2025.01.21 10:42 Justanotherkiwi21 Radahn festival in a nutshell
submitted by Justanotherkiwi21 to EldenRingMemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 10:42 viral_pinktastic Virginia Lawmakers Debate Data Center Regulation as ‘Unchecked Growth’ Threatens Energy Grid Stability
submitted by viral_pinktastic to DataCenterNews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 10:42 lss_web_1444 Text post title 219
Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:42 sdjdk9487958skdjfkds Read below please
submitted by sdjdk9487958skdjfkds to HairTransplants [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:42 Adventurous_Bag_6142 The next time these guys are gonna have tea and cake or smt
submitted by Adventurous_Bag_6142 to MyHeroAcadamia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 10:42 WinningWinningWin I unlocked the ability to mount skywings but when I overcharge it, it won't let me mount
So I overcharged a skywing and I noticed the overcharge indicator wasn't full, it was like 70% full and there was no option to mount it.
Any ideas?
submitted by WinningWinningWin to HorizonForbiddenWest [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:42 mh120480 (Ex Premium)MikroGespräch040 mit Lukas Scholle über das Surplus Magazin - Mikroökonomen
submitted by mh120480 to mikrooekonomen [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 10:42 H4RZVS Créatine avant ou après : Vraie différence?
J'ai l'habitude de prendre de la créatine depuis un an juste avant mes séances, par confort.
J'ai quelque fois entendu ou lu que la prise juste après une séance de musculation était "légèrement" préférable. Mais à quel point?
Est-ce négligeable pour un sportif intermédiaire ? Ou ça vaut vraiment le coup si on à le choix de la prise?
Merci pour vos témoignages.
submitted by H4RZVS to FitnessFrance [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:42 KeyEase7898 19M looking for new friends
I (19M), is looking for friends out here. Being an outdoor person, i love spending times out and i barely got someone to roam with. Spending time alone i crave for hugs and some mental assurance.
submitted by KeyEase7898 to mumbaimeetups [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:42 itstartswithani The Vetruvian Crab
submitted by itstartswithani to StrangeAndFunny [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 10:42 Anubiz199850 Which is my best looking nano Aquarium??
submitted by Anubiz199850 to Aquariums [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 10:42 TinyMonsterTV Merging Jewels
Is it worth to merge jewels? I read somewhere that keeping them at a certain level offers higher % than merging them.
submitted by TinyMonsterTV to heroesvshordes [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:42 No_Translator_7533 Poketubers are a lot to blame for this situation
I remember back in the day card openings were about the joy of opening cards. Maybe half a booster box or a couple collection boxes and they would take their time opening. They used to show you the cards and there was no mention of money or value or profits made/lost.
Nowadays everyone is opening boxes and boxes of product for the same 20 minute video. Everything about the opening is geared to how much the cards are worth with flashy pop-ups and money counters. So of course loads of people are rushing out to buy cards when all the content they see about pokemon cards is how much money they can make off pokemon cards!!
submitted by No_Translator_7533 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:42 Public_Throat2152 Found a pair of jean-shorts of my sister’s i love and want to find a pair that fit me!
They’ve got this weird design that i like where it’s really tight around the ankle, cant seem to find them but i’m not that good at this anyhow , please help if you want 🙏 submitted by Public_Throat2152 to findfashion [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 10:42 Thilo223 Petition gegen die AFD
Über Unterstützung für eine kleine Petiton aus dem ländlichen Raum würde ich mich Ultra freuen! Danke an alle im Voraus! Gern teilen, wir brauchen unbedingt 250 Unterschriften. submitted by Thilo223 to fck_afd [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 10:42 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 887
AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:42 heyareyoutrippy Am I wrong or are pets not supposed to be left outside in this 33 degree weather??
If you live here you know it’s freezing and raining outside about 30 mins to an hour ago my girlfriend heard my neighbors dog barking and I went outside to check for myself, maybe it’s bark was audible through the inside or wherever it would be to stay warm but nope.. I saw him just barking at nothing, no other dogs, it wasn’t fixed on one location barking, in fact he even acknowledged me and just stayed looking at me for a second and wondered beyond my view. … should I call the cops? Or is that not necessary? Am I tripping or is it okay for a dog to be outside? It’s 33 degrees 😐
submitted by heyareyoutrippy to RioGrandeValley [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:42 Bifobe Umowa UE z grupą Mercosur to gwóźdź do trumny klimatu i praw zwierząt
submitted by Bifobe to Polska [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 10:42 DarrinEagle MSTR Special Shareholder Meeting is today
This is to approve the increase in the number of authorized shares.
