Now even Uber is getting personal.

2025.02.02 04:40 leavo_glucose Now even Uber is getting personal.

Now even Uber is getting personal. submitted by leavo_glucose to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 ThatsPoggersDude fixed his spelling mistake

fixed his spelling mistake submitted by ThatsPoggersDude to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 Post1110 Do you think the non-real life city tracks from Tour have a chance to return?

Do you think the non-real life city tracks from Tour have a chance to return? submitted by Post1110 to mariokart [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 jobiewon_cannoli Dude has a basket full of big dog size toys, but insists on playing with the cat and small dog toys that are here. Anyone else have this problem?!

Dude has a basket full of big dog size toys, but insists on playing with the cat and small dog toys that are here. Anyone else have this problem?! Not really a problem; I just find it hilarious that he will find the smallest toys possible to play with. And he is so gentle with them. Never rips or shreds them. Just gently soaks them with his slobber and then drops them on my lap to demand I throw them. What loveable goofballs this breed is!
submitted by jobiewon_cannoli to germanshepherds [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 tofu_baby_cake Can therapists tell if a stranger or acquaintance struggles with their mental health?

Can therapists tell through casual conversations in public or social situations, that someone is struggling with their mental health? What are clues that give it away?
submitted by tofu_baby_cake to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 wabully Today, the war begins. Good luck soldiers o7

Today, the war begins. Good luck soldiers o7 submitted by wabully to forfeitfappingfeb [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 Realistic-Tree1955 I have no idea what'a gonna happen the WWE title at Mania

I thought KO was gonna was gonna beat Cody and go on a killer rampage, so now I have no idea what the Mania plans are for it. Is LA Knight gonna win? Draft Sami and he beats Cody? Give to AJ? Roman gets it back? Cody keeps it? I seriously have no clue what's gonna happen to the title.
submitted by Realistic-Tree1955 to BrandonDE [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 DEDDesign Giant hippo with horns? Yes please!

submitted by DEDDesign to nms [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 teqteq Which way do seats face on train 111 (Bangkok to Den Chai)?

When you book on the website it looks like all the seats face in the same direction, but they are actually alternating groups of 4 facing each other.
Also I think the website makes them look like the train is facing the opposite way to what it is.
So, for 111 heading north from Bangkok, seats 65 and 66 in third class are facing backwards. Good for reference. Posting here because I couldn't find the answer when I booked the tickets, and ended up facing the opposite way to what I expected.
69 and 70 are facing forwards, and 65 and 66 facing backwards in the same pod.
Apart from any concerns around motion sickness and seeing the sights, one bad thing about sitting backwards in a carriage without air conditioning is that your breeze supply is at the whim of the people in the next pod. If they close the window (which is surprisingly common) your breeze becomes mostly the 25% of the fan rotation when it points your way.
But, so far 31⁰ and it's doable. A bit sweaty but the seats are big enough even at 6'4" without much hassle. Though I'm travelling with my girlfriend so no problem connecting with the person next to me. It'd be quite uncomfortable as a big guy on my own.
submitted by teqteq to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 Negative_Ad203 should I feed my starving sibling?

my sibling (early 20s) has been through trauma—a situation they put themselves in, but trauma nonetheless—and they’ve completely shut everyone out. they barely speak and spend most of their time playing video games or isolating in the dark. they take my food and use my stuff without asking, and when there’s no food left, they even break into my room to scavenge. they also purposefully make loud noises, slam things, and keep windows open with fans on in the winter and heaters on in the summer just to piss people off. they’ve broken locks off many of doors in the house to just dig through other people’s shit.
they haven’t had a job in 6 years and haven’t left the house in 3 years. i’ve spoken with a parent about the situation, but my parents know and aren’t doing a damn thing about it.
they’re about 6’2” and probably weigh around 120lbs, which is dangerously underweight. They’re balding from lack of nutrition. (I decided to lock my food in my room) and while i know they’re struggling, it’s hard to keep taking on the responsibility of caring for them when they constantly disrespect my space. i’m still in my teens, a full time medical student, and i work part time. i have a lot on my plate, and i feel some obligation to care for them because they’re my sibling. it’s super exhausting when they leave me with nothing for myself. I am having a moral dilemma.
aitah for refusing to feed them?
submitted by Negative_Ad203 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 Spiritual_One3923 Our need for a savior!

