2025.01.22 09:51 KnownCount4507 openshot wil niet openen na installatie.
Ik heb vandaag geprobeerd om openshot te installeren en daarna te openen. Het installeren gaf geen problemen. Maar het programma wil niet openen.
Ik zag dat meerdere mensen hier problemen mee hebben en heb daarom het stappenplan uitgevoerd.
Hierbij de uitdraai van de kladblok:
10:20:53 INFO app: ------------------------------------------------
10:20:53 INFO app: Wed Jan 22 10:20:53 2025
10:20:53 INFO app: Starting new session
10:20:53 DEBUG app: Command line: ['openshot-qt-cli.exe']
10:20:53 INFO app: ------------------------------------------------
10:20:53 INFO app: OpenShot (version 3.3.0)
10:20:53 INFO app: ------------------------------------------------
10:20:53 INFO app: openshot-qt version: 3.3.0
10:20:53 INFO app: libopenshot version: 0.4.0
10:20:53 INFO app: platform: Windows-10-10.0.26100
10:20:53 INFO app: processor: Intel64 Family 6 Model 170 Stepping 4, GenuineIntel
10:20:53 INFO app: machine: AMD64
10:20:53 INFO app: python version: 3.8.9
10:20:53 INFO app: qt5 version: 5.15.2
10:20:53 INFO app: pyqt5 version: 5.15.4
10:20:53 INFO app: Frozen version info from build server:
"build_name": "OpenShot-v3.3.0-daily-13232-dd2a70c9-8d9fd63a",
"date": "2024-12-31 06:25",
"libopenshot": {
"CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME": "develop",
"CI_COMMIT_SHA": "dd2a70c9f2bd7a58e2a3b7d1d8a4d8c0766f92fd",
"CI_JOB_ID": "40937",
"CI_PIPELINE_ID": "13231",
"CI_PROJECT_NAME": "libopenshot",
"SO": "27",
"VERSION": "0.4.0"
"libopenshot-audio": {
"CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME": "develop",
"CI_COMMIT_SHA": "8d9fd63a86e20af4d0122d080627a2f7037c0052",
"CI_JOB_ID": "40785",
"CI_PIPELINE_ID": "13192",
"CI_PROJECT_NAME": "libopenshot-audio",
"SO": "10",
"VERSION": "0.4.0"
"openshot-qt": {
"CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME": "develop",
"CI_COMMIT_SHA": "b22c58ad37cf3e516175bd4738d96637321b0fe5",
"CI_JOB_ID": "40942",
"CI_PIPELINE_ID": "13232",
"CI_PROJECT_NAME": "openshot-qt",
"SO": null,
"VERSION": "3.3.0"
10:20:55 INFO project_data: Setting profile to HD 720p 30 fps
10:20:55 INFO project_data: Apply default audio playback settings: 48000, 2 channels
10:20:55 INFO app: checking babl_ext_path: C:\Program Files\OpenShot Video Editor\lib\babl-ext
10:20:55 INFO app: setting BABL_PATH: C:\Program Files\OpenShot Video Editor\lib\babl-ext
10:20:55 DEBUG language: Using compiled translation resources
10:20:56 INFO language: Qt Detected Languages: ['nl-NL', 'en-US']
10:20:56 INFO language: LANG Environment Variable:
10:20:56 INFO language: LOCALE Environment Variable:
10:20:56 INFO language: OpenShot Preference Language: Default
10:20:56 DEBUG language: Attempting to load qt_nl_NL in 'C:/Program Files/OpenShot Video Editotranslations'
10:20:56 DEBUG language: Attempting to load qtbase_nl_NL in 'C:/Program Files/OpenShot Video Editotranslations'
10:20:56 DEBUG language: Attempting to load qt_nl_NL in 'C:\Program Files\OpenShot Video Editor\language'
10:20:56 DEBUG language: Attempting to load qtbase_nl_NL in 'C:\Program Files\OpenShot Video Editor\language'
10:20:56 DEBUG language: Attempting to load OpenShot_nl_NL in ':/locale/'
10:20:56 DEBUG language: Successfully loaded OpenShot_nl_NL in ':/locale/'
10:20:56 DEBUG language: Exiting translation system (since we successfully loaded: nl_NL)
10:20:56 DEBUG app: Testing write access to user directory
10:20:57 INFO logger_libopenshot: Connecting to libopenshot with debug port: 5556
10:21:03 DEBUG app: Creating main interface window
10:21:05 INFO ui_util: Initializing UI for MainWindow
10:21:05 DEBUG thumbnail: Attempting to start thumbnail server listening on port ('', 49897)
10:21:05 INFO thumbnail: Starting thumbnail server listening on ('', 49897)
10:21:08 INFO webkit: WebKit backend initializing
10:21:09 DEBUG files_model: updating files model.