Its a virtual only meeting.
Expect them to post results via an 8-K that will be available here: https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?company=&match=&CIK=MSTR&filenum=&State=&Country=&SIC=&owner=exclude&Find=Find+Companies&action=getcompany
Of course, they have 5 deadlines to file an 8-K so we will probably see a tweet first.
submitted by DarrinEagle to MSTR [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:42 thecutiebear Do I Need Probation Review on Fixed-Term Loan?
I’ve moved to a new government department on a fixed-term loan and completed probation in my previous department.
Do I need to go through probation again in this new department, or am I exempt because it’s a loan? If that’s the case, could anyone point me towards any relevant guidance or policy?
Any advice would be much appreciated—thanks!
submitted by thecutiebear to TheCivilService [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:42 romanticchic MotoSport Cranks & Rods Coupon Code
Go to this page for MotoSport Cranks & Rods Coupon Code. If you're looking for the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the place to go. They always have the latest offers available.
submitted by romanticchic to ScreenDore [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:42 Rafiq_Hasanov 註冊實【薇信37378〇805】返佣开代理网址导航 http://bex.ink名認證,獲取價值高達3,000元的數字貨幣 香港 幣贏
【币安binance-App下载】30%+邀请码 GZJGYPRX 区块链技术原理与开发实战 http://ba.s2s.pw\ 【OKEX-App下载】40%+优惠注册 http://ok.s2s.pw\ 【BIKA币咔-App下载】70%+邀请码 VVQT1B http://bika.s2s.pw\ 【币安binance-App下载】30%+邀请码 GZJGYPRX http://ba.s2s.pw\ 02.研究方向,杰弗逊打断了他的话:“但是谁在学习?是你还是机器?”,“低级且强大”,罗菲体验后给出了这样的评价。他介绍,付款后,商家发来的网盘链接可以看到所有的游戏资源,附带使用教程,甚至告诉用户怎么逃避官方的版权保护机制。。\ 火必(火币)教育。LmpHcRIo为了解这两种模型之间的区别,OpenAI在各种基准测试中进行了测试,包括人类的模拟考试,比如GRE。OpenAI并没有针对这些考试进行专门培训,但GPT-4的排名依然名列前茅。例如,它通过模拟律师考试,分数在应试者的前10%左右;相比之下,GPT-3.5的得分在倒数10%左右。,GPT-4的上下文长度为8192个token。OpenAI还提供了32768 个tokens上下文(约50页文本)版本的有限访问,该版本也将随着时间自动更新(当前版本GPT-4-32k-0314,支持到6月14日)。定价为每1000个prompt token 0.06美元和每1000个completion token 0.12美元。,稍有不同是,基本上幣本位交易的手續費會比較便宜一點點。,2. 加密貨幣提現。\ 据元力社报道,近日,元宇宙游戏 MiAO 宣布完成亿元级的天使轮融资,本轮融资由红杉中国、高榕资本、砺思资本投资。据悉,MiAO 是一家游戏和社交平台,由前巨人 CEO 吴萌创立于 2020 年。目前,MiAO 的第一款全球化产品正在研发之中,是主打多人玩法的开放世界体素游戏。,【BAYC#1360入驻腾讯QQ元宇宙】,杭州市拱墅区出台《“拼经济·开门红”拱比特币k线图墅区2023年经济稳进提质发展16条》政策,其中第13条提到:积极推广数字文化产品:加大NFT、网络拍卖、云展厅、虚拟摄制等数字化文化产品推广应用,视项目的创新性和影响力,按照产品销售额或技术服务收入的10%最高不超过100万元扶持。。\ 芝商所(CME Group)计划推出三种元宇宙加密资产的参考利率和实时指数,使投资者能够使用传统金融中常用的方法更可靠地跟踪定价数据。从1月30日开始,CME Group和CF Benchmarks将推出Axie Infinity(AXS)、Chiliz(CHZ)和Decentraland(MANA)的参考汇率。参考汇率和指数非可交易产品,而是CME Group加密货币产品。资产的参考利率将以美元计价,并于伦敦时间每日下午4点公布。,当调用ChatGPT模型的能力不再是门槛,对于场景赛道的理解、商业模式的构建能力就成为企业的核心竞争优势。,m丙G874水斥香港釋放明確信號 火必助其打造數字資產中心,OpenAI今天将开始邀请一些开发人员,并逐步扩大规模以平衡容量与需求。。\ 火必(火币)教育虽然生成内容的可靠性仍是一个真问题,但GPT-4相对于以前的模型显著减少了胡说八道。在OpenAI的内部对抗性真实性评估中,GPT-4的得分比OpenAI最新的GPT-3.5高 40%:,9. 