38 [F4M] #uppermidwest #online Let's become friends because why not!?

2025.02.02 05:17 Super_Shawnda 38 [F4M] #uppermidwest #online Let's become friends because why not!?

Lets be friends! Hi there thanks for taking your time to read this.
A little about me: I'm a stay at home mom to a 16 year old daughter and a 6 year old son. I have alot of pets, 3 dogs, 3 cats, 3 hermit crabs, and a rabbit. Im super extroverted and type A personality, ENPF.
Some of my hobbies are, Making art, being outside, camping, hiking, bon fires, being at the lake, Video games (Elder Scrolls Online, Animal Crossing, Mortal Kombat, Skyrim), reading, museums, breweries, zoos and trying new restaurants.
I have 4 autoimmune diseases that make my daily life hard with being in chronic pain. Because of this I partake in 420 activities.
Looking for a guy who I can connect with on a deeper emotional level. Someone who doesnt mind me texting a lot as it's my way of communicating with adults. I would like to eventually move the conversation to Snapchat or discord.
Send a message or a chat but make it more then just "hi" or "what's up" make it worth me reading it.
I do ask that your account is not a throw away account. And you have a good amount of karma.
submitted by Super_Shawnda to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 LeopardSweet4697 FAST COMT support?

Hey folks, I have like 8 genetic variants leading to FAST COMT. Anyone else? Anything helped you?
submitted by LeopardSweet4697 to MTHFR [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 No-Trust1734 ucsb sra

has anyone heard back from SRA yet? i was just wondering if anyone turned in their application early and already heard back. mine is currently under review
submitted by No-Trust1734 to summerprogramresults [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 absurd_thethird Is there a way I can make injections less scary?

I haven’t even started them yet because they’re so scary i cried in the doctor’s office 😭😭😭😭 (I WAS UNDER A LOT OF STRESS!)
I don’t actually have a fear of needles but what I AM is a wimp 💯💯
Is there some way I can make these less scary? Sing? Listen to an audiobook? Cover myself in teddy bears? Do it in pitch darkness? What do you guys do?
submitted by absurd_thethird to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 StraightAct4340 noclip and speedhack when pressing Circle + L3. how do i turn this off?

noclip and speedhack when pressing Circle + L3. how do i turn this off? submitted by StraightAct4340 to BloodbornePC [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 First_Savings5506 Video-Gegner

Ist schon jedem aufgefallen, dass Ihr gegen Aufzeichnungen von anderen Spielern spielt?
Man merkt es daran, dass das Spiel an derselben Stelle weitergeht, wenn man mal kurz aus der App rausgeht und zurückkehrt. Versucht es mal: Fangt eine Runde an und werft die App dann in den Hintergrund. Nicht schließen. Dann wartet etwa 15-20 Sekunden und kehrt dann ins Spiel zurück. Es läuft weiter, als sei nichts gewesen. Auch die Emoji-Reaktionen der Gegner passen nicht immer zum Spielverlauf.
Deshalb habe ich es mir abgewöhnt die Emojis zu benutzen.
Was mich ein wenig stört, ist das Matching der Partien. Ich habe noch nicht genau raus, wonach der "Gegner" ausgewählt wird. Aber es scheint eine Tendenz zu geben. Meine Vermutung ist, dass es Anhand der Gesamtpunktzahl des Spiels bestimmt wird. Wenn Ihr also in den letzten Spielen eine insgesamt niedrige Punktzahl erspielt habt, trefft Ihr auch auf schlecht spielende Gegner. Und je mehr Punkte Ihr macht, desto schwieriger werden die Gegner. Das System versucht, Euch immer wieder schwierigere Spieler dazwischen zu schieben. Damit man auch mal wieder verliert. Deshalb habe ich meine Spielweise geändert.
Wenn ich auf einen schwächeren Spieler treffe, der entweder eine deutlich schwächere Waffe hat, oder einfach nur schlecht spielt, versuche ich meine Punktzahl nur knapp über seiner zu halten, um sicher zu gewinnen. Ich schieße auch oft gezielt daneben, um nicht die maximale Punktzahl zu erreichen. Ich bin jetzt Meister Stufe I und spiele Turnier 16 und Meisterschaften. Meine AS50-Reaktor ist auf Stufe 2 mit einer Kraft von 3500. Damit komme ich soweit klar, weil sie 910 Schaden macht. Wenn ich aber gegen Spieler antrete, die 4350 Kraft-Waffen haben, spiele ich trotzdem durch, weil es oft so ist, dass in der letzten Runde keine Punkte mehr machen. Das liegt auch daran, dass es eine Video-Aufzeichnung ist. Der Gegner hat dann im Original-Spiel wahrscheinlich gegen einen anderen schwächeren Gegner gespielt, und bereits in Runde 4 einen so großen Vorsprung, dass er die Punkte aus Runde 5 nicht mehr braucht um zu gewinnen. Dann semmelt er die 3 Schüsse einfach in die Pampa, um seine Gesamtpunktzahl niedrig zu halten. Ich mache das mittlerweile auch so. Und wenn Ihr dann einfach weiterspielt, könnte es sein, dass Ihr gegen einen überlegenen Gegner trotzdem gewinnt.
Wenn Ihr Geld investieren wollt, dann empfehle ich den Jagdpass für 10 Dollar. Damit bekommt Ihr sehr viele Diamanten und viele Kisten und Waffenkarten. Diamanten würde ich niemals für Geld kaufen.
Was im Spiel aber noch gefixt werden sollte ist, dass die unnatürlichen Bewegungen der Tiere korrigiert werden. Ein im Sprung befindliches Reh kann in der Natur nicht mitten im Sprung plötzlich senkrecht nach unten abfallen.
submitted by First_Savings5506 to huntingsniper [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 Dopineerg Red fox