10:21:09 INFO transition_model: updating transitions model.
10:21:09 INFO version: Found current version: {'error_rate_unstable': 0.05, 'error_rate_stable': 0.25, 'trans_rate_unstable': 0.001, 'openshot_version': '3.3.0', 'trans_rate_stable': 0.01}
10:21:19 INFO effects_model: updating effects model.
10:21:19 INFO emoji_model: updating emoji model.
10:21:50 INFO webkit: Registering objects with WebKit
10:21:50 INFO sentry: Sentry initialized for 'production': 0.25 sample rate, 0.01 transaction rate
10:21:50 DEBUG properties_model: updating clip properties model.
10:21:50 DEBUG main_window: unfreezing main toolbar
10:21:50 INFO main_window: InitCacheSettings
10:21:50 INFO main_window: cache-mode: CacheMemory
10:21:50 INFO main_window: cache-limit-mb: 512
10:21:50 INFO main_window: cache-ahead-percent: 0.7
10:21:50 INFO main_window: cache-preroll-min-frames: 24
10:21:50 INFO main_window: cache-preroll-max-frames: 48
10:21:50 INFO main_window: cache-max-frames: 600
10:21:50 INFO main_window: Creating CacheMemory object with 536870912 byte limit
10:21:50 INFO preview_thread: QThread Start Method Invoked
10:21:50 DEBUG preview_thread: initPlayer
10:21:50 INFO main_window: Cleared temporary files: C:\Users\ICT Beheer\.openshot_qt\thumbnail
10:21:50 INFO main_window: Cleared temporary files: C:\Users\ICT Beheer\.openshot_qt\blender
10:21:50 INFO main_window: Cleared temporary files: C:\Users\ICT Beheer\.openshot_qt\title
10:21:50 DEBUG main_window: Wrote value d6d4b3e9-bde6-478d-8718-e471c291982e to lock file C:\Users\ICT Beheer\.openshot_qt\.lock
10:21:50 INFO base: Setting font to C:\Program Files\OpenShot Video Editor\images\fonts\Ubuntu-R.ttf
10:21:51 INFO ui_util: Initializing UI for MainWindow
10:21:51 INFO theme: Setting Fusion dark palette
10:21:51 DEBUG webkit: run_js() called before document ready event. Script queued: $('body').scope().setTheme(' body { background: #141923; } ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 8px; height: 8px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: rgba(145, 195, 255, .2); border-radius: 4px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: #141923; box-shadow: none; } .track_name { background: #192332; border-top-left-radius: 0px; border-bottom-left-radius: 0px; border: 1px solid #192332; border-left: 4px solid #0078FF; box-shadow: none; margin-left: 0px; height: 48px; } .track_top { padding-top: 4px; padding-left: 10px; background: none; } .track_label { text-shadow: none; } .track { background: #283241; border: 1px solid #283241; border-radius: 0px; height: 48px; } .track-resize-handle { background-color: #1B222CFF; border-top: 1px solid #1B222CFF; border-bottom: 1px solid #1B222CFF; border-right: 1px solid #1B222CFF; border-top-right-radius: 0px; border-bottom-right-radius: 0px; } .track-resize-handle:hover { background-color: #333F51FF; } .transition { height: 48px; min-height: 48px; } .transition_top { background: none; } .clip { background: #192332; border: 1px solid #0078FF; box-sizing: border-box; height: 48px; min-height: 48px; display: flex; } .clip_label { text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px