[A4M]Fantasy Dragon Shifter Prompts!

Ngoc Rong Online, Ngọc Rồng Mobile, Ngoc Rong Dien Thoai, Dragon Ball Online Dành cho người chơi trên 12 tuổi. Chơi quá 180 phút mỗi ngày sẽ hại sức khỏe. DRAGON DUNGEON RUN 本次的成就非常簡單 花個20分鐘就能拿完8成 比較有意思的是影集 (相簿) 有不同的獲得條件 1. 寶箱 小遊戲內 找不會發光的寶箱 觸碰寶箱後 寶箱會變成寶箱怪 被寶箱怪咬死即可獲得 2. 溺水 小遊戲內 找到河流 跳下去淹死即可獲得 3. 圓形鋸齒片 小遊戲內 找到地上有一條橫溝 旁邊有 ... 遊戲討論、攻略精華、創作分享,輕鬆不放縱,哈啦園地有賴你我共同維護。 dragon ball z -七龍珠爆裂激戰- 本作以超人氣漫畫《七龍珠(ドラゴンボール)》為題材改編,將在遊戲中呈現原作的內容。遊戲中的戰鬥系統採用讓玩家集「氣」發招的玩法,敵人被轟飛後還會呈現出彷彿「撞破」玩家手機螢幕的特效。 hgggf 他這軟體真的常常一更新就出問題~~~我一體是水冷購買他的背更新過兩次結果每次都造成cpu溫度顯示是暫停地為0~~~真的無言!真的被逼得去換華碩的龍神3代了! 非要把loong从dragon中区别出来,很愚蠢。 一、你说你家的loong是正义龙,别人家的dragon是邪恶龙,所以loong不是dragon。可回到汉语,你又把别人家的dragon还是称为龙,你让别人家dragon如何自处?被逼从良?弃恶从善? 二、中国龙全是良龙,没有恶龙? 歡迎來到龍族拼圖 Puzzle & Dragons哈啦板,最新資訊及情報分享、精華好文查找、創作交流討論,盡在巴哈姆特! 在此聲明: 此篇只有説明本人於桌機版dragon center試過的方法,不行的話請找msi客服 方法一不行才試方法二,不保證成功 桌機版本與筆電版本不同,請斟酌使用,筆電情況可參考3,4,7樓 更新:理論上最快方法 在windows內卸載msi sdk,再重新安裝一次dragon center即可。 請參考9、10樓,以及這份文件 以下 ... 歡迎來到闇龍紀元 系列(Dragon Age)哈啦板,最新資訊及情報分享、精華好文查找、創作交流討論,盡在巴哈姆特! 找標題 查詢標題相符的文章 找作者 查詢作者相符的文章 歡迎來到龍族教義 系列哈啦板,最新資訊及情報分享、精華好文查找、創作交流討論,盡在巴哈姆特!

2025.01.22 09:53 CosmicCamellia [A4M]Fantasy Dragon Shifter Prompts!

Hello! I’m almost 25 and on central US time (CST). However, my sleep schedule is all over the place so I’m available mostly at night. Daytime may be spotty. Don’t feel pressured to give specific details about yourself, however I do require that you’re 18+ for any roleplays with me. (21+ preferred but not essential) Let me preface this by saying I am not a professional novelist, so I don’t expect perfection from you. While I am new to the Reddit scene, I am not new to roleplaying. I have been doing this for roughly 10 years. I’m chill for the most part. If I like our ideas, I’ll get pretty excited and ready to go. I prefer a backstory to your character, though I’d it’s a premade scenario only a little is required. You can leave bits out or hint at them if you don’t want to say them outright. I do not expect immediate romance as sometimes that ruins the sweet build up. I can play as male or female. I don't mind what you are in real life, but I'll only roleplay with you if you play male. I’d prefer a partner that’s relatively active! Multiple responses per day preferred but if you get busy, a couple of days is okay as long as I’m aware that I’m not getting ghosted. I enjoy rapid firing!
⟡ ݁₊ . Current Interest/Scenario Ideas ⟡ ݁₊ . I have a male and female OC for this fantasy scenario. They have the same personality, so just gender-swapped. They have many abilities and are very strong, but not invincible. I have a sheet with the details laid out, including weaknesses!
In their world, dragons and shifters alike are endangered. They have been hunted to near extinction for fear of their power. At least one of each element (Water, Fire, Air, Earth) needs to exist at a given time or the balance of nature is easily tipped. Monarchies generally don’t care and only wish to rule with a hardened fist. My character’s nest was hunted and slaughtered, save for their one lone egg that was hidden to untrained eyes.
Scenario 1: Your character finds the egg and, with time, uses them for either good or evil. I’d prefer heavier themes to this scenario. You can play as a tyrant king that can subjugate them with magic and either imprison them, make them a servant, or use them for military domination.
Scenario 2: A wandering mage that hopes for world domination or has a score to settle with a specific kingdom.
Scenario 3: With a lighter theme, your character can be a child that randomly finds the egg and decides to raise the animal within.
Scenario 4: They hatch on their own and, overtime, learns the fate of their race and despised others because of it. They would be much less friendly, more apprehensive and not quick to trust. They’d be on the darker side of morals, killing on a whim or whoever they deem the most problematic. As a dragon, they naturally enjoy riches and marine life. You can also play ideas listed from above, only not raising her so they’re less complacent with what’s happening.
Other ideas welcome! Heavy or darker themes get priority! Don’t be shy!
★ᯓ Rules ᯓ★

