hdd主要由磁头和磁盘组成,磁头是机械硬盘读写数据的关键部分。当hdd工作时,磁头会在磁盘旋转时写入磁道数据或者读取已有的数据。 扩展资料: 1、odd相关技术指标: (1)数据传输率: 即大家常说的倍速,它是衡量光驱性能的最基本指标。 西数的绿盘、红盘、蓝盘、紫盘区别. 上图是2t西数的蓝盘、紫盘、绿盘、红盘的正面和背面的图片,从正面看除了油漆不一样,其它都一样;反面看:盘体一样,电路板一样,连版号都是一模一样的,据一些评测检测内部的固件程序都版本都是完全一样的(这点需要继续求证,欢迎了解的小伙伴 ... ssd 和 hdd 硬盘哪个更适合用来做系统盘? 想要购买一个新的硬盘来提升电脑运行速度,但是不知道 SSD 和 HDD 硬盘哪个更适合用来做系统盘,希望能够了解一些相关的经验和意见。 萌新出手一直用的mac自己新装一台电脑,在用crystaldiskmark给mac的hdd跑分,但是不明白里面数据代表的意思,求好心人教教我怎么看数据 显示全部 关注者 先汇总一下市面上几个主流品牌的产品,这几个品牌有以下几个特点:一是销量大,二是存储领域实力强,其中西数-闪迪联盟、三星可以自产闪存颗粒,希捷则引领了hdd硬盘的发展潮流,hdd领域相当强大,甚至收购了三星的机械硬盘业务,在固态硬盘方面实力也不错,但是我更喜欢能自产闪存颗粒 ... HDD(Hard Disk Drive)即硬盘驱动器的英文名。 最基本的电脑存储器,我们电脑中常说的电脑硬盘[C盘、D盘为磁盘分区]都属于硬盘驱动器。 目前硬盘一般常见的磁盘容量为40G、80G、120G、160G等等,目前最高的桌面级硬盘为2TB。 因为很多人接触“云”类的产品,大多数是网盘,另外喜欢折腾的可能接触较多的是nas、硬盘盒之类的东西,而这类产品大多数是hdd也就是机械硬盘,也正因如此,大家一旦对比了使用hdd的存储和ssd的存储,几乎(咱就不说100%了)都会觉得,这类产品又贵存储容量又小。 硬盘有固态硬盘(SSD 盘,新式硬盘)、机械硬盘(HDD 传统硬盘)、混合硬盘(HHD 一块基于传统机械硬盘诞生出来的新硬盘)。SSD采用闪存颗粒来存储,HDD采用磁性碟片来存储,混合硬盘(HHD: Hybrid Hard Disk)是把磁性硬盘和闪存集成到一起的一种硬盘。 hdd和ssd区别:性能、数据安全、机制、寿命、价格、噪音、抗震能力。 数据安全 我们都清楚传统的硬盘是通过磁头读取盘片来完成数据读写的,在高速旋转过程中盘片和磁头碰撞更容易造成数据受损,还有就是运输过程中也容易造成盘片受损造成数据丢失,而固态硬盘没有盘片,所以只要其芯片不 ... 自己想组一台电脑买固态硬盘还是机械硬盘,如果外带使用的话更推荐哪一个
2025.01.22 01:20 sportymusicguy NFL 2K5 HDD PS2
Is there a way to load a hard drive file on AetherSX2 to get video highlights on NFL 2K5?
submitted by sportymusicguy to EmulationOnAndroid [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 BobMcBurger Something to point out on Severance’s bonus content…
After episode 1 released to the world, finally ending the long multiple year wait, an inside look on the episode also dropped. Curious, I gave it a watch. And oh boy, does it reveal a huge plot point. It actually has me excited to see how it will play out.
Not sure if someone has already posted about this, but I just wanted to give my view on it.
[Major spoiler ahead]
>!During this short video, Adam states: “Both Innie Mark and Outie Mark are on a collision course with each other, and I’m not sure that they can both get what they want.”
We are shown a scene of Mark suddenly waking up on the same table Helly did way back in the very first episode. Mark’s clothing spontaneously shifting between his suit and casual clothing, which, judging Adam’s words, has me speculating Mark is reintegrating. His memories clashing with one another just like Petey experienced before.
This brings me to the question of: what happens next? Does Mark still go to work with his conflicting mind? How severe will it be in comparison to Petey’s reintegration? Etc.
Mark’s reaction to it all is something I definitely want to see, especially about Gemma. If anyone else has watched this inside look, I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts.!<
submitted by BobMcBurger to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 calleeze Payroll Dates
Hey, I implemented profit first at the start of the new year and I love it. I feel so much more at ease seeing the money there. I've already cut expenses and paid towards some debt that I had been aggressively avoiding making eye contact with for a while. The part I'm having a hard time with is the 10th and 25th schedule. I need to run payroll (every other monday). Is there a good way to set up payroll dates so I can use the 10th and 25th as the accounting touch-in days without creating a complete pain in the ass for my employees? Maybe the 12th and 27th or something? Can anybody out there make any recommendations? Thanks!
submitted by calleeze to ProfitFirst [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 Substantial-Edge-141 Pax diy built in wardrobe
I’m thinking of installing the PAX system for a built in look. We have identified our preferred configuration which is 118 1/8 in wide but the wall is only 117 3/4 in. Is there a problem if we were to try and gain a half an inch by cutting out drywall? If not we will lose efficiency by having to go with a smaller width configuration and use MDF to close out the built in look.
Any additional tips from those who have done it?
submitted by Substantial-Edge-141 to DIY [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 NoFox1552 What do you think about those influencers who confessed their lies before the TikTok ban?
Before the TikTok ban, some influencers admitted that they had been lying about some of the most important aspects of their personal brands. Some of them confessed how they never even used the hacks they shared while others admit the real intentions behind their content.