black; } .clip_top { background: none; position: absolute; top: 0; width: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: flex-start; align-items: center; z-index: 2; } .thumb-container { margin-top: 0px; } .audio-container { margin-top: 0px; object-fit: cover; align-self: flex-start; z-index: 0; } .thumb-container, .audio-container { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; overflow: hidden; } .audio { border-radius: 8px; } .thumb { border-radius: 8px; margin: 0px; height: 100%; object-fit: cover; align-self: flex-start; z-index: 1; } .ui-selecting { border: 1px solid yellow !important; } .ui-selected { border: 1px solid red !important; } .playhead-top { margin-left: -6px; margin-top: 20px; width: 12px; height: 188px; background-image: url(../themes/cosmic/images/playhead.svg); } .playhead-line { z-index: 9999; position: absolute; height: 316px; top: 0; width: 2px; background-color: #FABE0A; margin: -1px; } .point_bezier { background-image: url(../themes/cosmic/images/keyframe-bezier.svg); } .point_linear { background-image: url(../themes/cosmic/images/keyframe-linear.svg); } .point_constant { background-image: url(../themes/cosmic/images/keyframe-constant.svg); } .marker_icon { background-image: url(../themes/cosmic/images/marker.svg); } ');
10:21:51 DEBUG main_window: Shortcuts initialized or updated.
10:21:51 INFO main_window: recover_backup
10:21:51 INFO project_data: Setting profile to HD 720p 30 fps
10:21:51 INFO project_data: Apply default audio playback settings: 48000, 2 channels
10:21:51 DEBUG preview_thread: refreshFrame
10:21:51 DEBUG preview_thread: player Position(): 1
10:21:51 DEBUG webkit: run_js() called before document ready event. Script queued: $('body').scope().setThumbAddress('');
10:21:51 DEBUG webkit: run_js() called before document ready event. Script queued: $('body').scope().setTrackLabel('Spoor %s');
10:21:51 DEBUG webkit: run_js() called before document ready event. Script queued: $('body').scope().loadJson({"type": "load", "key": [], "value": {"id": "6I1YO9TCWW", "fps": {"num": 30, "den": 1}, "display_ratio": {"num": 16, "den": 9}, "pixel_ratio": {"num": 1, "den": 1}, "width": 1280, "height": 720, "sample_rate": 48000, "channels": 2, "channel_layout": 3, "settings": {}, "clips": [], "effects": [], "files": [], "duration": 300, "scale": 15.0, "tick_pixels": 100, "playhead_position": 0, "profile": "HD 720p 30 fps", "export_settings": null, "layers": [{"id": "L1", "label": "", "number": 1000000, "y": 0, "lock": false}, {"id": "L2", "label": "", "number": 2000000, "y": 0, "lock": false}, {"id": "L3", "label": "", "number": 3000000, "y": 0, "lock": false}, {"id": "L4", "label": "", "number": 4000000, "y": 0, "lock": false}, {"id": "L5", "label": "", "number": 5000000, "y": 0, "lock": false}], "markers": [], "progress": [], "version": {"openshot-qt": "0.0.0", "libopenshot": "0.0.0"}}, "old_values": {}, "transaction": "956e6fc4-e8c6-480d-9762-651b2aadeaac"});
10:21:51 DEBUG webkit: run_js() called before document ready event. Script queued: $('body').scope().setScale(15.0,429);
10:21:51 DEBUG files_model: updating files model.
