2025.01.22 13:54 Sharp-Asparagus3888 Jaká je dobrá elektronická cigareta?
Ahoj, chtěl jsem se zeptat, dlouho jsem kouřil elektronickou cigaretu GLO, byl jsem s tím hodně spokojený, je nějaká lepší varianta než glo? A pokud ano, na kolik by vyšli náplně?
submitted by Sharp-Asparagus3888 to czech [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 RB3Model Do you rename your ships, freighters and Multi-tools?
Generally speaking, no one but you can see those names, which is a shame. But still, I like to give that extra touch of personalization to my things, so I have been renaming all my non-unique (non-Expedition rewards) ships.
My freighter is a Sentinel max size capital ship, currently named S875.1 Warform (named after one of my favorite events in Stellaris). My main Multi-tool, I rather uncreatively named "Strahl Gewehr", just because I think German names sound cool. Been jockeying around names for my ships, with the exception of my current fighter which happens to be all red, and which I named (also rather uncreatively) "Crvena Zvezda", a name I have been consistently using for vehicles in games whenever I could name them.
What about you, fellow Travelers?
submitted by RB3Model to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 Lumpy_Tators Rev surging while applying brake
Hey fellow yota fans, I need some help. I have a 1991 pickup with a 22re and when I push on my brakes it rev surges, it sounds like it's about to die and recovers but then almost does again. I can post a video if needed
submitted by Lumpy_Tators to ToyotaPickup [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 Otherwise_Health5205 Nexo vs Ledin
Has this topic been discussed here? If not, would love to hear the Nexo community’s take on Nexo compared to Ledin for crypto/bitcoin backed loans.
submitted by Otherwise_Health5205 to Nexo [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 NoPicture2673 Childish Gambino - Feels Like Summer (Travis Scott Remix)
submitted by NoPicture2673 to Reggaeton [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:54 MathmoKiwi Should I leave my new job or give it a chance?
submitted by MathmoKiwi to ExperiencedDevs [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 ficvasepi StubHub Brewers Offers
Follow this link for StubHub Brewers Offers. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by ficvasepi to OrcusNeoSales [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 immythril I am writing a novel
So I have always been a enthusiast for good stories and writing one myself after a lot of thoughts , this is going to be the third one that I cook but first one to write.
Name - 6 men
Story goes like their were 7 great beast on the world , 6 of which were hunted down by lord Krishna and were made into a celestial weapon
A sword , trident cum spear, a sheild , a bow , a berserker mace and a berserker axe
(Except shelid , thier abilities and names are yet to be finalized )
They were given to 6 men of a family , to hunt down tatun ( the seventh beast ) which was hidden in a kund of mathura (if you are a local , you might have heard that lore ) . Later he was sealed in their looking at the risks .
But the powers of beast peaks at fullmoon , so he tries to escape at every full moon , also our 6 men can't live with thier family cause the radiation will kill them during peak power .(cause weapons are made of beasts too )
Power hierarchy->
Their are 7 chakra wheels in the body according to our ancient text and peope can unlock them traing kundalini , though it's hard and can't be unlocked at once ( the world only had 5 crown charkra (highest chakra wheel)users before the story takes place ) . Demons have a big single chakra , devas have multiple chakra along their body , and supreme vishnu have his chakras as the universes (their are infinite of universe so infinite charkra wheels )
Although there were only 6 celestial weapons when story took place (spoiler-none when it ended )
Story talks about the generation of these 6 men ( weapons have been passed down to generations)
Begins when our mc's (advaith ) father dies and he begins the new sword user .
It initially talks about agony of these warriors , as there blessing becomes their curse . Later Dive into deeper concepts
Main villan--
Although their are many characters in world which are grayish and can be considered as villans (spoiler- in the climax , our mc too ) but main villan is malyvan/malyvanasura( master of illusions and a mage )
- general of asuras which attacked heavens , I wrote his idea vaguely below
We are victims of gods , you me we all are , If not then Why did he created all pains and sufferings , why he couldn't have just created more heavens , for your race and for my race , for all the souls that lives in hell and your realm . I wanted to know that . Purpose of all this , so I joined the asurs , they were trying to capture the heavens , and take their share, I don't know if they had any ill intentions but I assume they did , but I was diffrent , I joined the ranks so one day I can ask bhrama and Vishu themselves the same question. But we failed, miserably. whole asurs were wiped out at the end of the war , as soon as they drank the absolute poison . I was at the edge of death this is where I casted my biggest illusion on the world with my last breath , a illusion so strong that it created friction within reality . Although that wasn't as strong as I expected it hindered with reality enough to create me , with my whole conscious and a little piece of power. I am a illusion that change reality .
I have many ideas for this but can't share all today, I'll give you a glimpse though
After a tragic event , out mc's soul starts shattering between two ideologies , One who wanna run away from all this and one who will avenge at all cost , due to presence of immense power of celestial weapon , his body start to deform into too ( just imagine the potential with this ).
World setting is like you see in isekai anime just in ancient indian style .
submitted by immythril to TeenIndia [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 ShinyApple19 Distinguished gentleman by the fire
submitted by ShinyApple19 to TuxedoCats [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:54 Heavy-Budget-4111 Jobaussichten Lehramt?
Moin, ich ziehe in Erwägung im WiSe 2025 ein Lehramtstudium (an Gymnasien) in Sachsen-Anhalt mit der Fächerkombi Englisch/Sozialkunde anzufangen.
Ich mochte schon immer soziale Berufe und mache momentan ein Fsj an einem Gymnasium was mir ebenfalls Spaß macht.
