crosspost to my profile 22/1/2025 12:48:54

2025.01.22 12:49 android_tests_pac crosspost to my profile 22/1/2025 12:48:54

submitted by android_tests_pac to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 clo-king Approved creatives for Facebook ads | Crypto, Nutra, Gambling, Adult, Replica

Approved creatives for Facebook ads | Crypto, Nutra, Gambling, Adult, Replica Hello! I'm going to share some creatives that have been approved by Facebook for different offers, whether it's crypto, NUTRA, gambling, adult or your Replica store.
  • How Richard Branson is Helping UK Residents Become Rich
  • Richard Branson is Helping More People Gain Financial Freedom
  • What is Elon Musk's Newest Investment?
  • Does Elon Musk Really Want to Help Ordinary People Become Rich?
NUTRA: Titles:
  • How can this method burn fat so quickly? "Weight loss"
  • It is not the fastest way to lose weight, but it is the best. "lose weight"
  • Get Relaxed in Just Five Minutes! "CBD"
  • CBD creatives:
  • Weight Loss:
Gambling: Titles:
  • Play and win? This is something that can be done now.
  • Fun is not profitable! Who said that?
  • Did you know that people spend their time playing games to win money?
Adult: Titles:
  • Do you want to know the secret of happiness between the two partners?
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  • This way you will be able to satisfy your wife
Replica Store: Titles:
  • Shop factory-direct and never pay insane resale prices again!
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  • Always made with sourced retail materials
submitted by clo-king to facebook [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 depcoff Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet submitted by depcoff to Braless_Celebs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 Big-Sheepherder-9492 Bro got rejected and threatened to kill her husband.. he just like me fr

Bro got rejected and threatened to kill her husband.. he just like me fr submitted by Big-Sheepherder-9492 to okbuddycinephile [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 foodlover9891 Amyra Dastur

Amyra Dastur submitted by foodlover9891 to IndianCelebBooties [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 HasNoGreeting A farming game where you only have one crop, but it's a matter of life and death

Also unsolved: A young man and a big dog go on a journey that forces him to accept his role in society
submitted by HasNoGreeting to ExplainAGamePlotBadly [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 segeur Dark Enlightenment et accelerationnisme

La récente investiture de Donald Trump a donner lieu à un dossier de Grand Continent sur « Les sources intellectuelles d’une révolution culturelle ». L’emphase y est mis sur la galaxie d’intellectuels réactionnaires de la Silicon Valley dont je retrace brièvement les liens que j’ai compris.
I. Nick Land
Aux sources on trouve le théoricien anglais Nick Land qui a théorisé « l’accelerationnisme » et l’hypothèse d’une singularité techno-capitaliste. Il a fondé le CCRU a l’université de Warwick et se trouve influencé massivement par Deleuze et Guattari.
Brièvement parlant, là ou Deleuze et Guattari théorisent une forme d’accélérationnisme dans une perspective d’émancipation (les fameuses « lignes de fuite », « la déterritorialisation », « le devenir »), Nick Land pousse cette idée à travers la technologie et le capitalisme.
On peut trouver assez nettement une racine à ce mouvement dans un article de Guattari « Du postmoderne au postmedia » où il appel à une « réappropriation concertée des technologies communicationnelles et informatiques […] appelée à prendre le relais (avec une efficacité sans commune mesure) des groupes minoritaires qui sont les seuls, encore aujourd’hui, à avoir pris clairement conscience du risque mortel pour l’humanité de questions telles que :

