healer rover build help?

行李箱的尺寸有16寸、18寸、20寸、22寸、24寸、26寸、28寸和32寸,他们的尺寸是通过测量箱体外轮廓长宽高三边的直线计算的,一般说行李箱的尺寸是指行李箱的长边的尺寸,常见的尺寸是20寸,它的长宽高三边之和加起来一般是115cm,可以登机,如果超过115cm就需要办理托运手续,但是不同品牌的 ... Healer vs inny szaman Znowu posłużę się cytatem mojego kolegi, który ujął to w kilku słowach, a zawarł tam wszystko co potrzebne . Tutaj między healerami jest wymiana skilli , przeważnie wygrywa ten komu siądzie kryt , UDERZAMY : Błyskawiczny Rzut -> Przywołanie Błyskawicy -> Błyskawiczny Rzut -> Leczenie-> i tak w kółko aż padnie. healer和朴丰洙是两个性格差异很大的角色,但是他们毕竟是同一个人,所以不管徐贞厚把自己表现得多么高能或掩饰得多么无措,他都是他自己,他都是被母亲抛弃却又感受到母亲的爱的徐贞厚,都是被师父抛弃却又经师父抚养长大对死老头深深眷念的徐贞厚,都是没见过大婶却对她撒娇对她无比 ... 游戏中的T、DPS是什么意思?DPS是输出的人,T是承受输出的人。1、MT/T = main tank 指肉盾,血厚的职业,指主要伤害承受者。 韩剧healer男主和剧中人物关系他们的上一辈是类似广播的事,所以叫80年代海盗广播护卫。里面有四男一女。其中金文浩就是那个在车上的那个小孩子,开车的就是他哥哥金文植。他哥哥喜欢崔明熙,就是那个坐轮椅的那个女

2025.01.21 07:31 guavajamtoast healer rover build help?

healer rover build help? https://preview.redd.it/2quid1piuaee1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=81074137323a3f986b1baaf6d83e4db6b87bb72d
been using celestial light on rover while i build rejuvenating glow for him on the side (i put them on baizhi just as a way to remember) and only got to build this so far. is there anything i need to add more? should i roll more for better substats? and im not sure also if fallacy or bellborne is better. would love some tips thank you <3
submitted by guavajamtoast to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 Philosoterp Older Kamvas Pro 16 pressure sensitivity is entirely inverted (MacOS)

I received an older-model Kamvas Pro 16 for the holidays last year. I sat down tonight to begin learning how to use it, but the stylus is wildly misreading the pressure inputs and I don't even know how to phrase what I'm seeing in such a way that I could search for it for any help.
First, the tablet is reading pressure input when the stylus isn't touching the screen. I am assuming there is some hoveselection functionality that, when my stylus tip enters the activation field, is being triggered, and then that is being read as 100% pressure input. As in, the blue bar on the right of the pressure test screen that indicates pressure goes from empty to entirely full, even though the stylus isn't touching the screen.
Second, when I *do* touch the stylus to the screen, the pressure reading goes *down*. As in, the pressure indication meter shows a dip in total pressure values being read.
So, it goes from zero pressure input to 100% pressure input before I touch the stylus to the tablet screen. Then, after it is touching the screen, if I apply a pressure to the stylus, it seems to be reading that as me lightening the pressure.
Like the title says, I'm running this tablet on MacOS, on a 2024 Mac mini M4. AFAIK I have the most recent drivers (Huion's site says the install file is from November 2024).
Can someone help? Thank you.
submitted by Philosoterp to huion [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 hsg8 Dashcam that goes through USB Socket and doesn't violate any warranty/claims

I drive a manual car which has simple USB ports and a lighter port. Can you guys suggest a good dashcam that does its work by utilizing either of these ports only and do not need connection through wiring changes or fuses. I don't need parking mode or any gps features. Just a normal dashcam that turns on when I start car, records and turns off when I stop. Please suggest. Budget is 10K rupees.
submitted by hsg8 to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 Existing-Curve5103 When did you realize you were not the main character?

submitted by Existing-Curve5103 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 Master_Ad528 Studied for the GRE for a year and still not seeing the results I want - Need study tips!

I've been preparing for the GRE for a year. I initially studied at Collins Institute of Nepal for three months, and on 1st pp1 scored 135V and 147Q. For the past nine months, I've been using GregMat, ane have build solid foundation as shown by my performance on practice quizzes from PrepSwift and GregMat. My target scores are 155+ Verbal and 165+ Quant. Today, I took PowerPrep Plus 1 after completing timed practice from GregMat. I scored 146V, 146Q, and 4AWA. I am really sad after dedicating so much time and still seeing such scores. My exam is on February 1st, and I'm terrified. I've been studying 4-5 hours daily for a year, and this is the result. Please don't assume I haven't practiced diligently. I've done extensive deliberate practice, memorized over 2100 words, and followed GregMat strategies. I'm particularly struggling with Verbal and feel stressed during the exam, making it hard to apply strategies. I tend to calm down during the second section (perhaps because it's easier), but I still make many mistakes. I'm unsure what to do now. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Master_Ad528 to GRE [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 ProfesserQ What's your go-to instant win button.