Thanks for reading! If you’ve gotten this far and want to message, use the word ‘classic’ so I know that you’ve read everything. Feel free to ask questions if you’re confused about anything. If all of this sounds great to you, please message!! Let me know how you feel about darker aspects. What would you want to avoid, if anything at all? Where do you stand on NSFW themes? I’m curious to see what we can build together. ✮
submitted by CosmicCamellia to AdvLiterateRP [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 Embarrassed_Run_9458 Ostentação em 2001

Ostentação em 2001 submitted by Embarrassed_Run_9458 to Nostalgia_Br [link] [comments]



2025.01.22 09:53 mcfw31 Sana

submitted by mcfw31 to NoSanaNoLife [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 CustomWritingsCoLTD DATA 1501 course help

Pay for the completion of your DATA 1501 course labs, hw & finals! text me on discord CWCO#8243 or Email [email protected]. here's my reviews/vouches on Reddit & Discord

DoMyHomework | STAT Sophia learning Pearson MyMathLab Canvas | University of West Georgia | Kennesaw State University
submitted by CustomWritingsCoLTD to statisticsHomework [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 Neves077 How to proceed due to the situation?

So I am not opened to the new rules that Bambu wants implemented. I won't be updating my printers firmware for as long as possible. Mainly because I don't wanna be caught in a possible future subscription/ HP situation/ paywall situation...
Sadly I really liked the handy app and the Bambu studio app functionalities. It was part of my workflow. When I bought my p1s none of this authorization bs was part of the deal. I was sold one product and now they want to change it...
What alternatives are there left for those who don't want to update their machines?
I've seen a lot of people saying SD card will be fine. But I'd rather keep things as they were if possible at all with a workaround or something...
I assume we'll be able to use Bambu studio and handy app as before for some time but probably not long enough. What are you guys planning on doing after?
submitted by Neves077 to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 JustAnHonestGuy676 25 [M4F] Australia/Anywhere/Online - Looking for a monogamous relationship that could last a lifetime

Hiiii! I'm looking for that special someone, potential soulmate, best friend and partner for life. I'm more than okay with and prefer starting out as friends first, taking things slow and seeing where it goes. I'm hoping we can bridge the gap if you live outside of Australia, but a long distance relationship is something i'm okay with if we can make it work long term. I'm preferably looking for someone who is between the age of 20-30, but I don't mind too much if you are a little outside of this range. I don't have nor want kids, but if I ever did I would still need to be with a partner for quite a few years before i'd even consider making a huge commitment like that.
I'm 5'8 / 173cm tall, currently weigh about 72kg / 160 pounds, white, blue eyes, dark blonde hair, and have an Australian accent. I'm quite introverted, but I really open up once I get to know someone and would love to do calls often. I'm incredibly loyal and trustworthy. I don't drink, do drugs, smoke or vape, and would prefer if you don't, although if you socially drink thats fine. I'm not too picky with weight unless you are really obese, but someone within the 200 pounds bracket or lower is more ideal for me. My love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation.
My main interests include gaming, tv shows and movies, music, reading, writing, drawing, hiking, exercising, travelling, and talking about pretty much anything. Please let me know what it is about my post that stood out to you if you'd like, or even just an interesting fact about yourself. Looking forward to hearing from you! :)
submitted by JustAnHonestGuy676 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 yourfavenfp8_ Heti Sz/Sz poszt

