Forgot to pay tab

"Forgot password" could simply be an informal (shortened) way of saying "I forgot my password." We commonly miss out pronouns to be succinct. In this case, the words form a statement. Similarly, "Forgot password" could be a shortened form of the question "Have you forgotten your password?". I forgot his name. This one is only correct if for some reason you're focusing on the act or time at which the memory was lost, or describing a failure to remember something in the past. Examples: "I forgot his name a long time ago." "I forgot to go to the meeting yesterday." I forget his name. The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd; In the context of the poem, the meaning of the lines is straightforward, syntactically: Eloisa is comparing the 'happy lot' of a hypothetical blameless virgin ("vestal") in the convent with her own tragic fate. I interchange between the two without noticing. Sometimes I say, "I have forgot my keys." Sometimes I say, "She's forgotten her money." I would say both are accepted as past participle forms in the Appalachian region and southeastern United States. I heard my doctor say, "You haven't forgot what I told you, have ya?" The second is present perfect, which means that you forgot in the past and are continuing to have forgotten up to now. You could say "I forgot it, but now I remember", because the past simple tells you nothing about present condition, you cannot say "I have forgotten it but now I remember it" because the present perfect tells you about the range of time from the past all the way up to and ... I'm talking about someone who realized he forgot something, and wants to refer to this state. e.g. John realized he forgot something, and wondered how long was he _____ (in the state of forgetting that something). Does such a word exists? 一般情况下,你说你忘了什么事情,那么你再说的时候是已经忘了,所以用过去式i forgot something 如果是forget,一般出现在将来,比如 i will not forget your help.意思是我不会忘记你的帮助的。这个句子里,你还没有忘记。 简单的说,看你到底忘了没,忘了的用forgot。 'Forgot' is the past tense of 'forget', and that is the only difference between them. So "I forget your name" means that right now I am forgetting (i.e. not remembering) your name. "I forgot your name" means that your name went out of my memory at some point in the past - so "I was going to add you to the invitation list, but I forgot your name." If you 'forgot your keys', you forgot [to bring] your keys - if you actually forgot them, I could show them to you and you wouldn't know who they belonged to. To forget 'about' something is to lose relations that link to/from the object; you might forget that you used them last night, or that they were in the drawer. I forgot the cat. "I forgot" and "I almost forgot" appear to be interchangeable phrases meaning "I did not remember". But the fact that I hear the longer one used more commonly (especially in scripted television or literature) leads me to think that there is some special meaning conveyed; otherwise the simpler phrase would probably be used instead.

2025.01.22 07:57 -_iv- Forgot to pay tab

This is like the second time in my life this has ever happened to me
The first time I was downtown and the fire alarms went off and we had to leave so we didn’t pay our tab
Tonight I went out got a drink with a guy, he was going to pay but didn’t have cash for a tip so he wanted me to pay, I went to the bathroom while waiting for my drink, long story short I forgot I had to pay and we literally just left when we finished our drinks
Obviously I plan on going back and paying and I feel SO FUCKING BAD I did not mean to walk out on a tab with two drinks on it idk what tf I was thinking I was just thinking about food and I forgot I had to pay bc he usually pays.. they were closed by the time I realized
Advice on how to fix or make this up? I worked in the industry I’m not doing her dirty like that I left at 10:40ish they closed at 11 :(
submitted by -_iv- to bartenders [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 Magilla196237 Can anyone tell me who makes these?

I need to replace the cartridges.
submitted by Magilla196237 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 caracatitafripta Trump l-a gratiat pe Ross Ulbricht, creatorul Silk Road

Nu credeam ca o sa vad vreodata stirea asta. Voi ce parere aveti? Merita sa moara in inchisoare pentru ca a creat primul site unde altii puteau sa vanda si sa cumpere chestii ilegale? Eu sincer cred ca nu.
In alta ordine de idei, sunt curios daca mai are acces la vreun portofel de bitcoini de pe vremea aia. Daca da, e putred de bogat. Insa e cam greu de crezut ca a ramas ceva nerascolit de anchetatori, iar FBI-ul oricum va fi probabil cu ochii pe el.
submitted by caracatitafripta to programare [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 Pez-Tech when should i start saving my diamonds for super magnet enchant?

i got 26 huge pets atm, should i start saving now? or get more huge pets first
submitted by Pez-Tech to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 smilespray What if...

