Finally somebody will undo the woke deeds of Lina Khan

2025.01.22 11:09 presoem2000 Finally somebody will undo the woke deeds of Lina Khan

Finally somebody will undo the woke deeds of Lina Khan submitted by presoem2000 to atrioc [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:09 PMRef Simplii Financial Referral Link Reddit: $50 for signing up! Plus the potential for a $300 direct deposit bonus! $450 in total potential earnings!

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submitted by PMRef to ReferralLink [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:09 blackcrusider Il sub litigi è una 💩

Non riesco a pubblicare un post sul politically correct e i suoi danni a causa del mio cognome che non è politically correct in base alle impostazioni del loro bot.
Come me ce ne sono tanti altri con cognomi simili e derivazioni e questo è un'ingiustizia nonché razzismo.
Per chi se lo chiede, non potendo scrivere il mio cognomenper evitare altre cancellazioni, pensate alla gingle di un noto salumificio 'la stella di vuol dire qualità '
submitted by blackcrusider to CasualIT [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 Alle_im_Wunderland Spalter*in, Spalter*in, Spalter*in

Dieser Post dient zum Dampfablassen. Wenn dir, liebe*r lekker Kaffee- Trinkende*r das heute nicht in den Kram passt, dann scroll gerne weiter.
Mein Blåhaj und ich sind in letzter Zeit ein bisschen besorgt über Entwicklungen in diesem Sub, ausgehend von der Diskussion Grüne vs Linke. Wenn dort (oder anderswo) nämlich zurecht gegen die rassistische, klassenfeinliche und zionistische Politik von Grünen- oder auch SPD-Politiker*innen argumentiert wird, hört man häufig den Satz: Die AfD steht über 20% und du hast nix besseres zu tun, als die Linke zu spalten oder: damals, als der Faschismus an der Tür geklopft hat, konnte er einfach eintreten, weil KPD und SPD mit sich selbst beschäftigt waren.
Und irgendwie stößt uns das auf. Wir sind der Meinung, der Faschismus wurde freundlich hereingelassen, zwar mit Zähneknirschen (ein altes Wort für "Bauchschmerzen"), aber bestimmt. Zentrum, BVP, DVP und SPD waren nicht konsequent genug, das ist die Geschichte, wie wir sie kennen.
Und es ist dieser Kampf von Konsequenz, den mein Blåhaj und ich hier vermissen. Vor einem Jahr stehen SPD, Grüne und Hastenichtgesehen auf Demos gegen Rechts und heute beteiligen sie sich maßlos an rechten Narrativen. Hier geht es niemandem um Spaltung (mir zumindest auf keinen Fall). Es geht vielmehr darum, jene zu kritisieren, die zwar nach Image und Parteiprogramm unsere Meinungen vertreten, und sie vielleicht auch jetzt im Wahlkampf immer wiederholen, aber nicht das Durchsetzungsvermögen und wahrscheinlich auch nicht das Interesse haben, sich gegen das Kapital zu stellen.
Blåhaj und ich sind es leid, unter einem Anti-SPD-Post das Wort "Spalter" zu lesen. Müssen wir das wirklich nochmal alles durchkauen, vom Fatima-Vorfall, über massenhaftes Abschieben bis zur Aufrüstung?
Und wir finden auch nicht, dass die Partei die Linke all diese Probleme lösen wird. Sie kann sie zwar ansprechen, aber das wird nicht reichen. Wir brauchen wieder mehr Bewegungen, Streiks, Demos und am Ende wahrscheinlich ordentlich Handarbeit. Aber ich verstehe auch, wenn euch das nicht in euer Leben passt, sehr fair, wir sind ja auch alle nur Menschen.
Ich bin ein Mensch (und mein Blåhaj ist ein Blåhaj), der es nicht mehr abkann, auf einem der linkesten Subreddits ständig Verteidigungen von Klassenfeind*innen zu lesen. Dafür setze ich mich nicht hosenlos vor mein Handy!
submitted by Alle_im_Wunderland to gekte [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 Glass_Wait1251 Dm to chat about my sugar babies? Especially the first one with great tits

Dm to chat about my sugar babies? Especially the first one with great tits submitted by Glass_Wait1251 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 Sponarium “WHAT WAS THAT? Must have been the wind.”