10:21:51 INFO video_widget: Load: Set video widget display aspect ratio to: 1.7777777910232544
10:21:51 INFO video_widget: Set video widget pixel aspect ratio to: 1.0
10:21:51 DEBUG preview_thread: Max timeline length/frames detected: 0
10:21:52 DEBUG webkit: run_js() called before document ready event. Script queued: $('body').scope().movePlayheadToFrame(1);
10:21:52 DEBUG preview_thread: Playback mode changed to 1
10:21:52 DEBUG webkit: run_js() called before document ready event. Script queued: $('body').scope().setFollow(1);
10:21:52 DEBUG webkit: run_js() called before document ready event. Script queued: $('body').scope().renderCache({
"max\_bytes" : "536870912", "ranges" : \[ { "end" : "1", "start" : "1" } \], "type" : "CacheMemory", "version" : "1"
}"max\_bytes" : "536870912", "ranges" : \[ { "end" : "1", "start" : "1" } \], "type" : "CacheMemory", "version" : "2"
}2025.01.22 09:51 sisaneechan How to go to pembo from pasig?
Hi! Anyone here from Pasig that knows how to commute going to McDo pembo?
submitted by sisaneechan to AskPH [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 Minesticks i mean i dont care for xavier but what is this shit
submitted by Minesticks to fuckxavier [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 sigmattic What executive order would you sign in if you were Trump?
submitted by sigmattic to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 onelonelycrow Issues with Operations
For a couple of weeks now, a bug has persisted that’s completely prevented my operations team from gaining any equipment even with every person selected on it and waiting hours upon hours. After fulling upgrading Operations and now having gotten a full S++ team, I’d hoped something would change but the issue still persists. Is there a known fix for this bug by any chance or am I just doomed?
submitted by onelonelycrow to BlackhawkRescue [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 The_Cubed_Martian textures from other program + rigging tutorial for beginners?
see linked post for details on project context if you are interested
have been learning blender for a grand total of about half a day- my goal is to add animated feathers to a vroid model eventually
what I am trying to figure out how to do right now is something along the following if its possible
2025.01.22 09:51 High-UltSickGrimes Feels like I'm an outcast i hope I fit in here.
submitted by High-UltSickGrimes to ForeverAlone [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 Jake1485 Can I solve a 4x4 cube in less than three minutes?
Hello, I can solve a 3x3 cube in 50 seconds using the beginners method, which requires more movements. The cube I use is slow. I bought it 3 years ago and it is not magnetic. I want to learn how to solve a 4x4 cube. I want your expectations for how long it will take to solve it. Also, if I learn the professional method and buy a magnetic cube and practice, will I be able to solve the cube in less than 30 seconds? Note that the fastest time I solved it was 32 seconds.
submitted by Jake1485 to Cubers [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 ovidius72 Week start day
Is there any option to say the app that the week starts on Monday? The remaining exercises for the current week get started always from Sunday. This is not the case in almonds 90% of the countries
submitted by ovidius72 to Gravl [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 Letmelearnpls More kids???
She has step sons? The same ages as her kids….!? Whoa! Beau beau beau…..
submitted by Letmelearnpls to Maria_estellaSnark69 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 Chemical_Amoeba6127 Please help me! K1C
I recently installed guppy (custom interface) to improve the leveling, going from 5x5 to 25x25, and it worked perfectly. However, I can no longer access the Creality web interface, which was port 80, example:
How do I reinstall? I want to send prints directly from OrcaSlicer, and I can't anymore, now I have to download it, and go to fluid to send it...
submitted by Chemical_Amoeba6127 to crealityk1 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 LifeChanger16 Anyone else finding the pens have got harder to inject?
I know they’ve made it harder to get the 5th dose lately, but this is just normal doses.