A message about the need for Jesus! 🙏
submitted by Spiritual_One3923 to JesusChrist [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 MAK_01 This dude is giving HSBC Live + LTF. Is it true?

This dude is giving HSBC Live + LTF. Is it true? Apparently a youtuber is offering few of the cards including HSBC Live + below Rs. 2000 rupees as lifetime be which he has mentioned in the video description. People have questioned in the comments that it is showing HSBC Live + as joining fee of Rs. 999 but he has assured that they would not be charged anything. Is this true or scam?
submitted by MAK_01 to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 sparksdott Going down the wrong path

Going down the wrong path submitted by sparksdott to weirdvideosfor3am [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 yanocupominomb Whats the deal with Webbers?

Sometimes I hit something and it explodes immediately, other times it seems I hit the target and barely any damage registers?
Are those weapons inconsistent in its damage? Am I somehow missing the mark despite having my crosshairs all over my target?
Do they get better at Mk3?
I tried them on my Pathfinder, and they are good...after accumulating enough stacks.
submitted by yanocupominomb to walkingwarrobots [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 Ihatefrogsp_p_poopoo How do I fix this?

How do I fix this? This is the first ever drone I’ve tried to make, the props collide with each other and the frame, I’m following this tutorial on YouTube, as a first time customer on Ali express I got some free props, are the they the wrong size?
submitted by Ihatefrogsp_p_poopoo to fpv [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 FauteuilVolant Anyone else only getting Graveyard and Slaughterhouse ?

It’s been 2 days and i haven’t played on Gas Station, Abandoned Mill or Family House even once wtf ? Doesn’t help that Graveyard is awful.
submitted by FauteuilVolant to TXChainSawGame [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 Designer_Ear_6211 I just got back from my favorire restaurant and i found this

Peach MANGO PIE does that ring a bell u/1951senior ?
submitted by Designer_Ear_6211 to Shadowfight3 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 kiwiretrogeek Just realised that broadsheet newspapers are almost gone

The larger size newspapers that has to be folded to be able to read correctly, replaced with the smaller tabloid size for most major publications these days.
Tabloid is more convenient but I can't help but miss the larger size... It is a mystery as to why I am buying physical newspapers at all these days. Just a sign of the times I guess with cyberspace taking over.
submitted by kiwiretrogeek to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 murlight99 Who are they ??

Who are they ?? Was wondering who these chars are behind petelgeuse. Does anyone have any idea ???
submitted by murlight99 to ReZero [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 Ykomat9 Anyone know a good place to commission a custom leather coat?

Need advice to find someone who’s willing to make a leather coat in Tokyo. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Ykomat9 to Tokyo [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 OriginalsDogs Worth upgrading to a new model?

I have a first gen Kindle Oasis. It works fine, I just like new toys ;) Is it worth upgrading to a newer model, and if so which one? I had thought the color one sounded cool but I guess that was a bad roll out with broken kindles. I'll pass on that. I do like that I can listen along with my Oasis. Can I do that with the newer ones?
submitted by OriginalsDogs to kindle [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 DanielMekelburg Bacon Egg and Cheese before my shift this morning

Bacon Egg and Cheese before my shift this morning submitted by DanielMekelburg to eatsandwiches [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 Cycle-Distinct A quiet day

A quiet day submitted by Cycle-Distinct to StreetStickers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 ios_pn_test_1 Test post report IGMCIGMC

submitted by ios_pn_test_1 to RestrictedTests [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 04:40 Roxanne_Os22 Yo un helado napolitano y ustedes ?

Yo un helado napolitano y ustedes ? submitted by Roxanne_Os22 to MemesEnEspanol [link] [comments]