“WHAT WAS THAT? Must have been the wind.” submitted by Sponarium to ArmaReforger [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 artsqoo223 Do any of yall know anything about these two Dorothy nutcrackers?

Do any of yall know anything about these two Dorothy nutcrackers? submitted by artsqoo223 to wizardofoz [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 Sinh_Da_Spirit Help me with mapping

What the hell is this ?
submitted by Sinh_Da_Spirit to HollowKnight [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 No_Particular_8576 What are husband wife jokes you know?

submitted by No_Particular_8576 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 cerrathegreat What if Ozai shot fire at Zuko instead of lightning?

I've seen a lot of discussions about what would've happened if Zuko failed to redirect Ozai's lightning on the Day of Black Sun, or if Zuko killed Ozai. Something I find interesting, though, is Ozai's decision to use lightning at all - and how much it could've changed things if he just firebent instead.
Ozai obviously chose to fire lightning at Zuko because it was a quicker kill and, as far as he knew, Zuko wouldn't have been able to defend himself against it. That said, I can't imagine Ozai had any doubts that he couldn't have killed Zuko in an Agni Kai. So, imagine that, in a symbolic gesture, Ozai fires at Zuko's head just like he did when he gave him his scar. Even if Zuko defended himself deftly, Ozai wouldn't have been caught off-guard/stunned, probably wouldn't have been hit at all, and Zuko wouldn't be left enough time to escape immediately.
Would Zuko have any chance of escape in this scenario? Would he have any chance of actually incapacitating Ozai? If he did escape, would Ozai pursue him - and if so, how would actively pursuing him have impacted his plans to visit Iroh, and his means of leaving the area?
submitted by cerrathegreat to TheLastAirbender [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 BasedThinker_1 Facebook Nightmare!! How to delete videos sent in messages? Help please

Back when I was in school, I used to use Facebook a lot. It’s been 8 years since I took a break from Facebook, and I’ve changed into a completely different person since then.
I changed my name on Facebook when I was quitting. The other day, I opened it and checked my messages. I could unsend messages and pictures by pressing on them one by one, but I couldn’t unsend the videos in the messages (I acted funny and weird, so it’s embarrassing for me to be associated with them). One person sent me a question mark when I unsent messages, I think Facebook notified them, but I didn’t receive anything from the others. There’s some more left which I’m think to delete at midnight so they’re sleeping even if notified.
I’m thinking about deleting my Facebook account permanently so my profile would be listed as “Facebook User,” and those videos would be deleted. However, I’m not sure how to delete the videos specifically. Can someone guide me on how to delete them?
I also noticed that some of the messages from other people are no longer showing, and instead, it says, “This message was removed because it doesn’t follow our community standards.” How can I make my messages appear the same way to others, so they won’t see anything from me? Is it possible to ask my friends to mass report my account so that Facebook deletes it, and then whatever I’ve sent will be removed?
Please help!
submitted by BasedThinker_1 to facebook [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 Pure_Wonder3046 Round of 16 V Clermont will be Friday 4th April at 8pm

Round of 16 V Clermont will be Friday 4th April at 8pm Tickets On sale: Season Ticket Holders (29 Jan), Members (5 Feb), General Sale (8 Feb).
submitted by Pure_Wonder3046 to NorthamptonSaintsRFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 MarcelKite Which commander should I max out?

Which commander should I max out? submitted by MarcelKite to RiseofKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 Safe-Bumblebee8436 She has just been diagnosed with spinal calcification. I've been terrified.

She has just been diagnosed with spinal calcification. I've been terrified. submitted by Safe-Bumblebee8436 to Dachshund [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 ActuatorPrior W: bruisers and rejuv h: coffee

submitted by ActuatorPrior to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 Business_Baseball_46 Et oui ! Ce que vous semez, vous le récolterez ! C’est même écrit, Galactes 6, Verset 7! Bien à vous !

