2025.01.22 06:58 neoblingz This game i used to play when getting stressed uses Ai art on their features...
submitted by neoblingz to FuckAI [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:58 Lanky-Course5918 Went for something similar to a G-Eazy cut 😂
My side profile isn’t great, but I thought it would be cool to post. It looks better without the gel and grease hahahah but I thought I’d try it. submitted by Lanky-Course5918 to GEazy [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:58 Common_herdsman5 You guys should get on league right now
submitted by Common_herdsman5 to Hololive [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:58 Wine_cheezits Gay
I spawned 2 goredolls and they both grabbed the ledge and this happened. submitted by Wine_cheezits to GoreBox_F2Games [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:58 Few-Ideal-3482 Mon responsable ne fait pas mon évaluation annuelle
Bonjour a tous,
Nouvelle année, et pour cela on fait donc une évaluation annuelle, mise en place des objectifs... Au sein de mon entreprise, on a vécu pas mal de changement organisationnels et celui qui est mon responsable hiérarchique depuis l'année dernière ne veut pas faire mon évaluation annuelle, ni la mise en place d'objectif, c'est donc moi qui mais en place les objectifs.
Questions : - Les évaluations annuelles sont-elles obligatoires au seins d'une entreprise? - Si non conduite cela impact-il les augmentations annuelles? - Une mise en place d'objectifs annuelles est-elle obligatoire ou doit-on simplement suivre la fiche de poste (pas d'objectif la dessus, essentiellement des missions).
submitted by Few-Ideal-3482 to droitdutravail [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:58 waiting4signora I love how Xav's cards' vibes change if he is a bunny butler LOL (screaming here b4 i return to playing—)
submitted by waiting4signora to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:58 Worth_Reputation1526 Market Moves: From Slump to Steady Climb
submitted by Worth_Reputation1526 to IndianStockMarket [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:58 bananahammocklol Billie Eilish Sydney
Roll call for the Sydney shows!
I have a GA ticket for the Monday but really want to swap for the Tuesday as my friends are going this night. Is anyone interested in a swap?
Happy to discuss further on socials for verification!
Can’t wait to see her, this will be my 4th time!
submitted by bananahammocklol to billieeilish [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:58 Aware-Asparagus8110 Well, 4 snaps in 30 pulls
Well I guess I traded astra for 4 snaps :/ submitted by Aware-Asparagus8110 to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:58 Level-Selection1943 forex scam
Just as there’s no such thing as the goose that laid the golden egg, there’s no business on earth that will triple or quadruple, let alone double your money in just 7 hours. So I saw an ad on ig from an account @samuel_traderfx and here’s the scam. (I’m sure it’s a whole empire of scammers) they send you a phone number and all communications are done via WhatsApp thereafter or ig.
They ask you to create an account using multivest.trade and that you can “copy” their trading signals. To make it more fishy, they will send you screenshots of bank accounts, or this guy will even video call you to show you his equity bank balance which is always the same amount you’ll see on his ig, since his first post.
Don’t fall for this scam please. He’ll nudge you that he’s about to start trading and that you urgently need to create an account and make a deposit in order to copy his signals before he starts trading. These are all smokes and screens! A quick glance at that website and you can smell the scam from a mile. The faq, privacy, terms are all just fake.
But let’s say you’re naive and you want to go ahead and make “quick money”. I just glanced and their plans have changed to minimum investment is 700usd which is 90k. If you deposit, that money is gone, say goodbye to it because you just gave someone a free holiday to Diani. Or they split amongst themselves because there’s no honor amongst thieves. After 7hours, he’ll tell you to check your account and wow, it probably has quadrupled from 700 to almost 4000usd. Let’s say you want to withdraw the money. You’ll need to “pay a fee” to the platform and somehow they’ll even trigger an email via CBK, that there’s a fee you need to clear to complete the transaction. It’s a trigger email because you’ll see it reads via “multivest.trade”. (which if you’re dumb, CBK never handles individual transactions).
Now these jamaa will blow up your phone to finish the withdrawal and you should ask yourself “why does he care so much that I’ve gotten my profit?” He’s not after your profit. He’s after you making another payment to their platform, because he wants another plane ticket for his baby mama.
If you pay, that’s the end of the communication with him, he blocks you and he deactivates your account on multivest.
