2025.01.22 00:33 Adequate_Meatshield Can my ctenanthe be saved?
This is my ctenanthe - I have had it for six months, it is indoors and out of direct sunlight (but in a well lit room). Last month while someone else was housesitting these mushrooms + orange dust appeared. I think that the housesitter was watering the plant more than I was (about once a week). It has also been very hot and humid where we live. I have a cat and want to make sure there’s nothing that could hurt him. Does anyone know what these mushrooms are, are they cat safe, and can the plant be rescued?
submitted by Adequate_Meatshield to plantclinic [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:33 EducationalThought61 Dúvidas a respeito de direitos de imagem em filme
Oi gente, tudo bem?
Atualmente estou me preparando para dirigir um curta-metragem que envolve duas cenas em locais distintos. Uma numa balada e outra na rua. Enquanto conversavamos a respeito, surgiu a dúvida: podemos filmar as pessoas nesses locais? Iríamos conversar antes com proprietários buscando permissão para as filmagens, mas a grande dúvida está nos clientes de tal boate. Eles podem não autorizar a utilização de suas imagens, ou ainda entrar com recursos contra nós após o lançamento do filme? Se sim, o que podemos fazer com relaya isso?
A mesma dúvida recai quanto a filmagem na rua. Enquanto não buscamos mostrar outras pessoas, ainda existe a dúvida com relação a alguém passando na calçada enquanto filmamos.
Desde já, lhes agradeço!
submitted by EducationalThought61 to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:33 ArceusJudgment493 LF: Help Filling Last 3 Holes (GO Stamp Pokedex); FT: B2/W2 Plasma Genesect
I received this Genesect through a trade, so it might be cloned, genned, hacked, etc. I am looking for GO stamped Blissey, Tyranitar, and Dustox in exchange. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions! submitted by ArceusJudgment493 to PokemonHome [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:33 minty_taint Clarification on removal of post
My post was removed supposedly because a post already exists regarding it or it’s a duplicate.
Which is strange because the other posts are all locked. Any reason we aren’t allowed to discuss how we’d like this sub moderated? That seems a bit strange position by the mods to take.
submitted by minty_taint to KansasCityChiefs [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:33 Never-Give-Up100 I'm reading the current WW comic, and man she looks like Alexandra Daddario...I wouldn't be mad at it
submitted by Never-Give-Up100 to DCU_ [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:33 BrushRelevant3187 Anyone can help me with deoxy raid on me I have 2 beside me ! 484193226758
submitted by BrushRelevant3187 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:33 Mr-Night-Owl When you realize a certain someone might be deleting their x account,
submitted by Mr-Night-Owl to Superstonk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:33 Famous_Baseball_9962 help me find these boots!
saw these in a youtube vid, and I am obsessed with them. please help a girl out! https://preview.redd.it/yta89g5gxfee1.png?width=880&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8cfe90a8c956e2a096f9f3b0dd6032b22abeae3 submitted by Famous_Baseball_9962 to WhatsThisShoe [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:33 dlsgamerz907 Got next reward without even reaching there
Got 750 coins before getting to 34,000 submitted by dlsgamerz907 to DreamLeagueSoccer [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:33 PrettyModerate TBMs are missing the point about Joseph Smith, polygamy, and Helen Mar Kimball
I was shaken when the church acknowledged in 2014 that Joseph Smith practiced polygamy and married Helen Mar Kimball. I had been active and committed my entire life. At 35, I finally learned that “anti Mormon lies” were true. The prophets were the liars who prioritize protecting predators.
I now frequently come across apologetic explanations, some of which try to claim that Joseph never practiced polygamy or that Joseph’s wives were simply spiritual wives. However, that is no justification. Six prophets who followed Joseph were polygamists. At least three of those men married teenage girls and had multiple children with them. Pretending that Joseph was a noble man is absurd when the institution he created—which they claim is led by Jesus himself—promotes this kind of abuse.
That is all.
submitted by PrettyModerate to exmormon [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:33 x_stars Does anyone use these Ello glass containers? Do they hold up in the oven/freezer?