...we are all severed?
Every time we go to sleep, we have this blackout, only to wake up hours later.
But what if what we classify as dreams are leaks of what our outies do during those hours?
Prove me wrong, outies! Or innies. I forget which.
(This was written while asleep)
submitted by smilespray to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 TheGRVOfLightning So… when did they upgrade the Siemens fleet?

I’m aware that this is typical for the Comeng fleet, but I hadn’t seen this on the Siemens before now, I don’t know if this was a recent retrofit, or just something I hadn’t noticed. Also, in a side note, 712M be the first time on a non-HCMT carriage I properly understood a Control Center announcement!
submitted by TheGRVOfLightning to MelbourneTrains [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 FantasyRPDesires59 Daddy needs a depraved roleplay partner to help with his naughty desires! - Session: 055fef77ea35af0a9d37d8154697ed7cd5ae6b6eaf41e2726bdbe4e05fd76b0a33

submitted by FantasyRPDesires59 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 caciuccoecostine Gesto di Elon Musk paragonato al saluto Nazi/Fascio. Posso dire che mi sembra che si stia un filino esagerando? Lo avete visto il filmato almeno?

PREMESSA: Musk ha sicuramente portato delle innovazioni, come persona ritengo sia un coglione narcisista, di cui però apprezzo il suo essere senza filtri in un mondo dove tutti hanno paura di dire ciò che pensano, per il resto non gli darei nemmeno il cane da portare a pisciare.
Ok, se prendiamo il fotogramma finale, braccio teso, ma nemmeno troppo. Oddio un nostalgico!!!
Però, guardando tutto il filmato stava facendo un gesto mano sul cuore e poi verso il pubblico, chiaramente un di quei gesti che si fanno, ok è un personaggio imbarazzante e gli è venuto un misto tra un Dab e un saluto fascio, ma fare tutta questa polemica sulla nascita del primo Reich americano mi sembra una gran puttanata.
submitted by caciuccoecostine to CasualIT [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 HolderHawk I am affraid my cats will bother my neighbours

Hi, everybody!
I am Brazilian and just moved to Switzerland 08/01.
I lived here alone during one year in 2022, in a GF apartment, that time I was constantly afraid of doing noise and bothering my neighbors, also, I always lived in houses.
Me and wife decided to come again and here we are, this time, me, her, and our 2 cats. During the first days, everything was very nice: the cats were sleeping with us at night, they were kind of afraid of the new environment and being reserved, but, in the last few days, they started to run, jump into the chairs and scratch stuff randomly during ALL NIGHT.
We are not sleeping at all, the male cat is the most bothering one, as he jumps over us and wake us on purpose, but, my mainly concern is a complaint from our neighbors. As I never lived in apartments before, I really have no idea if the noise is enough to bother the person right below, and I know the Swiss are very cautious about silence rules.
Can I get fined if my cats are bothering my neighbors?
I am so afraid, that I am even thinking about sending my wife back to Brazil with the cats, work my mandatory 2 years here, and then back. It would be two very difficult years, but I am seeing no other solution.
submitted by HolderHawk to Switzerland [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 Friendly-Try578 Rock head, Rock Top, Lil Crack Monsters, CrackRoaches Alert 🚨

Rock head, Rock Top, Lil Crack Monsters, CrackRoaches Alert 🚨 This person has created a page specifically to lurk and troll this account. Started the page in March 2024, didn’t comment until 51 days ago by posting two stupid ass comments then went silent until 14hrs ago. These people are weird asf and delusional. This sub is no place for Chrishit enablers…
GTFOH Wise-Extension6741 tired of your trick ass…
submitted by Friendly-Try578 to exposingchrisean [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 Icy-Treacle5078 TOBER - Karussell