Red fox submitted by Dopineerg to Amigurumi [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 Elegant-Strategy-737 Tips on paint marble or pearl looking armor

Tips on paint marble or pearl looking armor I want to paint my Magnus with either marble or pearl armor and was looking for any tips on either, I've seen turbo dork has some paints that may work but have never tried those types of paints. The face is a brighter white since I couldn't decide which base to use. WiP any critic welcome.
submitted by Elegant-Strategy-737 to ThousandSons [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 EstablishmentNeat932 I don’t fw Agent

That's it. That's the whole post. His little danzo scheming as be passing me off
submitted by EstablishmentNeat932 to RDCWorld [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 Jackfish2800 'Possible' fleet of UAPs over New York shot from airplane. No other info available (sorry)

submitted by Jackfish2800 to gettoknowtheothers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 MissMagic90 Library Jobs in Germany?

So I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me what the job market for librarians/library jobs is like in Germany? I just got my Bachelor's degree in Anthropology and I'm planning on getting my Master's degree in Library Science. Currently in the US, but I have German heritage and with some certain things going on, I'm considering my options.
submitted by MissMagic90 to AskAGerman [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 Gondorian_Grooves [WTB] Yamaha SEQTRAK; will pay for shipping (Nashville, TN)

Looking to buy Yamaha SEQTRAK, will pay for shipping.
submitted by Gondorian_Grooves to Synths4Sale [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 Mikey-506 Dopamine Enhancement Guide - Alternative to Ephedrine: Synephrine (Citrus Aurantium / Bitter Orange Extract)

Synephrine is a natural alkaloid found in bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) and is often used as a safer alternative to ephedrine. It has mild stimulant effects, enhancing metabolism and fat oxidation without significantly affecting heart rate or blood pressure.

ECA Stack – Dopamine / Energy Level Boosting Effects While the traditional ECA stack is known for its dopamine-enhancing effects, this modified version provides a safer and more sustainable approach.
Caffeine (Energy Booster & Dopamine Modulator) Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant that blocks adenosine receptors, leading to increased dopamine activity in the brain. This results in heightened alertness, improved mood, and enhanced cognitive performance.
Aspirin (Anti-inflammatory & Blood Flow Enhancer) Aspirin is included primarily for its ability to reduce inflammation and improve blood flow, which can enhance overall dopamine function.
Additional Dopamine-Boosting Compounds To further enhance dopamine levels naturally, consider adding these supplements:
  1. L-Tyrosine (500-2000 mg/day) – Precursor to dopamine, enhances focus and motivation.
  2. Rhodiola Rosea (200-600 mg/day) – Reduces stress, improves mental clarity, and increases dopamine.
  3. Mucuna Pruriens (L-Dopa) (100-500 mg/day) – Direct dopamine precursor.
  4. Ginseng (200-400 mg/day) – Supports brain function, reduces fatigue.
  5. Vitamin B6 & B12 – Essential for neurotransmitter synthesis and brain health.
Suggested Routine to Naturally Boost Dopamine Levels Morning: Daytime: Afternoon: Evening: Interactions with Other Medications While the modified SCA (Synephrine, Caffeine, Aspirin) stack is generally safer, it is still important to consider drug interactions:
Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any supplement or stack, especially if taking prescription medications.
Conclusion: A Sustainable Approach to Dopamine & Energy Enhancement The traditional ECA stack is effective but risky. By eliminating ephedrine and replacing it with Synephrine, along with a dopamine-supportive lifestyle, you can achieve enhanced energy, motivation, and fat loss safely.
By combining natural supplementation, exercise, proper diet, and stress management, you can enjoy long-term benefits without the side effects associated with harsher stimulants.
Key Takeaways:Replace ephedrine with synephrine for a safer alternative. ✅ Combine caffeine and aspirin for enhanced metabolism and focus. ✅ Support dopamine naturally with L-Tyrosine, Mucuna Pruriens, and lifestyle changes. ✅ Avoid excessive stimulants and prioritize long-term well-being. ✅ Consult a healthcare provider if taking medications.
By following this approach, you can safely and sustainably boost dopamine, enhance energy, and improve mental clarity without the risks of traditional stimulants.
submitted by Mikey-506 to TheArchetypes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 Ozymandias036 Triple H's booking/Jey Uso Rumble win