Minden Szerdán szerelem -párkapcsolat témájú beszélgetés a poszt alatt. Amit nem szeretnétek posztba kirakni esetleg rövid hogy poszt legyen tegyétek meg itt kommentbe. 💓
submitted by yourfavenfp8_ to hungarianteens [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 android_tests_pac Only mods can post AMA test for 22/1/2025 09:52:32

submitted by android_tests_pac to qa_ama_mod [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 OkTutor8976 naked

sometimes my heavily curated mask wears off and i am left raw and naked in my flesh. nothing appeals me. i drown in my own self and it is so uncomfortable. i am weak, soft kid who has to appear strong. every action i take is rehearsed and i hide my weakness. im not strong. im not good. but i have to appear so. i see people around me are so jolly and laughing, why can't i be like them. in this naked state, tears fill my eyes but i an unable to cry. i don't know what to cry for. i feel deeply sad. nothing would make me feel better. i looked at her today, i looked at many 'her's today. i could have been happy with quite a few and yet i cannot go to them or let them know. they're all out of my league. i seek love. she too looked at me and idk if it was her checking on me if i was looking at her or she was just looking at me to get a glimpse of me. i hope former is not true, that would make me a creep. i feel so low. im unshielded, unguarded, vulnerable, weak and soft. i want to put my head over someone's shoulder. this sounds cringe but i really want someone to guard me and let me be vulnerable and weak around them. i think of death too. i was always scared of hanging but nowadays even that seems fancy to me. but i wont and cant die. there just is too much i have to provide to few people. dread, dread, dread. how beautiful her eyes are but she would judge me for it. i dont want to be judged and let be vulnerable, let be the real me. today is such a bad day. gloomy and it also de-shielded me. i curse you today.
submitted by OkTutor8976 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 Lem0n_Star Q&A ig😒

Use this thread to ask anything at all😩😒
submitted by Lem0n_Star to VentHotel [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 LoudSheepherder8597 Favourite episode?

Im a first time watcher and I am wondering what your favourite episodes are. Mine is definitely season 5 ep 13 so far.
submitted by LoudSheepherder8597 to DesperateHousewives [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 kemalpasha Let me pee

submitted by kemalpasha to Whatcouldgowrong [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 HRM817 Don Michael Jr.

The Union Firehouse gonna be Lit!
submitted by HRM817 to newjersey [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 MechanicUnable6262 Why are my teachers telling me not to draw on my hand?

its my hand its my pen and i am not drawing anything offensive just little drawings of people/popcorn/animals etc????
submitted by MechanicUnable6262 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 OsirisAI Stock Information for #BP - 1d

#BP #1d #Stock───────────
Ensemble model * Overview: The synthetic investment attractiveness indicator equals 7 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble suggests trading will neither be attractive or unattractive. The synthetic directional indicator equals -23 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble suggests the market will tend to be bearish in the nearest future.
Optimal past * Optimal past: The optimal lookback period for modelling is currently 434 candles. The market is currently bearish, depreciating by 13.0% during the latest phase.
Elliot Waves * Elliot Waves: The market's trend has changed and currently goes down.

Price Bound Modelling * HAR model at confidence level 95.0%: the HAR model forecasts volatility of 1.4215% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 428.79 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 418.76 or above 438.82.
Forecast * MA model at confidence level 95.0%: the MA model forecasts a return of -0.0675% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 428.51 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 414.79 or above 442.27.
Stability Indicators * Generalised extreme value: According to the indicator, the stability of the market is uncertain
Seasonality test * Seasonality test: According to the generalised seasonality test, there are no seasonal effects on the market.
Distribution analysis * Best-fit distribution: Best-fit distribution has changed, and now it is Student's T
Not investment advice.
#BP #1d #trading #Distribution analysis
submitted by OsirisAI to OsirisFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 Xerone2002 Whatsapp Dauerbeschallung

