Any suggestions???

2025.02.02 04:23 Super-Mechanic9313 Any suggestions???

Any suggestions??? I have more 4-star battle peices but they are level 1-2 so I didn't include them
submitted by Super-Mechanic9313 to GodzillaBattleLine [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 Elegant-Library-3457 My worst nightmare finally became a reality

My worst nightmare finally became a reality submitted by Elegant-Library-3457 to curb [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 Upper-Solution-8752 MCC Deleted all my private files.

Never uninstalled, hasn't been an update in years, booted up after a while of not playing and all 50 map files are gone and all 50 gamemodes are gone. Any way to retrieve them?
When I started it up again it gave me a prompt to choose between console data and cloud data, console data is from Feb 1st 2025, today, while cloud data is from Jun 2023. I want retrieve every file because I made maps and modes in 2024.
submitted by Upper-Solution-8752 to halo [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 Black_Circl3 Help Find Gary Dale Mathias: A Call for Support

I want to share an important petition regarding a reward for information on the whereabouts of Gary Dale Mathias. His location remains unknown, and his family is seeking answers. Any support, whether through sharing this message or helping spread the word, will be greatly appreciated.
You can find more details through the following link:
submitted by Black_Circl3 to yubacountyfive1978 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 Acceptable-Arm-6179 G

submitted by Acceptable-Arm-6179 to LilJeffology [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 knees-hurt lok grips

I’ve been installing thin bogies on my CZs for a while. I’m thinking of trying the brass palm swell on a p01. My hands are not big, but I’ve been shooting 2011s a lot for the last year, I’m wondering if the larger grip doesn’t give a more consistent hand placement. Since this isn’t a competition gun, snd doubtful I’ll cc it, I’m thinking the brass might be nice. My only downside with my staccatos is I use support hand for mag release instead of resetting my grip on main hand. This is due the size, and making sure I get grip safety pressed… I’ve lost time on that in early 2011 days.
Worth a try or waste of $$? Two changes at once (brass and palm swell) is against my normal practices… but cost, and delivery time make me ponder doubling down.
Thanks for any thoughts.
submitted by knees-hurt to CZFirearms [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 Huge-Problem-4531 My favourite server for leaks
submitted by Huge-Problem-4531 to UntitledOriginals [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 CasualFan25 Ye new story, what is he cooking?

Ye new story, what is he cooking? submitted by CasualFan25 to Kanye [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 Free_Armadillo6655 I might crash out

I might crash out Omg i saw mr beast in coral then he gifted two of my mailboxes and then he was in my fox planter
TYSM SPONGE AND PAT i would really appreciate if yall gifted my friend through the portals! my user is reghoulv 🩷🩷🩷 !! (he doesnt use reddit raid his boxes)
submitted by Free_Armadillo6655 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 lamningwon 250202 izna at Their First Japanese Fanmeeting

250202 izna at Their First Japanese Fanmeeting submitted by lamningwon to izna [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 wegotno Wtf

Wtf Why did Google say he was a video game character💀
submitted by wegotno to squidgame [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 JaggedGull83898 Should I restart?

So I kind of screwed up, I'm on a 100% playthrough, and I missed getting a picture of Master Khoga for the compendium. I've also missed a few other things in the enemies section, plus 1 material. I'm considering restarting now, but getting all the koroks I've found, the Energy cell upgrades, my stamps, countless caves, and way more just seems super daunting. I've been on this save for about 70 hours now (roughly, there isn't a reliable way to check I believe) and I'm hestitant to part with it. So I'll leave it to whoever may see this post
View Poll
submitted by JaggedGull83898 to tearsofthekingdom [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 lexa_stahl Which Lara Croft are you choosing?

Which Lara Croft are you choosing? submitted by lexa_stahl to TombRaiderBoobs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 ChitownFighter99 158 to 142 lbs in a week?

If a fighter is 158 lbs fully hydrated, is it unreasonable for them to cut 16 lbs of water in a week from 158 to make 142 lbs?
submitted by ChitownFighter99 to MMA [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 beautifulworld369 Six months.

submitted by beautifulworld369 to inspirationalquotes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 jnnyMnny Doresc să învăț programare

Salutare. După cum spune și titlul, doresc sa fac o reconversie profesională și să învăț programare. Doar că nu știu de unde sa incep și cu ce. Mi-aș dori sa pot crea site-uri cu aspect și funcționalități moderne. Am inceput cu Python pr w3schools, sa vad cum este, și mă gândeam să iau și ceva cursuri de pe udemy pt Python, javascript, Wordpress, woocommerce. Voi ce ați recomanda ? Cu ce sa incep ? De unde recomandați sa iau cursuri ? Mă gândeam și la ceva cursuri (live sau cu prezenta fizică) mai scumpe, gen wellcode, dar am citit lucruri negative despre ei aici pe forum așa că...
submitted by jnnyMnny to programare [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 stonkmonk Which one?