Let's talk about Triple H's booking decisions as of late,How much will Jey's Rumble win enlarge Triple H's coco jumbo?
View Poll
submitted by Ozymandias036 to GreatnessOfWrestling [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 Aggressive_Grab_2884 B4B 1 left

I boost back immediately
submitted by Aggressive_Grab_2884 to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 baigankabhartaXD M18 Sudden and rapid increase in hair fall/shedding?

M18 Sudden and rapid increase in hair fall/shedding? submitted by baigankabhartaXD to IndianHaircare [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 hazez1n Como conseguir o título de bacharelado logo após a licenciatura?

Olá, pessoal! Tudo bem? Estou terminando minha graduação (licenciatura) e gostaria de saber como é o processo para iniciar o bacharel no mesmo curso. Há algum edital da ufrj ou preciso entrar pelo sisu novamente?
submitted by hazez1n to UFRJ [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 InquisitiveIngwer Feral Pig, from the owner of Common Grounds, is here!

Feral Pig, the newest concept from the former owner of old Dickson Street staples Common Grounds and Hog Haus Brewing has recently opened. Breakfast, brunch, lunch, coffee, and local music. Check it out and support local!
submitted by InquisitiveIngwer to fayetteville [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 Pappa_Crim Zero self awareness, its just incredible

Zero self awareness, its just incredible submitted by Pappa_Crim to Firearms [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 HotCommunication4407 2022 RT here with u connect 8.4.

Can you upgrade u connect and get performance pages ?
submitted by HotCommunication4407 to Challenger [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 dikapacman Lunch @Mojako Surabaya

Lunch @Mojako Surabaya Left : Lychee Tea Nasi Ayam BBQ Spicy
Right : Kopi Susu Gula Aren Nasi Ayam Salted Egg
submitted by dikapacman to kulineria [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 stuffy236 Is anyone else making plans incase they have to flea the US?

It feels a little dumb to say out loud but my fiance and I have started making plans on how we would flea the US, where we would go, and how we would survive.
We are a blended family both being previously divorced with kids and are figuring out how to coordinate with our exes if the day comes. With the chaos that is already happening it feels like it's more of an inevitability with each passing day.
submitted by stuffy236 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 Common_Chip_5935 Are women more prone to suffer in love than men?

Or gender doesn't have anything to do with this
Suffer= not forgetting the ex, waiting for them to come back, having a more romantic mentality
Men get over break ups easily and move on fast to the next one
Ya know?
submitted by Common_Chip_5935 to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 WebMDeez The Dallas Mavericks are trading Luka Doncic, Maxi Kleber and Markieff Morris to the Los Angeles Lakers for Anthony Davis, Max Christie and a 2029 first-round pick

The Dallas Mavericks are trading Luka Doncic, Maxi Kleber and Markieff Morris to the Los Angeles Lakers for Anthony Davis, Max Christie and a 2029 first-round pick submitted by WebMDeez to fantasybball [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 05:17 CaregiverUsual4127 Does anyone here do Life Update videos?

I've just started doing monthly videos and would love to know how it's been going on your channel?
For context my youtube channel has a 10.8k subscribers, however, I have not built a community at all, and I want to moving forward.
My way of doing that is with monthly life updates to expose a bit more of my personal life and hopefully connect with more of my audience. I'm also shooting them in unique and interesting places, my first video is shot in a dry lake bed in Nevada & my next one will be in a beautiful private area at the Bellagio casino in vegas, I have plans to shoot them abroad as well. I'm just trying to make it as engaging as possible, as the fear of "no one wants to listen to me talk about myself" is real.
To be honest i'd love any advice from anyone with experience building a community and doing life updates.
submitted by CaregiverUsual4127 to PartneredYoutube [link] [comments]
