Beginner questions about modafinil.

A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Have you ever appreciated a sunset? Were you alone or with someone special? Have you ever been a guest at a surprise party? Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? Have you ever been in a fist fight? Have you ever been on TV? Have you ever been to a theatre? (Also spelling "theater.") A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. What is your all-time favorite movie? What is your favorite movie? Are there any kinds of movies you dislike? If so, what kinds? Why do you dislike them? Do you like to watch horror movies? Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction books? How about movies? Interesting questions for discussions in Engish lessons. A Project of The Internet TESL Journal If this is your first time here, then read the Teacher's Guide to Using These Pages A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. Conversation Questions A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Related: Accidents at Home, House Renovation, Can you describe each room of your house? What does the outside of your house look like? Where do you park your car at your house Do you like the place where you are living? Why or why not? What is your favorite room in your house? Why? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Maybe too sensitive for some groups, but many are extremely interested in how different cultures deal with death. What causes death? Are "Living Wills" available where you live? Are there special rites or ceremonies performed when a person dies? Are you afraid of death? Fruits and Vegetables A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.. Related: Restaurants, Vegetarian, Diets, Food & Eating A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Do you have any pets? What was the last book you read? Do you like to cook? What's your favorite food? Are you good at cooking/swimming/etc? Are you married or single? Do you have brothers and sisters? Are they older or younger than you? Do you like baseball? Do you live alone? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. What kinds of gifts do you like to give? Have you ever re-gifted something? If you don't like a gift, how long should you keep it? What gift will you give your home-stay family when you leave? What was your last gift? What gift will you give your boyfriend/girlfriend for their birthday? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Related: Restaurants, Fruits and Vegetables, Vegetarian, Diets, Tipping. About how many different color foods did you eat for dinner last night? Do you think about color when you are preparing a meal? Are there any foods that you wouldn't eat as a child that you eat now? Are you a good cook?

2025.01.22 08:50 Jason_williamsg9f8v Beginner questions about modafinil.

I'm curious about using modafinil as a nootropic. Here are some things I'm wondering about:
- What's it like when you actually feel the psychoactive effects of modafinil?
- How much does it really boost brain function? If anyone's got a scale or method to measure that, like a 10/7 kind of thing or something more complex, I'm all ears.
- Sometimes I deal with anxiety and even terror. Does taking modafinil crank these feelings up?
- What other substances work well with modafinil for a good combination?
- What's the sweet spot for dosages? And what happens if you take more than needed?
- Are there any long-term risks if you're using it regularly?
- How does modafinil stack up against other stimulants?
- Does your body get used to it quickly?
- Any withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking it after using it a lot?
Appreciate any insights!
submitted by Jason_williamsg9f8v to NootropicExplorers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 Sugarismygirl Found the frozen 2 toy in thrift for 70 cents

Found the frozen 2 toy in thrift for 70 cents submitted by Sugarismygirl to sadboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 Acceptable-Coat-2961 Tengo 26 años y sigo siendo virgen, pero este es un problema?

Hola Tengo 26 años y soy mujer, y sigo siendo virgen. Nunca fue un problema para mí hasta hoy que sinceramente me siento incómoda con serlo, más por el hecho que en mi país, Perú, la mayoría de hombres tienen una mentalidad bastante atrasada. He salido con chicos, y la mayoría de mi edad no son virgenes, lo cual no es un problema si no fuera porque automáticamente cuando se enteran que lo soy, comienzan a ponerse intensos para acceder a tener relaciones. Es gracioso porque, soy virgen, pero no estúpida, tengo 26 años y es obvio que sé sus intenciones detrás. Solo quieren llevarme a la cama solo por el morbo de tener intimidad con una virgen. La verdad quisiera tener mi primera vez con un chico virgen al igual que yo, pero parece imposible encontrar a alguien así. Ni siquiera es porque sea fea, de hecho, no lo soy. Tampoco soy una hermosura pero me dicen casi siempre que soy guapa y atractiva, simplemente mi personalidad es bastante reacia en ese tema, no soy tímida, simplemente no soy muy sociable. en estos últimos años me he aislado bastante y supongo que por eso mismo también no he tenido la oportunidad de perderla ya que no he tenido contacto con muchos hombres. Bueno, volviendo al tema, ustedes creen que pueda perder mi virginidad con un hombre virgen? Porque la verdad el hecho de que me vean los hombres con morbo me da bastante asco y rechazo hacia ellos. Tampoco quiero perderla con cualquiera, pero si me pone triste pensar en el tema. Por cierto, no es que no tenga la oportunidad de hacerlo, porque suelo tener pretendientes pero creo que he creado un rechazo hacia ellos al saber que no son virgenes al igual que yo.
submitted by Acceptable-Coat-2961 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 Ela_THICC Desperate for solutions. Constipation and urinary retention

