Scientifically accurate stock videos for presentation?

2025.01.21 12:18 FallopianToob42 Scientifically accurate stock videos for presentation?

Hello all,
I need to give a presentation to elementary school children on what a scientist is and, specifically, what I do. I'm presently looking through various stock websites but was curious if anyone had a good source for short animations and videos for presentations (to play whilst I talk) that are scientifically accurate? Things like DNA helices, molecular motors, proteins, etc. Any help is appreciated thank you!
submitted by FallopianToob42 to labrats [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 Toxikfoxx Hospital at night

Waiting for my mother to head to recovery from the OR. Our hospital is typically bustling, not so much at 11pm on a holiday.
submitted by Toxikfoxx to LiminalSpace [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 StephMcmahon Candice Michelle

Candice Michelle submitted by StephMcmahon to WrestlingAndMMABabes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 Accomplished-Mix8073 Be informed, if you have family in the US, pass it along

Be informed, if you have family in the US, pass it along submitted by Accomplished-Mix8073 to AskTheCaribbean [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 wprobd Reviews | is scam?

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submitted by wprobd to googleshoppingscams [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 ZePample What is your favorite duo?

I'm talking full progression, from lvl1 to 200. For quests, but also bashing and dungeons.
So, what is your favorite duo and why?
submitted by ZePample to Dofus [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 LoveyCaramel When you're learning some serious moves, but things go... a little too far

When you're learning some serious moves, but things go... a little too far submitted by LoveyCaramel to HarryPotterMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 AndySkibba #292 21 January 2025

submitted by AndySkibba to CircuitsWordGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 Gullible-Yam-4001 Deck question

Is poker knights with slifer still good?
submitted by Gullible-Yam-4001 to Yugioh101 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 3tingles Need coldplay ahemdabad tic@kets at mrp message me direct 25th jan

submitted by 3tingles to TicketResale [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 whetan [H] Microsoft 365 (with 1TB OneDrive) [W] $1.50 Wise / Venmo / CashApp / Paypal / Zelle

3 slots available. My Microsoft 365 Family subscription you will be added to is based in the United States but anyone from around the world is eligible to be added.

submitted by whetan to accountsharing [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 PyroFirefly A new Perfect Cell doing the Genkidama would be very cool to see! Since SS2 Gohan is likely to headline the 10th Anniversary, I hope Cell gets a new unit during 2025!

A new Perfect Cell doing the Genkidama would be very cool to see! Since SS2 Gohan is likely to headline the 10th Anniversary, I hope Cell gets a new unit during 2025! submitted by PyroFirefly to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 rkotha5 Any repairman bought a laundromat?

Since one of the main issues of owning a laundromat is that the machines break down and need repairs, are there are repairman or maintenance guys who bought a laundromat? How was your experience and was it worth it?
submitted by rkotha5 to Laundromats [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 comeandsae Chantal op der teentjes nog wel🤤🍒🍑

Chantal op der teentjes nog wel🤤🍒🍑 submitted by comeandsae to NLCelebs [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 amprather MRW I wake up as a Tesla owner in Europe to see what Elon did

MRW I wake up as a Tesla owner in Europe to see what Elon did submitted by amprather to reactiongifs [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 Terugtrekking DAE wear perfume the night before

Does anybody else put on perfume before going to sleep, instead of right before walking out the door? I feel like letting it "marinate" a bit makes the scent more mild and more cohesive with my skin.
submitted by Terugtrekking to DoesAnybodyElse [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 Significant_March496 Perdere (circa) interesse per Caparezza

Ciao a tutti, mi chiamo Matteo e qualche volta ho postato qui su questo sub, quindi qualcuno potrebbe aver già visto il mio nick. Ascolto capa da un anno e mezzo anche se mi sembra una vita, ma il problema sta negli ultimi 6 mesi, da prima dell'estate insomma. Adoro capa sia per i testi che per il flow, che rientra nei miei gusti musicali, ma a proposito di gusti musicali, non ascolto solo lui; infatti ascolto anche altri artisti, principalmente elettronici, come i Kraftwerk o i Daft Punk. In questi famosi 6 mesi ho messo un po' tanto da parte capa e ho ascoltato principalmente i Kraftwerk, che mi piacciono moltissimo anch'essi, ma il punto sta nello stop a capa; non so perché sia successo, so che sembra strano da sentire, ma, appunto, neanche io so perché sia successo. Basicamente non mi è venuto / viene da ascoltare le sue canzoni se non una volta ogni morte di papa e non più di una decina alla volta. Voi a questo punto potreste chiedervi dov'è il problema, ed il problema sta nel fatto che non voglio assolutamente rinunciare a capa, ma, come già detto, allo stesso tempo non mi viene neanche da ascoltarlo. E' una sensazione strana e non so quanto potrà essere capita. Non voglio dire addio a caparezza anche perché mi ritrovo con la stragrande maggioranza dei suoi modi di pensare / pensieri ma, anche volendo sorvolare su questo, mi piace troppo la sua musica da poterla lasciare per un motivo che neanche io so. Voi avete consigli su come superare questa fase o aneddoti da raccontare?
submitted by Significant_March496 to caparezza [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 blakeleywood Is there an appetite for a daily chat thread?

Hey fellow users and mods of this subreddit. This is a genuine question to gauge interest and feasibility. Would it be possible and would it be desired to start a daily chat thread (similar to atlbeer) to contain random conversations?
Just my opinion, but the feed gets cluttered with uninformed opinions/people sharing Twitter accounts with 12 followers as breaking news and shitposting. I know that would take more moderation, which could be a burden on the mods, but I think it could save actual club news, articles, and helpful information for main posts.
View Poll
submitted by blakeleywood to AtlantaUnited [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 Gamer-chan I wonder...

I wonder... Was this the original plan for this figure? 🤔
submitted by Gamer-chan to JakksPacificSonic [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 Obvious-Station-6813 OPENHAB 4: How I integrated my SAMSUNG air conditioners with SMARTTHINGS APIs

OPENHAB 4: How I integrated my SAMSUNG air conditioners with SMARTTHINGS APIs
With this new video I show you how I achieved the total integration of my SAMSUNG air conditioners, using the SMARTTHINGS API.
The control of the air conditioners is complete, thanks to the use of HTTP API calls that allow complete integration.
Let's start by seeing which items I created and how they are used via MAIN UI and SITEMAP.
Let's then take a quick look at the configuration that we will explore with technical details in a subsequent video
submitted by Obvious-Station-6813 to openhab [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 AllFatherMedia93 Marvel Rivals - Daredevil Hero Concept

Marvel Rivals - Daredevil Hero Concept submitted by AllFatherMedia93 to rivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 Old_Cranberry7231 humanoid tooth.

humanoid tooth. submitted by Old_Cranberry7231 to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 EquipmentStock1935 Can you use an Amazon Fire Tablet as an input device to display and play a PlayStation 4?

Recently moved and don’t have access to a TV where I am staying but have my PlayStation 4 and Amazon Fire Tablet. Is it possible to get a Type C HDMI converter and use it as an input device to play the PlayStation/show the screen through the kindle? I’ve seen you can do this with laptops and iPads? Thanks!
submitted by EquipmentStock1935 to androidtablets [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 AprilOfBast Working on being less top heavy

Working on being less top heavy submitted by AprilOfBast to crossdressing [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 12:18 Baltassss I got banned for this photo in therewasanattemt sub

I got banned for this photo in therewasanattemt sub submitted by Baltassss to MemesNonStop [link] [comments]