Hallo liebe Musik Gemeinde,
ich hoffe, euch geht’s gut! Ich bin TOBER, ein Indie-Pop-Artist aus Wien, und ich habe am Freitag meinen ersten Song „Karussell“ veröffentlicht. Der Song ist inspiriert von der Idee, dass eine einzige Person mit den kleinsten Gesten euch geht’s gut! Ich bin TOBER, ein Indie-Pop-Artist aus Wien, und ich habe heute meinen ersten Song „Karussell“ veröffentlicht. Der Song ist inspiriert von der Idee, dass eine einzige Person mit den kleinsten Gesten das Leben wieder in Schwung bringen kann – wie ein Karussell, das sich plötzlich wieder zu drehen beginnt. Es würde mich wahnsinnig freuen, wenn ihr reinhört und mir Feedback gebt. Ganz liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende! TOBER ❤️
submitted by Icy-Treacle5078 to musik [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 GamerPineYT I got 2 Warheads in one rapper.

submitted by GamerPineYT to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 doepual UWorld Medical Library – Is It Worth It?

Hi everyone! 👋
I noticed some of you have experience with the UWorld Medical Library, and I was wondering if I could get your thoughts on it. I’m still early in my prep and seriously considering buying it, but I haven’t been able to find demos, YouTube videos, or much info about it.
I’m especially curious about how comprehensive it is—would it be good enough to replace resources like First Aid (FA) and Boards and Beyond (BnB)? I wasn’t a big fan of BnB, so I’m hoping the UWorld library might be a better fit.
Also, how is it organized? For example, is it laid out by system (cardiology, GI, etc.) and then broken down further into disciplines (embryology, anatomy, physiology, etc.)?
If anyone could share their experience or even send a quick screen recording tour of one of the systems, I would be extremely grateful! 🙏
Thanks so much in advance!
submitted by doepual to step1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 TheAkashGaming123 Highlights from Melbourne The Fans Strike Fight Back

Highlights from Melbourne The Fans Strike Fight Back submitted by TheAkashGaming123 to StarWars [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 jujube_803 I don't know these contacts and I didn't make these calls. What's going on?

I don't know these contacts and I didn't make these calls. What's going on? I'm really confused and somewhat scared - I don't know these contacts and didn't make these calls. When I click the i for info I see that those calls were marked "Zero KB" and we're in really short time frames.
What's going on? Who should I go talk to about this?
submitted by jujube_803 to ios [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 Cold_Heron_5082 Why yall ain’t had ralfy on anything under the umbrella

submitted by Cold_Heron_5082 to BackonFigg [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 NighT--WolF Relató paranormal

