2016-09-22 1一12月份英文缩写 2103 2019-02-14 1~12月的英文缩写分别是什么 228 2011-06-09 1至12月份的英语单词的缩写 3855 2014-08-05 一月到十二月的全部月份英语缩写分别是什么? 108 2013-11-21 1一12月的英语简写是什么? 346 2021-03-03 1一12月份的英文缩写是什么? 1 1、输入数字,例如“22”。 2、用鼠标左键全部选中数字“22”。 3、点击:开始——字体——带圈字符。 4、在弹出的对话框中选择圈号“ ”,由于数字占空间较大,要选择“增大号圈”,然后点击“确定”。 5、得到一个带号圈的“22”。 2024年12月份:日历天数31天,工作日是22天,计薪日:22天,法定日:0天,休息日9天 以上就是关于2024年每月应出勤天数表分享,大家可以了解下,更多的有关2024年每月工作日天数及加班工资计算关注本站分享。 Windows有个bug,有些时候硬件驱动已经更到最新版,而Windows更新本来就支持更新驱动,但是有时会错误地"更新"到之前备份的旧版本,然而已安装新版驱动的情况下无法直接降级,所以就会报图片中0x80070103错误。 - 2024年12月份:共有31天,其中工作日为22天,休息日为9天。 以上是2024年各月份工作日天数的详细统计,希望能帮助大家更好地规划工作和休息时间。 更多相关信息,请关注本站的分享。 行李箱的尺寸有16寸、18寸、20寸、22寸、24寸、26寸、28寸和32寸,他们的尺寸是通过测量箱体外轮廓长宽高三边的直线计算的,一般说行李箱的尺寸是指行李箱的长边的尺寸,常见的尺寸是20寸,它的长宽高三边之和加起来一般是115cm,可以登机,如果超过115cm就需要办理托运手续,但是不同品牌的 ... 纸的大小:全开、4开、8开、16开、32开,多大?纸的大小如下:开数:单位(mm)全开: 781×10864开:520 x 368 8开:368 x 260 16开:260 x 18432开:184 x 130开本指书刊幅面的规格大小,即一张全开的印刷用纸裁切 身份证、体检表等多采用小一寸22×32mm,第二代身份证26mm×32mm,普通一寸相则25mm×35mm。护照旅行证件的相片标准相片尺寸:48mm×33mm,头部宽度为21mm~24mm,头部长度为28mm~33mm)。 所以:22英寸显示器的对角线长度为=55.88cm。图片高宽仅供参考↙. 24寸显示器的对角线长度为=60.69cm。 26寸显示器的对角线长度为=66.04cm。 27寸寸显示器的对角线长度为=68.58cm。 基本常识:显示屏的实际长高没有定论(视屏幕设计而定)。 钢筋直径是8的每米重0.395Kg;钢筋直径是10的每米重0.617Kg;钢筋直径是12的每米重0.888Kg;钢筋直径是16的每米重1.58Kg;钢筋直径是18的每米重2.0Kg;钢筋直径是20的每米重2.47Kg;钢筋直径是22的每米重2.98Kg;钢筋直径是25的每米重3.85Kg。
2025.01.22 13:11 Brief_Refuse_8900 22 Jan 24 - daily
submitted by Brief_Refuse_8900 to streetparking [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:11 DagothNereviar MyVodafone app makes it seem like you've used lots of data, presumably to trick you into buying more
submitted by DagothNereviar to softwaregore [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:11 Ultrafastegorik Hi yall, i would like to invite you to our small server! Forever Realm is a Java Minecraft survival server looking to add to our community! We are starting right now, on Minecraft 1.21.4! The server is in Ukraine and has Hermitcraft datapacks.
