Voglio bucare la ruota del mio ex che mi ha tradito, consigli per non farla esplodere?

2025.01.22 08:42 untentepazzo1 Voglio bucare la ruota del mio ex che mi ha tradito, consigli per non farla esplodere?

Mi ha fatto cose orrende e mi ha sempre alzato le mani. Voglio fare questa.
submitted by untentepazzo1 to CasualIT [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 android_tests_pac New Poll for 22/1/2025 08:40:39

Example text for poll
View Poll
submitted by android_tests_pac to qa_automation_polls [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 thedudewith_oneball Why is no one posting ::(

submitted by thedudewith_oneball to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 very-creative Europe Iron Metabolism Disorders Drugs Market Vision 2035: Decade of Growth in Size and Share -- \ The report's purpose is to give in-dep... ...

Europe Iron Metabolism Disorders Drugs Market Vision 2035: Decade of Growth in Size and Share -- \ The report's purpose is to give in-dep... ... submitted by very-creative to news_release [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 yashsharma_f Worried about background check Sterling [IN]

I recently got an offer and asked for a background check with Sterling.
In Sterling, I was only asked for basic information like name, DOB and address, and the next section was for optional documents (no doc was required but I still uploaded my degree and other identity proofs). It's been 3 days since my screening is pending and the only thing concerns me is my address. I added my address which is in my legal documents in India, which is in Hindi language (e.g patel school ke andar) in English it will be (e.g Campus Patel School). Should I worried about this? although both mean same place but not sure if sterling will be able to identify it. I submitted this with the thought address should match my legal docs. Should I contact Sterling about this?
FYI, Zip Code, City Name, State name and Country name is correct, and no other information is asked like employment or education, in optional doc section I uploaded docs which I thought will help them.
submitted by yashsharma_f to AskHR [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 emascars Unpopular opinion: What Elon didn't maybe wasn't a fascist salute.

READ BEFOR COMMENTING\ \ Before down voting and generally hang me for what I just said, ear me out.\ \ Among the left everybody is insisting about how what Elon did clearly was a fascist salute, but in all honesty I don't think it was, when I read the news I was shocked until I watched the video and then my reaction was "ok, thankfully it's made up", but it doesn't seem to be the general reaction.\ \ I"m Italian, and sadly here in Italy is quite common to see fascist salute, football fans do It, fascist parties do it (there is an almost completely openly fascist party here) and in general a lot of too much nostalgic people do... But that one wasn't, think about it, Elon is on stage, the crowd is higher then him, he is expressing love for the crowd so puts his hand on its heart and the trows it to the crowd... Isn't that a pretty common gesture to do? Also, when you do a fascist salute your hand goes forward, not in an arc to the side... Yes, it kind of looks like one but, given the context that's clearly accidental, not intentional.\ \ That said, YES Elon and Trump are CLEARLY fascist, you don't need to make up salutes where there aren't, just read the definition of fascism: "a political corrent based on the cult of a strong personality and nazionalism, and the believe that the nation should be guided by that strong personality oppressing any opposition and disagreements with violence for the good of the nation".\ Honestly if you ask any Trump supporter how they feel about this definition without telling them that's what "fascism" really means, there is a good chance they might agree with it...\ \ More generally, USA politics is characterized by such a confusion about what words like "fascism", "nazism", "communism" and "socialism" that it's always associated just with the symbols and not the ideas that term really refers about, that's the reason why saying that Kamela was fascist/communist made sanse for many, and that's why everybody is so desperate to see a Roman salute where there wasn't...\ \ For everything who read until the end, please express your thoughts in a kind why as I did, I'll listen, thank you
submitted by emascars to PoliticalOpinions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 boomtown-yorkie new to rg35xx/muOS looking for bios files

PLEASE HELP! I promise im not a cop. I just want to play gba, gbc, and psx, but i cant find any bios files anywhere
submitted by boomtown-yorkie to RG35XX [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 JimCripe Trump accused of 'decapitating' U.S. national security by appointing 'crackpots and fools'

Trump accused of 'decapitating' U.S. national security by appointing 'crackpots and fools' Rachel Maddow talks with journalist Tim Weiner, author of "Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA," about the unqualified and unserious picks Donald Trump has made to lead the national security portions of his new administration.
submitted by JimCripe to MeidasTouch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 RivkaCoyne I’ve been building an app for 6 months and now I am stuck