Hace 8 o 7 años estaba en casa solo, me sentía cansado y tenía sueño así que decidí dormir temprano como a las 9 o 8 de la noche, me dormí bastante rápido al parecer así que no me di cuenta y caí en la cama como piedra, en esa noche tuve una pesadilla si podría decirse así en la que estaba dormido igual que en la vida real y desperté pero estaba sentado, también me di cuenta que hacía mucho frío y estaba más oscuro de lo normal, ya que tengo una ventana frente a mi cuarto y aunque sea de noche la luz de la luna entra y ilumina un poco, cuando me di cuenta de esto sentí la mirada de algo mirándome desde una esquina del cuarto en dónde tenía unas escaleras que bajaban al primer piso, (cabe aclarar que vivo solo y solo tengo un perro pequeño) la mirada fue extraña y solo alcance a ver una sombra pero cuando deje de verla sentí una extraña presencia muy fuerte y me dió una sensación de escalofríos y peligro, me di la vuelta aún estando sentado en la cama, estando de espaldas a la escalera escuché un sonido leve de alguien subiéndose a la cama en la que estaba, cuando me di cuenta, esa presencia o mejor dicho esa cosa extraña ya estaba detrás mío y por alguna extraña razón mi cuerpo y mi sentido de supervivencia me decía y exigía no mirar detrás de mí, después de sentir esa cosa detrás mio, esa cosa me abraso y empezó a acercar lentamente su cara a la mia, (lo hizo desde atrás, un ejemplo diría que es cuando alguien se te acerca por atrás a darte un beso en la mejilla), en ese momento por alguna razón mi cuerpo no me hacía caso y no podía moverme, antes de que esa cosa acercara su cara contra la mía y pudiera ver su rostro pálido decidí gritar fuerte: ¡Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos! Sin darme tiempo de terminar la oración esa cosa me soltó y cuando lo hizo pude mover mi cuerpo y dejé de sentir esa sensación extraña, ahora calmado y con el control total de mi cuerpo me di la vuelta y pude ver cómo había ¿una chica tal vez? O un fantasma con forma de mujer, tal vez una bruja, bueno lo que sea que era estaba delante de mi cama en dónde estaba la ventana mirándome, recuerdo que era de piel pálida y cabello negro un poco largo pero no lo suficiente como para no verle la cara, ( pero no recuerdo su cara) delante de mí me di cuenta que además de esa cosa con forma de mujer, habían tres presencias más, una de ellas estaba en el medio de los otros dos, era grande y de color rojo, el segundo estaba a su derecha pero no sé si fue la oscuridad o algo más que no pude verlo bien pero tenía apariencia de una persona y el tercero estaba a la izquierda del más grande, tenían una presencia que me hacía estar tranquilo sin tener miedo o alguna preocupación de lo que fuera a pasar, decidí levantarme de la cama y caminar hacia esa cosa que me había abrazado segundos antes de que dejara de hacerlo, pero antes de poder acercarme más esa cosa mostró una sonrisa pequeña y me miró a los ojos, su mirada era un poco pesada pero lo considere un poco normal, creo que esa mirada fue más de curiosidad por mi y una advertencia, pero después de haberlo hecho esa cosa desapareció delante de mí y corrí a la ventana donde esa cosa había estado parada frente mío para darme cuenta que delante de la casa en la calle oscura y fría estaba parada mirando a donde yo estaba y luego corrió a la nada para desaparecer en la oscuridad. Después de aquello decidí no darle importancia ya que esa cosa no estaba conmigo y le di importancia a las 3 presencias que estaban detrás mío que habían aparecido despues de decir esas 6 palabras en voz alta, las tres presencias por alguna extraña razón no podía verles completamente el rostro se veía oscuro y uno de ellos ni siquiera podía verlo claramente, después de intentar decirles algo desaparecieron los dos primeros, el grande de color rojo y al que no le podía ver claramente, pero el tercero, la última presencia estaba ahí mirándome sin decir ni moverse, antes de que me acercara