We ask that you be at least 14. This server is LTGBQ+ friendly. We are an active community with vibrant personalities from across the world! We encourage you to play with friends and family. Our core rules are pretty straight forward: No griefing. No stealing. No duplicating items, utilizing cheats, hacked clients, x-raying, or anything else that can give you an advantage that other players do not have. TNT entity duplication is allowed for the purposes of limited perimeter clearing, and in blast chambers for farms. World eaters are not allowed. No non-consensual PvP. PvP that has been agreed to beforehand is allowed. Language Policy - No swearing, no offensive, homophobic, sexist, racist, etc. statements. Do not harass other users. This is a family friendly server; several players have their children or young siblings play with them so please watch your language. Do not spam the chat. Joining the server Discord is required so you can see announcements. If you’re interested, great! We have a short application we would like you to fill out. It's nothing too expansive, but it is the only way for us to get to know you, so please fill it out. In the meantime join our discord and chat us up. We would be happy to answer any questions you might have.
submitted by Ultrafastegorik to MinecraftBuddies [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:11 throwthere10 I just bought a Track Fetch 2+ about a month ago and haven't written it much due to the break. I am however noticing that there is a somewhat infrequent granular feeling in the pedal when I ride. See more below...
The best way I can describe it is the feeling that you get in a car with ABS brakes when you hit the brakes a bit too hard. It's that granular feeling that gets transmitted to your foot through the brake pedal. I took it for a check-up at the bike shop where I purchased it and the tech said it is the feeling of the engine being broken in or something to that degree. I am unsure if I am happy with this explanation because I did a Test Ride on their in-store model before purchasing it and it didn't feel this way so I am concerned and wanted to know if anyone else is having, or had had, this experience as well. This is too much of a big purchase for it to be feeling weird right out the gate.
submitted by throwthere10 to TrekFetch [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:11 Neither-Situation597 Dana do you really know what consent is?
I know the abuse that surrounds Dana is obvious but sister, you asked, people answered and you’re still not giving a fuck and doing whatever the fuck you want as always. I’m getting close to blocking Dana because this entire thing is making me sad and angry for TH. Also, I mentioned Crystal being married in the other post and my point was: she’s ok with that gross ass husband of here having her address to send TH stuff? That’s disgusting. Can’t wait for CPS to be involved submitted by Neither-Situation597 to itssinnabunnysnark [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:11 Glittering_Echo6680 LF Capitol Clay
Let’s make a deal! submitted by Glittering_Echo6680 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:11 Delicious-Rub-43 Another day ended
submitted by Delicious-Rub-43 to ITookAPicturePH [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:11 Admirable_Raisin4231 Captain Watkins this week?
Do you think this is viable? Support Palace and West Ham were woeful against us
submitted by Admirable_Raisin4231 to fantasypremierleague [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:11 dialupdollars Mirrors stopped being made with silver in the 1940:s because...
Big Vampire. The problem was never the reflective surface but the silver-content. I'd wager that 80-85% of people working the night shift are actually vampires but you'd never notice since we have all these modern Pro-Vampire mirrors now.
submitted by dialupdollars to LowStakesConspiracies [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:11 RohanHordern Got the new Click Figs Buzz figure at EB Games lately!
submitted by RohanHordern to toystory [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:11 dqthai PlayStation Store Indonesia issue
I don't know why recent sales on playstation store is not applicable for Indonesia store. Does anyone know the reason for this?
Thank you
Reference link: https://blog.playstation.com/2025/01/20/20240121-lny/
submitted by dqthai to PlayStationPlus [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:11 Used-Scholar-4629 Wieviel RH Darf Grovebag/Glas Maximal haben?
Wenn man bedenkt das Curing bei zu trockenen Blüten fast nicht mehr möglich ist, halte ich es für sinnvoller sie lieber etwas feuchter ins Glas zu werfen. Aber wie feucht ist zu feucht? Wenn ich Grovebags nicht burpe wäre es evtl sinnvoller sie erst ins glas zu stellen um die bessere kontrolle der RH (mittels burpen) zu haben.
