Billy Mays - Orange Glo "Yard Sale" (2-minute version, 2003-2004)

2025.01.21 02:16 Reasonable_Studio727 Billy Mays - Orange Glo "Yard Sale" (2-minute version, 2003-2004)

Billy Mays - Orange Glo submitted by Reasonable_Studio727 to TheMaysMuseum [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 mosterhunter Rust

Anyone play rust
submitted by mosterhunter to teenfemboy [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 Numerous_Witness_117 Not able to do my lessons

Not able to do my lessons I've been getting this message when I try review or go for the normal lessons. Anyone having the same issue? What should I do?
submitted by Numerous_Witness_117 to babbel [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 alexdc Nuevo API de Black Forest Labs permite ajustar modelos Flux Pro con solo unos pocos ejemplos

Nuevo API de Black Forest Labs permite ajustar modelos Flux Pro con solo unos pocos ejemplos submitted by alexdc to IA_Mafia [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 CaptainSur Canada and its G7 partners released a statement hours ago warning the public, and russia, that they are aware of operations within the Social Design Agency (SDA), a Kremlin controlled company, which is preparing to launch another large scale attack on social media.

submitted by CaptainSur to canadian [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 mortlinnb hairline crack

hairline crack is this crack something to be concerned about? only one i’ve noticed in the basement since moving in.
submitted by mortlinnb to centuryhomes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 Significant_Rate8210 Getting a network error when I try to login

Getting a network error when I try to login Getting two errors.
One says PlayStation Network Sign in failed
The other says Internet connection failed
Nothing is wrong with my network, so is the PlayStation Network down or something?
submitted by Significant_Rate8210 to mw3zombies [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 bubblesort The world's largest battery storage plant burned on Saturday, around 100 miles south of San Francisco (not LA)

The world's largest battery storage plant burned on Saturday, around 100 miles south of San Francisco (not LA) submitted by bubblesort to DeFranco [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 Canagliflozin American who is now afraid to live in America.

So I am a 33 male and I have been a strong democrate my whole life. I am so incredibly afraid to remain in my home country after so many of my fellow Americans were dumb/manipulated into following these, what I can only describe as evil people, and giving them power.
I have been looking into trying to get a sponsorship job to try and move to the uk in hopes I can find a better life with more responsible social systems in place that look after their citizens. Im not particularly skillful in anything so the chances of this happening are a long shot but still I am trying.
I guess my main question is would I even be welcome there? Would I be considered just another dumb American who couldn't fix his own country and is looking to take advantage of another countries kindness and resources.
Being of mixed race here in the USA I have already delt with amny forms of racism and the like for most of my life so I could get over that. I don't want to be a problem for the British people; and if I did make it would love to pursue a British cirtizenship. I could for once be in a place where they acknowledge health care, education, and other things I consider to be basic rights that should be offered by all governments to its people.
I know how reddit is so im expecting for noone to see this and if anyone does ill get many mean comments but if anyone with a reasonable and honest insight in this could respond I would be very grateful. Thank you in advance to anyone who does take time out of there life to answer this.
submitted by Canagliflozin to AskBrits [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 montaukwhaler A Drug-Drug Interaction Study of Mobocertinib and Midazolam, a Cytochrome P450 3A Substrate, in Patients With Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

submitted by montaukwhaler to nsclc [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 Big_Cardiologist_427 A quick sketch of that one meme

A quick sketch of that one meme submitted by Big_Cardiologist_427 to xmen [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 Unlucky_History_7468 🙌 Orignal Monster Fans?

🙌 Orignal Monster Fans? submitted by Unlucky_History_7468 to monsterenergy [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 Embarrassed-Let1802 FIRST BLOOD
Didnt know the boop was possible but, I'm not mad.
submitted by Embarrassed-Let1802 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 Average_Pickle Wtf is this?

submitted by Average_Pickle to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 Keep_swimming1003 Not very demure

I may ruffle some feathers here but oh well 🤷🏽‍♀️ I am a true first gen here doing it all by myself while working 40-50 hour weeks. The vibe of this community is slightly toxic not going to lie. It is a luxury to study, it is a luxury to not have to work, it’s a luxury to be able to not worry about how expensive the test is, it is a luxury to have all the outlets and help possible. I feel like recently, it has been coming off as if you are not studying an insane amount a week and getting 515+ on practice test you are seen as less than on this forum —and let me just say it’s not it. We are all trying, we are all putting in the effort. I guess I’m just sick of seeing people making others feel like they aren’t doing enough…
submitted by Keep_swimming1003 to Mcat [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 rib_eye_b Lenticular Snapper ✔

