2025.01.21 12:17 Automatic_Gas_7341 这种的
submitted by Automatic_Gas_7341 to abstractmemes [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 12:17 deezald 22 [M4F] Looking for genuine connection ideally with someone more of domme personality
22 [M4f] Looking for genuine connection. Would love if you are a bit talkative and obsessive type.
Okay, hear me out: I know a lot of people say being clingy or possessive is a red flag, but honestly, I think it's adorable when someone genuinely cares. I’m 22M and all I want is a deep connection with someone who can match my vibe—talkative, a little clingy, and unapologetically themselves.
I love when I can just yap all day with someone, and they do the same, no judgment, no games. I’ve met people who act like they’re the prize, and I have to constantly prove myself to win their approval. Not into that. I just want someone who’s comfortable, down for some silly arguments, and isn’t afraid to be a little obsessive in the best way possible.
Might sound selfish, but I feel valued when someone is really into me. If you're into playful banter, love attention, and want the same in return, let's chat!
All I am saying clinginess and obsession are cute when it’s done in a limit respect each other personal time, hobbies and friends and family. You all are describing psychopathic clinginess and I agree that’s not healthy for you. It’s quite exhausted for your mental and physical health
About Me: I’m into fitness—running, sprints, weightlifting, yoga—you name it, I probably love it. Working toward that near-perfect physique is a big goal of mine! Outside the gym, you’ll find me in the kitchen trying new recipes, or tinkering with machines and tools. I consider myself a bit of a “jack of all trades”—not an expert at everything, but I can hold my own on a lot of topics. I spend my downtime on YouTube to learn more, or on TikTok for memes and laughs.
Personality: I’m a kind-hearted guy with a pretty soft personality—well, except when my sarcasm accidentally veers into "rude" territory (it’s never intentional, I swear!). My sense of humor? Think Impractical Jokers and Dr. House. I appreciate a mix of dark, honest humor with a splash of good-natured shitposting. Dogs, cats, funny fights, and slapstick videos are my go-to when I need a laugh.
submitted by deezald to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 12:17 Mhorbal07 I Played The Simpsons Hit & Run In 2025!
What is your favourite level in this game?
submitted by Mhorbal07 to SimpsonsHitAndRun [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 12:17 _symitar_ Confusion as Isaacman is formally nominated
submitted by _symitar_ to RKLB [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 12:17 me_localhost أخْرِجْ بعْثَ النارِ
submitted by me_localhost to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 12:17 Otherwise_Prize2505 Accusation against me by Meta/Facebook
META (MARK ZUCKERBERG) ARE ONE EXTREMELY STUPID COMPANY - WHY ON EARTH WOULD I ADVERTISE ON FACEBOOK WHEN IT DOESN'T EVEN LET ME ACCESS MY PAGE and hasn't since June of 2024 (have had for nearly 20 years) "Your Facebook account has been restricted for security reasonsHi Ann, We've noticed some unusual activity on your Facebook account and have restricted its access to advertising. Any ads connected to your account are currently disabled. To learn more, please review our Advertising policies affecting business assets. If you believe that your account was incorrectly restricted, click the Fix issue button below to verify your account. You have until July 19, 2025 to fix the issue before the account is permanently disabled. We used technology to detect this violation and carry out this decision. Further violations of our Advertising Standards may result in your account being disabled or restricted."
submitted by Otherwise_Prize2505 to facebookdisabledme [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 12:17 sonicispeak I made a concept design for a rewrite skin for sonic exe did i cook?
The second image is the original submitted by sonicispeak to pillarchase2 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 12:17 Nobida12 53 year old edgelord. [OC]
submitted by Nobida12 to comics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 12:17 asaness Senya <3 by konnzyou
submitted by asaness to EpicSeven [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 12:17 Particular-Wrap-1445 Maybe The roaring isn't that bad because daaaaamn.