Wie seht ihr das? Zu feuchte blüten erst ins Glas oder rein in die Grovebags?
submitted by Used-Scholar-4629 to Canbau [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:11 Helpful-Yam-1918 Is it wrong to want to go over each others house
Hi everyone,
I’ve been dating my girlfriend for about 8 months now, everything is good. Over the past couple months I’ve asked a lot for us to spend some time together over at each others houses. She told me early on she’s never had any guys over her house and has made it quite clear that I most likely will never be able to set foot into her house. Keep in mind that im always the one to pick her up by car and every time i do, I pull up and wait as she walks outside and goes into the car. It’s been quite long and ive never even seen what the inside of her house looks like from the front door. Even when we are right at her house and ive really needed to use the bathroom i go to the Mcdonald down the road rather than inside her house. Do you guys think this is a bit unusual?
Now I’ve asked her a couple times to spend some time at my place. In total she’s come over 3 times since we got together. I had the idea that things were great every time, we would eat, watch movies, cuddle, and just have a good comforting time together. But it just seems that every time I ask she makes it out to be so weird and ends up saying no. I’ve told her it makes me happy when she does because I am a bit of a homebody and enjoy spending some downtime apart from going out all the time whenever we see each other. I asked her why she doesn’t like to and she came to tell me “I don’t like going over guys house” which made me a bit upset because I’m not just some “guy” then she told me “I only go over because it makes you happy”. This made me really upset because yes it does make me happy but she’s making it out as if it’s just a chore for her. After some further discussion she came to tell me she would always be over at her exes house doing nothing and that’s why she doesn’t like to. I can kinda understand this as the last guy was an asshole who never took her out on dates he didn’t even have a car nor a license. But I take her out so much we spend A LOT of time together and it’s always me driving everywhere paying for everything and pretty much every second together we are out doing something. This is the main reason why sometimes I just want to relax indoors and have some downtime together but she seems to take it weirdly. Also keep in mind that I’m not asking her to come over just so we can have sex that is not my intention whatsoever, we only had sex one time out of the 3 times she has come over which we both were in the mood at the time. Other times she came over it was wholesome and comfortable.
Am I wrong to want to spend some time together at home rather than being out and about every time we see each other?
submitted by Helpful-Yam-1918 to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:11 MartinusJoseph lost AirPods
university suddenly becomes a lot less tolerable when you lose your AirPods
submitted by MartinusJoseph to geegees [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:11 zulutune What website do you use to explore and discover new (and old) watches?
I want to buy a watch and I’m a bit overwhelmed by the amount of available models. Currently not in the situation to start a collection, so I want to be sure that I get the best watch for my money.
Is there some kind of website or anything else you use to discoveexplore new/old models?
submitted by zulutune to Watches [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:11 AdBackground4028 Privat Insolvenz?
Hallo zusammen,
