Tropas de EU hacen presencia en la frontera con México tras protesta de Trump - Cadena de Mando

2025.01.22 06:55 bot_neen Tropas de EU hacen presencia en la frontera con México tras protesta de Trump - Cadena de Mando

Tropas de EU hacen presencia en la frontera con México tras protesta de Trump - Cadena de Mando submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 IVIaedhros I thought it was a plot hole, but S1 actually has a simple explanation why Tera could act so freely.

So far, I've enjoyed both seasons of Nocturne even if, like the original's S3-S4, I thought it sometimes struggled with consistency and pacing.
However, one of the few plot points I couldn't head cannon away or just ignore for rule of cool was that Tera was just left to freely wander about after being turned.
Carmilla implies Castlevania might operate under the lore that a vampire sire retains absolute magical domination of their spawn.
Were Erzebet and Droulta just going to ignoring her casual insubordination?, actually. It's just they didn't care and Erzebet probably encouraged it.
In S1, Erzebet is introduced as someone who enjoys going out of her way to psychology break women. They're reduced to animals to be made into food or remade into a mindless harem of worshipers. Look at how the young woman Droulta captured was taken from a shivering, almost catanonic mess to being a mistress in Erzebet's court.
When S2 starts, Erzebet thinks for good reason she has all the time in the world and literally no one can threaten her.
She is, however, recently missing the one side piece in her harem that she can't easily replace:
Droulta, her one fanatical minion with enough independence and power to offer objective advice and enough power to not immediately fold against a half trained hunter.
Droulta, a magic user who was also once devoted to a religious order before seemingly being enthralled by Erzebet.
That's not a whore, or more accurately, a dog, that you can just acquire or beat in to submission.
That's an animal you need to utterly break then remake from fresh clay.
To work, Tera has to CHOOSE damnation again and in service to that goal, the illusion of freedom to resist is very useful.
I'm likely giving too much credit, but it's notable that the Vampire Messiah, Goddess of War, kept such a sloppy guard that an untrained speaker could waltz in unopposed and then get past Erzebet's inhuman speed while sloppily killing a prisoner with a knife.
And, even if Erzebet is far less compelling when compared to Dracula or Carmilla, rewatching really does show her to be consistently portrayed as nothing more than an over powered brute.
Her gender and flashy magic just confused the fact that her closest real world analogies are low level street pimps and domestic abusers, used to dominating the weak through violence, too consumed by their impulses and too idiotic to rise to true power.
submitted by IVIaedhros to castlevania [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 DEGHrvatskaYouTube Steelrising SEDMA EPIZODA /EP.7/DEGHrvatska/PS5 GamePlay/BALKAN

Steelrising SEDMA EPIZODA /EP.7/DEGHrvatska/PS5 GamePlay/BALKAN submitted by DEGHrvatskaYouTube to hrvatskagaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 FitWorry9817 Kylie is upset with Dorit for the Mo rumors

That would be my guess. She sees herself as the victim all the time and now this is payback.
And I’m going to guess she regrets getting a separation from Mo. Her attitude towards him changed completely from last season.
submitted by FitWorry9817 to RHOBH [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 OpeningRhubarb2400 style help(not margiela)

style help(not margiela) ok so i might just be stupid but i can’t figure out what to style this with. it’s a cdg sweater vest but i thought it had a very margiela look.
submitted by OpeningRhubarb2400 to MaisonMargiela [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 GHOST1MERP Need help with fan set up

I have the command core xt 6 AR120
I want to have 10 fans in total, I’m not sure what’s the best way to go about getting those additional 4 fans because I want to keep the fully customizable fans in icue, without breaking the bank.
I’m thinking of getting the rs120 but I’m not sure if I will still be able to control each Argb if daisy chained. Also wondering how to add them without getting a 2nd hub
I appreciate any advice/help
submitted by GHOST1MERP to Corsair [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 Top_Day2394 webcam with tripodFor USA Testers DM for Info - Thanks

webcam with tripodFor USA Testers DM for Info - Thanks submitted by Top_Day2394 to ReviewRequests [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 bilgesem Black Menteşe Dikdörtgen Duşakabin

Black Menteşe Dikdörtgen Duşakabin submitted by bilgesem to teknodus [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 Stock-Mission-7561 First season is said to be weak but Season 1: Episode 2 The Stakeout is really funny. Quone, medical dictionary, Lonnie Anderson.