Le dernier point « la pollution mass-médiatique de la subjectivité collective » est particulièrement important et visionnaire, on le trouve également développé par Guattari dans « Trois écologies ».
Nick Land prend acte de cette perspective accelerationniste. Il virera, dans la seconde partie de sa vie, vers l’extrême droite et théorisera, après son départ du CCRU, le mouvement des « Dark Enlightenment » (voir le "manifeste" de Nick Land) dans le cadre d'une influence réciproque avec Curtis Yavin. Toujours dans une perspective accélerationniste, Land quitte alors totalement le projet d’émancipation qui constitue ses principales sources intellectuelles. L’accelerationnisme de Guattari/Deleuze devient, chez Land, un projet intellectuel d’extrême-droite.
II. Les héritiers du « second » Nick Land
La pensée de Land, assez érudite, anglophone, et qui approfondie de manière assez visionnaire l’imaginaire de la tech et du capitalisme trouvera un écho important dans la Sillicon Valley.
Un auteur en particulier, Curtis Yarvin, prolongera ses idées et les importera dans la Sillicon Valley. On l'a dit cette auteur a notoirement influencé le virage vers l'extrême-droite de Nick Land et se trouve abondamment cité dans le "manifeste des Dark Enlightenment" de Nick Land. Profondément misogyne, raciste, eugéniste, Yarvin prone, justifié par "l'efficacité", la dictature sur le modèle de l'entrepreneur. Sa récente interview au New York Times, traduite dans le dossier de Grand Continent, est éloquente. Yarvin se rapprochera de Peter Thiel, qui financera sa start-up. Peter Thiel, qui a lancé Paypal avec Musk et investi au lancement de Facebook, se présentait dès les années 1990 comme un pseudo-intellectuel réactionnaire et a écrit un ouvrage sur « Le Mythe de la Diversité ».
Thiel a, en quelque sorte, fait le « pont » entre les idées de Yarvin et les grands entrepreneurs de la Sillicon Valley : Zuckerberg (qui se construit un complexe autonome à Hawaï), Bezos, Musk (qui ont des projets de communauté spatiale), Andreessen (récent auteur d'un manifeste "techno-optimiste"), … Tous ces projets assez délirant, s'insèrent parfaitement dans l'idéologie de Land et son accelerationnisme.
III. L’influence de cette doctrine sur le parti républicain
Thiel, n’a pas seulement fédéré les grands entrepreneurs de la Sillicon Valley, il a également opéré le rapprochement avec le parti républicain.
Le collister de Trump, J. D. Vance, a vu sa carrière lancée dans une entreprise de Thiel qui a financé son entrée récente en politique. Vance cite directement Curtis Yarvin comme influence.
Les héritiers de la Sillicon Valley et au parti républicain des « Dark Enlightenment » ne sont pas très consistants. Par contre, Nick Land est quant à lui un intellectuel beaucoup plus sérieux. Visionnaire à maints égards, il a cependant totalement subvertie la pensée de Deleuze et Guattari. Au regard de l’influence qu’on acquis ses idées quand les plus grandes fortunes de la planète et le vice-président de la première puissance mondiale y souscrivent, je pense qu’il est important de les approfondir.
De la deux questions que tout cela me pose :
-Connaissez-vous ces auteurs ? Qu’en pensez-vous ? Qu’est ce que tout cela inspire ?
-Que dire de cette trajectoire ? La pensée de Deleuze et Guattari, a visée émancipatrice, peut-elle permettre de combattre ce qui apparaît comme sa subversion ?
Le parallèle avec Hobbes ou Nietzsche me semblent également intéressant. Penseurs radicaux, subversifs, incompris par leurs contemporains, ils sont a la sources des grandes analyse philosophiques des plus grandes transformations sociales. Ils sont tout deux été utilisés par la pensée radicale de gauche comme de droite.
submitted by segeur to philosophie [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 atmaninravi The ultimate goal of Samsara in Hinduism, and how can a soul escape it

The ultimate goal for a human being living in Samsara, this material world, this world of birth, death and rebirth, is what is known as Moksha, liberation, Nirvana, salvation. To achieve this goal, a Soul does not have to escape it. The Soul or the Atman is a Spark Of Unique Life. It is a manifestation of the Divine. A human being living in Samsara must realize, ‘I am not the body, mind, ego, I am the Divine Soul.’ Such a being should be free from Karma, and then when the body dies, the mind and ego will cease to exist, and the Soul will become one with the supreme. This is the ultimate goal, for us to return to our source.
submitted by atmaninravi to hinduism [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 johnnox_ Labor plans to reverse privatisation of WA’s freight rail network, but won’t reveal how much it will pay