Ich weiß nicht weiter daher wollte ich mal als letzten Ausweg oder Tipp Schwarmintelligenz nutzen und poste hier. Zu mir ich bin (W)27 und habe 1 Kind das andere ist auf dem Weg und einen Mann (30). Wir stecken bis zum Hals in Schulden wir hatten einen laufenden Kredit (den mein Mann mit in die Beziehung gebracht hat, zwecks exfreundin etc) und haben diesen vor 2 Jahren aufgestockt und uns bei der Hochzeit dezent verschätzt. Anstelle von dem Puffer von 10.000 der über bleiben sollte ist nichts über geblieben. Dann waren wir so schlau und haben viele andere Dinge und Möbel und allen Kram für die Kleine auf Rechnung gekauft. Ich habe nie wirklich einen Überblick über die Finanzen gehabt und alles meinem Mann über lassen. Ich hab davon keine Ahnung und er auch nicht wie man sieht. Ich habe mit der Bank gesprochen und wir haben einen Termin ausgemacht um die Konten aus dem Minus zu holen. Was soll ich sagen ich bin einfach dumm .. und komplett überfordert. Ich habe schon an illegales Geld gedacht da ich mit arbeiten nicht wirklich weiter komme. Mein Mann ist in Elternzeit und bekommt nur 66% Gehalt. Es reicht vorne und hinten nicht aus ich habe seit Anfang des Monats kein Geld um das Auto zu tanken und laufe die nächste Woche zu Fuß zur Arbeit. (Ist nicht ganz so schlimm sind ca 50min Fuß weg) Habe überlegt mir den Finger "ausversehen" auf der Arbeit abzu schneiden damit ich zusätzliche behinderten Rente bekomme. Aber wenn ich da erwischt werde oder irgendwas falsch läuft verliere ich den Job. Könnt ihr mir helfen was ich tuen kann ? Ich möchte eigentlich nicht betrügen oder klauen aber ich bin echt am Ende. Ich dachte wir packen das aber irgendwie geht's nicht weiter kein Hoch kein zurück. Das schlimme war als er mich konfrontiert hat und mir sagte das wir Mahnung über Mahnung bekommen weil wir keine Rechnungen bezahlt haben hier ne volle Kreditkarte da eine volle Kreditkarte hier ne Rechnung da ne Rechnung kurz zur Mathematik damit ihr wisst wieso ich so rumheule. Alter Kredit 22.000 Neuer Kredit Hochzeit ca 60.000 Neue Aufstockung von der Bank damit alle Konten aus dem Minus kommen und Mahnungen weg sind 27.000 Macht an Kredit 94.000 Da aber Versicherungen und Zinsen drauf sind müssen wir insgesamt 154.000€ zurück zahlen. Das ganze geht noch 11 Jahre. Wir haben nicht mal Eigentum kein Haus keine Wohnung nicht mal gute Autos. Ich verdiene aktuell 2100€ und mein Mann bekommt 1300€. Am Anfang des Monats ist das Geld schon weg meist. Wir zahlen alleine für die Kredite 1.400€ im Monat mit essen und handy Verträge und ein paar zahlungs Verträgen etc. Haben wir 420€ für essen trinken Sprit über und das reicht nicht zu mal auch Energie Lieferant nächsten Monat 160€ zurück gezahlt haben möchte. Ich will nicht dran denken wenn über nächsten Monat die Auto Versicherung dran ist. Habt ihr Ideen ? Ist der Weg nicht so aussichtslos wie ich denke ? Glaubt ihr eine privat Insolvenz wäre besser geeignet ? Einfach 3 Jahre in den sauren Apfel beißen (macht zu jetzt auch keinen Unterschied) und dann Schulden frei sein? Erwarten mich nach der Insolvenz Nachteile gibt es etwas was ich wissen sollte ? Danke fürs lesen Und danke im vorraus.
submitted by AdBackground4028 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:11 Content_House3788 17M does anybody know how to pull the lower jaw forward? with or without surgery ( preferably without surgery)
submitted by Content_House3788 to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:11 Schmad23 MLB 24 and the issues
I didn’t get to play 24 much after season 1. I completed the POTM but that’s about it. Came back at Christmas break when I had some spare time and didn’t see anything majorly wrong with it. But whenever I watched content creators, they were just dunking on it saying it was the worst since 18 (that game can rot in hell). What’d I miss during the summer and fall that made it so bad??
submitted by Schmad23 to MLBTheShow [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:11 Yz6xi Defence Deoxys rn 628303956580
submitted by Yz6xi to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:11 Chad_muffdiver Some info on why bows are always a bad idea
I see a lot of people mentioning bows. I have 20 years plus of experience shooting bows. I now hunt multiple animals and I target shoot. I have also taught people to shoot. Allow me to explain why bows are always a terrible idea for a weapon choice.
First off, bows versus crossbows. Crossbows CAN be a very very slight exception but not all of them and the exception really only disregards two aspects that will hinder the usage of a bow and arrow.
