Bad anxiety and how it has affected my academic life.

2025.01.22 05:12 Wonderful-Anybody386 Bad anxiety and how it has affected my academic life.

Every time I talk or stand up in front of the class I start sweating then, I start stuttering and reading in a monotone voice. The experience of sweating then feeling cold also happens when I take my test, especially in physics. I’m behind on so many assignments now in every class I feel like I’m below average (I take6 subjects)Even tho there’s this voice inside me that knows I should be doing something I become tired and I get sick so often and end up ignoring my sickness grind away and getting more sick. I remember when used to be a straight A student, and now I find it difficult to even study for 20minutes straight even with social media deleted and I even quit varsity swimming.
This has been going on for 5months now, I’m in a happy relationship where me and my boyfriend both are pretty independent and care about our futures. He’s worried for me I’m sure he’s been giving me tips on studying websites and how he does it despite him having tutors for every subject outside of school (not sure if his advice is credible looking at the number of tutors he has) But his mom is a bit of a tiger so we can’t talk or hangout outside of school bare in mind I’m 16 turning 17 doing IB. Yes I’ve surrounded myself with people who are good scorers but I’m starting to feel as tho they are a bit selfish. Talking about studying, I don’t seem to absorb knowledge in physics as hard as I pay attention in doesn’t stick, I’ve started to try a new study method where I just do past paper questions and find areas of weakness and just review those since I find taking notes a bit useless especially if it’s on everything but then I feel like without them I won’t have a base.
What happened to me what should I do? Give me advice on my current situation please I need help… I feel isolated
submitted by Wonderful-Anybody386 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 Blackbatsmom Favorite Ride-Or-Die Duo

Favorite Ride-Or-Die Duo List is definitely not exhaustive. Add your own! Mine is Gohan and Piccolo. We know Piccolo will happily die for Gohan, and I have little doubt Gohan would for Piccolo. And Piccolo seems to have such a good understanding of Gohan now. Kidnapping his daughter is a little odd, but Watching Piccolo retrain both scrawny Gohan and polish him up before the ToP was great.
submitted by Blackbatsmom to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 absolutxlypxrfxct can i get a massage?

title pretty much asks the question, lol.
i’m 27 weeks pregnant. my friend opened up a massage parlor, and i’ve really been wanting to go and check it out.
i’ve heard that foot massages have been known to induce early labor, so i plan on avoiding that. but what about a normal / deep tissue massage on my back / shoulders / neck? would this be safe?
sorry if this is a silly question
submitted by absolutxlypxrfxct to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 QuackafellaRecordz This morning in Houston

This morning in Houston submitted by QuackafellaRecordz to AnimalTracking [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 Necessary_Ad1514 Just finished story with Stalwarts. #11bitcontest

Just finished story with Stalwarts. #11bitcontest submitted by Necessary_Ad1514 to Frostpunk [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 TheGeneralVita Vasculitis?

Does anyone have signs of vasculitis, but negative ANCA tests?
One of my first symptoms was skin manifestations like the 3rd photo, I had several lesions that looked like patches of petechiae starting in June - July ‘24. They were not raised and were non-blanching. Most of the spots went away after 2-4 months.
This spot on my ankle, however, remains and this is how it looks now (6 months after it emerged). Now I have a new spot on my foot which is not reddish like all of my other spots started off. It actually looks like a bruise but I have no memory of a foot trauma and if I press on it there is no pain (same as my initial spots).
My rheumatologist basically hasn’t said anything about these spots, but my hematologist felt confident they were vasculitis. From what I have read vasculitis can be very serious. I’m still new to this (diagnosed in Nov ‘24). Do any other people with SLE get marks like this in their lower extremities? Do these dark marks indicate any permanent damage? I hate to spiral, but just worried one day I’m gonna get gangrene or something, please advise, if you experience this!
PS sorry for the foot photos! Also sorry if skin things gross you out!
submitted by TheGeneralVita to lupus [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 Ben409 ADL bends the knee

ADL bends the knee submitted by Ben409 to WhitePeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 exus98 Förderung Lastenfahrrad Stadt Wien und Bund gleichzeitig beantragbar?

Kann ich bei der Stadt Wien (1000 €) und beim Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz (900 €) gleichzeitig einen Förderantrag stellen? Würde ich dann 1900 € Förderung für das Fahrrad von Decathlon um 2999 € erhalten?
submitted by exus98 to wien [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 Training-Hall-5996 Risking my Latina Gf Yomary and her kik. Send her very raunchy naughty messages using her pics and share her everywhere make her a WEBSLUT.