Et oui ! Ce que vous semez, vous le récolterez ! C’est même écrit, Galactes 6, Verset 7! Bien à vous ! submitted by Business_Baseball_46 to Dinosaure [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 becify Pointlessly gendered mudroom furniture [advert]

Pointlessly gendered mudroom furniture [advert] submitted by becify to pointlesslygendered [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 Several-Sand5494 IFoA should bring back offline exams like it was Pre-Covid

The organisation could not conduct a mock exam today. Almost everybody faced error and couldn't attempt. If they cannot conduct a mock exam with limited people, how will April exams happen with so many people attempting at the same time.
If the new system is not working, it's not late to take a U-turn and go back to how it was last year. But it will affect exam integrity. So the only thing I see is to conduct exams offline like it was Pre-Covid.
Offline center based exams with pen and paper / or typing exams instead of pen and paper. The IFoA shifted to online exams because of the COVID. But COVID is no more since the past 3-4 years. They could bring back offline exams which will solve the problems of exam integrity, technical issues, etc.
Apart from all these, I had read an unofficial report where they stated that IFoA has around £200 fund to spend for an exam. So it's not that there's an issue of money for offline exams.
submitted by Several-Sand5494 to ActuaryUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 AdJazzlike3517 **Looking for a fresh new start?** New City launching January 31st. Hiring command staff, cops, EMS and server staff.

**Looking for a fresh new start?** New City launching January 31st. Hiring command staff, cops, EMS and server staff. Looking for a fresh new start? New City launching January 31st. Hiring command staff, cops, EMS and server staff.
submitted by AdJazzlike3517 to GTA5RP [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 DifficultAd5057 CurseSMP

submitted by DifficultAd5057 to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 bebifr What makes food taste so good/bad?

submitted by bebifr to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 Lost-Temperature-701 Entrepreneur Moms

Hi! I'm a FTM of a 13 week old little boy. I just want to ask if there are any business owner moms here and how are you handling the newborn stage? I am exclusively breastfeeding and I don't really go to the office unless I have to since I have people to do most of the work.
I used to be so passionate and excited with work. I have creative ideas on how we can achieve our goals and I have so much I want to do for our company.
But now I just feel burnt out.
Every day, I wake up and I drag my feet to work (in my home office). Can't think of any new ideas. Whenever I'm working, I just want to be with my baby. And whenever I'm with him, my mind wanders off to all the things I have to do.
Is this normal? Does this get better? I'm at a point where I just want to close my business, retire, and enjoy my baby. I'm just 27.
submitted by Lost-Temperature-701 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 Impossible_Radish_96 Acne studios scarf

Would it be cheaper to get a scarf from london or Japan? I’m based in USA.
submitted by Impossible_Radish_96 to AcneStudios [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 WhisperingValley Would you recognize this back in a crowd? 👀 Zee modelling SUPER SUN

Would you recognize this back in a crowd? 👀 Zee modelling SUPER SUN submitted by WhisperingValley to ZeeNuNew [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 11:08 PatientDisplay243 Database for C#MVVM Desktop app

Good Morning!
First of all, I'm sorry for the lack of misuse of techincal terms , my not so good english and the long text.
I'm developing an Desktop App in C# MVVM Winui that is supposed to receive data from objects ( for now only focusing on receiving position [lat,long,alt] speed and direction) and represent it on a map . My estimation for max number of objects at the same time would be a few thousands and thats already a very positive estimate for what will probably be the real number.
The program follows an hierarchy let's say an owner has 20 objects, it receives 20 object tracks and will share those 20 object tracks with others owner( and vice versa) in a single message. Therefore, even if there are 1000 objects that are, there won't be an owner receiving 1k single message in a space of seconds, it will probably come in batches of tens
Data is received by a singleton class (services.AddSingleton();)
My initial idea was a global variable that would hold all that data in observable collections/property changed and through Dependecy Injection, the viewModel would just read from there .
I had a lot of problems because of memory leaks, the viewModels were acumulating to the a lot of subscription because of those.
So I'm trying to move even more to the reliance of Databases (the app has another purposes outside of tracking, but this is the biggest challenge because is real-time data, the other data doesn't change so frequently and I can support some lag)
My new ideia is for the app to receive data , , store in a database so the ViewModel-View responsible for displaying the data can constantly read from the db for the updates. So I need fast writes and reads, and no need for ACID, some data can be lost, so i focused in NonSQL
Do you guys know any database that is reliable for this? Or is this idea not even feasible and I should stay with a global Variable but with better event subscription( using Reactive or something else ?
I'm focusing in embedded Database so the user does not need to install and/or setup a server
For reference, my first option was RocksDB but i'm having an hard time to understand it because it is information in internet is mostly C++.
Thank you guys for your attention.
submitted by PatientDisplay243 to dotnet [link] [comments]