Heavy rain on the way! Location - Quebec. Nimbostratus?

2025.01.21 08:40 Top_Technician_7247 Heavy rain on the way! Location - Quebec. Nimbostratus?

submitted by Top_Technician_7247 to CLOUDS [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 ernestomaloliente pregunta abierta sobre fuentes en linea de registros mercantiles

Hola, lo siento si este no es el lugar adecuado para esta pregunta pero pense que podría llegar a más gente aquí. creo que es claro que español no es mi primer idioma, pero todavia estoy buscando por ayuda!
trabajo en una empresa americano ayudando otras empresas y a menudo tenemos que trabajar con empresas internacionales, incluso algunos en latinoamerica. Cuando tengo una empresa en cuestion, necesito encontrar sus detalles (socios/accionistas, gerentes, fechas de registro, etc) a traves de registros oficiales en su pais. Por ejemplo en Mexico, uso SIGER y DENUE, fuentes oficial y publico. En Peru puedo usar SUNAT, en Chile hay el servicio de impuestos internos SII, cosas asi, y solo necesito sus numeros registro unico. Alguien puede cuentame fuentes similar en sus paises? Cualquier país latino! Por ejemplo no tengo ningun idea donde puedo encontrar detalles publicos oficiales sobre empresas en Nicaragua, Guatemala, o en DR !!
Bueno sé que esta puede ser una pregunta muy extraña y especifica pero si me puedes ayudar, ¡realmente lo agradecería! gracias y que goku te bendiga
submitted by ernestomaloliente to latinoamerica [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 prestondrizzy Dialing in every morning?

Am I supposed to be dialing in every morning? Shouldn’t it be consistent throughout meaning grind settings all the same? I usually pull a shot in the morning just to taste. Grind size is always the same, puck prep is always the same, can someone explain to me the point of dialing in every morning when everything will be the same as yesterday? Am I missing something? We use an automatic espresso machine as well. What am I missing here?
submitted by prestondrizzy to barista [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Werdak Dark Avatar Nisha & Vaatu (Idea by me / Art by fuyu_tjondro)

Dark Avatar Nisha & Vaatu (Idea by me / Art by fuyu_tjondro) submitted by Werdak to LegendOfPavi [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 foolwizeman These are my poems

Tell me a secret of the past, a unknown from the people that didn't last. While decades fell & everything lapsed, the understanding of the world was given last. We weren't able to keep alive something so precious the Devine contrived. The existence of all gave away the ability to dissolve anything of worth & how we were involved. The simple truth becomes complex when we won't speak words upon our chests & allow the beings to suggest the circumstances that created our death. With our destiny of the inability to live we have created a existence of giving, something we can't give. Life so precious its consumed all good, little did we know its all it took. Before the fire that burned all of humanity, it was the holy spirit that consumed all insanity gave the way to the soul without calamity now peace raigns because of the love & sanity. Time moves but the truth stands still. Let history repeat itself while your willing to kill for the dirt that distills the rocks of the past that expose everything the elite surpass as bills that empower the beings of wrath. Let hell show its face like the sun that gives us grace. As the heat reminds us of the pain of the stagnant place that only allows light in such disgrace. We will become whole once again when all pieces fall beyond the rim of such an existence that allows dimensions now we can fall to a peaceful ascension
submitted by foolwizeman to writers [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 GraZEzz How should I feel? What should I do?

