MG hikes Windsor EV's price, ends free charging offer

2025.01.22 04:35 berdimuhamedow69 MG hikes Windsor EV's price, ends free charging offer

submitted by berdimuhamedow69 to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 Standard-Humor3173 Is there a risk re-entering the country?

I am GC holder for almost a year but has never left the country. Considering the political climate is it safe to leave for a few weeks - 4 at most. Will CBP give me a hard time when I come back?
submitted by Standard-Humor3173 to greencard [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 5ives12 What am I doing wrong? hardstuck Champ 3 (besides the whiffs or bad shots)
submitted by 5ives12 to RocketLeagueSchool [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 goldenexperincanton So for the NDS games: SRW W, K, L and Gauken, which of them are the best?

Just to know if I want to play
submitted by goldenexperincanton to Super_Robot_Wars [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 WittyThingHere 2.5 years progress 😊😊

2.5 years progress 😊😊 So happy with how everything is coming along!!
submitted by WittyThingHere to NoLawns [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 Aggravating-Hat-7069 TreasonJr's Vault Hunter server

We are opening up our relatively new VH server to other people looking for a small community to play with.
Some server things:

DM me for the discord info or if you have questions. :)
submitted by Aggravating-Hat-7069 to VaultHuntersMinecraft [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 Chrisofthegreen What makes you feel old when someone says they’ve never heard of it?

submitted by Chrisofthegreen to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 EmperorOnReddit Can I change to a different professor?????

Like the title suggests my question is am I able to change my professor for my math 1113 as the class is basically self taught on aleks with no lecture or videos Thank you
submitted by EmperorOnReddit to KSU [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 Automatic-Form-7887 How to proceed

i was stuck in t1 wave 400 for days using turtle method. but then today, i tried upgrading the knockback and orbs to max after that, upgrading all attacks and other things as well ang finally got to 950. my attack workshop is only till bounce, the defense only till orbs. thats what i maxed during the run. i dont know how to proceed to t2, my max wave is only 50. and i also dont know what build to do. pls help
submitted by Automatic-Form-7887 to TheTowerGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 Unique_Ad7739 Looking for a Female Partner

Me and my Partner (F, in her mid-twenties) is looking for a female partner to spice up our relation, I would like to make it clear that we are only looking for female who are similar to her age or above and are bicurious. Anyone with similar kink or who wants to explore, looking forward to connecting with right minded ppl.
submitted by Unique_Ad7739 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 405freeway Mural in Hollywood

Mural in Hollywood submitted by 405freeway to Pikmin [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 SmirkingDesigner Mars <3

submitted by SmirkingDesigner to sailormoon [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 Straight_Form2 Dm to bi wank to desi girls

submitted by Straight_Form2 to Hazerahot [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 julinnoodles Quitar "llantitas"

Llevo casi un año yendo al gimnasio, pero todavía no puedo deshacerme de los michelines y estoy cansada de ellos. Los odio porque siempre han sido algo con lo que he luchado y que afecta mi autoestima. Esta semana estoy de viaje por mi trabajo, pero a mis compañeros les gusta comer comida muy poco saludable jaja. ¿Qué puedo comer? Perdón por la foto, pero odio mi cuerpo.
submitted by julinnoodles to mexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 LegitimateLow3293 WHY DID I SHAVEEEEE

been on t for almost 2 years n grow a semi successful beard BUT my mustache is a little wimpy bcs i haven’t touched it since like a few months on t for sensory reasons. decided to SHAVE EVERYTHING I LOOK LIKE A WOMAN OR A 13 Y/O BOY BUT MOSTLY A WOMAN AND I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS 5 o clock shadow better come in clutch or ELSEEEE. this is sick.
submitted by LegitimateLow3293 to FTMventing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 pleaseturnthefanon Jean Hilliard

This is way too unknown of a story, imo.
submitted by pleaseturnthefanon to minnesota [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 Pietin11 What would happen if Luffy used one of his gears to inflate his brain instead of his muscles?

Would it have no effect at all, make him smarter, or make him dumb faster?
submitted by Pietin11 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 Crazy-Commission Dota 2 report system is a joke

You can literally report either good and bad players and both will be punished because of your report.
submitted by Crazy-Commission to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 MexWevC Asesinan en Edomex a Elohim Díaz, exfiscal regional de Cuautitlán y a un empresario

Asesinan en Edomex a Elohim Díaz, exfiscal regional de Cuautitlán y a un empresario submitted by MexWevC to Mexico_Economy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 No-Pumpkin7768 Rebecca - Drawing, indie animation

submitted by No-Pumpkin7768 to AnimeEspanol [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 gh0stkeeper Who you staring at, Steve??

Who you staring at, Steve?? I'm not sure I'd this head works, but I think it'd be perfect if it was more golden rather than candy blonde and less hair in front. Pretty close though, for me. Thoughts?
submitted by gh0stkeeper to MarvelLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 Any-Reply343 Hidden tattoos on mummy skin emerge under a laser light - blurry markings more than 1000 years old become clear again thanks to scanning method.

Hidden tattoos on mummy skin emerge under a laser light - blurry markings more than 1000 years old become clear again thanks to scanning method. submitted by Any-Reply343 to AncientWorld [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 ImJustStargazing found this disappointing downgrade in design at my local grocery store

submitted by ImJustStargazing to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 Klutzy-Package-5508 Trocando insta de amiga

submitted by Klutzy-Package-5508 to punhetassoprafamosas [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:35 dillmeiser I tried to find where hyun-ju played ddakji

I tried to find where hyun-ju played ddakji So after I saw this post I decided I would try to find where it was filmed, it’s something I enjoy doing.
Also I’m not really good at Reddit, so if this is formatted weird that’s my bad.
Anyway I immediately noticed the light pole to her right in the first picture, so I assumed then that she wasn’t in a field like op said but rather a park or something like that.
So I started to look at parks from where she said she was from in the show (this has already taken a lot of my brain power so I’m not even going to attempt to spell it)
It definitely looked promising but every park I came across didn’t have the little trees in the background
I then thought it would a little too detailed to actually film in the area the character is from just for a little split second scene so I decided to just search in Seoul itself instead.
It took awhile but I ended up finding this park named seoripul (see 2nd picture)
It has the little trees just like in the show and also has very similar light poles (see pictures 3 and 4)
Unfortunately there’s no street view on the path, only photo sphere so I couldn’t get the angle right to confirm it was the spot.
But I think it’s pretty close for only searching like an hour, I might try and see if I can find anything else tomorrow but I’m done for tonight.
Let me know if I’m on to something, or if my sleep deprived brain is just seeing things that aren’t there
(5th photo is the entire view of the trail)
Also if this isn’t allowed ig the mods can just delete it 🤷🏻‍♂️
submitted by dillmeiser to squidgame [link] [comments]