Studium Neustarten?

2025.01.21 07:20 SanoHD Studium Neustarten?

Moin zusammen, Ich bin mittlerweile im 3 Semester Informatik B. SC., hatte die letzte Zeit aber wieder viel um die Ohren und hatte ab dem 2. Semester sehr wenig Lust mehr aufs Studium. Mittlerweile bin ich bereit weiterzumachen, würde das Studium dafür im nächsten Wintersemester aber am liebsten einfach neu starten wollen (Ohne die paar Klausuren, die ich schon hinter mir hab natürlich). Was ist der beste Weg?
submitted by SanoHD to rwth [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 Sigimi hmmm

hmmm submitted by Sigimi to OkBuddyPersona [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 shorchti Douleur doigts, mains, avant-bras la nuit et le matin

Je ne veux pas déranger mon médecin pour si peu, donc je m’adresse à ce sub.
J’ai débuté une activité de femme de ménage depuis mi-octobre, à raison de 15h/semaine. Le début fut rude car très physique, surtout que j’avais des douleurs lombaires + sciatique due à un syndrome du piriforme.
Heureusement, cette activité m’a bien soulagée au bout de 2 mois de ces maux de dos, par contre je développe des maux de doigts/mains/avant bras que je n’avais pas avant.
Ces douleurs arrivent lorsque je me repose (sieste ou nuit) et sont majorées en fin de nuit ou le matin. Ce sont des douleurs type courbatures, en tous cas c’est comme ça que je le ressens, et elles s’estompent vite le matin avec le dérouillage. Disons que pendant 5 minutes j’ai ces courbatures puis elles partent, surtout avec de l’eau chaude appliquée (douche). Je sens néanmoins que j’ai une impression de perte de force, par exemple lors d’ouverture d’un pot de confiture par exemple, ou presser une orange, c’est légèrement douloureux.
Partout je lis « arthrite », mais si c’était de l’arthrose, n’aurais-je pas mal durant mes activités utilisant mes bras/mains? Ou alors est-ce vraiment un début d’arthrite et il faut que je me ménage (haha, jeu de mot non voulu)?
Merci pour vos réponses
submitted by shorchti to questionsante [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 lonelyandbored75 [Original]

submitted by lonelyandbored75 to armed_waifus [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 stormy001 Malaysians Find Comedian Harith Iskander's 'Ham Sap' & 'Ham' Joke Insensitive And Unfunny

Malaysians Find Comedian Harith Iskander's 'Ham Sap' & 'Ham' Joke Insensitive And Unfunny submitted by stormy001 to malaysia [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 Extreme-Meringue-472 How Big will he get?

My Pyr Mix is almost 7 months, he weighed in at 82 pounds today. How big is he gonna be? I have no idea ( never saw the parents ) I believe he is 80% Pyr
submitted by Extreme-Meringue-472 to greatpyrenees [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 rhysspuffs1 Super Bowl Matchups…

Super Bowl Matchups… submitted by rhysspuffs1 to NFCEastMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 TrunkMunki LineageOS 22.1 on s5e SM-T725?

IS LOS 22.1 compatible with an s5e SM-T725 (wifi+cellular version) despite the requirement for model numbers SM-T720 or SM-T720N mentioned in the wiki?
submitted by TrunkMunki to LineageOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 change_it_1ater CCP making cars.

It’s a Holden equinox. Just in case you don’t know cars.
submitted by change_it_1ater to Eve [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 PlayaSlayaX Fire in a hotel at a ski resort in northwestern Turkey kills at least 10 people, injures 32

Fire in a hotel at a ski resort in northwestern Turkey kills at least 10 people, injures 32 submitted by PlayaSlayaX to worldnews [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 CallGroundbreaking73 highlight system sucks

is it just me ? in the recent patch the highlights system doesn't record any highlights unless you get legendary streak i main support whenever i feel like i had a great game i expect some kind of highlight but there's nothing but when i get legendary on aram there's one i hope they fix it
submitted by CallGroundbreaking73 to wildrift [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 Ambreen26 Neither’s partner NYT Crossword Clue