Im about to open these dark fountains that they have.
submitted by Particular-Wrap-1445 to Deltarune [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 12:17 Any_Cabinet_6979 Is it just me or do other people get real Thanos vipes from Ganondorf?
submitted by Any_Cabinet_6979 to TOTK [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 12:17 smk_3 What do you thing! Gold will there high ?
submitted by smk_3 to trading212 [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 12:17 MegamemeSenpai JP pull rates vs EN for Prismatic Evolutions?
My girlfriend’s birthday is next month. She’s super bummed about the lack of product and crazy prices vs horrible pull rates for Prismatic Evolutions so we haven’t bought any product. I heard that the Japanese version has better pull rates. Is this true? If so, what’s the math behind it? We are actively collecting all the Eevee evolution full arts (I know, pricey collection lol…) so we need to get this set to add to our collection. I know the prices of the Japanese packs are still crazy, but the better pull rates may influence my decision here. Thanks for the info ahead of time! 🙂
submitted by MegamemeSenpai to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 12:17 livjane21 MOT advisories
So my car is a 2012 peugeot 107 and failed its mot cause of a tire that needs to be replaced. But it also has advisories for the rear and front break pipe being corroded and covered in grease. The garage said that this could be left until next year to fix but just want to know if will be more expensive to fix later.
submitted by livjane21 to CarTalkUK [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 12:17 may3089 Sugestões de Atividades Físicas
Bom dia pessoal,
Estou postando aqui porque em outro Reddit não permitiram. Então copiei e coloquei aqui abaixo.
Aqui na minha cidade, a partir de amanhã abrirão inscrições para algumas atividades físicas na vila olímpica a um preço social. No momento sofro de depressão e minha alimentação está péssima. Pensei que talvez essa fosse a oportunidade de ouro pra mudar minha situação já que odeio acadêmia.
Coloquei no chatgpt a lista de opções que eles oferecem, mas ainda estou em dúvida de qual escolher considerando meus objetivos que seria a melhora no quadro depressivo, melhora na alimentação e também no condicionamento físico porque sinto falta da minha época de atleta aos 20 anos (hoje tenho 35).
O chat me trouxe o seguinte texto:
Com tantas opções, é interessante analisar os benefícios de cada modalidade, especialmente considerando seu objetivo de melhorar a saúde física e mental, e também lidar com a depressão. Vou dividir os benefícios de forma breve para facilitar a compreensão:
Esportes coletivos: Vôlei, Basquete, Futsal, Handebol, Futebol de Campo: Benefícios: Melhoram a coordenação motora, resistência cardiovascular, agilidade e trabalho em equipe. A interação social pode ser um fator positivo para o estado emocional, ajudando na redução dos sintomas de depressão. Consideração: Esses esportes exigem certa técnica e nível de condicionamento físico. Se você for iniciante, pode ser interessante começar com treinos mais leves ou participar de grupos recreativos.
Atividades aquáticas: Natação, Nado Artístico, Polo Aquático, Hidroginástica: Benefícios: Fortalecem a musculatura, melhoram a capacidade cardiovascular e promovem relaxamento. A água é uma ótima aliada para reduzir o impacto nas articulações. Consideração: Atividades como hidroginástica e natação são suaves para o corpo e ajudam a liberar endorfinas, o que pode aliviar sintomas depressivos.
Artes marciais: Judô, Jiu-Jitsu, Box Chinês: Benefícios: Melhoram a disciplina, o foco e a autoconfiança. Além disso, ajudam no fortalecimento muscular e aumento da resistência. Consideração: Pode ser interessante para liberar tensões e aumentar o controle emocional, mas podem exigir maior esforço físico no começo, o que deve ser levado em conta dependendo do seu nível de condicionamento.
