Choca transporte de personal en carretera Saltillo a Monterrey

2025.01.21 02:07 bot_neen Choca transporte de personal en carretera Saltillo a Monterrey

Choca transporte de personal en carretera Saltillo a Monterrey submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 Billnyethefoodguy Moved to a new place; Plates and utensils still packed

Moved to a new place; Plates and utensils still packed Just moved into a new place today and all my stuff is still in boxes. My bachelor survival instincts kicked in when I dropped by the middle eastern grocery. Grabbed some fresh pita, sauces, and some new-to-me deenz. Just 5 min under the broiler and I was pretty happy.
Am I doing this right fam?
submitted by Billnyethefoodguy to CannedSardines [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 Lost-Ad7064 getting started

Hello, hope you are having a great day today. I'm(18M) 6'3 330lbs and just started this training regime yesterday and wanted to receive some feedback. It is pretty much a 1 hour walk, 30 mins front and back, and 15-20 minutes of strength training(Specifically my core and arms). I also changed to eat no more than 2000 calori3s since I know(think?) I have a big calorie maintenance. Again, any feedback is great and hopefully this becomes a habit so I don't have to think that much of it. Thank you.
submitted by Lost-Ad7064 to workout [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 Both-Employ840 Looking to learn the bagpipes!

submitted by Both-Employ840 to NovaScotia [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 vadimus_ca Unable to activate Apple TV+ on U8

Apple TV does not want to activate on my 75U88N. When I enter activation code at it's being accepted, the web page says TV should refresh and so it does, but instead activation only displaying the new Qactivation code.
Tried to reinstall Apple TV app, rebooting TV etc.
submitted by vadimus_ca to Hisense [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 TheRealTsunadee Favorite platonic friendship

Favorite platonic friendship submitted by TheRealTsunadee to FavoriteCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 borislegasov yo read the whole thing

so, trust me or not idc, i have an extra tic to the event on sunday in gujarat, i ain’t selling the ticket, my friend backed off and she already paid for the tic so it’s somewhat of a free tic, if anyone want it, dm
submitted by borislegasov to Chandigarh [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 freshmargs Debit card for kids called Greenlight?! It doesn’t get more ride coded than this

Debit card for kids called Greenlight?! It doesn’t get more ride coded than this submitted by freshmargs to RideThePod [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 Dia_drawzs My curse

My curse This card. Is my curse. I pulled this card a few years ago while at my grandmother's house and didn't have any sleeves, so in my best efforts I put it into a (very bad binder) to try and keep it safe on my drive home with my parents and when we got home it was out of the binder and annihilated. Now this card is a reminder to me to always have sleeves on hand no matter what ever since.
submitted by Dia_drawzs to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 theslazz Built PC only connects to internet when plugged into ethernet chord

Built a PC, had a friend upload windows 11, but when I set up my account the wifi wouldn't show up. Ethernet chord makes the internet work but it doesnt seem to be able to read and pick up wifi. Still pretty new to PCs so would definitely appreciate a "dumbed" explanation to what I imagine is any easy fix. LMK if you need to know what mobo I'm using. Thanks!
submitted by theslazz to pchelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 CorneliusTheIdolator Let's see how this turns out

Let's see how this turns out submitted by CorneliusTheIdolator to indianbikes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 Active_Post_536 Serious Coin malfunction

Serious Coin malfunction Has anyone had Bond coin go crazy like this? Check my wallet and tried to sell as fast as lightning. No luck. Tried transferring to another wallet. Exchanged went through, but still no way to sell my one bond coin.
After one hour of this insane amount of $$$ going up and down by Trillions, my balance returned to normal amount. Has anyone experienced this? I have read online that others have. Is there any legal action that can be done for false pretenses?
submitted by Active_Post_536 to Barnbridge [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 goddessdiara POV Tea Party Roleplay ASMR [Intentional]

POV Tea Party Roleplay ASMR [Intentional] submitted by goddessdiara to asmr [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 Lessar52 Me gustaría conocer el amor y tener al menos una novia real en mi vida (consejos para conocer mujeres y vencer la timidez)