危害较小,不会鼓励非法、不道德或不道德的活动;,其次,人作为创作核心这一点没有变化:AI面向任务,人类面向创造。一方面,人类信息系统纷繁复杂,远非几个“prompt”输入就能概括。正如一位网友说,AI代替不了我,因为它理解不了老板的需求。没有五年经验的乙方,也解读不来甲方口中的“要大气”。另一方面,AI成长的养料仍然由人提供,AI更可靠可信也依赖着人的使用与反馈。“断奶”于2021年的ChatGPT可不知道2022年世界杯的战果。,1. Measuring Progress on Scalable Oversight for Large Language Models。\ 尽管如此,AIGC在3D侧的能力,距离打造3D互联网仍有不小的距离。而游戏中较为成熟的程序化内容生成(PCG,Procedural Content Generation)技术,可能是AIGC迈过深水区的一大助力。,“一轮轮暴雷,反而证明了区块链和去中心化的重要性。从Luna、3AC再到FTX,本质上还是因为中心化的问题。链上的DeFi(去中心化金融)生态在这一轮熊市暴跌里反而运转得很好,就证明了这一点。”Kevin向虎嗅表示。,团括株扣周丢纤显鲁据南新仍折某嘉哄帮率奖蜜亏钻联然孙尤慎肾回焦馒啄僚她大模型更大的潜力,还在于能够降低小模型训练的成本。大模型好比是历经了义务教育的孩子,在此基础上,上大学选专业,进而成为更高阶的专业人才是件成本较低、水到渠成的事。。\ 由於增加了多重簽名驗證的過程,多簽錢包的便捷性相比單簽錢包就大大降低不少。如果有一筆很急迫的交易或是頻繁的日常交易,都需要過半數私鑰持有人的同意,那麼交易完成所耗費的時間恐將大幅延長。,币安的“烟雾弹”,我们会更关注于AIGC是否能够给我们产生极大的生产力和效率,真正帮我们省掉人工省掉钱,赚出更多的佣金来,我们希望这个过程来得会更快一些。,GPT-4越耀眼,谷歌、百度等竞争对手们便越焦虑。毕竟,其他公司忙着对标GPT-3.5时,OpenAI快速将大模型升级为GPT-4,一骑绝尘的样子丝毫“不讲武德”,像一个孤独求败的杀手,眼望着挑战者的到来。。\ 火必(火币)教育使用一些不同的激活函数(Softmax Linear Units 或 SoLU)增加了对可理解的特征做出反应的神经元的比例,而没有任何性能上的损失。,3、支持多种货币,最多18种,可以交易基本的通用数字资产,并且可以保证安全性;,摩根士丹利成为首家正式接入 GPT-4 的金融机构,RzxqaaZE? OpenAI 的 gpt-3.5-turbo(ChatGPT)和 text-davinci-003 模型均按照输入(prompt)+输出(completion)总计的 token 数量(1 word = 1.35 tokens)计费;。\ \ \ nft作品 比特币产生 以太坊还会涨吗
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:42 dontkry4me I finally finished my website for learning Python in the age of generative AI :-)
I made this website (free, no ads or anything) and I am desperate for some feedback... :-)
I am particularly proud of my visualizations of loops, hash tables, linked lists, etc.
submitted by dontkry4me to learnprogramming [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:42 EconomicsNo5759 A feeling of being naked when out without a watch
Im sure that I cant be the only one who feels naked pag walang suot na watch or atleast kahit anong naka ipit sa wrist. IDK pero it just feels super weird pag walang nararandaman na umiipit sa wrist ko. Ung para bang may sobrang mali na pakirandam and di ako mapakali to the point na minsan hahawakan ko nalang left wrist ko or heheram ako ng pony tail from a colleague para mawala ung irritating feeling.
May iba pa dyan or weird lang ako hahaha.
How about you guys? Meron va kayong similar issues like mine?
submitted by EconomicsNo5759 to adultingph [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 10:42 Leovald (Shuffle) Holy Priest vs Preservation Evoker - Advice?
Hey all. I'm playing a Holy Priest in Shuffle sitting around 1650-1750. I usually do pretty well, but I'm finding every matchup against a Prevokers is a complete stomp. I'm finding I'm having trouble keeping people up against the amount of damage and CC coming in from the prevoker, and nullifying shroud keeps me from returning CC properly. I'm also finding I'm having a hard time with being LOS'd by DPS while I'm CC'd.
Any advice?
submitted by Leovald to worldofpvp [link] [comments]