Went to urgent care on Friday for constipation and pain during bowel movements, thinking I had an anal fissure. It seemed like I was on the mend, but I hadn’t realized how it was getting increasingly harder to urinate.
Tuesday morning, I could not pee anymore. I had a full bladder and only could get a dribble out.
So I headed to the ER, told them about my urine retention, and they told me they would have to give me a catheter to relieve my bladder.
The catheter was excruciatingly painful, every time the tube budged I was wincing and crying, which the nurse said was unusual. I got a CT scan which didnt provide me with any answers besides the fact that I was constipated. They wanted me to take an ma, but the catheter was so painful that I needed to remove it before I could attempt to poop.
I took an enema which helped me clear out a lot of stool, but I still could not pee.
Doc had no answers for me.
I still don’t know much about pelvic floor muscles, but my last guess is that the pain from the bowel movements has caused me to tense up to the point that I cannot urinate.
The clock is ticking on me urinating now, if I cant ill need to insert the painful catheter again and the thought alone is killing me.
Has anyone ever had any luck with pelvic floor exercises for relieving urinary retention? I will try literally anything at this point.
submitted by Ela_THICC to PelvicFloor [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 ReadyAd6260 3 month trial charged me immediately. I feel scammed.

Yesterday I activated the 3 month trial on the new Quest 3. However, Meta immediately charged me the amount for the first month and in the membership details there is no mention of any trial period at all, instead it says that the next payment will be charged on the 21st of February. I feel scammed by meta. Has this happened to anyone? How do I resolve this?
For clarification, I did indeed click on the button that says 3 month trial.
submitted by ReadyAd6260 to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 PsychologicalFact456 Preciso de ajuda/Venvanse + Escitalopram

Oi, pessoal. Gostaria de um conselho ou de ouvir experiências de quem já passou por algo parecido.
Atualmente tomo Vinvanse 50mg, mas meu médico me receitou escitalopram (Talopran) para tratar crises de ansiedade que estavam bem complicadas. O plano dele foi o seguinte:

  1. Na primeira semana, tomar 5mg de escitalopram e reduzir o Vinvanse para 25mg.
  2. A partir da segunda semana, aumentar o escitalopram para 10mg e manter o Vinvanse nos 25mg.
  3. Só na terceira semana do escitalopram é que eu poderia voltar à dose normal de 50mg de Vinvanse.
A questão é que nessa primeira semana eu me senti muito sem energia e quase incapaz de fazer qualquer coisa. Senti alguns efeitos colaterais do escitalopram (nada grave), mas o problema principal tem sido a falta de motivação e energia mesmo com 25mg de Vinvanse. Estou prestes a entrar na segunda semana e a aumentar o escitalopram para 10mg, mas fico pensando se seria muito arriscado já voltar à dose de 50mg de Vinvanse agora, porque realmente preciso de mais energia para trabalhar e cumprir minhas responsabilidades.
O que vocês acham? Alguém já passou por algo parecido? É melhor seguir o plano do médico e esperar as três semanas para estabilizar o escitalopram ou seria razoável ajustar a dose do Vinvanse antes?
Agradeço desde já qualquer ajuda ou relato!
submitted by PsychologicalFact456 to TDAH_Brasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 Zero_Zero_Zero_X Spontaneous synchronous drift

Spontaneous synchronous drift submitted by Zero_Zero_Zero_X to ForzaHorizon [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 Time_Potential9413 New CDNIM - Extrait De Parfum

New CDNIM - Extrait De Parfum
Found this new version of CDNIM on the armaf website.
Does anyone know about this? Not sure if i should spend the 60 bucks for only 70ml.
submitted by Time_Potential9413 to fragranceclones [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 MOCKING_SNOW Hire me as your Reddit Manager for 6$/hr

Hire ME!
I can help you promote your content by posting on Reddit for 6 days/week.
I help agencies and models increase traffic to their OF accounts to get more subs!
my hourly rate is as low as 6$.
let's connect!
discord: _yaesaeko
submitted by MOCKING_SNOW to OFchattingAgency [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 Astropoly most funky techno i've made

submitted by Astropoly to technomusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 NoviNoviNoviNov cutegore/webcore/weirdcore/sillygoofycore idk...,

an edgy and unhinged ENG/TH server.
vocaloid, resident evil, projectmoon, meat, and more.,.
pls join.,... :3
submitted by NoviNoviNoviNov to DiscordServerPromos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 Few-String254 Cow urine is a medicine which has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and digestive properties - IIT Madras Director Kamakoti

submitted by Few-String254 to Sanatunni_Drama [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 Seventh_Deadly_Bless Is there a lore reason why I'm the most free of my writing at the Aslume ? Inmates, are we cooked ?

