CA meta

2025.01.22 08:06 whyamianoob CA meta

Any getting frustrated by the CA meta? I mean it's CA all the time.....if your civ has CA, you go CA whether you have bracer or not. Goths, Slavs, Sicilian, Khmer. Seen CA from these all. And it's so toxic to play against tatars, huns, Mongols CA. Just scout into CA.
submitted by whyamianoob to aoe2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 Warm-End-60 Baby just wanted to help shovel

Baby just wanted to help shovel submitted by Warm-End-60 to ChildrenFallingOver [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 TheUnrealBernard Rajakylosaurus my beloved

Rajakylosaurus my beloved submitted by TheUnrealBernard to JurassicWorldAlive [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 bot-bouncer Overview for SaniStarbust

submitted by bot-bouncer to BotBouncer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 ZyanaWren99 So what exactly do Bella's parents do for work?

I just got done with another H2O marathon and I have these random questions on my mind and I was just wondering if someone could give me an answer or at least there best guess.
So in the second episode of season 3 when Bella and Will are walking around Mako, Bella tells Will that her dad is in hotel management, that they've loved all over the world and she's never been at the same school for 2 years.
I don't know anything about hotel management, so I was just wondering if anyone knows what position requires you to move around a lot like that? Or if that was just something fake that the show made up?
Also I always assumed that both of Bella's parents worked in hotel management, because when she talks about becoming a mermaid, she says that both of them were busy with work. However Bella only mentions her dad being in hotel management. So I'm curious about what Bella's mom does for work, especially since her husband's job requires them to move around a lot. What do you guys think she does?
submitted by ZyanaWren99 to JustAddWater [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 woodshores First Look – The Louis Vuitton Tambour Convergence, a New Take on the Guichet Display

First Look – The Louis Vuitton Tambour Convergence, a New Take on the Guichet Display submitted by woodshores to horologicalpost [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 PsyKite Post Coldplay Depression

Post Coldplay Depression Attended on 19th, am yet to recover. Others do share how has been your experience after attending the concert.
submitted by PsyKite to coldplayindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 Fairly-Fairy Love doing this ❤️💅

Love doing this ❤️💅 First time I painted my nails this year. It’s super relaxing and I love it! What are y’all’s thoughts? ☺️
P.S. The polish I used was Essie 224 Mod Square!
submitted by Fairly-Fairy to genderfluid_selfies [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 Hithin_45 Ipe

Can I still score 460 if I start now?
submitted by Hithin_45 to tsbie [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 faithnfun Singles event - would you go for numbers or depth? Any tips?

This weekend I may attend a singles event; not speed dating. There will be hundreds of women there and I want to know, in that situation what might You suggest? I imagine introducing myself to multiple women, but I was just thinking to myself that I’d rather make one to a few strong connections than make many shallow connections that don’t lead anywhere. I also was wondering if women might think it unattractive for someone to talk to multiple other women at an event where people are tryna get chose. We live in modern and unique times though. I appreciate any input!
submitted by faithnfun to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 SillyAltCatface A monologue I feel someone would say to another person in the MCSM universe at their…”amazing”build.

(Note, I was really tired when writing this, apologies for any errors I made TvT)
“This….THIS?! You’ve been given the ability to build with your own two hands. Heroes have risen and fallen, countless battles have been fought, empires collapsed, strong friendships have broken apart. There have countless efforts to ensure the safety of the world, including you. People have gone to the depths of the nether, the unknown reaches of the end, the never ending vastness of the portal network. People have gotten lost, people have perished, have lost their minds trying to traverse such treacherous lands.
People far and wide have traveled to horrid landscapes to gather materials for extraordinary builds. Blood, sweat, tears, all put into build empires your…”piece of work” could only mimic a mere pixel to the amount of hardship and sacrifices put into such cities. Millions upon billions of people have spawned in this here earth, learning from and teaching other such individuals. From the very first time Alex and Steve broke a block, people have been able to create beautiful morsels of passion that would and will go onto inspire future people. You were given life, the ability to exist and live.
and yet…after all that…
You choose to build THIS?! A ______?!
submitted by SillyAltCatface to MinecraftStoryMode [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 BIG_SHOT_MAN Double truble.

Double truble. submitted by BIG_SHOT_MAN to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 MeanWafer2861 I FOUND A COOL AVATAR VIDEO🔥
submitted by MeanWafer2861 to Avatarthelastairbende [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 pill_allprogrammers softbank and the US government just invested 500 billion USD into openAI. future of CS Looks non existent and grim.

basically the title. why isn't nobody talking about it here?
submitted by pill_allprogrammers to Btechtards [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 karinagetts Just love how I look in those stockings 🥰

Just love how I look in those stockings 🥰 submitted by karinagetts to crossdressing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 Listige Evan Fong - Spawn!

Evan Fong - Spawn! submitted by Listige to Listige [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 Total_Instruction406 Why didn't my gf's feelings translate in person but mine did?