SORRY FOR BAD ENGLISH. It might no make sense in some sentences, you can ask me or correct me.
Hi! I'm Thai and currently studying in the university. 2nd year student.
A year ago, I changed my major to other major so I have to make a study schedule for myself by my own. That's mean my schedule will not be the same like the others. I have to hop around the group or sometimes I even have to study with freshman. This year I have to attend "English speaking and listening" class and prof. of this is something else. Most of the students even the seniors said that he's rude, toxic, not listen to student, self-centered. I didn't believe them at first as there are plenty of this kind of situation like there some bad rumor about this person and turns out they're not that bad situation. Until today.
Yesterday, I met my English prof. and he asked me if I know what section/group have to study with him on Friday. I said I don't know since I don't know the others schedule. In the afternoon of that day, I have a "linguistics" class with section 3 which also happen to be the section that usually study with this prof. on Friday. He came in to ask something with section 3 students and he saw me sitting at the back of the classroom. He shouted at me, I can't really remember what he said but there was sentences like "YOU ARE INSANLY STUPID ABOUT NOT KNOWING THAT SECTION 3 HAVE A CLASS WITH ME ON FRIDAY. YOU'RE SITTING WITH THEM". Like I said I don't know the others schedule, I only know mine and it's different. I tired to explain to him but at that moment I was shocked. I couldn't think of a word or even a sentence to tell him then he shouted at me again "SHUT UP" and continue to humiliate me in front of everyone. I was furious and to myself "Is it really my fault?"
So Today I decided to take a day off since my morning class is online and afternoon class is "English speaking and listening" class with that prof. . I accepted that I just don't want to face him right now and I just need a day off just a single day. In my university, they allow students to absent 3 times for the whole semester and that is my first time ever to be absent. He contact me and ask me why I don't come to class. I don't want to lie to him since there was one time the other student didn't come to class and her reason is she was sick so he demand the doctor note then he start went on the talking not what was the content but I remembered he said "Idiot" also I don't mean to disrespect him in anyway. I answered "I just want to take a day off" He then said if I want to withdraw from this course contact him. I'm so confused and shocked, so I asked him why he said "You don't want to study so no need to study." but I didn't mean it that way I just want to cut myself some slack and that's all.
What should I feel or do? I can't really to keep myself clam right now. I don't want to withdraw form the course just because of this reason. Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by GraZEzz to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Dramatic-Smoke-9714 Mtech IT Feb intake

Hey everyone, Kabir here! I’m joining RMIT this February intake for an MTech in IT. I’m looking to make some friends and connect with like-minded people, so I stumbled across this Reddit page. Excited to meet you all and share this journey together!
submitted by Dramatic-Smoke-9714 to rmit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 irrationalcantspell Entrapment

And not at all why I'm here the new Harry Potter book but keep pushing your bs y'all caused a lot of shit
submitted by irrationalcantspell to UnsentLettersRaw [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 desireefashionbiz R&RH Elegant Red Oval Necklace with Stunning Artwork

submitted by desireefashionbiz to richandrichbiz [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 XBpapi Has anyone seen these pink pads in the throat before?

Has anyone seen these pink pads in the throat before? I only just noticed them when he yawned in my face before, anyone seen these before?
submitted by XBpapi to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 allforyurii Goodnight findom, I expect sends in the morning, be a good piggy. Make sure to drink water and eat a balanced breakfast to jumpstart your day ♡

submitted by allforyurii to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 InternationalTea3972 CA campus placements-Delhi Centre

Hello people,
Just wanted to know whether anyone got any shortlisting at delhi centre as of now, I have received none, is it just me or something is fishy.
submitted by InternationalTea3972 to CharteredAccountants [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 desireefashionbiz Cushions

Cushions submitted by desireefashionbiz to richandrichbiz [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 StrictTree9366 [35/M] UK - It’s my day off today and I have nothing planned.

Hello all! It’s my day off work today and I have very little planned other than sitting around and being lazy! If anyone would like to chat, feel free to drop me a message, I’ll be here all day. Bonus points on offer to anybody from the UK 😊
submitted by StrictTree9366 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 ChallengeWest4461 18 male I just want anyone to tell me anything seriously anything doesn’t matter what

Say it it doesn’t matter if it’s stupid or bad or anything like that I just want to listen
submitted by ChallengeWest4461 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 yesindeedysir Pregnancy is the most unfair thing of life

Men get their few minutes of pure pleasure, some women don’t even reach climax, and and woman’s life gets destroyed and her body basically becomes a body horror movie for 9 months then she has to go through one of the most painful processes known to humans.
I swear if some asshole ever gets me pregnant, I’m ending it all.
Currently having an anxiety attack.
submitted by yesindeedysir to rant [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 No-Medicine4133 Kolizja I strach przez kierowaniem

Jakiś czas temu byłem poszkodowanym kolizji, w której sprawca wprost wjechał we mnie. Sam wyszedłem z tego cały oprócz siniaków. Minęło trochę czasu od tego zdarzenia, starałem się unikać jazdy, kiedy to nie było konieczne, również nie posiadałem pojazdu ze względu na szkodę całkowitą. Ostatnio jednak zdecydowałem się na zakup samochodu ze względu na potrzeby, ale odkąd kupiłem mam jakiś strach przed jazdą. Strach przed kierowaniem. Nie mam pojęcia jak się z tym uporać, jak to ogarnąć sobie w głowie. Jeśli chodzi o wyspecjalizowaną pomoc to może być ciężko ze względu na budżet. Ktoś był w podobnej sytuacji? Jak sobie poradziliście?
submitted by No-Medicine4133 to Polska [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Poetry-Designer Starting to realise that A lot of People don’t know what a retcon truly is, it’s such an overused word, with that in mind though…

…What are some actual retcons in the Ben 10 Series’?
submitted by Poetry-Designer to Ben10 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Kathi-Video Mamas, habt/ hattet ihr ein Schreibaby?

Hallo, ich bin auf der Suche nach Müttern, die ein Schreibaby hatten oder haben? Vielleicht könntet ihr euch mal bei mir melden oder hier reagieren. Ich hätte ein paar Fragen. Liebe Grüße
submitted by Kathi-Video to Eltern [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 sp00kystu44 Multi-Account Security Seems Hypocritical

I'm a newcomer to AWS, having done a lot with Azure before.
AWS clearly recommends creating a multi-account setup. Makes sense, Accounts are somewhat akin to Azure's subscriptions.
In Azure, you'd do the following:
You have one subscription per environment, per region. Dev-Europe, Prod-US - you get it. Given that subscriptions don't need any set up, having many isn't a big issue. RBAC makes it easy to constrain Service Principals and users to their respective areas.
AWS Accounts however need a _ton_ of configuration. From SCPs, to guardrails, to contact information. There's ControlTower, there's IaC, there's a seemingly unmainatained `org-formation` tool which everyone praises. It still feels awful to do `N×M×K` accounts, where `N` is "regions", `M` is "environments" and `K` is "components". It gets even worse for people targeting china, as you have to do it all over again there (which is fair, Azure needs to do it too, but it still requires less configuration there).
All in the name of security given that IAM can be misconfigured if you do indeed put multiple components in one Account. But is it really that secure? The default still recommends putting multiple _regions_ in the same account. Which is just wild to me.
If my EC2 instance in my ProdEU instance gets hijacked, that sucks. If they can escalate via the logging infrastructure, that sucks too. But what sucks more is if they manage to get access to EC2 instances in ProdUS through a misconfigured IAM policy.
There's an argument to be had that different regions are somewhat secure by default. Apart from S3 most components are VPC specific and thus isolated by default. (the fact that S3 buckets can't be made unreachable on layer 3/4 is another topic entirely).
Okay, so now IAM is secure enough? I can still misconfigure an IAM policy allowing my ProdUS EC2 instance to access the ProdEU s3 bucket. I thought that was the whole point of the multi-account setup.
I'm honestly considering switching back to Azure because of this. Am I missing something? Dunning-Krugering?
PS: I do understand that multiple accounts also help with organizating teams and user permissions. My point is purely about security at the system level.
submitted by sp00kystu44 to aws [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Crafty_Goose1544 This one my favorite >>>

This one my favorite >>> submitted by Crafty_Goose1544 to Kanye [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 TimothyCocks69 Isabelle Kelly

Isabelle Kelly submitted by TimothyCocks69 to RugbyBabes2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 AutoModerator GTA Online Modded Accounts for PC, XBOX, and PLAYSTATION (Old and New Gen) Tired of the grind?

Contact u/LeviAckermanGTA or join my discord if you want to get one like this. 💕 Discord:https://discord.gg/HBZtbeMPp9 submitted by AutoModerator to LeviAckermanGTAMods [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 SoFcknT1red [God of War] Marathon was super fun (except from the trials in game 1)

[God of War] Marathon was super fun (except from the trials in game 1) submitted by SoFcknT1red to Trophies [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 08:40 Fnaflover_miku What’s your “I did not care for The Godfather” Guns n roses take?

What’s your “I did not care for The Godfather” Guns n roses take? submitted by Fnaflover_miku to GunsNRoses [link] [comments]