I know in the instructions it says not to pinch, but I did for a while because I was scared 😂 but now I literally can’t because I need to hold the pen with one hand and push the plunger with the other because the plunger is so much stiffer. I end up pushing the entire pen against my body, and it’s just become so much harder. Has anyone else noticed this?
submitted by LifeChanger16 to mounjarouk [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 eigo-bunpou 「英単語解説」order-coffeeの意味について
order coffeeを日本語和訳しますと「コーヒーを注文する」の意味である。各例文を見て、order coffeeの意味を覚えられる。読み方はˈɔrdər ˈkɔfiです。豊富な例文及び運用法を通して「order coffee」の意味を学びましょう!
詳細はこちらへアクセスしてください: https://eigo-bunpou.com/order-coffee/
#英語文法 #英文法
submitted by eigo-bunpou to omoshiroi_eigo_bunpou [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 TheLineForPho Watch this all
submitted by TheLineForPho to YesMuricaBad [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 09:51 Business_Truck9529 Is hardship transfership affected with hiring freeze?
I know an employee leaving our office for a hardship transfer to another state? They have a eod of 1/26, how are they affected?
Agency: usda
submitted by Business_Truck9529 to fednews [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 randyagulinda Difficulty in explaining low grades? that's why intensive reading works
I have often times advised and helped many of my classmates and colleagues on ways to ace their academic work, this doesn't need excellence at all times but surely...low grades sometimes are hard to explain that's why i would recommend intensive reading
submitted by randyagulinda to education [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 Marcysdollz Bratz Boutique fashion packs💕
submitted by Marcysdollz to bratzcommunity [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 First_Recognition_47 Alchemist
Hello all, I wanna ask you that if being a Alchemist is profitable? Like can it earn me decent money aside from making potions for myself? I also wanna ask the minimum level requirement for it.
submitted by First_Recognition_47 to ToramOnline [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 chadladdoo MESSAGE FOR KV FANS
KV knows he won fair and square. Every BB contestant knows votes can’t be rigged.
KV is having fun and enjoying his life. He is very thick skinned and smart. Kal interview me bol rha tha ki jab koi haarta hai, toh vo fir bahane hi banata hai ki aisa ho gya, vaisa ho gya.
So let us also not engage with DALLU AND VIVICHU fans. Unko rone do. Humara banda jeeta hai, hum uski tarah maze marte hain.
From now on, let us just enjoy KV’s success and not engage with idiots. Ye jo bhi post bana kr bol rhe hain, let us not reply them. Bs “🤡” sb ye reply kro unke posts pr, NOTHING MORE. NO JUSTIFICATIONS.
No need to explain them. Brainless hain vo tbhi unke supporters hain.
submitted by chadladdoo to biggboss [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 Ok_Ladder_8658 Wyd guys
submitted by Ok_Ladder_8658 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 hyrulealyx If she wore the purple pants 💜 today, do you guys think she'd still fit into them? Would they be even tighter?
submitted by hyrulealyx to MillieBobbyBrownHQ [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 09:51 Fit_Manufacturer8839 What is my eye colour green or hazel?
submitted by Fit_Manufacturer8839 to WhatisMyEyeColour [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 09:51 GreatCreator46287660 Which Marvel Character is your most favourite and why?
submitted by GreatCreator46287660 to Marvel [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 Wooden-116 New Crosstrek heater smell
I just purchased a new crosstrek 4 days ago. I noticed after leaving work tonight that I had a weird smell coming only from my driver side middle vent when the heater was running. It smells like coolant but I've read it could also be from using the washer fluid. I did use the washer roughly 12 hours before noticing this smell. About 180 miles on the vehicle and about 12⁰ outside if that helps any.
Any idea if this is a normal deal with the vehicle breaking in? First new car I've purchased.
submitted by Wooden-116 to Subaru_Crosstrek [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 09:51 Eussou974 How to unlock stage 8-5 on hard mode ?
I'm stuck at "May peace be with you" at 8-4 stage.
Any ideas ?
submitted by Eussou974 to HorizonWalker [link] [comments]