

submitted by CrispyMiner to inthenews [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 Malkore94 Opinions on Sineva since he's been out for a bit now?

Whats your thoughts?
submitted by Malkore94 to DeltaForceGlobal [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 lemkowidmak Abington Ghosts High School Football @AbingtonFootba1: https://t.co/0AbvMhPx6T

Abington Ghosts High School Football @AbingtonFootba1: https://t.co/0AbvMhPx6T submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 AntiqueBrick7490 Islam is very conservative by Western standards. Why try to deny it?

Islam, as a religion, has always been conservative. No nation in the past has ever followed a liberal-leaning interpretation of Islam, from the Rashidun to the present day, aside from maybe the Ottoman Empire in its final years. The mainstream interpretation of Islam has always been conservative, and that's how it should be.
Nowadays, due to the rise of Salafism, what it means to be a conservative Muslim might be different. In the West, figures like Omar Suleiman, Mufti Menk, Belal Assad, Nouman Ali Khan, Yasir Qadhi, and Mohammed Hoblos are still very much the most popular and most followed figures in the Muslim community.
All of them are pretty faithful definitions of what it means to be a TRUE moderate Muslim. They're not too liberal, but they don't fall into Salafism either. The only Salafi figures who are as popular and well-known in the West as they are are Assim al-Hakim and maybe Muhammad Hijab.
Being a Moderate Muslim does not mean being a liberal but just refusing to call yourself that. Moderate Muslims follow the traditional understanding of the Quran, Sunnah, and Islam, but we choose to focus more on bigger topics that need to actually be addressed, rather than talk about why women wearing backpacks or music is haram for the millionth time like some fundamentalists on other social media sites love to do.
Moderate Muslims are still very conservative by nature. Websites like islamqa.org and seekersguidance.org are definitely good representatives of actual Moderate scholars as a whole. Yes, most Muslims around the world think hijab is mandatory, opposite-gender friends are haram, dating is haram, free-mixing is haram, homosexual acts are haram, owning dogs is haram, etc.
A lot of people in this sub like to demonize conservatives, when in fact, the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the world are conservative.
This is because the more conservative interpretations of verses/hadiths make the most sense. The Prophet (PBUH) also said that the next 2 generations after his are part of the 3 best generations with the most complete example of piety, so we should strive to emulate them as much as possible.
As with most Muslims today, they definitely fall under the conservative branch, but it is more appropriate to list them as moderates since both liberals and fundamentalists among the Muslims are a small minority.
The 4 Imams (may Allah have mercy on all of them) heavily opposed the use of Kalam (theology) to explain matters in the religion. Abu Hanifa went out of his way to curse the philosophers who introduced such innovations, and Ahmad ibn Hanbal called all of them severely misguided.
So from all of the interaction of the early Salaf and the words of the prophet (PBUH), it should be very clear that Islam is a very conservative religion by nature. The same applies to Christianity, though most modern "Christians" don't even follow their religion outside of the "love thy neighbor" part.
There may be aspects of the religion that are progressive because surely, there are. In fact, Islam can inherently be deemed as a very progressive religion due to its emphasis on human rights, animal rights, and standing up for humanity, and the environment amongst many others.
But that's not to say that a lot of this religion is also fundamentally conservative. We strictly believe in things like chastity, the family structure, and the suppression of worldly desires, among other things.
So why try to deny that Islam is supposed to be conservative, when in fact, not only the interactions of the first 3 generations but the interactions of Muslims throughout history as a whole prove this case?
Why demonize so-called conservative Muslims so much, when most Muslims around the world are in fact, conservative? Sure, they may not be Salafists, but they are still conservative nonetheless.
submitted by AntiqueBrick7490 to progressive_islam [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 frogoracletrading $CRKN Support / Resistance Levels - 2025/01/20

submitted by frogoracletrading to frogoracletrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 sukidaiyo Leopards eating face

Leopards eating face submitted by sukidaiyo to MurderedByWords [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 GhostTownnK ES GTK

ES GTK submitted by GhostTownnK to OrangeCountyGangs [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 Ashamed-Land8087 [Arena] Ref 4

[Arena] Ref 4 https://preview.redd.it/lyqmimroa9ee1.png?width=240&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f6954404cdebf761bc7e6d55ba333174f04b400
submitted by Ashamed-Land8087 to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 Pizzacat125 šŸ¤

submitted by Pizzacat125 to jschlattsubmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 TaxFraudIsBased [WTS/WTT] Sig Tango MSR 1-8, Esstac Kywi rifle/pistol pouch combos

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/F7ko9p9

submitted by TaxFraudIsBased to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 Ropxone Are this German? Where they can come from?

Are this German? Where they can come from? It's summer here in Buenos Aires, Argentina and I'm starting seen various sizes of this fellas, almost always away from food or hiding under the microwave, the little ones have like a hard shell to kill. It's an apartment in a urban zone, closely to large thrash cans. Also I've checked the cabinets but they are not here, they are always roaming randomly in the kitchen.
I'm going to buy some products to put in the kitchen or other zones (i've read the pinned but i think we dont have that products here), where they can come from? I'm thinking they are coming from the kitchen pipe but i don't know.
Specific Region: La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Photos are very zoomed in so they are smaller than they look.
submitted by Ropxone to GermanRoaches [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 BrendaWannabe šŸ¶ More than you know

šŸ¶ More than you know submitted by BrendaWannabe to WorldPoliticalLaughs [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 iflosseverysingleday The 4th place big ten team is on track to win a national championship. Is this a sign to never give up?

submitted by iflosseverysingleday to cbusohio [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 hairyballs634 canā€™t quit femdom

itā€™s so difficult
submitted by hairyballs634 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:15 canakdemir I just make our first steam achivement icons for our game.

submitted by canakdemir to IndieGaming [link] [comments]