I have a 100k subs newsletter about health and fitness (grown in less than a year), and I wanted to make a health tracking app (yet another one I know). We've gotten a lot of interest advertising it on our newsletter (we have a waitlist form), however, development has been super delayed.
I started searching for devs in July and 6 developers/ agencies later we are left with unorganized code, developers keep quitting or not working.
I know it is my fault for hiring developers offshore, not paying well and not hiring well, however, we are a small company with not enough cash flow just trying to make an app. I'm technical enough to know what's going on and manage tasks but I don't know how to code.
Can someone give me a bit of advice on how get somebody to: • Finish the app • Organize the code so developers that work on it later can effectively start. • Find relatively decent iOS developers for 2-3k a month.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by RivkaCoyne to EntrepreneurRideAlong [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 rikki555 Love and Deepspace Special Voice Messages and Image Cards on WeChat v3.0 Set

Love and Deepspace Special Voice Messages and Image Cards on WeChat v3.0 Set N Reposting because the images refuse to show up on mobile app. Note: For the previous v1.0 and v2.0 sets, please refer to my post here.
Following the January 22nd update where Caleb is officially added to the game as a male lead, Love and Deepspace’s official WeChat account also updated their set of voice clips and images.

Voice clip here
That very moment when you said you missed me, Spring has already arrived together with you to my side.

Voice clip here
The wait time till the next meet-up always feels much slower and longer after knowing that someone misses you. With regard to this aspect, I am the same as you.

Voice clip here
You can miss me more for a while longer or else it’s gonna be too late to do so. Because I’m already on my way to meet you.

Voice clip here
The Onychinus base is an impenetrable fortress but only you alone are free of its restrictions. Come over anytime you want to see me.

Voice clip here
Turns out the reason why my ears are getting hot is because someone has been calling out my name incessantly. Looks like I should continue to think of you for a few more times then.
submitted by rikki555 to LoveAndDeepspace_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 Dartanion50 Purple Pepe

Purple Pepe Heading for the Moon!!
submitted by Dartanion50 to PURPEcryptocurrency [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 Purple-Pop8563 Found some goodies tonite!

submitted by Purple-Pop8563 to HotWheels [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 wallabyABC123 Chatto Pinot Noir (Tasmania, Aus)

Chatto Pinot Noir (Tasmania, Aus) Scored some Zalto Pinot Noir glasses for my birthday and they’re getting a test run with a lovely drop from Tasmania (Australia).
As an Aussie, I have a patriotic appreciation for Australian wines and for me, Tasmania produces some of our best.
This is a young wine that needs a little time and air to consider its position. Bright cherry with a bit of Turkish delight, subtle pepper spice. It’s high summer here and a light red goes down a treat. It should cut through this dry aged T-bone I’m about to throw on the bbq.
submitted by wallabyABC123 to wine [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 fhayee_fhayerz What is the Excel Fomula

Hi, i need help to identify the excel formula i need for this scenario. I have employee name and date of shifts in 2 separate dropdown list. When I choose the employee name and date of shift, it automatically shows on another row the specific day(Monday, Tuesday, etc). I need to automatically show on another row the chosen employees time of shift. I have been trying the IF and Vlookup but not getting it correctly.
For more context, C7 is the employee name dropdown
D10 is date of shift dropdown
D11 automatically populates the "day"
I need E14 to automatically show if the employee is for example, 4:00PM - 1:00AM.
My data looks like this: Column A are names of employees, column B are the days of the week, column C are the time of shift. Many thanks in advance!
submitted by fhayee_fhayerz to excel [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 Long-Agency-6594 El Atleti tiene mejor fichaje que Mbappe