Bows are a difficult to shoot: It takes an obscene amount of practice to be proficient with a bow. Even more with the traditional styles of bows most people post about. Compound bows take a little less practice but not enough less to really matter. Not only do you have to be proficient to shoot accurately, you have to be proficient to shoot at all. A bow that can kill a zombie really needs to have an overly high draw weight in order to penetrate a skull. The muscles it takes to draw that bow are not ones most people build up. I have seen guys way bigger than me who can’t draw my bows. Women also do not have the same muscle structure as men and require even more muscle training to draw the same weight. Boobs also drastically damper the ability to shoot a bow. If they are small enough to be wrapped or smashed down it can help, but women with a particularly large bust will never be able to properly shoot a bow. Women always using bows in movies is pure Hollywood.
Bows have a very short range: I hunt with a 75 pound recurve bow. That’s pretty heavy but on the lighter side for a bow you would need for a zombie. For deer I will shoot out to about 60 yards or so. I could probably take a deer further but I’m starting to push limits. Zombies shorten that distance because you aren’t penetrating tissue, your penetrating bone. On that note…
Arrows can’t be reused: At least not like people think. First off, razor tips have to be sharpened every so often or they don’t work as well. I find this to be around 5 or 6 shots. But the biggest issue for zombies is that, when arrows hit large bones, they typically just shatter. Given that you will be hitting bone every single time you won’t be reusing many arrows. This is however an area where crossbows could work. Crossbows don’t shoot arrows. They shoot bolts. SOME crossbows utilize heavier shorter bolts which would be a little less likely to shatter. They still can and will though, just maybe less often.
Bows are slow: They are. Even if you are proficient they are still much slower than really any gun except maybe a single shot. Crossbows are even slower. And with either one you can carry a lot less ammo.
Bows are tiring: My usual quiver holds 12 arrows. If I was to just shoot them all one after the other I would be really tired. And as I go on my accuracy will suffer drastically. I am drawing a lot of weight back and holding it to aim. It’s no different than lifting weights at the gym. Lift a heavy weight over and over and you start to shake a little.
Bows are fitted: Nobody ever mentions this but bows are not one size fits all. They are specific to draw length. Especially compound bows. Trad bows have some leeway, but are still meant for a certain weight at a certain length of draw. Not every bow will be a good fit and this affects power and accuracy.
Last but not least, bows are dangerous: Heavy draw weights especially. Arrows can split and pop back at you. They can shatter if the arrow is rated for the draw weight and pierce your hand. The bow itself can snap if not cared for and can smack you. String slap is exceptionally common for newbies and, on a heavy weight bow, can strip the skin completely off your forearm. Bows are arguably more likely to hurt the user than the target for a newbie.
In the end bows are better than having to get close, but unless you know what you are doing you honestly would likely be better off beating zombies with a brick.
submitted by Chad_muffdiver to ZombieSurvivalTactics [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:11 Virtus-a Rusya neden Ukrayna'nın bileğini bükemiyor?
Savaş halen devam ediyor ama Rusya hiç ilerleme kaydedemiyor gibi görünüyor. Konuya hakim birileri varsa açıklayabilir mi durumu? submitted by Virtus-a to vlandiya [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:11 lovely_snowflake Orca has joined the fam! Which do you steal?
Can you tell I like aquatic mammals? I keep all three whales on the bed for epic cuddles. 10/10 would recommend
submitted by lovely_snowflake to Jellycatplush [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:11 No-Education1196 Purdue transfer TE Tayvion Galloway has committed to Middle Tennessee State
submitted by No-Education1196 to intothetransferportal [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:11 shun_kurenai Who wins in a death match?
Aaarruuummiiggthoooo VS the biggest hater of all time (kamen rider kaixa) submitted by shun_kurenai to powerscales [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:11 Puzzleheaded_Sock630 Не знаю чи так можна, але потрібна хелов
Всім привіт! Не знаю чи так можна, але хотів би попросити людей, які мають твіч акаунт підписатись на мій канал. Починаю робити якийсь контент в дуже потрібна підтримка, тому якщо не тяжко, то ласкаво прошу. Навіть не обовʼязково бути присутнім, буде достатньо підписки.
https://twitch.tv/evilbobul (лінк безпечний)
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Sock630 to reddit_ukr [link] [comments]