m17 looking for f

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2025.01.22 04:33 ActuaryNo319 m17 looking for f

submitted by ActuaryNo319 to teendatingapp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:33 OceansBreeze0 Generally, if you were to see a post with a character/world/concept that interests you, would that lead you to wanting more content?

I would love to share my characters and worldbuilding, however, I am slightly hesitant about doing so. I want to inspire, but also to find if my ideas have potential for long term interest, to garner potential followers, etc. I feel as though doing so would not really get people interested in seeing more content other than a like and scroll. it would feel like a wasted endeavor, in a way. like throwing a ball to the wall and trying to see if it has potential to stick. I'm interested in seeing what others have to say regarding this topic. I see a lot of stuff on here but nothing really talked about finding potential interest in a concept or world.
submitted by OceansBreeze0 to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:33 Fnkl Series Recording does not work

My wife’s grandmother lives with us and wants to record her soap that plays everyday.
Unfortunately when trying to record the series it simply doesn’t work. It will show up in the scheduled section, but when you click that to see the upcoming episodes it will show the next recording isn’t until a week from now.
But the next episode actually plays the next day.
The workaround at the moment is to manually record the single episode each day, which is frustrating and not easy to remember for an old lady.
Anyone have this issue and able to offer advice?
submitted by Fnkl to telus [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:33 ComfortablePrior7520 .

View Poll
submitted by ComfortablePrior7520 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:33 mattdamonfanclub [POSITIVE]%20for%20/u/Random_Name_Whoa%20[seller]

submitted by mattdamonfanclub to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:33 waktag 30 SQ, hope this doesn't drain my luck for Dokkan's 10th anni 😬

30 SQ, hope this doesn't drain my luck for Dokkan's 10th anni 😬 submitted by waktag to FGO [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:33 Kattunge_le_chat Byan, baseada na minha amiga

Byan, baseada na minha amiga submitted by Kattunge_le_chat to desenhos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:33 SnooDoodles8555 Cutting Cycle

Hello, I am looking to do a cutting cycle.
I am around 15% bf now, looking to go down to 8%.
2 months cycle.
I’ve done ostarine 15mg before and it went well.
I was wondering what should I go for, I am looking to be safe so I was taking of ostarine or S4 or acp-105?
Which one is stronger in your opinion? Which one as the least side effect?
Also, I was wondering about rad-140, is it really worth the risk? I’ve seen people with really bad liver enzymes on it, gyno, etc. I was maybe thinking of trying it for 5-10mg one day, what do you think? I am better off sticking to less potent sarms and be safer?
submitted by SnooDoodles8555 to SARMs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 Regimind OW

OW I have no idea how I survived. Must've been a secret Divine Blessing lmao
submitted by Regimind to MonsterHunter [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 Remote-Revolution799 Would anyone do this?

Would anyone do this? submitted by Remote-Revolution799 to AdoptMeTradingRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 alosmosnogus Trading yeti

submitted by alosmosnogus to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 SeaAcanthisitta692 Astra miyabi 3rd teammate

So I pulled astra and plan to use it with miyabi but what should be the 3rd teammate, I heard that 2 anomaly is good but I only have piper, I also heard that double support is good with nicole but then I wouldnt have a good team with haramusa as 2 nd team, I previously used soukaku and lycaon with miyabi are they good with astra? Are there any good other options?
submitted by SeaAcanthisitta692 to ZZZ_Official [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 toosaucy2021 Sick to my stomach 🥴

Sick to my stomach 🥴 submitted by toosaucy2021 to PrizePicks [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 Winter_Law_234 False Christian Sutes

You took down my post claiming it was disrespectful you tell mevexactly what was disrespectful. Rhere was nothing mean hateful or disrespectful in my post If you cannot read and accept truth that was directed by the holy spirit then you are bo real Christian site and I will not follow anyone who or any site that only allows posts that cater to public opinion. I will pray for all of you but I am done with your sute
submitted by Winter_Law_234 to Christian [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 Dragonfly202 How much does it cost to renew and extend your permit?

I’m planning on getting my license but I wanna get some practice in how much would it cost to renew my permit and extend it?
submitted by Dragonfly202 to Pennsylvania [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 NoMathematician9985 It is possible to Upgrade the Founders edition right now?