El Atleti tiene mejor fichaje que Mbappe Para mi Mbappé a su mejor nivel tiene la capacidad de ser el mejor jugador del mundo (junto a Lamine Yamal posiblemente) pero quiero analizar quién es el mejor fichaje de la temporada....
Vamos a empezar por lo básico que es decir de aquí a un año cuanto les habrá costado cada jugador a su equipo
Julián Álvarez:
- 82 millones cantidad inicial
- 22 millones de complementos posibles
- 7 millones de salario anual
Total: 111 Millones en un año
- Entrada inicial gratis
- 100 millones prima de llegada
- 20 millones de salario anual
Total: 120 Millones en un año
con lo que económicamente ha salido mejor Julian pero, no todo es eso
Vayamos con los datos
Mbappé lleva un total de 17 goles y 3 asistencias en 2335 minutos
Julián Álvarez lleva un total de 16 goles y 2 asistencias en 1886 minutos
Las estadísticas son bastante similares a pesar de la diferencia de minutos.
en cuanto a edad Julian Alvarez es 2 años más joven que Mbappé.
El impacto de cada fichaje no se puede medir solo a través de estadísticas. Cada uno ha tenido un significado y un impacto muy distinto hasta ahora. Julian, junto a otros nuevos refuerzos, ha logrado despertar la ilusión en los aficionados del Atlético, quienes han comenzado a creer nuevamente en el equipo. Mientras tanto, a pesar de los buenos números de Mbappé, su llegada al Real Madrid ha sido percibida como una decepción, ya que su impacto no ha sido tan grande como se esperaba.
Los números de Julian, en muchos casos, han llegado en momentos cruciales, salvando al Atlético de situaciones difíciles como el partido de ayer contra el Bayer y asociándose a la perfección con Griezmann, lo que ha devuelto la sonrisa a la afición, viéndolo como su sucesor. Por otro lado, los números de Mbappé han pasado más desapercibidos, pues muchos de sus goles han llegado en partidos ya resueltos, sin intervenir en momentos clave, y la gran dupla que se anticipaba con Vinicius parece más una comparación entre ambos.
Es importante señalar que Julian llega a un Atlético que necesitaba con urgencia un delantero estrella y un posible reemplazo de Griezmann para el futuro. En cambio, Mbappé aterriza en el Real Madrid en un contexto casi forzado, después de años de rechazos, como una pieza que Florentino Pérez sentía que debía incorporar. Además, el Atlético, con Julian, ha ganado una gran visibilidad en Argentina, mientras que a Mbappé en el Madrid se le exige aún más, lo que no es lo ideal para el equipo en este momento.
Por último, hay que considerar que el Atlético llevaba años necesitando un delantero estrella y un futuro recambio para Griezmann, mientras que el Madrid, con jugadores como Vinicius, ya tiene lo que Mbappé aporta en el ataque, por lo que sus prioridades están en otras Posiciones, como defensas o un recambio para Kroos. No estoy diciendo que un jugador sea mejor que otro, solo estoy analizando los fichajes en su contexto. ¿Qué opináis vosotros?
submitted by Long-Agency-6594 to futbol [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 EnvironmentSelect476 It's an accident

It's an accident submitted by EnvironmentSelect476 to anxietymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 CornisaGrasse So... Regarding Reddit

Does anyone else post or reply to comments on other subs- let's say, tv show or hobby subs- hang in there about 5 minutes, then go back and delete it because you can't stand thinking about getting some negative reply? Or suddenly you realize someone might read it and reply and you'll feel guilty if you don't acknowledge it? Or just overwhelmed by possible interaction? What do you do? When I try to just be uncomfortable and leave it alone, it's all fine, until the next time I'm about to visit the app and have so much dread and phantom guilt that instead, I just avoid it for days. If anyone experiences it, what do you do? (For reference- I don't have problems with real people interactions, I don't have social anxiety or any issues with texting conversations. Just social media stuff, which is especially weird because on Reddit it's complete strangers. And you wouldn't even know if it's a real life person you know, because of user names! 😂)
submitted by CornisaGrasse to OCD [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 Stop_1630 Leopard earrings

Leopard earrings submitted by Stop_1630 to Earrings [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 MrCash3 What would you do if you believed you were the best to ever bet on a certain sport?

submitted by MrCash3 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 Cortunix I think my game is haunted

I think my game is haunted submitted by Cortunix to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 Visual-Resource-2018 Best Memecoin to invest in

Whats the best memecoin to invest in today? im not looking a for a pump dump shit coin or any rugs!
submitted by Visual-Resource-2018 to AllCryptoBets [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 OkFoundation7046 It might be great if someone could explain how time travelers account for this.

submitted by OkFoundation7046 to sciencememes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 prugnecotte winter haul

submitted by prugnecotte to chocolate [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 Worth_Resolve2055 Amalgam filling removal in Armenia

Anyone know of a dentist in Armenia who removes amalgam (mercury) fillings the safe way? I don't mean just using a rubber dam. They have this SMART protocol in North America and I'm not sure how over the top that process is, but wondering if any dentists in Armenia are aware of the dangers of removing these damn things.
submitted by Worth_Resolve2055 to armenia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:42 piaculus Longest rushing play by...my WR?

Longest rushing play by...my WR? submitted by piaculus to RetroBowl [link] [comments]