Risking my Latina Gf Yomary and her kik. Send her very raunchy naughty messages using her pics and share her everywhere make her a WEBSLUT. submitted by Training-Hall-5996 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 Snoo-14483 365-710 ml of gin almost every day for 4-5 years

I'm 32 years old. After trying to reduce many times, I figured out that I will never be able to drink again I wanted to quit cold turkey this week haha. Que nenni.
30-ish hour later,
The dizziness, intense/irregular heartbeat, the shaking like an autumn leaf while I try to do the dishes, convinced me to drink in order to not risk dying of what felt like a creeping panic attack, especially since I'm home alone and have no phone. I realized today that what I thought was panic attacks, that happened at work, were very likely withdrawal symptoms. I was sure I was dying, even my boss/were scared from how violently I was shaking.
Another coworker got to the hospital last week because of alcohol. he's 35 years old, been drinking for 15 years almost everyday. He vomited black. A colleague brought him to hospital and stayed with him for 2 days. We're all checking on him. I wanted to quit cold turkey for him and for me.
Que nenni. Could not.
I'm still very motivated and will do it, I'm more than ready to do it no matter how psychology hard it is. It's just the physical part that scares me because my heart is a little sensitive because of ADHD medication.
I don't know what I expect by writing this, I guess I wanted to say that it did not go the way I thought it would but I won't let it discourage me to quit completely. It's just gonna take a little bit more time to make sure I'm safe.
submitted by Snoo-14483 to alcoholism [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 theteacupishattered 85% irish/british, 15% german - do I look it?

85% irish/british, 15% german - do I look it? submitted by theteacupishattered to Ethnicity [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 BolinhaX Matemática

Matemática criativa com ronaebson, Mestres da matemática ou matemática on-line?
submitted by BolinhaX to enem [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 MarinaLupu Acrylic on wood

Acrylic on wood Thanks for looking
submitted by MarinaLupu to shibariartwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 DevikEyes Do PyramidHead glows red?

I'm playing SH enhanced edition now, and when you meet PyrimidHead for the first time (when he stands behind the bars) he's visibly glowing red in the dark. I don't remember it being a thing in the original PC version. Is it an addition of Enhanced version or Ps2 version, or I just missed it the previous playthtoughs.
submitted by DevikEyes to silenthill [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 NoRow6497 Reoccurring conflict in this subreddit

Whenever a foreigner shows interest in coming to this country for any reason, half of the subreddit is always being a hater and talking about how they are gonna be supporting the junta just because they visited once. And the other half is talking about how they should come here to support the local tourism industry. Can we settle the debate for once?
IMO: Foreigners should come to this country to not only support the tourism industry but also to raise awareness. And most importantly, is their own choice, who are we to decide what they do.
submitted by NoRow6497 to myanmar [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 Superyear- Si yo fuera MOLINO, yo haría una propaganda buenísima sobre el canal de Panamá. Denme la mejor idea.

Estaba pensando que en vez de responder con una carta que la gente olvida, debería de responder con un video. #wedontcareaboutTrump #Panamaessoberana #TorrijosCarter1977
submitted by Superyear- to Panama [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 Repulsive_Medium_876 hmmmm i just thought of something guys

ya mama 😼
submitted by Repulsive_Medium_876 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 Dog-boy Strands #325 Pixar This

Strands #325 “Pixar this” 🔵🔵🔵🟡🔵🔵🔵
3:30 not bad
submitted by Dog-boy to StrandsNYT [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 MiniMusicManiac Is there a reason it went to Puerto Rico?

Is there a reason it went to Puerto Rico? I have several packages being sent to me by different people that have all been taking awhile and late. This hasn’t happened to me before and I’m so confused why the mail I send out is on time and fine, but things coming here are acting weird? This is by far the strangest however, I live in Hawai’i for context. So I don’t understand why one of my packages went from California to Puerto Rico?? I know the fires would probably delay shipping so I’m not upset about that. I’m just irritated that my packages have been going all over the place or stuck “in transit” for days. I’ve never experienced problems like this before…
submitted by MiniMusicManiac to usps_complaints [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 CurrentlyInOrbit Unrealistic anxiety over academic integrity violations

Does anyone else get needlessly worried about getting an academic integrity violation? I’ve never outright cheated on a test, or used AI to write a paper (lightly revise in a class where AI is allowed for this, yes), but sometimes when waiting for my grade back I get so irrationally worried I’m going to get flagged for cheating. I’ve heard horror stories about people getting expelled over relatively small cheating scandals, and I’m terrified of this happening to me. Any words of wisdom?
submitted by CurrentlyInOrbit to college [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 Many-Flow-1184 read the fine print too

read the fine print too submitted by Many-Flow-1184 to Csgohacks [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 Timely_Orchid_6972 I'm surprise to see roots growing from lucky bamboo leaves

I'm surprise to see roots growing from lucky bamboo leaves submitted by Timely_Orchid_6972 to houseplants [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 William_s_evans My 5 favorite girls!!!

My 5 favorite girls!!! submitted by William_s_evans to MonsterHigh [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 Anonomesky [Results and Decisions] Any USC MSCS Fall 2025 admits?

Did anyone get an admit? If yes, when did you apply to the program and what’s your profile? Thanks!!
submitted by Anonomesky to MSCS [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 05:12 FriendlyGaze [xbox] H:Arms Keeper mod W:2xFrozen

On now
submitted by FriendlyGaze to Market76 [link] [comments]