Labor is planning to reverse the “reckless” privatisation of WA’s freight rail network more than two decades ago, but is refusing to reveal how much it is willing to pay for it.
It was sold for $586 million by the Court Government in 2000, but WA taxpayers are likely to be on the hook for much more under the audacious plan to be announced by Premier Roger Cook and Transport Minister Rita Saffioti on Thursday.
Ms Saffioti said the 49-year lease had resulted in a run-down rail network that had failed to keep up with growing demand to transport record volumes of grain and minerals, that has instead been forced onto the roads.
“It was a reckless decision by the Liberal Government to privatise the freight rail in 2000, and the reality is the deal has not stood the test of time,” she said.
“Rail is critical to a more efficient freight network and it also means less trucks on roads, which is something local communities are always calling for.”
Ms Saffioti wouldn’t put a cap on how much Labor’s willing to pay, ahead of negotiations to abort Arc Infrastructure’s lease, which has 24 years left to run.
“This is not an easy process, but necessary to support future job creation and the ongoing prosperity of our State,” Ms Saffioti said.
A report by WA’s auditor general in 2013 found the lease arrangement “largely worked” but warned the buyer’s promise to invest $400 million was not incorporated in the lease and that certain lines in the Wheatbelt would likely be mothballed.
They are part of WA’s “Tier 3” rail lines, all of which were closed in 2014.
Farmers slammed the closures as “trucking hell” due to an extra 30,000 truck trips on country roads each year.
Main Roads WA blamed the closure of rail lines for the “rapid deterioration” of Geraldton-Mt Magnet Road and lithium producers have said that no rail option in the South West has caused truck congestion and slowed mine expansion plans.
A report commissioned by the Government in 2020 said it would cost $1.09 billion to repair, upgrade and reopen all 509km of the Tier 3 lines.
But the Government has repeatedly refused to release the results of a recommissioning study that was completed in May 2023.
In November, former Minister Bill Johnston told Parliament “we cannot get them back”.
“Even though the private owner does not use those rail lines, we cannot use them ourselves. They get no income from them, but we cannot use them either. That is how bizarre and terrible that deal was,” he said.
The West Australian can reveal the Cook Government has now written to Arc Infrastructure to commence purchase negotiations but said a final decision will be made only “if it is economically and financially responsible”.
Under current arrangements the Government said it has “little capacity” to support industries that rely on rail but vowed that public control would result in upgrading tracks and improved frequency and journey times for regional passenger rail services, as well as industry.
“The demands on the State’s freight rail network have grown significantly and we want to make sure we’re moving as much by rail to and from our ports as possible,” Mr Cook said.
“This is all about supporting our plans to diversify our economy, unlock future local jobs and retain WA’s economy as the strongest for future generations.
“Supporting the growth of our critical industries is a key priority for our Government and bringing freight rail back into public hands is a key way we can do that.”
Jessica Page / The West Australian | Labor plans to reverse privatisation of WA's freight rail network, but won't reveal how much it will pay
submitted by johnnox_ to perth [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 Jcuz15 What are some sweet/fruity cocktails I could make?

What are some sweet/fruity cocktails I could make? I like sweet and fruity cocktails. Looking for suggestions on what I can make with what I’ve got, or any recommendations in general.
submitted by Jcuz15 to cocktails [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 ninegagz Midjourney Retexture [2]

Midjourney Retexture [2] submitted by ninegagz to midjourney [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 mailbox_full What’s your upper limit regarding dividend yield percentage? What’s the highest you’ll accept as safe?

I try to
submitted by mailbox_full to dividends [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 NadimAP Meirl

Meirl submitted by NadimAP to meirl [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 440Presents Need male voice actor

Hello. I'm doing animations and have YT channel. I need male voice actor for 3-4 minute script. More info PM.
submitted by 440Presents to RecordThisForFree [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 Remarkable_Seat7282 Join us! Need 2 more people for the club. Plenty of rewards left to get! 😃 Club ID: dDPBG8hBUI

Join us! Need 2 more people for the club. Plenty of rewards left to get! 😃 Club ID: dDPBG8hBUI submitted by Remarkable_Seat7282 to eatventureofficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 Great_Ad_1993 SALARY

helloo, magkano usually basic salary ng mga nag wowork sa bank here saatin? like sa mga bpi, metrobank, bdo, and etc. hehe curious lang thank uu ! 💗
submitted by Great_Ad_1993 to zamboanga [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 Financial-Article-12 Lightweight web scraping with ollama

Hi LocalLLaMA people,
It’s been almost 6 months since I’ve shared my lightweight library for easy web scraping. Today, I want to share some updates, starting with the fact that Parsera now officially supports Ollama!
Some notable changes include:

Check it out on GitHub:
P. S. We are now using Parsera as the foundation for our upcoming Scraping Agent, so hope I’ll share something exciting soon.
submitted by Financial-Article-12 to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 soggybread2537 Defense deoxys with 2 people add 861722553302

submitted by soggybread2537 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 Ich1goKurosak1 How many arcs are there officially?