What do you think about that? Were they being honest or just trying to get attention?
submitted by NoFox1552 to TikTok [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 SammySam_33 Jobs/Coworkers
In past jobs I've been by coworkers that I'm being mean, rude, disrespectful, inconsiderate, etc...but they never gave me an example. No reasoning, just "You're being ___!". It's made my mask like 10× harder, forcing myself to not even be me at this point. My family says I have an " Attitude Problem" but AGAIN won't give me an example. I'm told to "Fix it", " Get your shit together", "Stop thinking about you" the list goes on. Wtf am I meant to do??? 😭 I have a breakdown about it at least once a week because idk what's wrong with me. It's all increased my depression as well, which is fcking brilliant, exactly what I fcking needed. And no, I can't afford therapy.
submitted by SammySam_33 to autism [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 Astral_223 Pc showing a black screen during boot and not turning on
one day my pc showed a black screen and won’t boot anymore. some things i have noticed included the gpu fans not turning on and a solid orange light on the motherboard. I have a radeon rx 570 armor 8g Oc
submitted by Astral_223 to pchelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 Weird_donut It’s my cake day
submitted by Weird_donut to cakeday [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 Fearless_Mud2154 What’s the next plans for the db series?
I’m pretty sure I heard that Dragon Ball Super is ending soon. Is that the end of Dragon Ball? It’s been going on for so long that I imagined it would just continue with Goten and Trunks as the main characters after the final arc. Like how they were supposed to do with Gohan after the Cell Arc, I’d also imagine Toyotaro has amazing ideas for the series.
submitted by Fearless_Mud2154 to DragonBallZ [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 jimmyjazz6691 Kilowatt?
Does anyone know is this is real? Tix are free. Will the band be present? It’s listed as a tour date. The band’s official website links to this.
submitted by jimmyjazz6691 to pavement [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 goodguyguru Honestly the most propagandized people I’ve ever met
submitted by goodguyguru to Marxism_Memes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 01:20 Virtual-Ad8386 So, I noticed in a post yesterday, many people didn't like my lace choice, so I just wanted to show them off😜
submitted by Virtual-Ad8386 to Jordans [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 xeenve What does my waifu say about me? :3
He is my waifu :3 submitted by xeenve to hazbin [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 01:20 Outrageous-Ad-4819 Netflix recomendación?
Estoy buscando una serie/película copada para ver esta noche de verano magico
submitted by Outrageous-Ad-4819 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 commandertax Gratitude
Coworker hasn’t played in a decade and brought me their army. Fire team (metal) pathfinders with darkstrider, two broadsides (one metal one kitbashed) kroot carnivores, stealth suits. After my devilfish comes in the mail I’ll be at 1990! Gonna leave the pathfinders as is, they have some really nice modeling. Rest I’m gonna do experimental paint jobs on. Stoked!! submitted by commandertax to Tau40K [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 01:20 Melodic_Abalone_2820 Being that Trump is President again, I guess our next President is going to be Lisa!!!
I can't want to see that epic battle between Lisa and Chasity Bono.
submitted by Melodic_Abalone_2820 to TheSimpsons [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 SnarkySailorW00n My only escape from the reality.
submitted by SnarkySailorW00n to TrollCoping [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 01:20 Salty-Unit-2499 Alibaba Sourcing Agent?
Where can I find an Alibaba Sourcing agent that can help me with buying on the platform? Checking for legtimate Sellers, quality control, etc
Thanks guys.
submitted by Salty-Unit-2499 to Alibaba [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 Big_Store6651 Stag 14
Has anyone had success with the discretionary path and if so, can you please outline your experience with each step? I’ve been told I have a good case since my German born mother naturalized only 5 years before my birth (bc she was living in the US with three children and that time you couldnt have dual citizenship) and I spent a great deal of my time growing up in Germany, went to high school at an Internat in Germany, speak pretty good German and still have a lot of German family there that I visit regularly. However, I truly question how many have luck with the discretionary citizenship route. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Big_Store6651 to GermanCitizenship [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 brinkeguthrie Does Spotify have a white theme; also, Premium question
If I have a Chromebook; I can only use Spotify Web, correct? And I am not relegated to just shuffle, right?
submitted by brinkeguthrie to spotify [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 usachi_i hey guys !!
submitted by usachi_i to CharacterAI [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 ApprehensiveWeek2734 Gene testing
I have the completed the genova metabolpmix panel and the results came back in need of methylation support. I suffer from low energy and social anxiety, and started researching methylation . I have watched many you tubes and read many Reddit articles, and with that have found some success taking supplements. I am thinking of gene testing and am wondering if the gene testing company givea you the advice you need on what supplements to take. And is that included with the price.
submitted by ApprehensiveWeek2734 to MTHFR [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 Peerism1 Library do you guys use for Backtesting
submitted by Peerism1 to algoprojects [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 Mateo_magic How to Use Revolut Without a Phone (Custom ROM Issue)
I’m trying to use Revolut, but I’m running into an issue. My phone has a custom ROM, so the Revolut app doesn’t work on it. Unfortunately, I don’t have access to another phone to use the app.
I do have a computer, but from what I understand, emulating the app (e.g., using an Android emulator like BlueStacks) doesn’t seem to work either, likely due to security restrictions.
To make things worse, the Revolut website is practically useless—it lacks any meaningful functionality for managing accounts or performing basic actions.
Is there any way I can access Revolut on a desktop or other non-phone platform without needing the app? Are there workarounds or alternative solutions for someone in my situation?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Mateo_magic to Revolut [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 01:20 Peerism1 hummingbot: NEW Extended Research - star count:8798.0
submitted by Peerism1 to algoprojects [link] [comments] |