o dijera una palabra esa presencia o mejor dicho el se acercó y pide ver claramente que era yo mismo pero había una diferencia, era yo pero tenía muchas cicatrices en el cuerpo y en la cara, mi cabello era blanco y me cubría un ojo que podía ver muy poco pero lo suficiente para darme cuenta que el ojo izquierdo tenía una gran cicatriz, también tenía una mirada penetrante que al mirarme al los ojos me dió un miedo y temor más grande que cualquier cosa que haya visto antes, pero sin esperar nada de el que era un yo extraño, se acercó y dijo molesto: Me decepcionas, creía que eras más fuerte y no pensaba que está cosa de asustaría, eres débil, muy débil, necesitas ser más fuerte para protegerte y dejar de ser un idiota. Después de esas palabras me agarró de la camisa por el pecho y me dijo: Más te vale no olvidar quien eres imbécil, tienes que ser fuerte. Justo después de esas palabras al final dijo: Despierta ahora! Cuando desperté sabía que era un sueño ya que era imposible que 4 personas o presencias aparecieran de la nada en mi cuarto, estaba tranquilo pero me di cuenta de algo, en el momento en el que desperté no me sentía cansado y estaba despierto exactamente igual como en mi sueño, sentado mirando al frente, ahí me di cuenta de algo más, hacía mucho frío y estaba muy oscuro al igual que en mi sueño, ahí decidí mirar fijamente las escaleras con la intención de lastimar o detener a lo que sea que saliera o asomara de ahí, pero para mí fortuna no habia ni hubo nada, solo silencio absoluto y mucho frío, me levanté de la cama mordiendome el labio para saber si aún estaba en un sueño pero no lo era, camine a las escaleras para ver si había algo o alguien ahí esperándome pero no había nada, todo era normal como cualquier otra noche a excepción de haber despertado sentado y que estuviera oscuro y frío al igual que en mi sueño. No dormí nada para no volver a tener otra pesadilla como esa, estuve despierto toda la madrugada hasta que amaneciera, tal vez estuvo oscura la noche porque no había luna o tal vez porque era de madrugada, pero la hora en la que desperté fue las 3 AM y eso es muy extraño para ser una noche cualquiera y tener exactamente ese día a esa hora una pesadilla que se sienta muy real y que sea capaz de hacerme pasar por la misma sensación y situación que en mi sueño.
Decidí dejar de pensar en ello y olvidarme pero no hace mucho llegué a tener un sueño más en el que mi otro yo o lo que sea que es, vuelva a decir que tengo que ser fuerte, no se para que pero quiero creer que es algún tipo de sueño raro en el que tu subconciente te hace una broma de mal gusto aunque para ser un sueño conmigo mismo, sigue dándome escalofríos y miedo mirarme a mi otro yo a los ojos y saber que tal vez todas esas cicatrices en el cuerpo y cara, tal vez la termine teniendo también y esa mirada penetrante que ve todo lo que hay en ti con dar un solo vistazo, me da mucha curiosidad saber realmente que es lo que me pasará y porque quiere que sea fuerte.
Si te gusto mi historia compártela con tus amigos si quieres o guárdala para algunas fiestas o noches con amigos en las que quieras pasar el rato con ellos, cabe aclarar que está historia es mía y no de otra persona, al igual que es real y no me la inventé, está historia o anecdota me ocurrió hace unos cuantos años y nunca se la conté a nadie a excepción de este chat. Si te interesa saber más historias o anecdotas que me hayan pasado las contaré en un futuro no muy lejano aquí en este mismo chat o grupo y también en mi canal, espero que les haya gustado aunque sea para pasar el rato y gracias por darle el tiempo de leer esto. Adiós y saludos!
submitted by NighT--WolF to NocheTetrica [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 Cipra_lex_sed_lex I have stones and prepping for a surgery, but my gf is extremely concerned that I will remove gallbladder without trying noninvasive options. How to explain to her that gallbladder removal is best option?