The chemistry and tension between Elaine and Jerry after having recently broken up is funny. That Morty wasn't bad, either.
submitted by Stock-Mission-7561 to seinfeld [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 Duke-NukemOfficial ⚠️Grupo revision⚠️

View Poll
submitted by Duke-NukemOfficial to MAAU [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 SourceConsistent6234 ADIDAS socks - $9,43

ADIDAS socks - $9,43 submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 Jholla_1013 First Skaven WIP’s

First Skaven WIP’s Bought a Seraphon spearhead a few months ago when I decided to get back into the hobby, painted like two lizard warriors; but decided 2025 is the year of the rat!
Also should have probably started with some clan rats but love these models.
Might ditch the winter theme but would love some feedback, or any ideas to improve while I’m doing touch ups/finishing up, videos/guides that you could recommend.
submitted by Jholla_1013 to skaven [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 GuiltyBeautiful8042 Meet lucky!

submitted by GuiltyBeautiful8042 to Yorkies [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 Orange-Fedora Making 'Art' and a TN for Every Pitch MU: Emperor Mateus vs Emperor Doviculus (Final Fantasy vs Brütal Legend)

Making 'Art' and a TN for Every Pitch MU: Emperor Mateus vs Emperor Doviculus (Final Fantasy vs Brütal Legend) submitted by Orange-Fedora to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 holy_fuck_mom How can i fix a selfmade modpack to generate a world?

I made a modpack with curseforge, it starts Minecraft 1.19.2 correctly. The problem is when i want to create a world, it stays stuck. It has reached at max 82% then not going further.
submitted by holy_fuck_mom to MinecraftMod [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 Inner-Aside-7373 Living Legends

Recently moved to the community. Any clue as to whether landscaping of golf course or any common facilities will be developed (pool, gym)?
22YO, trying to meet and make friends.
submitted by Inner-Aside-7373 to dubai [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 ChavaF1 Greg: “in the Chris Wessling podcast Studio. We’re back here, See You Next Tuesday”

Am I crazy or was that a message for somebody??
submitted by ChavaF1 to nfldailypod [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 mycketforvirrad YouTube: Hellsongs – Never Again (2025)

submitted by mycketforvirrad to svenskmusik [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 divabee_ Left my competitive sport. Do I have to notify colleges if it's not something I'm being recruited for?

I used to rock climb competitively and recently had to leave my club team because of a personal medical reason. Before, I was spending like ~12 hours a week at practice. I now am at the gym recreationally for just like 2-3 hours a week. Do I have to update colleges? I'm definitely spending less time on it than I was before, but it wasn't really a huge component of my application anyways. Definitely not being recruited for it, does it matter?
submitted by divabee_ to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 Ok-Cap6895 Fibonacci's dog

Fibonacci's dog submitted by Ok-Cap6895 to mathmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 Float7Around7 Dragon through the neck. Zack Taylor. Seattle, WA. 1wk into heal

Dragon through the neck. Zack Taylor. Seattle, WA. 1wk into heal submitted by Float7Around7 to traditionaltattoos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 alberto_uphand Flight reimbursement from 3rd party

In September 2023 I booked a flight Frankfurt to Hanoi operated by Bamboo Airways. I booked it through (I know the name doesn’t sound reassuring but reviews were ok 🥲). Shortly after the flight was cancelled, more than 2 weeks before the due departure, so I’m not entitled to the EU compensation. I obviously asked for the refund to cheaptickets but they told me they will reimburse me as soon as they get reimbursed by Airways. After a while then I also wrote to Bamboo Airways (August 2024) that told me that the reimbursement process had been postponed due to system error (???). I recently asked again to cheaptickets about the status of the process and they told me that nothing happened yet and that I can inquire with the flight operator. They also added that Bamboo Airways has filed for bankruptcy. Basically the whole underlying message was “screw you you’re not getting anything from us”. I replied that I didn’t find any news about such bankruptcy and that I hope this doesn’t have to go through legal proceedings.
In your opinion, what are my options at the moment? We’re talking about 500€ so I’m not that willing to let go.
submitted by alberto_uphand to LegalAdviceEurope [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 Maleficent_Ad9366 26 million

26 million I know it will fall after a while but still
submitted by Maleficent_Ad9366 to MacMiller [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 gpulis4513 Cheap build for indie/modded minecraft games

Title basically sayd it just looking for something i can play small games on not like AAA games at 4k 12p fast just a lite gaming pc that can run like frostpunk modded minecraft and indie games that I can't find on my ps5 any advice?
submitted by gpulis4513 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:55 Intelligent-Nail8847 Is it worth starting antivirals end of OB

Got swab done but dr prescribed antivirals on sight. At almost healed stage of second (or third) OB. Is there any point in starting now or could I just wait for the next? Dr wasn’t clear
submitted by Intelligent-Nail8847 to HSVpositive [link] [comments]