Ive heard from 17 to 5 arcs, how many arcs are officially categorized as separate arcs? In my opinion i think its 5:
1-substitute shinigami 2-soul society 3-arrancar arc 4-fullbring arc 5-TYBW arc
submitted by Ich1goKurosak1 to bleach [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 dreambringer6 Simone biles

Simone biles submitted by dreambringer6 to sweaterbullets [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 meowmeow071 nude 🤍

nude 🤍 submitted by meowmeow071 to Nails [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 NecessaryPractical87 Guess I was not crazy after all. Sidestepping does suck.

I've been getting clipped with so many moves since the release of the game. It breaks my brain and absolutely tilts me. I have learned however is that there's certain times where u can't sidestep. But the issue is that those times r usually most of the times. The only time I feel like sidestepping is viable is when it's completely neutral or if you r plus. Also u can't sidestep during strings. If you are on the defensive then u mostly just have to take the guess.
submitted by NecessaryPractical87 to Tekken [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 BigBumblebee2030 Gatekeeping so hard my favorite artist is still driving an auto.

Gatekeeping so hard my favorite artist is still driving an auto. submitted by BigBumblebee2030 to indieheadscirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 ChasKy53 About Trump's Tariffs, He Didn't Do It His First Day, As Promised

Trump had pledged to impose 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico on his first day as president.
Jan. 22, 2025, 4:00 AM CST By Peter Nicholas and Katherine Doyle
WASHINGTON — Amid the whirl of orders Donald Trump issued in the early hours of his presidency, one was conspicuous in its absence: new tariffs on Canada and Mexico.
Trump had pledged to impose 25% tariffs on both countries on Day One of his presidency to pressure them to keep migrants and drugs out of the United States.
The delay doesn’t mean Trump is backing off the tariffs, his advisers say, but it does suggest he’s carving out more time to negotiate with both countries, study the issue further and put in place top economic advisers who are still moving through the Senate confirmation gauntlet.
Asked about the timing of the tariffs, Trump told reporters Monday night, “I think we’ll do it Feb. 1.” He reiterated that timeline Tuesday in taking questions again from the media, and said China could also be subject to a 10% tariff starting Feb. 1.
Here's why Trump didn't move forward with tariffs on Day 1
So, Trump is already waffling on the tariff for China, now saying 10% perhaps, instead of 25%. Another interesting statement is that the tariffs will raise money for his tax cuts. One thing he fails to tell us is that the money raised from the tariffs will come out of the American consumers' pockets from the higher prices of goods and services because of the tariffs. This is simply more of the same from the Right, another way of moving money out of the pockets of the 90%, going into the pockets of America's richest. Higher prices for the American consumer, money coming from their pockets to give tax cuts for the rich. All those supporting trump have fell for the same old crap again. Your thoughts?
submitted by ChasKy53 to Bluewave_facts [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 12:49 Bubbly-Pen4456 Todo mundo reclama que os jovens hoje em dia não querem trabalhar, mas em compensação, absolutamente TUDO hoje me dia precisa ter experiência.........

Acho isso ridículo, reclamam dizendo que não tem gente pra trabalhar, mas quando a pessoa aparece disposta e muito competente para a vaga: "A desculpa, infelizmente você não tem experiência para trabalha com a gente".
Claro que estou falando de empregos simples ou "informais"; Atendente, balconista, recepcionista, confecção de roupas, açougueiro, limpador de peças, etc.
Nem que a pessoa precisasse de um treinamento antes de atuar na área, como açougueiro por exemplo, aprender os cortes das carnes e tudo mais.........................
submitted by Bubbly-Pen4456 to conversasserias [link] [comments]