She thinks, laser removal of stones or dissolving with chemicals can be an option.
I had light symptoms for years, and recently had a few gallstones attacks, got my ultrasound, and there were like 2 cm and 1,5 cm stones and some smaller I think. I'm having a pre-surgery diagnostics next week and then they will tell me the surgery date, most probably after next week.
Well my gf is extremely concerned and thinks that I should search for other options and maybe find other doctor, which I don't believe will work anyway.
Honestly I'm starting to question my decision to remove gallbladder with planned surgery. It is not an emergency right now and looks like overkill.
submitted by Cipra_lex_sed_lex to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 devilmakesbeats Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC

Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC Used as a filming location for various movies and tv shows, this place photographs easily. I went here for school and didn’t fully appreciate it until I came back with a camera.
submitted by devilmakesbeats to fujifilm [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 SpiritualBat3826 happy 24th cake day to me 🥳

happy 24th cake day to me 🥳 submitted by SpiritualBat3826 to eyesgonemildPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 Right_Assignment_289 Over 21M mcap! and big buys incoming🚨

submitted by Right_Assignment_289 to HegeCoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 Effective_Tip_3257 Nambia Bowhunt?

Has anyone hunted in Nambia for Plains game with traditional equipment? I'm looking for a safari operator that's traditional tackle friendly. Most camps are set up for compound shooters that I've researched
submitted by Effective_Tip_3257 to TradBowhunting [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 theoppositeofdusk It's embarrassing to be poor

I wish there's a way to ask for money without feeling embarrassed. I really need it for urgent purposes. Pero wala eh. Ang ironic ng mundo. Ang daming naghihirap pero pahirapan ang pagkita ng pera maliban na lang kung may generational wealth ka. Kawawa naman ako. May mental disorders na nga wala pang pera. Tapos hindi pa ako makahanap ng trabaho dahil low mood ako palagi. Low energy. I'm like a panda except that I don't eat anything.
Hindi ko na alam gagawin ko. Paano ko ibabangon sarili ko? Babalik na lang ba uli sa malalang phase ng buhay ko. Hindi ako pwedeng umuwi sa amin sa probinsya kasi doon baka mas ganahan ako na magpatiwakal. Wala akong mahanap na lugar dito sa mundo.
Just venting. I don't accept financial help here. I just wanted to say this hoping gumaan naman pakiramdam ko kahit papaano.
submitted by theoppositeofdusk to MentalHealthPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 uPentiado Atack on Titan, a melhor história "seinen"

Atack on Titan, a melhor história Primeiro, eu coloquei seinen no título por conta de ser uma história mais "seria" podemos dizer, mas ele é shounen.
Os vídeos de Attack on Titan voltaram a aparacer para mim, e eu fiquei pensando "que merda, ela não devia ter acabado, é incrível". O final pode ter deixado a desejar, mas eu adorei. Na minha opinião, Attack on Titan tem a melhor história, não é de se espantar que no próprio Japão seja considerado o melhor anime de acordo com vários lugares de avaliação.
Dei uma olhada no anime e no mangá e percebi que o Eren mais velho sempre aparecia em multidões no começo do anime e do mangá (é uma teoria e eu tive que ir conferir para ter certeza, e fiquei chocado com as semelhanças, seja nas roupas ou no cabelo) é como se o autor já tivesse tudo em mente desde o começo, ele sabia o que tinha que fazer. Ele conseguiu criar um roteiro tão complexo e dramático que nunca haverá nada no mesmo nível! Ele é tão incrível que conseguiu conectar passado, presente e futuro, mas não de qualquer forma, o cara conseguiu fazer esses 3 estados de tempo se tornarem um, mas ao mesmo tempo 3. Um loop perfeito de dor e sofrimento sem um único furo de roteiro (até onde eu pesquisei e procurei). Essa forma de unir linhas do tempo causou o peso de milhares de vidas nos braços de uma pessoa confusa, que nunca saberá o caminho certo a seguir. Mas aí vem um grande problema, ele sabia como acabar com o sofrimento real (o looping) mas o autor produziu a história tão bem, quebrando a mente do Eren aos poucos que acabou fazendo com que ele sempre tomasse uma única decisão, não importa quantas vezes ele faça isso, viverá a mesma coisa.
Fiquei feliz de ter acompanhado um trabalho tão bom, o final foi cansativo de assistir, mas eu já tinha lido o mangá virtualmente então para mim não foi tão horrível, mas mesmo assim, comecei a assistir e ler o mangá quando tinha por volta dos 9 anos (sim, eu era uma criança que entrou na liberdade cedo e que até hoje ama animes e mangas seinen). Só consegui terminar o anime quando estava fazendo 15, foi uma diferença de mentalidade, a cada ano eu entendia melhor a história e os conceitos dados por ela. 🫡🫡
submitted by uPentiado to AnimesBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 07:57 Ok_Mud_8166 I only did slides but it counted as bumps

I only did slides but it counted as bumps submitted by Ok_Mud_8166 to thespikegame [link] [comments]