If you don’t pay, he would be willing to “pay half for you, using internal transfer” which are just numbers from their server and trigger an email to show you that he has paid for you half then you look for the other half. (Now he’s bargaining to see if you’ll fall for it)
If you don’t pay, they still deactivate your account and at least the made 700usd from you and still block you.
TLDR: don’t fall for scams of copying trading signals, you’ll be scammed. I know it’s the young people that would fall for this. If you’re already broke, you’re fine, you’d not get past step 1 of this scam. 😁
submitted by Level-Selection1943 to Kenya [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:58 Fuzzy_Crab1674 Reviews about Deem Finance?
Hey Guys, has anyone used financial services from Deem Finance? Particularly inquiring about personal loan.
Thanks in advance
submitted by Fuzzy_Crab1674 to dubai [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:58 omegaequalsone new Porterville sneaks
the moleskine texture is 🔥
submitted by omegaequalsone to Rickowens [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:58 Top_Lengthiness_469 Looking for a budget clean white GPU I am currently using integrated graphics
Disclaimer I am in Australia so for those in the US prices are double submitted by Top_Lengthiness_469 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:58 avocadoisgood How do you track what's actually working when taking multiple supplements?
Hi everyone! I'm curious about how you approach tracking the effectiveness of different supplements, especially when combining them with various activities and habits aimed at optimizing mind/body.
Do you rely on specific metrics, apps, or journaling methods? How do you differentiate between what’s truly helping and what might just be placebo? I’d love to hear any strategies or insights you’ve found useful!
submitted by avocadoisgood to Biohackers [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:58 Ironia_Sudzbi Кремль в тупике, а Трамп раздает карты: кто тут «умный»?
Дональд Трамп вновь демонстрирует свой фирменный стиль переговорщика — угрожать, улыбаться и держать козыри наготове. Примерно так он и озвучил «предложение, от которого нельзя отказаться» Владимиру Путину: либо сесть за стол переговоров, либо приготовиться к новым санкциям. Звучит, конечно, как танго, но партнер тут явно не равный.
Трамп, мастер пафосных заявлений, назвал Путина «умным». Только вот загвоздка: что бы ни считал о себе Кремль, ситуация для Москвы выглядит как плохая партия шахмат. НАТО, как тонко намекает Трамп, даже толком не включилось в игру, а Россия уже дышит на ладан. Армия истощена, экономика трещит по швам, и даже союзники на Востоке, как выясняется, больше заняты своими интересами, чем поддержкой «стратегического партнера».
Путин, конечно, будет пытаться сделать вид, что он контролирует ситуацию. Для внутренней аудитории всегда можно раскрутить привычное: «Это Россия против НАТО!» Но, как бы там ни было, западный альянс играет в долгую, и пока Кремль из последних сил пытается показать силу, его «великая стратегия» превращается в бесконечный бег по кругу.
Теперь о переговорах. Почему вероятность того, что Путин примет условия Трампа, близка к нулю? Всё просто: то, что выгодно Трампу, катастрофически невыгодно Путину. Если Вашингтон укрепит свои позиции через успех переговоров, это нанесет удар по имиджу Кремля как непреклонного защитника «русского мира». Путину придется выбрать между худшим и худшим: либо показать слабость, согласившись на условия, которые ему навязывают, либо продолжать разрушительную войну, которая уже давно стала проигрышной.
А Трамп? Он в своей стихии. Угроза санкций — лишь разминка, ведь у него все козыри. Если Путин пойдет на уступки, это победа для Трампа. Если Путин откажется, Трамп продолжит давить экономически, усиливать Украину военной помощью и раскручивать Россию в пропасть изоляции. Как говорится, проиграет кто угодно, но только не он.
Ирония в том, что Кремль так долго строил свою политику на игре с Западом, что теперь заигрался. Россия привыкла диктовать правила, но эти времена закончились. Пускай Путин делает вид, что он держит ситуацию под контролем, реальность такова: у него нет рычагов для давления. И если Кремль когда-то надеялся на слабость США, то теперь ему приходится иметь дело с Трампом, который ведет переговоры с позиции силы.