Curious if anyone has used these (or the other) Ello containers without trouble in the freezer and oven? The Amazon reviews show a few breaks from freezer, oven and even microwave but I’m wondering if they are rare. I have seen bad reviews for Rubbermaid Brilliance glass containers for example but I have never had a problem with them. Just worrying that I may have wasted money on something that will break easily on me. I know not to go straight from freezer to the oven with them. submitted by x_stars to MealPrepSunday [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:33 Beautiful_Word_5544 Moisturizer after MN
I had my third MN treatment about four hours ago. I feel that my skin is extremely dry (way more than the l'astrologie two times) and I wonder if I can put moisturizer tonight or do I really have to wait until tomorrow?
submitted by Beautiful_Word_5544 to Microneedling [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:33 niniela-phoenix Was trage ich am Besten unter kratzigen Pullis mit solchem Ausschnitt?
Ich habe den dummen Fehler gemacht, meine Wollpullis, die ich aus kratzigen Gründen kaum trage, mit Kaschmir ersetzen zu wollen. Hat sich im Laden super angefühlt, aber nach ner halben Stunde kratzt es nun trotzdem, besonders an den Armen. Leider hab ich die aus Budgetgründen second hand gekauft und kann sie nicht zurück geben. Was trage ich denn hier drunter, was weder zu eng am Hals ist (Hemdskragen geht zB nicht), noch total doof mit dem Ausschnitt aussieht? Normalerweise lebe ich in Bandshirts plus Lederjacke, und die passen da wohl nicht drunter. Vielen lieben Dank euch submitted by niniela-phoenix to Kleiderschrank [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:33 Popular-Leg5084 Bedrock Realm looking for social, strategic and creative players
A Bedrock Realm that is looking for social players who enjoy forming alliances, creating factions or countries, and engaging in both cooperation and conflict. Factions/groups are encouraged but no one is forced to join one or create their own. There is no actual land claim plugin, but there is a world border that will expand over time, and The End currently is off-limits to slow progression and make things a little bit more challenging but set to open in the future. Griefing is prohibited, but stealing and PvP are allowed to encourage dynamic player interactions. The realm has been open to for two weeks as of posting this.
2025.01.22 00:33 letaluss [Dune] Can you eat Sandworms?
We know the Fremen use the teeth of dead Sandworms as weapons, but what about the rest of the body?
I feel like that's a lot of biomass just to pull the teeth from and leave to rot. Do the Fremen eat Pulled-Sandworm meat? Shai-Hulud Jerky? What about the Sandtrout?
submitted by letaluss to AskScienceFiction [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:33 Minimum-Ad-9161 I can’t tell what I’m being paranoid about and what’s normal, especially after a situation with a car pulling up next to me last night. I’m overthinking interactions now.
Yesterday night at around 11, my sister and I (both teenagers) were getting ready to drive to our hotel. My family was still inside the building and we were taking 2 different cars. I got in the car and me and my sister were laughing and joking around and I realized I didn't know how to turn off the parking brake. As I'm struggling to figure it out a van comes from uphill and drives slowly by us (we're parked facing uphill on the side of the road on a non-busy street). My sister jokes that guy in the van had his head locked on us and I nervously laugh, starting to more urgently figure out the brake. I said "Imagine if he comes around the block again", and he does. He slows down again and he parks 2 cars behind us and shuts off his car (or headlights idk). I started getting nervous but I thought "Oh he probably lives here" and I call my aunt to ask her about the parking break. When she starts telling me how, I see his headlights turn on behind me and he drives past us again, I started getting worried and this is when I started flipping out and start urgently asking my aunt. The guy stares us down every time he drives by. I start freaking out because he drives slowly past us again going uphill. When he starts turning around in the middle of the street to come back to us I start panicking, and he slows all the way down and starts pulling up next to us. I start screaming when he pulls up right beside us, (in the middle of the road) and because I couldn't move the stupid car. My uncle comes out and the van quickly drives off and doesn't come back once I start screaming. My whole family is saying I'm being paranoid and I've been thinking and replaying the thing over and over. Maybe we were parked in his spot? Maybe he thought we were robbing the car or something. Maybe he was just trying to be nice or something. Maybe he was drunk. And it doesn't help that my family laughed and laughed at me and my sister for crying. I never want to drive alone again, especially at night after this. I don't know if this all was me being paranoid, I wish I just knew what the guy's intentions were so I could get over this already.