Vielleicht finde ich hier andere Meinungen zum Thema.
Momentan bin ich Social Media Müde, also ich distanziere mich von Insta und Facebook und Twitter. Ich merk auch zunehemend, dass ich Whatsapp Faul bin. Mir geht die Whatsapp und Snapchat Chatterei ein bisschen auf den Nerv. Jeden Tag sehe ich auf Whatsapp/Snapchat Statusbilder mit "Person X kocht gerade" "Person Y guckt Handball" Person Z spielt mit Kindern" "Person W ist gerade im Restaurant". Ich mein, dass ist zwar alles nett, sowas mitzubekommen - aber für wen ist das eigentlich? Ich hab das Gefühl, viele machen gerade Whatsapp Status nur für ihren Ego - so nach dem Motto:" Guckt! Ich mach gerade etwas schönes und Du halt nicht".
Ich hab auch fast jeden Tag ein Whatsapp Status gehabt, aber beim Jahreswechsel gedacht, dass ich das nur für mich mache, damit andere denken, dass mein Leben total aufgredend und spannend ist, obwohl mein Leben genau so normal ist, wie andere eben auch. Deswegen seit 01.01. kein Status mehr abgeschickt und ich versuche gerade, mehr im echten Leben zu sein, als Digital.
Wie seht ihr das denn? Denke ich gerade einfach zu viel darüber nach? Bin ich vielleicht der einzige, der so denkt?
submitted by Xerone2002 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 ZunoJ Must be one of those AI artists

Must be one of those AI artists submitted by ZunoJ to funny [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 Turtle456 Südbahnhof - Kassenhalle des Südbahnhofes, WIEN (Österreich) 1900

Südbahnhof - Kassenhalle des Südbahnhofes, WIEN (Österreich) 1900 submitted by Turtle456 to HistoryOfAustria [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 EmergencyCobbler1609 [uncharted 4]Second plat in the pocket!

[uncharted 4]Second plat in the pocket! Got my second plat, decided to go for one a bit easier than gta 5, and what an enjoyable plat to achieve!
submitted by EmergencyCobbler1609 to Trophies [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 Alone_Log7616 Travelling to Turkey and Japan soon - any tips?

Hi guys,
I am 29 male from Denmark and I'll be travelling to two of my dream countries. I will visiting Istanbul for a week then I'll be flying to Japan for 2 weeks. I will arrive to Tokyo and fly back home from Osaka.
I am hoping to meet with locals. (preferably a female between 25-40) If not, I'd be super please to receive some nice tips such as bars, restaurants, places to visit, places to not go. I am supeer excited about it.
I'm into sports, music, art, fitness. I love hiking, discovering new cultures. Cold bottle beer is never a bad idea. Yes. This is me.
Hit me up if you would like share.
submitted by Alone_Log7616 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 Sudden-Order2271 ⚜️The MIXIVERSE awaits you!⚜️

✨Hai✨The Mixiverse is a brand new Discord server I created, and it's all about making friends, chatting, and gaming together with users from all over!🎮My main goal is to create a happy loving safe space for friendly users looking for more positive outgoing users to connect with!💕Whether you're into casual conversations or gaming sessions, this is the perfect place to connect with more fun people to hang out with!❤️I’m building a drama free friendly and welcoming community where positivity is appreciated and everyone can feel at home!✌️We have dedicated channels for different topics and conversations including voice chat rooms for talking and gaming conversations, memes, art, music, videos, discussions, promotions, making friends, and active members planned to keep things lively and engaging!👏On top of that I recently added new bots including ChatGPT and music bots so you can jam out to your favorite songs with others!🎧You can even collect badges that will be displayed on your profile!🥇So come join me and some new friends in the Mixiverse and be part of something exciting and fun!🤩Your next favorite gaming buddy or friend(s) might be just a click away!🙏Everyone 18 and up is welcome!
submitted by Sudden-Order2271 to Discord_Servers_List [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 Slow-Sentence7957 Calories in this banana bread?

submitted by Slow-Sentence7957 to caloriecount [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 sandisnotafood بعض المشاركين في الصب

بعض المشاركين في الصب submitted by sandisnotafood to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:53 dontknowhowtodie [30/M] ecstasy enhances equalizing energies.

helloooooo. im extremely bored. took a couple ecstasy pills and im by myself. super bored and tryna keep my mind in good spirits. anyone is welcomed to dm me. i don’t care about age, gender, political stance, religion, sexual orientation, etc etc. literally anyone is welcomed in my dms. i’m extremely open minded and down to talk about anything. answer any questions anyone has about whatever. idk.. i just wanna have human interaction for tonight please. thank you. see you beautiful creatures in my dms. 😘
submitted by dontknowhowtodie to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