Seems like it's a simple question, but just to clarify, what is your favorite way to just say this character wins because of blank. For me it's narrative awareness. A character, which is not only aware that they are part of a piece of media, but that the opposition they are facing quite literally cannot interfere with anything they choose to do because The restraints of the narrativ/ medium prevent them from doing so.
Oh no, you can't kill me. Not because you physically couldn't but because This is a video game and I quite literally cannot be killed without the game crashing.
You can't stop my plans, not because they're better than yours but because they don't exist. I don't have plans This is a short story. It's going to end on a cliffhanger And the author probably won't write a follow-up because they hate their audience.
Does anybody have anything like this?
submitted by ProfesserQ to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 AcrobaticAddress1449 Nasopharyngeal cancer patient T3N1M0

Nasopharyngeal cancer patient T3N1M0 Male nasopharyngeal cancer patient age 28 years old On Mars 13th 2024 I was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer carcinoma after having a severe tinnitus and pulsating sounds in my ear, it was stage 3 as the following T3N1M0 metastisized to 1 lymph node but it doesn't spread to other part of the body
the treatment plan I underwent is 13 sessions of chemotherapy (cisplatin and gemcitabime) then 35 sessions of radiotherapy everything went well
Note: I noticed when I was taking gemcitabime I could feel that the tumor is shrinking quickly please don't take this as a medical advice but I'm just sharing my experience. What makes me say so, is that when I started taking (gemcitabime) drug the tumor shrunk and my eustachian tube opens so I gained back my hearing also pain had gone
Now I'm 3 months post treatment I'm waiting for my first IRM Scan
During the treatment I Lost a lot of weight up to (17 kgs)
I lost my taste buds, I had sore mouth and throat, neck burn, hard stool that blocked my rectum, I highly recommend the ones who may have the same situation to drink a lot of water up to 3 or 4 litter a day it will be a challenging thing because of sore throat but keep up fighting.
Those are side effects of chemotherapy and radiations
Now I'm totally fine, I don't have any of the side effects that I mentioned
I really appreciate your patience reading my humble experience
submitted by AcrobaticAddress1449 to HeadandNeckCancer [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 lss_bvt_ios_02 Hello World

Hello World submitted by lss_bvt_ios_02 to Lsstesting [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 EmmaDaOne21 I think I had a weed induced traumatic flashback

I was with friends the other night and I got stoned. I ended up taking to much and was couch locked. I’m going to try to summarize what happened next to the best of my ability.
I was laying down and suddenly was hit with a wave of sadness and a very scary familiar feeling. I felt like I was reliving something and tears started streaming down my face. There was a moment where I just kept saying “I don’t know why I’m crying” and I then kept repeating in my head “I miss my mom, I wanna see my mom” and then I blacked out.
Woke up the following morning and I felt fine but I should probably talk to a therapist.
submitted by EmmaDaOne21 to Vent [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 Suhas44 Help Identifying French Short Film

Help Identifying French Short Film French animated short film. Premise: a girl is wandering around an empty train station (she might’ve been playing with a feral black cat). A solitary train arrives. Her father comes out, as well as a conductor, who exchanges the girl for the father. The girl wakes up in a hospital stretcher. The implication is that the father and daughter were in a car accident, and the train station scene was an “afterlife” imagination. The video on YouTube had a couple million views, but I’m not able to find it. If anyone could identify it, I’d really appreciate it!
submitted by Suhas44 to Shortfilms [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 Chynxd WB Deoxys 055559763863

WB Deoxys 055559763863 submitted by Chynxd to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 leonebloom Transfer Student?

I am considering transferring from a California state university. I am studying Elementary Education and would love to know if current students recommend attending UNR. Is the workload manageable? How are the teachers?
submitted by leonebloom to unr [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 Twix_22 out with the new and in with the old

i was about to flip this model m i found and cleaned but when i was testing it i enjoyed the sound of the keycaps, even more than my razer greens. my ps2 ports don’t work so im running a usb adapter and ive noticed absolutely no difference in delay compared to the razer keyboard. im amazed at how well it works 41 years later.
submitted by Twix_22 to keyboards [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 Southern-Extent-8516 Anyone into microdosing DMT? What does it do for you?

submitted by Southern-Extent-8516 to dmtguide [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 rin_shar I just broke Godo!