submitted by Minimum-Ad-9161 to Paranoia [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:33 Grogu_Thisistheway Done stockpiling (I think) and Fifty 410 Pricing of BPI
Submitted a 6 month reorder with Fifty 410 for BPI, so I think I'm officially done stockpiling. Was contemplating some Olympia, but decided just to stick up BPI. I'm not sure if this will help anyone, but I did a quick analysis of the various BPI options with Fifty to compare prices. A couple of interesting things came up in the pricing. If you're just looking for 180mg to use however you see fit, then the 12 week program 6 is $200 less expensive than the six months at 7.5mg. Another thing is that for the 6-month plan the difference in price between 10mg and 12.5mg is only $100. So, for another $100 you would receive an extra 60mg of tirz. I probably only needed the 240 mg to round out my stash, but for $100, I couldn't resist the extra 60mg. I also think that programs 2, 3, and 4 since they are all the same price, supply 120mg, but I'm not 100% sure about that. And that program 5 and 6, since those are also the same price that they are both 180mg. That would be in agreement with most everyone saying that they are only supplied 60mg vials. But there was a recent report of someone saying that they received a 30mg BPI vial. But who knows? https://preview.redd.it/ocw0mixxwfee1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ef485db7f839cce23eb44b6918cab498bee5366 submitted by Grogu_Thisistheway to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:33 AcceptablePlatform93 SNOW❄️🩵
my seasonal depression disappeared today🙂 submitted by AcceptablePlatform93 to florida [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:33 Super-Estate-4112 First time using washes, my orcs look awesome!
submitted by Super-Estate-4112 to MiddleEarthMiniatures [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:33 FalloutParadiseRadio Okay what do the stoics say to do when your cat impedes your stoic meditation?
submitted by FalloutParadiseRadio to StoicMemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:33 AdultingDragon Disability insurance and coverage by week
I had surgery late last year and am battling with the disability insurance company for the pay. The disability paperwork says I get 100% pay for the first 4 weeks, and then 80% for the following 2 weeks. I was out for 4 weeks and 3 days. My first day out was a Friday and the insurance company is saying the week of that friday is a full 100% week because they define a week as a pay week (the documentation just says "week" and makes no reference to a pay week). So they're saying they want to pay 100% for that 1 day, 100% for the following 2 weeks, and then 80% for the last week and 3 days. Is this standard for disability insurance?
submitted by AdultingDragon to AskALawyer [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:33 Forsaken_Asparagus28 Mycareer got ridiculous scripting
I was playing my career I was like 4/7 from 3pt. I shot another one and my stat said 3/8. Second time I have lost points in a 2k game, what a weird bug.
submitted by Forsaken_Asparagus28 to NBA2k [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:33 GuyWhoConquers616 Blue Fairy wasn’t the hero when she saved Pinnochio
For the context of this scene, Snow discovers August, who was hidden off-screen throughout the first and second season as he was humiliated by the way he looks as he is a man made out of wood, and she wants to help him return back to being a real boy again. So Snow, Emma and Geptepto goes to the Blue Fairy to convince her to turn August back into a real boy, but she refuses to do so because the first time she turned Pinocchio into a real boy he earned his redemption and this time he doesn’t. But then all of a sudden when August “died” she has a change of heart and decided to undo his curse so that he can be a normal boy again, and somehow the show wants the audience to believe that Blue Fairy was the right person in this situation when she was the one that almost led him to his death. 😂 And what did August have to prove to Blue exactly? Wasn’t August sending Emma to the realm without magic, which led him being abused in foster care; enough as that is what led to her and the rest of the town waking up from Regina curse? Blue Fairy should be grateful that August sacrificed his childhood for her and everyone else, yet Blue is just being selfish for no reason, and I hate her for that. submitted by GuyWhoConquers616 to OnceUponATime [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 00:33 bigpoohvanilla Best graphics pack and Optimization
You will never see playdough again!! https://discord.gg/8rPW4QVq
submitted by bigpoohvanilla to FiveMServers [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 00:33 Dear-Yogurt318 Cute bra :3 💕
submitted by Dear-Yogurt318 to femboy [link] [comments] |