Is there a lore reason why I'm the most free of my writing at the Aslume ? Inmates, are we cooked ? submitted by Seventh_Deadly_Bless to BatmanArkham [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 TD_Meri Missing cat. What should I do?

My cat has been missing for three days now. She never usually wanders off our street and she never stays out for longer than a couple of hours so this is very unusual for her. The thing is, last week I had to report my neighbour to the council for anti social behaviour. He gets up in the morning, starts drinking, then spends the rest of the day shouting and yelling. Living next door I can hear everything and it’s absolutely draining. The council sent someone round to have a word with him. Then my cat suddenly disappears. Bear with me. A few years ago, the same thing happened. I had to report the same neighbour for his anti social behaviour, the council and the police got involved etc, then poof the cat I had at that time disappears. Am I being paranoid? I know it could just be coincidence, but he is absolutely the type of person who wouldn’t think twice about harming an animal to get revenge. He’s been in and out of prison for years, once for burgling his own nana on Christmas Day. What should I do?
submitted by TD_Meri to AskUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 Hot-Tomatillo-3621 100k dollars,but for the next 15 days,every post on this subreddit will have blatantly obvious answers.

submitted by Hot-Tomatillo-3621 to hypotheticalsituation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 sr_kaka Which class is my inv at?

Which class is my inv at? submitted by sr_kaka to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 Abject-Plant-9368 I NEED HOPE

Please I ve lost everything I was supposed to get married I had a working treatment all went to shred I started this med 2 days ago I am exhausted all I do is cry all day my brain is destroyed I can feel it I have derealisation from the exhaustion I need hope please
submitted by Abject-Plant-9368 to trintellix [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 Blechkelle How We Solved the Problem of Party Music Chaos

Hey Reddit,
A little while back, my friends and I realized that partying with Spotify’s group features was... well, kind of a mess. We love Spotify for its playlists and music library, but their "Jam" function? Not so much. Every time we used it, someone would take over the session, skip half the songs, or queue up their questionable music choices. It killed the vibe and made it less about the party and more about control.
We wanted something better—something that let everyone have a say without turning into chaos. So, we built jamocracy
jamocracy makes music social in a way that’s fun and fair. Here’s how it works:

We’ve been using jamocracy for our own parties, and it’s been a game-changer. No more arguments over the playlist, just great music and great vibes. Plus, it’s fun seeing what everyone votes for—it makes the party feel even more interactive.
If you’ve ever struggled with chaotic group music sessions or just want to make your parties more fun, check it out. We’d love to hear your thoughts or ideas for how to make it even better!
What’s your go-to party music vibe? Let’s talk tunes! 🎶
submitted by Blechkelle to software [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 Both-Competition-152 elon practices new jump move for "showing his heart"

elon practices new jump move for submitted by Both-Competition-152 to Trumpvirus [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 onlyOG420 Gestern um 21:57 gekauft. Heute um 8:18 verkauft.

Gestern um 21:57 gekauft. Heute um 8:18 verkauft. submitted by onlyOG420 to ameisenstrassenwetten [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 ThrowawayIntti How would you feel if your girl was posting thirst traps?

I just ended things with my girlfriend due to this. She was spamming thirst traps on tiktok which she wasn’t aware that I know of. She has a large following as well so I know the attention was something that she has been getting long before me.
I never told her that it was the reason either. I just blamed myself and some personal life circumstances she was aware of
submitted by ThrowawayIntti to AskMen [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 Delicious_Ice1334 Fun times with scammer

Fun times with scammer submitted by Delicious_Ice1334 to IsThisAScamIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 Th3_ZelliNator About a month of collecting, I feel like I'm addicted, but it's just so fun and fulfilling

About a month of collecting, I feel like I'm addicted, but it's just so fun and fulfilling From events, parents, relatives, stores, flea markets - stuff I already know, albums I only know 1 or 2 songs from and CD's that were appealing from its cover or the title - it's just satisfying to have something in your hand, something that can't be altered, something that can't dissappear from one day to the other, can't wait for more, just need a nice shelf for displaying :)
Watchu guys think and what's ur favorite?
submitted by Th3_ZelliNator to Cd_collectors [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 DailyDoseOfAsmongold testt

testt submitted by DailyDoseOfAsmongold to Zackrawrr [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:50 bot_neen Llega a México el primer camión con migrantes deportados

Llega a México el primer camión con migrantes deportados submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]