Так что кто тут действительно «умный»? Трамп явно наслаждается ролью, в то время как Кремль отчаянно пытается сберечь лицо. Только вот в игре, где на кону судьбы миллионов, лицемерие — это последнее, что поможет удержаться на плаву.
submitted by Ironia_Sudzbi to neudobnaya_pravda_ros [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:58 atma505 Is it better to rush for the boss and get the bonus Goth?
Or do you get way more money by liberating every town and waiting the 3 or so days before your reputation starts to dwindle?
submitted by atma505 to OgreBattle [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:58 notsostrong134 La sfida al granchio blu: quintali di vongole portoghesi per salvare i pescatori del Nord
submitted by notsostrong134 to NotizieInteressanti [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:58 ComprehensivePen811 Worth it
Spent more than 1800sq saved up over a year to get an np7 nuclear wife. Its been a long time since I've rolled the gacha and I'm grateful to have been so lucky. Good luck to those rolling! submitted by ComprehensivePen811 to FGO [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:58 TimelyCow357 Les pauvres sont des connards.
"Le prolétaire est un bourgeois qui n’a pas réussi. Rien de plus. Rien de moins. Rien de touchant à cela, une larmoyerie gâteuse et fourbe. C’est tout. Un prétexte à congrès, à prébendes, à paranoïsmes... L’essence ne change pas. On ne s’en occupe jamais, on bave dans l’abstrait. L’abstrait c’est facile, c’est le refuge de tous les fainéants. Qui ne travaille pas est pourri d’idées générales et généreuses. Ce qui est beaucoup plus difficile c’est de faire rentrer l’abstrait dans le concret." LF Celine.
submitted by TimelyCow357 to opinionnonpopulaire [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:58 Frankie3692 Im making a tier list of all Match ups based on how good of an episode they would be. What are some popular matchups that should be included (im up to 480)
Im making a tier list of all Match ups based on ho... I dont need to repeat this you can read the title.
submitted by Frankie3692 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:58 Shanghai_Knife_Dude Found a better use of pen cap tip
submitted by Shanghai_Knife_Dude to Fountain_Pen_Cats [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 06:58 Ill-Rabbit-9785 EKG interpretation med surg
Our hospital is requiring all unit RNs (including med surg) to print and interpret their own patients ekg strips. Do any of you have this requirement at your hospital or do you have tele techs that do it?
submitted by Ill-Rabbit-9785 to nursing [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:58 altigra3 Colour Pop Discount Code for January 2025
Go to this page for Colour Pop Discount Code for January 2025. If you're looking for the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the place to go. They always have the latest offers available.
submitted by altigra3 to ZapSupport [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:58 Odd_Departure_5100 Advice? Or just commiserate with my misery
I've always said I (30f) don't have allergies. In general, for my entire life, I usually only get sick once a year. A cold that lasts 3-7 days. No big deal. About 3 years ago, I admit that I did some recreational drug use while I was sick. I recovered, and got sick again a few weeks later. I took mucinex for about 6 days. I stopped taking it because I know you're not supposed to take it longer, and I felt better. After that, I began getting the thickest mucus of my life stuck in the back of my throat. I've had a post nasal drip for the past 3 years. I hawk up big thick sticky balls of clear phlegm every day. Some days worse than others. My nose is never stuffy. I just have this mucus stuck behind my nose.
I went to a conference this weekend, and it's likely I picked up some germs. I figure it is a cold, but my nose is SO ITCHY. it's painfully tickley and so much mucus. I tried Afrin yesterday- nothing happened. I tried Flonase today- nothing. Claritin- nothing. Benedryl - nothing. The only thing that makes me feel better is pseudoephedrine or Ibuprofen. I know you shouldn't blow your mose alot, but it won't stop running! I know I'm being dramatic but I can't live with this! I know I need to see a doctor, but commiserating would make me feel better for now... I know its probably just a regular old cold, but I am a voice teacher, so I really want to see an ENT to get a full scope.
A few things to know: I take thyroid meds everyday. I'm paranoid I have an auto immune disorder. I'm terrified of using a neti pot. My mom said she had terrible allergies in her 20s and had to get shots.
submitted by Odd_Departure_5100 to Allergies [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 06:58 HeadLineFrenchiesTX Baby boy 🥲
submitted by HeadLineFrenchiesTX to Frenchbulldogs [link] [comments] |