Lenticular Snapper ✔ submitted by rib_eye_b to dvdcollection [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 Mangled_Pegasus Self control

Does anyone else do this? I currently have several anime series to watch and when a new season debuts, I wait. Forever. Until all the episodes are released. Then binge watch everything from the beginning up to current. If it’s good, once I finish watching the last episode, I start it all over again.
Others, I’m just like meh. That episode wasn’t very good, so I’m not going to watch anymore for months. Forget why I stopped, start over from the beginning, reach the bad episode and completely abandon the series all over again.
submitted by Mangled_Pegasus to Crunchyroll [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 emelang13 Theo and Youjin

I think these people are the best to date, imagine living in south korea, crazy standard and people are too serious.
I'd rather date chill people than those too serious, too entitled, too materialistic people argh haha.
Nvm i respect other people preference but iykyk, not just in south korea but generally living life is already challenging, would be good to have someone as chill.
submitted by emelang13 to Singlesinferno2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 solitude_is_bliss_ Fat-Lip! With a snowy little face ❄️🐿️🥜

Fat-Lip! With a snowy little face ❄️🐿️🥜 When I feed her she typically goes and buries immediately, and when it’s snowy she will dig into a pile of snow and come back with a cute little snowy face lol. It’s the sweetest!
submitted by solitude_is_bliss_ to squirrels [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 tac_eillA Unable to add new device to tailnet - Error 500 Unable to list github orgs

This is certainly a new one for me, have been using tailscale for awhile without issue but this evening I was setting up a new device and I'm running into the above error when trying to authenticate and add the new device to my tailnet.
I am able to get through the github login and approval no problem and then error out after the redirect back to the tailscale login page. To verify it wasn't my network/browser I tested login both behind my firewall and via mobile hotspot and then in both firefox (default w/ extensions disabled) and edge all with the same result. (I did a number of changes to my opnsense setup today which is why I opted for the sanity check)
Anyone run into this before? I already submitted a support case but figured it can't hurt to ask here too.
submitted by tac_eillA to Tailscale [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 Complex_Emu_782 I needed this

submitted by Complex_Emu_782 to DigitalFriendzViral [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 Dramatic_Moment1380 How is my sleeping so bad?

I literally woke up at 5:00 p.m yesterday and went back to sleep at 11:00 p.m. Then I woke up around 4:00 a.m, stayed awake for about 45 minutes, then went back to sleep. I just woke back up at 6:00 p.m. I get great sleep, it’s not like I have trouble falling/staying asleep and I sleep through the entire night just fine. This is getting so ridiculous. I keep saying it’s because I have no reason to be awake because if I stayed awake I would have nothing to do. I start back at school tomorrow and even though it’s all online it should help me somewhat, I’ll also be working within a few weeks. I just don’t know why I’m like this and I’m afraid once I’m forced to get back on a normal sleep schedule that it’s going to make me extremely tired and in a constant bad mood. I’ve watched every video and tried every piece of advice I’ve gotten to fix my sleep schedule and none of it has worked because in my mind I just see no point in waking up just to do nothing.
submitted by Dramatic_Moment1380 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 wewdwtnizrub Relay Discount Code January 2025

Get the Relay Discount Code January 2025
Want to save money at Relay in January 2025? Score the best promo codes, coupons, and more deals to get what you want for less!
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to WalmartCouponCode [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 Historical-Ad-8895 WIBTA for reporting my ex

I know this post sounds CRAZY but let me explain. I have been debating reporting my ex boyfriend to ICE as a way to show him that I am not messing around. During the two years I was with, lets call him F, he cheated on me, was creepy with his siblings in ways I think you can infer, never bought me gifts, would ignore me for hours, laughed at me when i would be crying, would purposefully trigger PTSD and BPD episodes, did some acts I cannot fully mention here but I did not consent to, was physical with me, and much more. He is also an immigrant and that is something I could use to my leverage to get revenge.
I know it sounds absolutely diabolical, but he is an abuser and a danger to kids. In my opinion, he shouldn't be in the united states or anywhere near me. F is the epitome of evil, and I don't think its so bad that I want him to get what he has coming. I would also like to note I'm not a MAGA supporter or a racist, I'm POC myself. I'm simply just very vengeful and angry. Him and his family have caused my family so much pain and turmoil, including once stealing my $2,500 gaming laptop and then later pawning it I'm presuming.
submitted by Historical-Ad-8895 to WouldIBeTheAhole [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 02:16 Jonhson_Jonh The Sick Man of Eurasia - The situation of the Eurasian Union State as of 2092

The Sick Man of Eurasia - The situation of the Eurasian Union State as of 2092 submitted by Jonhson_Jonh to imaginarymaps [link] [comments]