I have money to buy the deluxe pack but, I'm wondering if I will be able to upgrade to the ultimate edition without spending the whole amount of money.
submitted by NoMathematician9985 to Smite [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 Nice_Celebration_588 how do you punish these two? 052000b0854f215efdb0ba3c31f0363eaf07205865b6889aba904ae8b04a74e264

how do you punish these two? 052000b0854f215efdb0ba3c31f0363eaf07205865b6889aba904ae8b04a74e264 submitted by Nice_Celebration_588 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 Educational_Plate924 VPN all of a sudden not working?

I have been using a VPN to access Netflix Italy to watch Hemlock Grove. I'm midway through the last season. Same VPN I've been using and all of a sudden I'm getting the VPN error code. Does anyone know why this happened out of nowhere?
submitted by Educational_Plate924 to NetflixViaVPN [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 NSUCK13 All of us when they are interviewing Schotty

submitted by NSUCK13 to cowboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 DarkIlluminator Does anyone know any Atheistic cults?

Cults are generally associated with belief in supernatural. Are there any known cults that don't promote such beliefs? What way does the cult leaders attract followers in them and get people to accept their teachings and support them?
submitted by DarkIlluminator to atheism [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 Informal_Hat317 Too much Pee

I have been noticing from few days I pee alot. Though I don't drink water that much but I do pee alot. It's not like in small amounts it's full flow. Not sure where this is coming from when I don't drink much.
Do you have similar experience? Please suggest if I should check this with neuro? Or any suggestions that could help. I am trying to do kegel exercises.
But I am worried ☹️
submitted by Informal_Hat317 to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 MutterQi Just a thought. What if we give this flourish 1 damage?

Just a thought. What if we give this flourish 1 damage? submitted by MutterQi to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 Emergency-Share-1354 Should I even question the possibility of being a system?

I know this subreddit probably gets a gazillion "am i a system?" posts but i honestly have no where else to go rn😭 For a smidge of background i think i have osdd but in the dpdr way and not the system way, however my friend who is part of a DID system said I may also be a system due to my dissociation stuff not being, normal i guess? I made a list of stuff that is reasons why i may be a system but also reasons for why i think i am not a system. sadly my friend has not fronted in a while so im turning to yall for some guidance on where to go from here (Note: i do have OCD, ADHD, and some anxiety disorders) here is the list: "Grey" time Feeling like waking up/loading into the convo.(this is occasional though) frequently talking to myself (my mind gets chattier when im feeling a strong emotion) Missing chunks of my childhood (atleast i think i am, im forsure missing an entire month and missing all my memories of my first time doing PT, i think that happened during the missing month???) Knowing what happened but not actually remember for some memories Dissociating? People i dont know coming up to me knowing who i am even though ive never seen them before World not feeling real me not feeling real Major identity issues/lack of sense of self I often feel like dr.jekyll and mr.hyde being accused of doing shit i did not do 3rd person memories feeling detached from memories, good and bad i have trouble recognizing myself in the mirror i do stuff that is against (what i think are) my personal beliefs Lowkey feel like my "opinions" can be extremely different at times Arguing with myself finding those "pre system discovery" videos a lil too relatable Feeling emotions that dont feel like my own (a rare thing from what i can recall) being told i dont recall alot of things😐
Why i am not a system: I know i must have lived through everything i dont remember well Ive never had anything super duper bad happen to me I do not hear voices I do not black out no evidence of me being someone else at times i do not experience the symptoms all day everyday I dont have any form of PTSD I remember trauma I had already thought about the possibility of being a system in 2020 and there was no concrete evidence then and i still have none now I do not feel like im "loading in" on the daily it is an occasional thing I do not have large amounts of grey time on the daily if any at all that day I have adhd which makes me time blind and gives me the memory of a goldfish i would have figured it out by now What if i an subconsciously causing myself to have symptoms?
yes i know nobody on here can diagnose me, i mainly want to know what i should look into/what resources i should seek out, dont wanna be looking into things that i dont even have a chance of having.
Tldr: i have things that point to being a system but dont know if theyre major enough to even bother looking into osdd systems
submitted by Emergency-Share-1354 to OSDD [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 Yussso I can't believe Jean saved me again!!

I can't believe Jean saved me again!! submitted by Yussso to ArlecchinoMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:32 zerosum2345 did anyone buy a supposed mikah vid from this dude? he claims it was a snap she sent his buddy of her fondling her tits. willing to buy if anyone vouches for em

did anyone buy a supposed mikah vid from this dude? he claims it was a snap she sent his buddy of her fondling her tits. willing to buy if anyone vouches for em submitted by zerosum2345 to MikahlynnLove [link] [comments]