I just broke Godo! submitted by rin_shar to BadMtgCombos [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 Rare_Set_3282 She is

She is beautiful but not like those girls you see and fall in love at first sight, she is beautiful the way she speaks for her favourites things, she is beautiful the way she express after listening her fav song, she is beautiful not the way she looks but in the way she appears, she is beautiful in her imperfection and in her insecurities , she is beautiful deep down in the soul she is beautiful
submitted by Rare_Set_3282 to Poems [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 InevitableNaive3042 I'm looking for Samm (BE) & Ajna - Yours To Take

If you have the song send me dm to exchange
submitted by InevitableNaive3042 to AfroHouseUnreleased [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 DoorOwn9271 Selling MacBook Pro

submitted by DoorOwn9271 to macbookpro [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 ayyyagirl "Fragrance of the First Flower" Season 2 Full Trailer is Out Now!

submitted by ayyyagirl to gagaoolala_official [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 Maleficent-Elk882 can i trust this seller ?

can i trust this seller ? SHARE FOR REWARDS Hurry! Use My Link Now To Get Up To $60. Enjoy Great Products On DHgate! https://m.dhgate.com/product/designer-slippers-women-platform-perforated/765681086.html
submitted by Maleficent-Elk882 to DHgateVip [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 Imakillaholic My Wife and I Made a Pact to Die Together at 80. This Morning, She Turned 80.

It started as a joke. We were twenty-two, sitting on the rooftop of our first apartment, watching the city lights flicker below.
“No hospitals. No nursing homes,” she said, swirling the last of the wine in her glass. “When we turn 80, we go together.”
“Deal,” I grinned, raising my bottle.
It was romantic in a morbid way—a promise that neither of us would have to grow old alone. That when the aches became unbearable, when the world became too much, we’d leave on our own terms.
We were young then, reckless. We thought 80 was impossibly far away.
But the years blurred past—marriage, kids, grandkids. The rooftop promise faded into the background, buried beneath school recitals, family road trips, late-night laughter.
We had too much to live for.
Until this morning.
Her side of the bed was empty, the sheets cool. I reached over instinctively, fingers brushing nothing but air.
I called her name.
No answer.
Then I saw it—the note, sitting neatly on the nightstand.
My name was written on the front in her delicate cursive.
I unfolded it with shaking hands.
“You always forget I’m older than you.”
My stomach twisted.
I threw the blanket off and ran downstairs.
The front door was wide open.
Outside, at the end of the driveway, our old car idled in the early morning light.
She was sitting in the driver’s seat, hands folded in her lap, staring straight ahead.
The passenger door was open.
Waiting for me.
I hesitated at the threshold.
She turned, smiling.
“I didn’t want you to wake up alone.”
Her voice was calm. Steady.
Like she had already made peace with this.
I swallowed hard, my throat tightening. “You don’t have to do this.”
She reached across and took my hand, her skin as soft and familiar as ever. “We made a promise.”
My legs felt weak as I lowered myself into the passenger seat.
She placed the gun on the dashboard between us.
“Whenever you’re ready,” she whispered.
The metal gleamed in the morning light.
We sat there for a long time, just breathing.
I thought about our children. Our grandchildren. About all the moments we never saw coming—birthdays, anniversaries, quiet afternoons where nothing and everything happened all at once.
The rooftop promise had been made by different versions of us—two kids who didn’t understand what it meant to truly live.
I exhaled, long and slow.
Then I reached for the keys and turned off the engine.
“Let’s go home.”
Her fingers squeezed mine, trembling.
She nodded.
We spent the day in silence.
I cooked her favorite meal—grilled salmon, asparagus, mashed potatoes. We ate by candlelight, listening to the hum of the cicadas outside.
I didn’t bring it up again.
She didn’t either.
We just… existed.
Like we could push the inevitable away if we just ignored it long enough.
I thought I had saved her.
That was my mistake.
I woke up alone.
The bed beside me was cold.
The house was too quiet.
I bolted upright, my heart slamming against my ribs.
No. No, no, no.
I ran downstairs.
The front door was open again.
I sprinted outside, the morning air sharp in my lungs.
The car was at the end of the driveway, but this time, the engine was off.
The passenger seat was empty.
But in the driver’s seat, slumped forward against the wheel—
She had taken matters into her own hands.
Her hands rested peacefully in her lap, the gun nestled between them.
On her chest sat another folded note.
I reached in, my fingers trembling as I opened it.
“I kept my promise. I just didn’t want to make you break yours.”
I don’t know how long I stood there, the paper shaking in my grip.
A car drove past. A jogger ran by.
The world kept moving.
But mine had stopped.
She had given me an out—one final act of love.
And I had failed her.
Because I wasn’t ready.
Because I chose to live.
That night, I sat on the rooftop.
The same one where we had made our promise all those years ago.
The city lights flickered below, just like they had that night.
I looked at the empty space beside me.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered.
The wind carried my words into the dark.
And somewhere—wherever she was now—
I hoped she heard me.
submitted by Imakillaholic to nosleep [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 shaemesrevolution Gifts and exp grind ❤️ 3281 2069 7840

Gifts & EXP grind Active player, who sends gifts daily. 3281 2069 7840
submitted by shaemesrevolution to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 Adoptmetradingneons Looking for these trades! (I'm the ride pot)

Looking for these trades! (I'm the ride pot) submitted by Adoptmetradingneons to adoptmeroblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 nanek_4 Bro did the salute

Bro did the salute submitted by nanek_4 to 197 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 07:31 Falcao_Hermanos PM Barzani Inaugurates Kurdistan House in Davos

PM Barzani Inaugurates Kurdistan House in Davos submitted by Falcao_Hermanos to kurdistan [link] [comments]