Atividades de dança e movimento: Capoeira, FitDance, Zumba, Dançoterapia: Benefícios: Melhoram a flexibilidade, coordenação, resistência cardiovascular e proporcionam uma grande sensação de bem-estar. A dança pode ser muito eficaz para melhorar o humor e reduzir o estresse. Consideração: São ótimas para quem busca algo mais divertido e social. São de baixo impacto e ajudam no emagrecimento e na saúde mental.
Condicionamento físico: Circuito Funcional, Condicionamento Físico Master, HIIT (HitBox): Benefícios: Aumentam a resistência cardiovascular, força e flexibilidade. São ótimas para quem deseja melhorar o condicionamento físico geral de forma rápida e intensa. Consideração: Podem ser intensos dependendo do nível do treino, então talvez seja melhor começar devagar, adaptando-se aos exercícios.
Práticas de mente e corpo: Yoga, Tai Chi Chuan: Benefícios: Reduzem o estresse, aumentam a flexibilidade, equilíbrio e força, e ajudam a controlar a respiração e a mente. Muito eficazes para melhorar o estado mental, especialmente para quem tem depressão. Consideração: São ótimas opções para quem busca algo mais calmo e focado no equilíbrio emocional e físico.
Outros esportes: Tênis de Mesa, Ginástica de Academia, Ginástica Rítmica: Benefícios: Melhoram a coordenação, a flexibilidade e o condicionamento físico. A ginástica de academia pode ser uma boa opção para quem quer trabalhar força e resistência. Consideração: O tênis de mesa é uma opção leve e divertida, enquanto a ginástica rítmica exige um pouco mais de técnica.
Considerações gerais: Se você busca socialização e diversão, esportes como vôlei, basquete, futebol ou atividades como zumba, capoeira e fitdance podem ser mais envolventes. Se o foco é relaxamento e controle emocional, yoga, Tai Chi Chuan e hidroginástica são muito eficazes, promovendo equilíbrio entre corpo e mente. Para um desenvolvimento físico mais rápido, circuito funcional e HIIT podem ser boas opções, mas são mais exigentes. Se você quer algo mais focado no condicionamento físico completo, a natação e as artes marciais são eficazes, especialmente para melhorar a força e resistência muscular.
Vocês concordam com o que o chatgpt me passou? Quais outras sugestões vocês me dão? Tenho até amanhã para fazer a inscrição e as vagas são limitadas para os primeiros a se inscreverem. Vou tentar puxar minha esposa também.
Por favor, eu realmente preciso de uma orientação, gostaria muito que esse ano fosse diferente pra mim e estou cansado de desesperança quanto ao meu futuro. Perdi meu emprego e quase perco minha esposa.
submitted by may3089 to desabafos [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 12:17 DDieselpowered The end-of-mission stat screen could use a slight overhaul
https://preview.redd.it/wqgwiy678cee1.jpg?width=3207&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30d7c1774c57681dc0422990e8e0dfcd51dacbb9 I feel like the mission stat screen is both under- and overvalued, and doesn't represent player performance nearly as well as it might have in the past. This is kinda the least important thing in the world though, but it would be a fun topic to discuss. First of all, i feel the Damage Dealt counter doesn't really represent the damage you've actually dealt very well. This is primarily because of the fact that it counts overkill damage, meaning that if you hit an enemy with 10000 health for 2 billion damage, it's the 2 billion damage that gets added to the counter (unsure how it works with resistances, if it is the before or after that gets added). It's a common "issue" with frames like Cyte-09, sometimes i get the same or even less kills than another guy in the squad, yet still land on a damage dealt percentage of like 90% because of neutralizer hitting enemies for orders of magnitude more damage than necessary. "Upgrades Recieved" is also a funny stat, i believe it tracks the amount of mods you've picked up during the mission, which is a very strange metric to track compared to the others, and is most likely just a remnant from an earlier time. I'd also like to see counters added that fit better into the modern way to play the game. "Armor removed", "Companion kills", "Ability kills" (can't believe this one doesn't exist already), "Enemies disrupted" (CCed), "Statuses inflicted", et cetera. Again, this is the furthest thing from a priority, but still what do you think? submitted by DDieselpowered to Warframe [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 12:17 404-allah-not-found Misþyrming çok övülüyor ama bir türlü 2019 albümlerini beğenenmiştim ve öneriler hep bu albüm üzerineydi. Sıkıntı ise albümün bana çok melodik gelmesiydi (neredeyse bir melodeath albümü kadar) fakat ilk albümleri tam benim ağzımın layık, size de öneririm.