I'm going through a tough time and could really use some outside perspectives. My girlfriend and I had an amazing emotional connection when we were long-distance. She has been my rock through some very hard times. She even moved to my country recently to start a life here, and we were both so excited.
But now that we've met in person a couple of times, she's told me she's not feeling romantically or sexually attracted to anything right now, and failing to feel it with me. The thing is, I do feel it. In person, everything felt even more right for me. I'm very sure about her, but she says she's unsure and that she feels "on edge" and stressed because of all the changes in her life (new country, school, family pressures).
She says she finds me attractive, she's confident she still loves me, but she's concerned her body and emotions aren't responding in the way they used to. It's hard to hear because she used to be so sure about me (she even initiated our sexual relationship when we were long-distance). Now, she says she's questioning if we'll ever work romantically.
Some context: -She comes from a strict, repressive culture, so although she has had an in person relationship in her country before, this was a big step for her. -She's also under a lot of stress adjusting to her new environment and daily life. -She felt so strongly about me during the long-distance phase that I'm wondering if she only idealized me, and now the reality of being together is different from her mental image.
But I still don't know why her feelings translate in person when mine did (and neither does she). I know chemistry and connection can be complicated, but I'm struggling with feeling blindsided and hurt. It makes sense for stress to dampen feelings but not remove them completely so it feels like there is something deeper going on.
Is this just stress on her part? Could it really just be a "wrong time" thing? Or does this mean we're fundamentally incompatible? Should I give her more time to settle in and see if her feelings come back, or should I move on and look for someone who's all in for me from the start?
Thanks for any advice or insight you can share. I'm really struggling to make sense of all this.
submitted by Total_Instruction406 to LDR [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 HIIII__- Lf a normal ssbd in adopt me!!

Paying robux for it! Pls dm if you have it!!
submitted by HIIII__- to crosstradingroblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 mergencyact Can I be a fem"boy" if I'm a girl?

As you read I'm a girl ig'd have to take a good look at me to figure that out. I usually cut my hair really short and wear mostly baggy stuff so I get mistaken for male quite often, which I have no problem with cuz i simply Identify as me(so non-binary).
Ive been becoming more melancholy about my stance on gender, but as I'm getting a little older I want to be set on which gender I want to lean towards. To clear my mind.
When I was younger I didn't really like being a girl cuz I "developed" quick, I found it and still find It uncomfortable. Especially recently due to some gossip between my grademates concerning me and my "assets". Sometimes I just wanna cut them off myself, y'know?
Anywho..I really love the concept of femboys so I wanna Indulge in it rn :). And ik someone is gonna say this but going trans isn't an option atm as my mother doesn't know anything off this and I don't plan on telling her until I'm in college with my own income and a place to live.
So what are your thoughts?
submitted by mergencyact to feminineboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 FoxLife_Real I cannot tolerate people who say "You should look for the best in your brothers and sister"

Recap, My friend who was a good friend of mine for a year he never smoked or drank, He was depressed but he was also a hafiz meaning he legit read the whole quran and apparently memorised it
Turned out whilst I was in my haram relationship and left it. He had came out of a haram relationship himself after he'd been cheated on. I was feeling bad so I went over to help him out.
Well that was a mistake because despite after everything I tried to help restrengthening his deen he straight up met up with my ex, saw how she was so happy and straight up decided to blame me and my other friends for his depression and sadness. I was straight up so angry. I wanted to hit him.
How could this man do this, I trusted him, J cared about him but he turned his back on me. So then I went to my other "friend" and told em "Hey you know our other friend did this..." they responded with "Idk we should think the best of our brothers and sister maybe he had a reason." I Legit showed them the text message and they were still adamant on saying the same exact thing "We should think the best of our brothers and sisters" I told them, "You can't think the best of everyone, If one of our brothers was a rapist would you still think the best of him? No. Yet you continue to dismiss these actions completely. You remind me of going back to my deen yet you excuse him of everything and just tell me to move on." They just continued to dismiss me saying how this is what islam taught them to forgive and forget.
At that point I was angry. I had just lost one of my closest friends, my other friend is being absolutely clueless and does not care of anything. This has made me start growing a resentment against my own brothers and to be honest, This isn't just shaytaans doing. It's everyone's fault.
I had just spent my mornings and afternoons tryna help someone who wanted to end everything between us over my ex. All of it was for nothing.
submitted by FoxLife_Real to islam [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 Chazy89 BVB stellt Nuri Sahin frei

submitted by Chazy89 to borussiadortmund [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 playerstation Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero - Trailer de anúncio do DLC1 - Pacote: "Hero of Justice" | PS5

Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero - Trailer de anúncio do DLC1 - Pacote: submitted by playerstation to playerstation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 Just_Beat_ Susanna Reid

Susanna Reid submitted by Just_Beat_ to UKBabes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 coffee4chris2019 Copy someone's bets

Have you seen someone make $$$ at the table and then other people playing begin copying the bets the winning players is making?
submitted by coffee4chris2019 to Craps [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:06 Goodness_Beast What’s a single decision you made years ago that completely changed the course of your life, and how would your life be different if you hadn’t made it?

submitted by Goodness_Beast to AskReddit [link] [comments]