Which would be better to run or you think is more valuable Celestian Sacresants, Palantine, Hospitaller coming to 250 points or Repentia(10), Palantine w/ Divine penitence enhancement coming to 250 points as well. Both can have lethals and sustains, Sacresants can have a 4 up and the hospitaller allowing models to come back, or slightly better weapons and a built in feel no pain with full rerolls with Repentia. Curious to what the community thinks.
submitted by stonkmonk to sistersofbattle [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 Grouchy-Power-2738 Help

Hi, i have never dressed up before even on my graduation I did a simple button shirt, tie and pants but I am going to a nice place for valentines and decided to attemp for once. They don't allow hats so I can't wear my nice hat, I have a pair of jeans picked out, I have boots at home but not sure if I should pick another pair for going out, I got a belt picked out and shirt but can't decide if I should get a vest, jacket or none.. if I get a jacket I don't know how the sizing works. Sorry for the long post but I can't seem to decide these things and the date is coming up. If this goes against reddit then I'm sorry and the post will be taken down, I just need help.
submitted by Grouchy-Power-2738 to malefashionadvice [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 SpecialBackground162 Book suggestions about training cats with anxiety

Cat has trouble with the owner leaving and boundaries. She's attached and has an problem with other cats. Shes around another cat but she doesn't bond with the cat and the other cat has to defend her space sometimes. I need tips on helping my cat become detached and not always panicking when I'm gone even though someone else is in the room with her.
submitted by SpecialBackground162 to CatTraining [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 sauce0907 S117 Team/Game Stats through 8 games

S117 Team/Game Stats through 8 games submitted by sauce0907 to RetroBowlLeagueReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 dilinthevilin Void Eyeball

submitted by dilinthevilin to VoidCats [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 SynapticSpeed Please invite me for daily gifts! 8352 6687 8806

8352 6687 8806
submitted by SynapticSpeed to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 CoreyM2018 😐

😐 submitted by CoreyM2018 to facepalm [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 Adventurous_Shoe28 Uhh... Hi, ummmm.. something something fanfiction...

Okay, not a good start, I know. But, I get really shy when posting to new subreddits. Uhhh
Anyways. I want to ask you all for some critics on my fanfic. It's called The Strongest. (not really the best title I could give.) And the criticism I wanna receive, are just some tweaks I made for my story. So, yeah.
So, first thing. I made like a clanesque type thing I made on my story. Like, I basically took something from the series, took my brain out of my head, and start looking what would be fitting for them. And, so, here's what I've come up with this clan type family thing I've made. And you can think of this similar way to JJK's clan system.
Ruby's family will be known for their inheritant Semblance, cause... Uhhh, yes. And I've also gave them this like Gojo Clan situation. Like inheritant Six Eyes and shenanigans. And, I think there's also this character that had Silver Eyes too? Marry something something? (Ay, in my defense, it's been a while since I've watched the whole series.) So, to make it less confusing, I've made her a Rose too. But she changed her name, and fucked off to somewhere, cause of what's been happening to her family. I won't spoil much, so yeah.
Also, I wanted to give them like, a little power increase, like strength? But, idk. Seems like a Yang Taiyang family thing. But, let me know if I should add it.
Weiss's family, nothing changed. Really. Although, they do have a new member of the family named Bleiss. (Yes, a fan made up character.) And, I've researched of her, and from what I can see. She's really, really foul mouthed type of character. So, yeah. And, I also gave her Yang's temper. Why? Idk, thought it'll be good.
Arc... Well... I've gave them really strong Auras, and made them, basically the brain battle tactic and shite.
That's all for now. I really wanna hear your guy's thoughts about this clan system I've made. While I only covered the equivalent of the Big Three Jujutsu Family. I'll try my best to think what'll fit the best for the other character's family. (I hope I won't get rip a new one.) And next, I'll be talking about the characters, and what I've change. Bye :D
submitted by Adventurous_Shoe28 to RWBYcritics [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:23 GenZoomerLOL Hello! Let’s start commenting and grow each other’s karma!

submitted by GenZoomerLOL to lowkarma [link] [comments]