2025.01.22 13:54 MadeScorpion862 Petah(NSFW just in case)
submitted by MadeScorpion862 to PeterExplainsTheJoke [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 Reasonable-Ad6413 AITA for not thinking this ‘80 Celica GT 5 speed is worth 6k? I was thinking like more like 4k or maybe $4500 (I feel that’s a stretch). Also have to look at how hard parts are to find. Maybe I’m just ignorant (check description below).
submitted by Reasonable-Ad6413 to projectcar [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 SeriesSignificant344 I need help. My 1 tb ssd doesn’t work on my ps5.
submitted by SeriesSignificant344 to PS5HelpSupport [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 HerrKetema I am struggling with friends having lifestyle inflation.
I am 24 and my girlfriend is 22, I rent an ex council 2 bed not far from the city I work in for £750 a month. I split bills and by the end of it my personal bills (food shop included) is around 800-900. I dont buy a lot of random shit and try to be frugal but I am constantly asked to come out or to go on holidays or events. I often say no and get met with "you are always skint". I am on around 1750 a month and I am studying to get a better job in my free time, I am in an entry level role. My Girlfriend is great but her idea with money is at odds with mine. Its always randomly I find shes off to barca with a best friend. Its getting to where I am stressed about going on a holiday if its going to cost 1000+ as thats is 5 months of saving a third of my wage. All my pals live at home, I dont get that option. They can spend on luxuries and save more than me and I am starting to get the representation of always being skint. It heightens any stress I have with money. I hate having conversations with my partner about it cause I dont want to tell her what to do and I dont want to come across like a loser. Ive worked hard to get a job that has a promising future but it will be a while before it blossoms. I will one day maybe be able to get a loan from my parents for a house deposit but it will probably match what I have so the longer I wait the worse it will be because house prices are rising. Was it always this hard? Im fucked
submitted by HerrKetema to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 Gourmetanniemack Make it Your Own
Red Bean and Rice - Take the recipe and adjust to what you have in your kitchen. No sausage, but I do have a smoked turkey leg. I thought I needed more juice, so what is wrong with adding 1/2 beer?? Cook it down a bit. Looking forested to tonight’s dinner!
submitted by Gourmetanniemack to cookingtonight [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 Elliot_Geltz You asked for is dude...
submitted by Elliot_Geltz to TeamFourStar [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 Hushkins224 A Hypothetical Ender 3 Build vs P1S. Need Your Thoughts!
So I currently have a Bambulab P1S and I'm loving it (besides the whole firmware thing that's happening now). I decided I'd buy a P1S since printing stuff and modifying printers could be completely separate hobbies to get into (I'd ease myself in). Before buying the printer, I was convinced I would buy an Ender 3 and modify it enough so that it was great. Now I'm really curious. Lets say I buy a used ender 3 for about $100 and I have $500 leftover for upgrades. Would it be possible to get it up to par with a P1S? Could you make it better? What specifically would you do to it? What features would you add? Curious what you guys think
submitted by Hushkins224 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 AutoModerator How to make money in share market
submitted by AutoModerator to Gackvel [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 FunctionAsUare4 Just finished squid games and it was phenomenal
I think I started ut on the 1st of January this year. Subbed of course. From the get go, I was highly entertained. Not for a second, was I anything but loving it.
The Gganbu episode just sealed it for me. That was the most emotional episode(and the best—at least for now) I've ever watched in any form of entertainment. The ending was good, and although I initially told myself I would wait a bit before starting the next season, I ended up starting season 2 the next day or so.
It was Great as well. Didn't exactly have the emotional attachment that to characters that season 1 did, but in terms of entertainment, it was just about the same. Thanos is really funny
The ending was good for me.
Despite what a lot of people say, I had no problem whatsoever with when the season ended. Obviously, I would prefer it went longer, but stopping the season there,I have no problem with. I can definitely wait and I realise that not everything the season started with needed to be finished before then(like character's development).
Season 1 was 10/10
Season 2: 8,5/10
Therefore,by calculation, I rate Squid game:9,2/10 Absolutely phenomenal. My favourite show so far except for One Piece(not live action).
submitted by FunctionAsUare4 to netflix [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 trapicalgoddess The Snow Queen❄️
If its snow or water Hattie Mae doesn’t want to come inside 🙄🤣😭 submitted by trapicalgoddess to goldenretrievers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:54 AngryMuffin5660 Is this a factory mess up?