Soy demasiado tímido para charlar casualmente con otros. Solo puedo expresarme formalmente o en monosílabos. Las mujeres son inalcanzables. Declararme y ser rechazado sería la primera piedra miliar en mi búsqueda del amor. Quiero enamorarme aunque no sea correspondido
He pensado en enamorarme de una extraña. Hay una cajera que me gusta. Tal vez podría escribir mis sentimientos y entregarle una carta. Quizá ella no la lea. Tendría que confesarle que hace mucho que la sigo y sé muchas sobre ella. Podría dejar la carta sobre el mostrador y volver al día siguiente. Tengo más de treinta años, pero soy tan cobarde y bienintencionado como un adolescente.
No creo que la prostitución sea moralmente correcta. Jamás me permitiría una moratoria a mis propio principios. Prefiero morir virgen que degradar a una chica de esa forma. Por favor, no me recomienden esa vía.
submitted by Lessar52 to ayudamexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 robot-2023 What can I update my kitchen island top with? The last image is my inspo material but I have no idea what it is. Something that is white and won’t break my bank. I just want a flat white surface . Any help is appreciated!

What can I update my kitchen island top with? The last image is my inspo material but I have no idea what it is. Something that is white and won’t break my bank. I just want a flat white surface . Any help is appreciated! submitted by robot-2023 to Renovations [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 Kooky_Bell_9895 Skinny Row Home Dining room

I have 0 design skills and this is pretty much a blank canvas so would love ideas! It’s a skinny space and doesn’t get much natural light so using the mirror to reflect from the little we get from the living room. Not married to literally anything in this space.
submitted by Kooky_Bell_9895 to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 Commercial_Debate982 Sillon inflate con control 360 , perfect for back yard pool days

submitted by Commercial_Debate982 to DigitalFriendzViral [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 Intelligent_Piano293 Question...

Lol 2nd post of the day I just wanted to get this clear, when Ishida rips out Shouko's hearing aids her right ear starts bleeding, and then later on in the movie the doctor tells her that her right ear is a lost cause. Did Ishida somehow damage it or is this just a coincidence?
submitted by Intelligent_Piano293 to KoeNoKatachi [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 Floppy401 "Fortified - 2018" Troops of the Middle Eastern Alliance take up a position in a compound while awaiting an insurgent attack. Squad's MEA is one of my favorite fictional factions. They're so cool :)

submitted by Floppy401 to arma [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 SpottyDoo [✨For Hire✨] SFW/NSFW Character drawings, backgrounds, and anything else you want! 😋

Prospective commissions can be sent through Tumblr (@justaragdollie), Bluesky (, or my email which I can't post here because of the subreddit rules, but will soon be posted on my Bluesky.
Sorry that my examples are like 90% ninja turtles, I'm trying not to use art over a year old for my examples and they're all I've been wanting to draw lately lmao. I also don't have any NSFW examples at the moment for that same reason.
NSFW will only be posted on my Bluesky, since its the only platform I'm on that allows it.
submitted by SpottyDoo to artcommissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 SANTlCLAUS Complete Human Performance vs Omnia Marathon + Strength plans

This has been discussed on here in the past but not recently, anyone have input on either of these (or any other alternative?) marathon is in 16 weeks, have been running and doing strength programs separately but need to be begged about following a strict plan
submitted by SANTlCLAUS to HybridAthlete [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 Hour-Entrance7202 Jobs that would take any bachelors that pay decent?

Hello I have my bachelors in music (was originally gonna teach music in schools but rn I just teach private lessons). I’m looking for jobs where the degree doesn’t necessarily matter and I can get decent pay? Doesn’t have to be crazy. Just want to know my options for changing careers.
submitted by Hour-Entrance7202 to jobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 Beautiful_Ask2611 Guess my type

I’m an extremely reserved person and have 2 close friends due to issues about opening up. Though I like to be alone I also like to spend time with people.
I like to put on a front that I don’t care about anyone when I really, really do and I’m highly empathetic and nice to people even when they aren’t nice to me.
Some of my hobbies consist of art, music, movies, and games. I often find myself relating to fictional characters due to not being able to relate to people in real life and immerse myself into the movies and games I watch and play. I’m also really into psychology and understanding more about myself and the people around me
Some characters I relate to would be Loki from the MCU, Sean Diaz from LIS2, and Zuko from ATLA, mostly because of their cold exterior but desire to make the world a better place for their loved ones and willingness to sacrifice themselves for the ones they love.
submitted by Beautiful_Ask2611 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 worstmistake2 [WTB] Agency arms flared magwell. G17 Gen 5

Need some help boys. $100
submitted by worstmistake2 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:07 Alternative-Tip-1578 I really don’t know what this is.

submitted by Alternative-Tip-1578 to Mushrooms [link] [comments]