Neither’s partner NYT Crossword Clue - If you need help with the NYT Crossword for 1/21/25, we’ve compiled all the clues below so you can easily find the answers you need. Simply search for the clue you’re working on, and select it to get the answer. This format allows you to get help with specific clues without revealing others you’re still solving!
Get your answers spoiler-free here
submitted by Ambreen26 to QMGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 Ok_Insurance_2577 Do you have multiple playlists of different themes, or do you have one playlist of everything

Personally I have one with everything
submitted by Ok_Insurance_2577 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 Secret-Journalist821 Dear NTC

Subject: Complaint Regarding Auto Voicemail System
Dear NTC,
I am writing to express my disappointment with the persistent issues caused by your auto voicemail system. The current setup, especially when a user’s balance drops below Rs. 10, is both frustrating and inefficient.
Every call is unnecessarily delayed by 30–40 seconds due to the repetitive voicemail, which wastes valuable time, particularly in emergencies. Once a user has heard this message, there is no reason to play it repeatedly for every subsequent call. This redundancy reflects poorly on the user experience and adds unnecessary frustration.
I urge you to review and improve this system to make it more user-friendly and considerate of your customers’ time and needs.
Yours sincerely, Frustrated NTC User using ChatGPT
submitted by Secret-Journalist821 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 10AET Suggest Me a Better Version of Chrome (chromium)

i already tried brave,but i hate the bloats.
32gb ram,i5 10th gen 10400
submitted by 10AET to browsers [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 Flaky_Attempt_1708 Cma inter skill training

Can I not watch the videos and directly attempt week assignments ? What did you guys do for it?
submitted by Flaky_Attempt_1708 to cma_india [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 ArtofTravl New York

submitted by ArtofTravl to ArtDeco [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 just_a_wanderer_here BABE WAKE UP NEW OC JUST DROPPED

BABE WAKE UP NEW OC JUST DROPPED submitted by just_a_wanderer_here to fairlyoddparents [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 kanajo63 She is perfect

She is perfect submitted by kanajo63 to KiernanBrennanShipka [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 JaySTAR (Sparabo) Extra Professional White, Zuckerfreier Kaugummi, Multipack mit 30x10 Dragees, Für frischen Atem für 18,23€

submitted by JaySTAR to dealsde [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 tilfloteye [USA-NY][H] Airpod Max Space Grey (Lightning) [W] Paypal

Timestamp + Images
Hey there, recently just bought the updated version of these with USB-C and am looking to sell my old pair of lightning ones.
These have been through the ringer, as you can see in the images I have in the imgur. Battle worn is to say the least for the condition of these, but for 4 years they've served me well.
Audio still works great on them, the headband is stretched out. For all intents and purposes they are cosmetically flawed but work fine, that is why they're discounted. Replaced the OEM earmuffs for aftermarket ones.
Does not come with smart case, have no clue where that went. Looking for Paypal invoice.
Asking $200 shipped. Offers are heard but lowballs will not be entertained.
submitted by tilfloteye to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 gu4rd1an Help with a new setup

I currently have a central 32” monitor (Gigabyte M32U) and a dated 24” FHD monitor on the right. The 24” was meant to be replaced ages ago, but yeah, it’s still here.
I’m pretty comfortable with this setup, where my focus is on the central screen for primary tasks, and the side monitor handles support/documentation/background tasks.
Initially, I was considering getting another 32” monitor. I have no issues with the M32U, after a bit of adjustment, I’ve found a good workflow with it. However, I’m not sure if it’s worth investing in a second M32U.
It’s an older model, a second M32U will take up quite a bit of space, and I’m questioning whether dual 4K screens are overkill for my use case (let's say mainly coding, 3D modeling for 3D printing—nothing too complex, media consumption, and occasional gaming).
I have been wanting to ascend since forever lol but my main concern with an ultrawide is that I don’t need a perfectly symmetrical field of view, so I might not fully benefit from the form factor.
But then I had this sudden realization: what if I placed an ultrawide (CO49DQ) slightly off-center and recreated a setup similar to what I currently have?
(Curvature would be a key factor, so I’d need to take measurements to ensure it fits. The DQHD resolution is lower than dual 4K, and I wonder if I’d notice a drop in sharpness compared to my current 4K display.)
The tricky part is that I haven’t been able to find any images or examples of a setup like this, either on this subreddit or elsewhere.
So, my question is: am I overthinking this? Is this setup idea practical, or is it just a dumb idea after all?
submitted by gu4rd1an to ultrawidemasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 avocantdough Extreme hunger 2.5 years into recovery

