Apple ID and age verification

2025.01.21 07:29 ConstructionLatter76 Apple ID and age verification

I guess I’m not really sure where I would find this answer, but I did have a question about the age settings for CAI. I’m aware that you get less restrictions if your account is over 18+ with the email you signed up for (I am 20). I didn’t use my actual email, I used my Apple ID login. If it’s using my Apple ID, and I know Apple has my birthday, then does that mean my age is set for CAI? If it’s not, then do you guys know how I would change my email to a new one? I really don’t wanna make a new account and find all my bots 😭
submitted by ConstructionLatter76 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 houselegs A little watercolor that I made

A little watercolor that I made submitted by houselegs to Watercolor [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 JokiharjuTheFin Does hidden cities hack when starting destination is different?

Basically, if you don’t show up for your first flight will your second flight be cancelled?
submitted by JokiharjuTheFin to travel [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 Long_Independent9478 Goran and Rybakina parted ways

I am deeply gutted to see this partnership part ways, i was hoping she would bounce back soon but looped into yet another drama.
What are your thoughts on this ?
submitted by Long_Independent9478 to elenarybakina [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 Rata_roja Desde hoy martes 21 empiezan las redadas y deportaciones en USA

Amigo, tu q tienes familiares o amigos q serán deportados al Perú, irás a recibirlos al aeropuerto dada su dificil situacion? te leemos.
submitted by Rata_roja to Lima_Peru [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 RegularOk9432 What was the moment that forced you to see that the person you thought was “misunderstood” is genuinely not a good person?

submitted by RegularOk9432 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 yvariecelestine IRRI and UPLB MSc Sandwich Research Program

IRRI and UPLB MSc Sandwich Research Program Hello! Anyone under the joint MSc program of IRRI and UPLB? Can you share your experiences po? Kinda interested in applying since it's (hopefully) my last sem as an undergrad.
Thank you very much in advance!
Photo from IRRI's website.
submitted by yvariecelestine to scientistsPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 BlueSub24 For all your assignments and tests

submitted by BlueSub24 to Edgenuity_expert [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 Green-Dream184 Community take over

Im done with this team. Let’s create a new discord server to get rid of old team and go back to real community building
submitted by Green-Dream184 to SamoyedCoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 Hour-Hold5349 [Lv:95] [chalice:defiled chalice layer 2(and 3 if you want)]

Password is Honk
submitted by Hour-Hold5349 to huntersbell [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 SaintTequila1994 A Journey through Fairyland by Masami Hata, 1985

A Journey through Fairyland by Masami Hata, 1985 submitted by SaintTequila1994 to retroanime [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 jenslennartsson Favorite random/tiny moment?

I love how the paper lands on Sheldons shoulder when he throws the new roommate agreement in the air in the Boyfriend Complexity.
Apparently not scripted, but he managed to stay in character.
submitted by jenslennartsson to bigbangtheory [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 VOID-0180 Big boi

submitted by VOID-0180 to MurderDronesOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 Dilliup 250121 Seoyeon visited one of her birthday café

250121 Seoyeon visited one of her birthday café submitted by Dilliup to Fromis [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 Milhaud Portugal no es un país pequeño (1934)

Portugal no es un país pequeño (1934) submitted by Milhaud to MapasMilhaud [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 Natural-Sir-4786 can anyone explain to me about these courses?

can anyone explain to me about these courses? submitted by Natural-Sir-4786 to nasikatok [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 zellaax Price check for this account

Price check for this account I don’t play genshin anymore so I plan on selling this account. Can anybody tell me how much this account is worth in CAD? and if interested, I can log in to the account and show more.
Account details:
NA server AR 57
I don’t remember any of the 5* star weapons but I can send it in DMs if there’s anyone interested in buying.
submitted by zellaax to GenshinTrades [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 the_real_cloakvessel Silkborne pc port?

Silkborne pc port? submitted by the_real_cloakvessel to Silksong [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 Global_Ad4072 new to cassettes so questioning some things,

hi, i'm new to cassettes ever since my english teacher showed me her uncle's mixtapes, her uncle is deceased so she'd really like a cassette player to listen to her uncle's old mixtapes, now because i had $60 in amazon gift cards lying around from christmas 24, i decided to suprise her, because she is generally a nice person, i'm writing this the night before i show her, and i got some cassettes as well with the cassette player and my general question is what's the best name brands to buy cassettes / cassette players from? i'll be updating here with my teacher's thoughts.
submitted by Global_Ad4072 to cassetteculture [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 Interesting-Steak194 How would a fatalist view natural disasters?

Is my understanding of a fatalist align with Nietzsche’s vision? life is not an absurd sequence of probabilities, there is a telos in our body (unconscious) guiding our growth. Even in the seemingly absurd sequence of life, we can still find meaningful patterns in it. My question is how would Nietzsche view untimely death via natural disasters, would he still view them as fate and affirm them?
submitted by Interesting-Steak194 to Nietzsche [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 rite_of_truth An absolute masterpece

I began with Castlevania 2 when it was new. I've played every game I could get my hands on. This has been peak Castevania. The fights were fantastic, the emotions so well expressed; I couldn't have been more pleased with the entire production. It felt as much like the original world as the games. I was IN Castlevania.
The naysayers will move on under the next troll bridge, and leave us alone. This entire cartoon run will be freakin as immortal as Dracula.
Speaking of which, doesn't he come back form time to time? I think he met Richter once...
submitted by rite_of_truth to CastlevaniaNocturne [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 Resolution-Many Let’s make a deal

Let’s make a deal Selling my 2024 Explosive Mahomes 375$ OBO +5$ Bubble. Let me know 🤝. Have sold a bunch on here and WhatsNot @thefriendlycollector
submitted by Resolution-Many to footballcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 papipanda Funny Game Review Comment

Funny Game Review Comment Rook is now developed… to hold the King’s hand before he’s killed
submitted by papipanda to chessbeginners [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 ZER0_ARCEUS23 Always remember to backup your music to another USB

Don’t be like me. I lost my USB at my homies crib this past Saturday. Spent a whole hour looking for it and nothing. Currently making a whole new list again on 2 USB’s. It hurts not having the dubplates and 3 specials of mine backed up. I unfortunately have to play the waiting game with artists to get those tunes back. Especially my specials because for all I know, they could be trashed by now. Good luck to me in the recovery process of getting all the bangers back.
TL;DR: my usb is lost and currently trying to get all tunes back on a new usb
submitted by ZER0_ARCEUS23 to riddim [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:29 FitAmphibian7851 Fionna

Have watched shameless 3 times now and honestly fionna is the most selfish character. First 2.5 seasons make you really like her but you eventually realize she’s the most selfish character ever. The show wants you to take Frank or Lipp but in reality Frank is Frank and doesn’t hide it. Fionna tries to be this loveae character who causes more bad than good. Fionna pretty much ruins life too without ever realizing it or caring. The show wants you to love her but she’s easily the worst character there this.
submitted by FitAmphibian7851 to shameless [link] [comments]