Allerdings habe ich auf diversen Websites, Foren und Reddit Posts gelesen, dass es teilweise extrem schwer ist einen Job/Ref Platz zu finden wenn man keine MangelfächeMint Fächer oder 1,0er Schnitt im Studium hat.
Meine Frage ist deshalb inwiefern das zutrifft bzw. ob ich in Zukunft Probleme haben werde einen Job zu finden.
Ich würde echt gern Lehramt studieren, aber nicht wenn ich dann am Ende gezwungen bin einen anderen Job auszuüben (wie viele Nutzer berichten).
Danke für alle Antworten✌️
submitted by Heavy-Budget-4111 to Studium [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 Sersch this 'Getting A Letter' meme..
submitted by Sersch to memes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:54 HotBuns367 Where to find scales, arpeggios, and drill for practice
Looking for advice on finding good drills for practice specifically in key signatures, boy technique, and shifting. If anyone can suggest anything, that would be lovely
submitted by HotBuns367 to violin [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 Maleficent_Bag7356 Prosperity bee not entering hive
Help! I'm on All in One Block and I desperately need more prosperity shards. It's been a long and grueling process but I've finally got a prosperity bee and a prosperity block for them to feast upon. I put my bee, a feeding slab with the prosperity block, and an advanced oak hive/expansion box all in the same containment area. The bee are from the block and is now dripping "pollen" but won't enter the hive to create honey combs. Anyone with a solution? submitted by Maleficent_Bag7356 to allthemods [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:54 theflounder43 Will the Samsung Galaxy s5 mini still work on american networks?
Hi! I was wondering if the Samsung galaxy s5 mini is 4g volte compatible/would be able to work on mint in the modern day. I haven't been able to find many concrete sources, so any help whatsoever would greatly help!!
submitted by theflounder43 to vintagemobilephones [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 MycologistStandard43 CFB Analyst Predicts Gators Will Win 2026 National Championship
submitted by MycologistStandard43 to FloridaGators [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 unclebea Area laundromat
My washer is not currently working. Anyone know of a good laundromat? I prefer the Irondale, Roebuck, Trussville areas as they are most convenient to my house.
submitted by unclebea to Birmingham [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 cactusccat Suppliers being booked already
My wedding is 18 months away in June and I've started to enquire and book some of my suppliers. We had our venue and church sorted last year, but wanted to wait a couple of months to breathe before doing anything else.
I'm finding it a bit disheartening that a lot of my first picks and even second picks, are already booked up, from makeup artists, photography, florists. I thought I was pretty early! But now I'm quite worried and feel more stressed out about rushing to book! It seems a lot of the booking timeline advice out there seems woefully incorrect.
Is there anything you did to help manage some of that disappointment/stress and picking other suppliers? Thank you <3
submitted by cactusccat to UKweddings [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 ImaCulpA Survive!
submitted by ImaCulpA to ColumbiYEAH [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:54 blindjoedef [FRESH VIDEO] Jeffrey Lewis - Sometimes Life Hits You
submitted by blindjoedef to indieheads [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:54 YourMomSaysHiJinx69 Echo 2511t caps
I’ve heard that the gas and oil caps can be replaced with Husqvarna ones, but am also reading that they don’t seal properly. Does anyone know of any other caps that fit and are easier to use than the stock ones?
submitted by YourMomSaysHiJinx69 to Chainsaw [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 crazyotaku_22 What Happened To The Ozone Layer ?
submitted by crazyotaku_22 to MediumApp [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:54 irishbunny_2 [PS4] Lf help with Dynasty Mohg ng0
Pass: btf
Location: Dynasty Mausoleum Midpoint grace
Lmk if helping
Ty in advance
submitted by irishbunny_2 to EldenRingHelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 Infinite_Contract_55 Before Nina and another Nina there was Biollante(Erika)
submitted by Infinite_Contract_55 to GODZILLA [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 13:54 Waste_Instruction_48 Am I Purging or Breaking Out with La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo+M?
Hi everyone, I started using La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo+M two weeks ago for the minor acne on my cheeks, which was already clearing up except for one or two pimples and some texture. Since starting, I’ve developed big cystic acne on my chin and jawline (an area I don’t usually break out in), my forehead now has acne too which was previously clear and I’m unsure if this is purging or am I breaking out? Should I continue using it or stop since it seems to be getting worse? Has anyone else experienced this, and how long did it take to see results? I’d love some advice—thanks so much! 🙏
submitted by Waste_Instruction_48 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 13:54 Whaty0urname My thoughts on improving TGL, that no one asked for
I'm a millennial that watches a decent amount of YT golf. I enjoy TGL so far but to produce a higher quality product I think they really need to lean into the video game aspect of the simulator. At times, it feels like you're just watching the popular kids at TopGolf but you're not cool enough to play with them. I say all that because I think that's the type of product they are trying to produce, something to tap into online content and scratch the off-season itch but they are falling short.
TGL is not "golf" so stop treating it as such. The broadcast needs to be treated like any other major sport. There needs to be 2 broadcasters that can create a narrative each week - as much as I hate to say it. I'd also prefer to hear what the golfers thought process was for shots and is it so hard to show what club they are hitting??
Now for the actual golfing. These guys are simply too good for a regular course. I want to see more video game style holes and styles (remember Tiger Woods 04 and 05?). Players should have options for a risky and safe route on each hole. That will hopefully help with the blowouts too. If you're losing and can't throw the hammer. Then you can thread a needle on the Predator type course to reach a Par 5 in 1. If you're off, you lose the hole going OB.
Along the lines of video games, they also need to introduce some other "tokens" similar to the hammer. Things like, if you can thread a needle or hit a stinger through a windmill you pick up a token to use later. Tokens could be like: