First PvE attempt. Tips?

汇编程序中出现“attempt to define an already defined label”该怎么解决?意思是你定义的变量之类的是已经被定义过的,看看自己定义的变量是否与系统已存在的标签重名,改个名字就行了 attempt的用法:attempt有两种用法,一是用作名词,表示“企图;试图;尝试”的意思,二是用作动词,表示“努力;尝试;试图”的意思。 常见的固定搭配有attempt at“在…上尝试”,attempt to do sth(试图做某事),attempt doing sth(试图要做某事)。 attempt后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或动名词作宾语,动词不定式或动名词作宾语所表达的意思几乎相同,但由于习惯,用不定式时较多些。 2、in order to 意思是“为了”,与to相近,但比to的目的性更强,后接动词原形 ,既可用在开头,也可用在句中。 attempt to do:词性为动词短语,attempt是动词,to do是动词不定式的形式,两者连用表示尝试去做某事,强调的是行为本身。 attempt doing:词性为动词短语,attempt是动词,doing是动名词的形式,两者连用表示尝试去进行某个动作或行为,强调的是过程。 问题:如何修复windows 10上的invalid_process_attach_attempt(0x00000005)错误嗨,我的笔记本电脑遇到了烦人的问题。自从我安装了windows 10后,我的计算机随机冻结,而我使用它并且键盘输入不起作用(如ctrl + alt + del或ctrl + shift + esc)。我没有选择,我必须重新启动。 Cisco AnyConnect连接的时候出现connection attempt has failed due to network or pc issue是怎么回事?那是系统错误导致的。你应该选择其他的gateway来建立。Win10安装cisco anyconnect client:1、在一些思科的设 Attempt 动词,尝试的意思。比try的确定性强,比intent确定性弱。通常是指努力付出行动去做一件目的明确的事。 Purpose 名词,目的的意思。通常指一件具体事情的目的,或某种行动相要达成的目的。与goal不同,它指的不是某种目标,不是需要用努力达到的事情。 make an attempt at doing sth 试图、打算做某事 Another way of looking at this is to make an attempt at discovering the authorialintent. 看待这个问题的另一种方法是试着发掘作者的意图。 make an attempt to do sth 尝试、尝试做某事 You should make an attempt to resolve this problem, otherwise you wouldregret. 我用lua脚本写程序时,出现了下面的错误:attempt to index field 'size' (a nil value)错误已经写的很明显了你使用了一个空值来索引一个table比如 你运行一下这段代码你就懂了tab = {}tab.size = {}print(t attempt后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或动名词作宾语,动词不定式或动名词作宾语所表达的意思几乎相同,但由于习惯,用不定式时较多些。 2、in order to 意思是“为了”,与to相近,但比to的目的性更强,后接动词原形 ,既可用在开头,也可用在句中。

2025.01.21 09:53 LowTierWunk First PvE attempt. Tips?

First PvE attempt. Tips? Unsure whether I should opt out some stats for overflowing dam
submitted by LowTierWunk to deepwoken [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 SevenVeils0 Question about weighing gf flour blends

I have always baked by weight, using a good precise scale and metric measurements (grams as opposed to ounces).
Even with wheat flours, there is a difference in weight between different types- for instance, the difference in weight between pastry flour and WW AP flour and white AP flour is significant enough that not adjusting for the difference can have a real impact on your final product.
Now, with gf flours, the difference in weight between various flours and/or flour blends can really be very large. But I see many recipes which emphasize the importance of baking by weight, without any mention of this fact.
Which leaves me a bit confused. It seems that logically, using a flour blend which weighs significantly less per cup than the blend used by the recipe author, but not making the calculations to take this into account, should result in a much drier end product (or the other way around). So, I have been doing that.
But the fact that nobody but me seems to take this into account makes me seriously question whether I am just wasting a lot of time making these calculations.
submitted by SevenVeils0 to glutenfreebaking [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 cineSnooter Kamasu || Amazon Japan

I am planning to buy the orient kamasu from Amazon Japan but the issue is that I all of my documents have hometown address and I love somewhere else for job and I want the watch delivered here(ghar pe hui to pitai hojayegi). I do not have any rent agreement whatsoever. What can I do?
submitted by cineSnooter to watchesindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 eigo-bunpou 「英単語解説」oil-sketchの意味について

oil sketchを日本語和訳しますと「油絵」の意味である。各例文を見て、oil sketchの意味を覚えられる。読み方はɔɪl skɛʧです。豊富な例文及び運用法を通して「oil sketch」の意味を学びましょう!。徹底解説「oil-sketch」の意味、使い方、例文、覚え方を紹介!多様なニュアンスを理...
#英語文法 #英文法
submitted by eigo-bunpou to omoshiroi_eigo_bunpou [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 Immortal_Slayer1 Dawn - Falcula (Sweden, 1998)

Dawn - Falcula (Sweden, 1998) submitted by Immortal_Slayer1 to BlasphemousMetal [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 Dgemfer How much is too much volume on a push/pull split?

I just recently transitioned from full body to push/pull splits to work on advanced skills (front lever, planche, etc), since the workout volume during full body was getting out of control (up to 1h and a half workouts).
Now the problem is that I am not sure how much volume is too much with this new split, given that I have no experience. A few workouts in, I've realised that my shoulders are cooked during push day after 3 sets of 4 different exercises (40min workout, warming up not included), and soreness is pretty bad the days after. However, checking reddit for advice plus other social media I've seen people doing more than 6 different exercises in a single day. So I am left wondering how much volume is appropriate for this split.
I know the obvious answer is "whatever you can handle" and this probably changes from person to person. Still, I could use a reference to check whether I am maybe doing too hard progressions, or should do less repetitions per set and then include more exercises.
Any advice?
submitted by Dgemfer to bodyweightfitness [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 Oskariue Toty card preparation

Asking simole question about toty. Should i buy players now or during toty event. Wondering if card prices is going up during toty event.
submitted by Oskariue to NHLHUT [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 ShakaaSweep Dogs in SF!

Anybody make it to the show this past Friday?! A little cramed but it’s safe to say the boys blew the top off of that place! Gang never seizes to me amaze me.
submitted by ShakaaSweep to dogsinapile [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 Warm-Assistance8493 DEE VOTIONAL MOMENTS #124 #thatswhatsupdee

DEE VOTIONAL MOMENTS #124 #thatswhatsupdee submitted by Warm-Assistance8493 to SkillSnacks [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 toshos92 Unzufrieden mit Fahrschule

Ich habe mich endlich angemeldet in der Fahrschule(letztes Jahr im Dezember) und war schon 4 mal bei der Theorie. Leider kann ich nur morgens hin, weil ich Abends arbeite. Jedes mal saß ich alleine da und wurde dann nach Hause geschickt. Die Stunde wurde mir zwar gut geschrieben, aber ich habe nichts gelernt. Heute war ein anderer Fahrschüler dabei und ich hatte Hoffnung, endlich was zu lernen. Aber wieder wurde ich weggeschickt. Es zieht mich total runter und so macht mir das keinen Spaß. Ist sowas überhaupt okay, Fahrschüler wieder wegzuschicken und denen einfach eine Stunde gutzuschreiben, obwohl sie dann nichts lernen?
submitted by toshos92 to Fahrschule [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 fake131 Whoops!

Whoops! This was a cheap unbranded padlock I bought from a supermarket last year. I've picked it a lot as I was learning but it suddenly got a harder to pick. The core seemed to be splaying open with BOK so tried TOK and this happened!!!
submitted by fake131 to lockpicking [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 WanderLustandBeyond Is exclusivity worth talking about?

I've been seeing my SB for a while now and while I want something exclusive I'm not entirely certain about her position. I'd like to ask but I'm sort of stuck in a 50/50 situation based on advice on this forum. On the one hand, communicating needs is important and I do want to communicate this need. I don't want to bottle it up constantly and let resentment grow. On the other hand I don't want to be lied to keep me around. Is it worth asking? Should I do it?
submitted by WanderLustandBeyond to sugarlifestyleforum [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 Toc_a_Somaten Film about a gay man in modern times imagining himself as a woman in Nazi Paris having an affair with a blonde SS officer (and where the French resistance are the bad guys)

Looking for a movie I can't fully remember - it's relatively modern/contemporary but has this really interesting structure. The main story is about a gay man (I think he lives in the US?) but there's this whole movie-within-a-movie or imagined narrative where he pictures himself as a woman having a relationship with a handsome blonde SS officer in Nazi-occupied Paris.
What makes it really unique is how it subverts the usual WWII movie tropes - like the French Resistance is portrayed kind of negatively/satirically. Pretty sure either the woman (who is really the protagonist imagining himself) or the SS officer gets killed by the Resistance.
I wanted to mention the film because we’ll be discussing the author of “Lust, Caution” next week and I see some parallels with this film I mentioned but unfortunately can’t recall the name at all!!!!
submitted by Toc_a_Somaten to NameThatMovie [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 totoro00 Any churners successful with getting AMEX recently?

I'm running out of valuable cards to churn and it's been more than 18 months since my last Amex.
For those who were approved even if you consider yourself a churner, how much did you do a year?
My churning details in the table below. As you can see I've closed two this month alone so I'm not even going to try until March maybe.
I'm willing to wait to open/close one for a few months (not much option for me anyway!) so that my credit history is 'quitier' but wanted to see how good to I have to be to get approved.
Another question is about the rejections:
For the churners that got rejected straight away, did this get reflected in your credit history?
I got rejected by Citi more than 6 months ago but it never showed up in my account (I asked them about it and it was apparently because of bad customer relationship (I've never missed a payment and my income/spend is pretty decent). They also have approved me recently without any issues.
If it's anything like Citi, then I wouldn't mind trying again
|| || ||Closed|Waiting period|| |ANZ|5/01/25|12|wait| |Citi|open|12|wait| |Suncorp|17/01/25|12|wait| |Amex|10/09/22|18|ready| |St George|25/12/23|24|wait| |NAB|11/06/24|24|wait| |Westpac|30/09/23|24|wait| |Comm bank|25/7/24|12|wait| |Qantas|21/03/24|24|wait |
submitted by totoro00 to creditcardchurningAus [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 AutoModerator ana luiza video, ana luiza y fran video, oliviaroomano, video ana luiza y fran,

ana luiza video, ana luiza y fran video, oliviaroomano, video ana luiza y fran, submitted by AutoModerator to Main9758 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 amesupi Are you a bad enough dude to do your oil cracking with biochambers on Nauvis?

Just think of that 50% free product you're missing out on.
submitted by amesupi to Factoriohno [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 Tiny_Bison_1425 AND I WORK LIKE A DOG, DAY AND NIGHT!

AND I WORK LIKE A DOG, DAY AND NIGHT! submitted by Tiny_Bison_1425 to IndianPets [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 Glass_938 Croissants 1+1 gratis, frikandelbroodje 2 voor 1,50 | KOOPZEGELS UIT

Croissants 1+1 gratis, frikandelbroodje 2 voor 1,50 | KOOPZEGELS UIT submitted by Glass_938 to persoonlijkebonus [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 cidadehoje Famalicão: Equipa masculina da Papa Léguas apurada para o nacional da 3ª divisão de pista curta

submitted by cidadehoje to cidadehoje [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 Majeist Lets go

Lets go New project. F83 seats on E46.
submitted by Majeist to e46 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 sillygojira7002 If you could make a movie/series about Spider-Man and Daredevils dynamic, what would it be like?

If you could make a movie/series about Spider-Man and Daredevils dynamic, what would it be like? am currently dealing with snow in texas which doesn’t happen much but if you could make a movie or series about these two how would it go?
submitted by sillygojira7002 to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 Valuable_Two_6987 me ajude a achar esse manhwua

me ajude a achar esse manhwua tem um manhwua q eu quero muito ler mas eu só tenho a foto de uma das personagens
submitted by Valuable_Two_6987 to animebrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 Which_Dot6747 KQL - What am I doing wrong?

I'm really struggling with Azure Resource Graph Explorer and its KQL queries.
To keep it specific and simple to answer, I'll keep this about a single query that I can't understand why its failing.
This code comes from Microsoft's own documentation

// The "State" field provides information on the connection stage of an actitivity. // The delta between "Connected" and "Completed" provides the connection duration. WVDConnections | where State == "Connected" | project CorrelationId , UserName, ConnectionType , StartTime=TimeGenerated | join kind=inner ( WVDConnections | where State == "Completed" | project EndTime=TimeGenerated, CorrelationId ) on CorrelationId | project Duration = EndTime - StartTime, ConnectionType, UserName | sort by Duration desc 
When I run this code, I get the following error, implying that there is no column for State
Query is invalid. Please refer to the documentation for the Azure Resource Graph service and fix the error before retrying. (Code:InvalidQuery) 'where' operator: Failed to resolve column or scalar expression named 'State' (Code:Operator_FailedToResolveEntity) Filter expression should be Boolean (Code:Default) 
The majority of the queries I run, result in similar errors, even those from Microsoft's own documentation. What am I doing wrong here
submitted by Which_Dot6747 to AZURE [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 Numerous-Ad-7856 Is this crack in the bath fixable?

Is this crack in the bath fixable? The bath cracked and I'm hoping there is a temporary fix thanks in advance
submitted by Numerous-Ad-7856 to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:53 Konogattsu Retrospective on Bomberman Hardball

Retrospective on Bomberman Hardball I had fun making this video, I'd appreciate any feedback:)
submitted by Konogattsu to bomberman [link] [comments]