I got this Storm doll from a collectors meet, she’s unopened but in a different characters box, any idea if this is rare?
submitted by AngryMuffin5660 to Collections [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 StraightDepartment64 Help
Im trying to sync my dexcom to my watch but I can't I have a Samsung fit 3
submitted by StraightDepartment64 to dexcom [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 Chuckled_ Tintin the streetheart can't get enough boops🐽❤️💗
Tintin aka chhoti gundi comes bounding when called and pretends to be your tail😏😌😬💗 submitted by Chuckled_ to Indiedogs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:54 Zealousideal_Sky5291 Looking for cas mumbai tickets
Need cas tickets like 3 or 4 GA front or back anything works
submitted by Zealousideal_Sky5291 to thane [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 ComprehensiveCable96 spam me and add to gc @aaron.ant
submitted by ComprehensiveCable96 to snapscore_boost [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 wildhare357 1🌟 trade
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/ztlVJw Ign Stevie D submitted by wildhare357 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:54 thamin_i Vol de vélo à Paris, mon expérience
Bonjour à tous les cyclistes,
Je voulais partager avec vous une mésaventure survenue hier soir pour souligner l'importance de toujours bien sécuriser son vélo...
Hier, alors que je jouais tranquillement à un jeu vidéo, mon téléphone vibre : alerte GPS de mon vélo à 23h55. Apparemment, il "tilt". Je me dis que c’est peut-être encore le vent, comme ça m'était déjà arrivé. Mais cette fois, le vélo bouge… et se retrouve dans la rue !
Je descends en panique: porte de l’immeuble grande ouverte, celle de la cour aussi, et mon vélo ? Disparu. Je regarde dans la rue, mais évidemment, plus rien. J'appelle la police pour signaler le vol. Problème: ma balise GPS ne donne pas de position en temps réel et je n'arrive pas à donner aux policiers une position assez récente. On me recommande donc juste d'aller faire ma déposition au commissariat dans la foulée ou même d'attendre le lendemain.
Pas question de baisser les bras : je pars vers la dernière localisation connue en espérant y trouver des témoins (on a toujours le droit de rêver) et là, miracle ! La balise émet à nouveau : mon vélo est en mouvement. Je rappelle donc la police, leur donne la nouvelle position et commence une traque nocturne.
Le voleur semble avoir pris le Tramway puis le RER avec mon vélo, ce qui l'éloigne très vite de mon domicile. Grâce à la balise, les policiers que j'ai toujours au téléphone retrouvent sa trace près d’une station de RER et le surprennent en flagrant délit vers 1h du matin, portant mon vélo dans la rue (le cadenas que j'y avais attaché entre la roue avant et le cadre toujours intact).
2025.01.22 13:54 Immediate_Fold_2079 Stress eating this week
Anyone else stress eating? Sheesh, this is a very long week and it’s just begun. Hoping to steer things back on track for the challenge.
submitted by Immediate_Fold_2079 to MacroFactor [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 PersonalityLatter995 Would you tickle?
submitted by PersonalityLatter995 to Ticklinggirls [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:54 ImTheNoobGuy WAP!
submitted by ImTheNoobGuy to TheFarSide [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 B0TINH0 Procuro aprovados na Poliii !!
Fala pessoal, sou diretor do Grêmio Politécnico. Se vc passou ou conhece alguem que passou na poli, manda dm! Tamo procurando os bixos pra recebê-los
Bem vindos à maior da América Latina !!! <3
submitted by B0TINH0 to USP [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 OkHealth7387 TAMU date change again
I went from under initial review on 11/27 to under subsequent review on 1/16 and now it’s just under review (as of 1/21). Does this mean anything?
submitted by OkHealth7387 to OutsideT14lawschools [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 Blowergone [URGENT] Weight requirements for UPSC Interview & Medical
Can anyone please tell me what are the weight requirements for the Medical test? Is there a separate BMI requirement for every weight range/is it just one (>35) for every weight group?
submitted by Blowergone to UPSC [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 goreslut9000 First apartment (trans and gay)
What should I add to move up from here? submitted by goreslut9000 to malelivingspace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:54 allureluustful test
submitted by allureluustful to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]