I’ve been in true and honest full blown recovery for 2.5 years now. It’s been an absolutely wild ride. I am 5’8 and went from 89lbs when I started to ranging between 155 and 165 lbs for the past year or so.
I don’t feel super happy with how my body looks, but I’m also aware that I don’t look overweight. Just average or a little chubby but I’m proud of what my body can do and I think the trade off of being able to eat freely is worth it. I do have very very bad body image days fairly often, but I’ve learned that the feelings don’t last so I just need to sit through it.
I went through very extreme extreme hunger for the first year. I’d been severely anorexic for ten years, and I think that prolonged damage just really took a toll on my body. I ate anywhere from 5-10k calories every. Single. Day. The first year. Nowadays I eat 3k-5k per day and still experience days of that extremely ravenous hunger and eat close to 10k (I haven’t tracked calories meticulously in years, this is all just estimates, but very good estimates cause you guys all know how well we know our calorie counts 😅). These days tend to happen if I’ve been extra active. I definitely feel like my body is hyper sensitive to activity which I find quite difficult because I love to hike and mountain bike, but I find if I do more than usual, it results in an extreme hunger day the day after that feels like a binge. (I know and try to convince myself to believe that bingeing isn’t really a thing if you’ve had a restrictive ED in the past and that it’s really just EH, but it feels quite terrible nonetheless)
I’ve weighed myself maybe twice in the past year, and both times were approximately the same, and I know my weight didn’t change drastically one way or another between the weigh ins just by looking at and clothes fitting etc.
I guess I’m wondering if this is a common experience…and if it’s normal to eat so much so far into recovery? Like 5k per day I can do EASY and not even feel that full. Just not hungry. I’m sure if I ate that every day I’d continue to gain more weight, but there are lots of days where I’m satisfied with closer to 3k too.
I think i am just looking for reassurance that this is okay?? And that maybe some bodies genuinely need like a lot more food than we think? My ED is screaming right now saying I’m just trying to convince myself of that so I feel less guilty about eating more and then I’ll gain a bunch more weight and the world will end or something 🙄 shut up, ED.
Anyways, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
submitted by avocantdough to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 SpieLPfan US-Politik ist nur mehr Oligarchie

Ich fasse Mal zusammen:

  1. Der reichste Mensch der Welt (Musk) investiert 140 Mio. $ in seinen Lieblingskandidaten und zeigt am Tag dessen Amtseinführung den Hitlergruß.
  2. Der zweitreichste Mensch der Welt (Bezos) verbietet seiner Zeitung eine Empfehlung zur Wahl der Gegenkandidatin zu geben.
  3. Der drittreichste Mensch der Welt (Larry Ellison) ist sogar schon Trump-Unterstützer der ersten Stunde. Nämlich seit 2015/16.
  4. Der viertreichste Mensch der Welt (Zuckerberg) stellt nach der Wiederwahl des Kandidaten sämtliche Fact Checkings auf seiner Plattform ein und unterstützt jetzt auch voll und ganz ihn.
  5. Der fünftreichste Mann der Welt (Bernard Arnault) ist Europäer, daher ist ihm US Politik wahrscheinlich egal solange er noch seine Waren da verkaufen darf. Er hat sich trotzdem mit Trump getroffen.
  6. Der sechstreichste Mensch der Welt (Larry Page) hat nie ein Wort zur US Politik gesagt, hat sich aber auch schon öfter mit Trump getroffen. Dies gilt auch für Plätze 7 bis 10.
Und heute werden die republikanischen Wähler feiern, weil Trump endlich die Elite (bei denen wahrscheinlich rein antisemitisch gemeint) besiegt hat.
submitted by SpieLPfan to gekte [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:20 D_0481 DayZ spelers?

zijn er hier toevallig ook DayZ spelers ? ik ben net begonnen (uiteraard als solo speler) en kan wel wat tips gebruiken.. Lijkt me ook leuk om met andere nederlanders door de game heen te gaan
submitted by D_0481 to nederlands [link] [comments]