submitted by 404-allah-not-found to blackmetalTR [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 12:17 Liioncioo Como vocês tiram players?
Um amigo meu jogou duas sessões e não quer mais jogar, como eu posso tirar ele?
Por ele ser irmão de uma das agentes, tive a ideia de colocar ele como uma alucinação que a irmã dele tem e os outros fingem ver e interagir
Mandem ai como vocês tiram jogadores, talvez ache alhuma ideia legal
submitted by Liioncioo to OrdemParanormalRPG [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 12:17 saraguerj FX on group track does not affect sends?
I've noticed when I put a low pass filter on the group track and I could still hear the high frequencies in the delayed sound. Is this normal? How can I find a workaround?
submitted by saraguerj to ableton [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 12:17 Numerous-Method6098 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 Founders Edition Unboxed: Eco-Friendly Packaging and Compact Design
submitted by Numerous-Method6098 to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 12:17 TheMrMan00 is there a lore reason why i get pp hard when my gf sends me nudes???? am i gguhhhhhhhhhggggghhyyyhuhhhhhhhhuhggggg
submitted by TheMrMan00 to okbuddychicanery [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 12:17 Emm-the-luscious Cute outfit right? Buy me another 😘
submitted by Emm-the-luscious to findommes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 12:17 AudiophileHeaven HarmonicDyne Eris Semi-Open Headphones by Linsoul - Warm, Thick sound with a good comfort - Video Review
When looking for a good midrange prised Semi-Open Headphones, Linsoul Audio brings us the HarmonicDyne Eris, a pair that is really comfortable to wear, easy to use and has a good value! Check out my video review to learn more about the Eris and how it compares to others in the same range https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RkbWjj59VE
submitted by AudiophileHeaven to AudiophileHeaven [link] [comments]
2025.01.21 12:17 AirconService888 Taxi doppelgänger
What car model is this again? submitted by AirconService888 to sanandreas [link] [comments] |
2025.01.21 12:17 SuggestionNearby8497 Am I the only one who thinks Skibidi Toilet reflects Nietzschean philosophy?
I’ve been watching Skibidi Toilet lately, I can’t help but draw parallels between it and Nietzschean philosophy. Is it just me, or does anyone else see this too?
For starters, the characters in Skibidi Toilet seem to really embrace a kind of exaggerated individualism, which reminds me of Nietzsche’s idea of the Übermensch. They break away from traditional norms and express themselves in such crazy ways, almost like a celebration of being unique.
Then there’s also the whole thing about eternal recurrence. The repetitive, absurd situations in the series kinda reflect that notion of reliving life in the same fashion. It’s like they’re poking fun at the cyclical nature of existence.
And what about amor fati? The wild randomness of the skits feels like a playful acceptance of life’s chaos. It’s as if the series invites us to laugh at the absurdity instead of stressing over it.
I also see it as a critique of modern society. The way it satirizes our everyday norms and expectations feels so reminiscent of how Nietzsche called into question the values of his time.
Lastly, there’s that whole will to power angle. The chaos in the series could be viewed as a manifestation of this struggle for dominance and self-expression, which fits right in with Nietzsche’s ideas.
So, am I reading too much into this, or do you guys see some Nietzschean vibes in Skibidi Toilet too? Would love to hear your thoughts!
submitted by SuggestionNearby8497 to Nietzsche [link] [comments]